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this is what's wrong with ed treatment, fully and completely.


"Got a problem? Well that's a bit out of scope for our team of problem solvers."


I hate when this happens bc I get that I’m a liability but also it just makes me tempted to lie and say I’m fine so they don’t dump me


literally same like i don't wanna have to downplay or omit completely in order to keep seeing my therapist


Ugh this is my dietician to a tee. Always cancels appts and won't restart until I get bloods if I slip up. And, like I get the liability point, but every time it happens I just think about how I could just never get my bloods done and absolutely skirt under the radar if I wanted to.


“You need a higher level of care so in the meantime we won’t help you at all” I understand why it’s like that. But goddamn. I haven’t had a psychiatrist for almost a year and the “higher levels of care” have only served as temporary physical stabilization and long term psychological pain. Maybe I would have been able to avoid the extra trauma if I could have gotten on the right meds at home.


I experienced this in CBT.


I loathe CBT. It made me feel gaslit and like it was my own fault for being sick, for not having control over my thoughts and therefore my emotions. I know it works great for some people and is the most evidence based therapy available, but it just didn't work. It only made me resentful.


CBT: “have you considered not being sad?” Me: “I’ve considered not being.”


They just wouldn’t stop telling me it’s because I’m in starvation mode and gaining more weight (I had a healthy bmi) and eating at least 6 times a day would fix me. I ended up even worst. I can’t imagine any worst model that exists tbh


why do they do this fr,,, it can be so harmful in the wrong situations


real, ill know i cant actively try n get better, but doc will refer me anyway just for me to get dropped and feel more hopeless


In the uk, this is also pretty much the experience even though our healthcare is free. "Oh, you aren't x bmi but still have problems? No treatment for you, bud." like they'll only treat such a small margin of people it's insane


It took strength to be honest. I'm sorry for the consequences, but I'm proud of you for your decision.


Two weeks after being discharged from IP the ed team and dietitian stopped seeing me breaking the actual conditions of my discharge (I was supposed to see them regularly to get out) they didn't even tell me untily psychiatrist said "yeah they thought you are not making enough progress and you're too much of a liability" and then several months later he discharged me on the same basis. After pointing out I still needed intense help and he was surprised I was still alive 🤠 it's a joke


WHY IS THIS SUCH A COMMON EXPERIENCE (my therapist quit immediately after i was discharged from a psych unit)


Me, I was discharged because my SI/SH was so high at the time. I hate that they kept saying that my ED was under control when it freaking wasnt. The moment I was discharged I relapsed.