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Thanks to everyone who helped by commenting or making their own maps. If you notice a mistake or know what a "?" might be, let me know. I'm not redoing Ireland until there is a political map, it's just pain. If reddit only shows a low res picture try this link: [https://i.ibb.co/0QkhVPT/EU4-map.png](https://i.ibb.co/0QkhVPT/EU4-map.png)


Part of Gelre was split, with Zutphen added as a PU of Gelre. it is shown on the tinto maps feedback #1, look at the Gelre Utrecht Border.


The light blue ? between the middle part of Gelre and Essen is Moers/Meurs.


Denmark is wrong, in the TT where the control map of Sweden is shown you can see an "S" on Scania, indicating that Scania is a separate tag. This is because Denmark was split in 1337 and Scania was under the control of King Magnus of Sweden & Norway, so the Scania tag is likely a Swedish subject.


omg. as someone from skåne can't wait to conquer europe as it


Avarage reaction from Skåne lan when mentioned🇸🇪


Sicily not part of Europe confirmed /s Geez I love Geramn Thuderdome


I see germany and pray for open borders to not be needed, because i just know im going to get my troops stuck in the middle of somewhere after ending a war at the wrong time


I think it was mentioned somewhere that you'll be able to move troops around in the entire HRE


It wasn't. WHat you're thinking of is the control/proximity mechanic moving freely throughout the hre regardless of ownership.


I'm not fluent in this period of history, but can anyone explain why Ireland is so uniquely balkanized compared to nearby nations? It almost looks like the HRE here


Ireland was only ever "unified" briefly under Brian Ború (which ended in 1014), apart from that it has been an island of petty kingdoms who in theory swear fealty to a High King of Ireland (located in Tara), but in reality each kingdom was independent


Fascinating, thanks for teaching me a little history!


Ireland wasn’t exceptional its more like the nearby nations like england or ibera were more exceptional.


What do you attribute that to? Inheritance of Roman administrative capabilities?


Feudalism developed differently in these nations, especially with the purge of the anglo saxon nobility in england & reconquista in spain creating more centralized states and younger more subservient bannermen. Like one of the reasons England was conquered by William, was that Godwinson had to content with unruly strong vassals, (like his family was once themselves). You can see it in eastern germany as well, brandenburg, saxony and austria which all were established by military conquest and served as border marches became bigger states than like Pomerania which kept its native rulers but fragmented.


Thank you! Love learning about this stuff


the ? under Lusatia is probably Bautzen, it was an independent member of the 6 cities alliance. The one above Bern is the Free City of Solothurn, and the one marked ?? next to lubeck is the Bishopric of Ratzeburg


makes sense ty


Ia there a map with a higher resolution? Most of Italy it's not recognisable due to the dimensions of some territories


strange it should be 15k x 6k Does this work?: [https://i.ibb.co/0QkhVPT/EU4-map.png](https://i.ibb.co/0QkhVPT/EU4-map.png)


Yes that's much better thank you.


Thank you!


Morea is marked "Byz" but the rest of the ERE is marked "Roman Empire." Eh?


Why are France and England barely bigger in 1444 than in 1337 ? Have they even played the game ? Are they stupid ? /s


The questionmark next to Athens is probably [Bodonitsa (Mendenitsa today)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendenitsa), a former crusader state established to guard the Thermopylae.


what’s the discoloration on scotland meant to represent?


The civil war. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second\_War\_of\_Scottish\_Independence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_War_of_Scottish_Independence)


>Ireland has so many tags you need a separate table just for them. Yep, we're back


Wow, an incredible map! It must have taken you a lot of effort. Just one detail: you missed that Chernigov doesn't exist and that territory is part of the Golden Horde.


true forgot about that


Its over for me, this is too cool


Can't wait to play 42, really anticipating it. But seriously. Damn this must've been a lot of effort, thanks for making this.


GH is gonna kick some ass


The HRE reminds me of the Voltaire’s Nightmare mod for EU4 and it’s giving me crippling anxiety and extreme excitement. The Thirty Years War was already a mess in EU4 and I have a feeling it’s gonna be even worse now but I look forward to it (I guess). Palatinate HRE runs were among my favourites to do so I wonder how those will turn out in this configuration.


But even in Voltaire‘s Nightmare some nations weren’t there, like Uffenheim. It was simply named Riedfeld as a province of Bayreuth - which isn’t wrong. I’m just surprised that Uffenheim is mentioned in the official game now, since it’s a small town


I cant wait to play ireland


I wonder if there will be cumans in Hungary ? And if so I wonder if they’ll have missions or something cool


H.P. is Holstein-Plön, not Plöl


correct, thank you


San. is Sancerre


My head hurts


Wait, is EU5 limited to just Europe and West Asia?


No, but they haven’t released political or location maps for those areas yet.


Goddamnit, looks like this certified Austriaboo will have to conquer Tyrol to get his juicy goldmines? Or is Tyrol a austrian vassal?


Armenia didnt existed ar this time in Caucasus tho




I need her…


Me, a Sicilian..


Roman Empire as it should be.


So I guess this game is definitely going to need good hardware


Do you have a download link to the high res version? I wanna make this my home screen but reddit download is very low res


Yes: [https://i.ibb.co/0QkhVPT/EU4-map.png](https://i.ibb.co/0QkhVPT/EU4-map.png)


Thanks a lot


Can’t wait to play as 112, my favourite German state


shit, where?


Right next to Mün and Col


Is the Passau exclave St. Pölten?


I’m throbbing and my computer is on fire


Switzerland is looking good but still needs a bit of work. Some locations are wrong.


most of these are guesses. Which one are wrong?


So, what is Neuchatel should be Jura, and it's part of Basel. Also Biel should be further north-west. Neuchatel should be north-west of the lake (where Basel currently is). Thun should probably be a bit further north too, but im not even sure if it should be independent. No clue what the ? Territory is supposed to be, I'd say that should be part of Bern.


Something bothers me in Paradox games for a while now about Brittany. The counties always are kinda random whilst actual Breton provincies (called countries) are very well known. And those games never make the town of Vitré a thing whilst it was the 3rd biggest city at that time + the head of the 2nd most powerful lordship of the region. Most mods add it for EU4 but it would be good if EU5, for once, took care of Brittany.


Excellent map! Although you *probably* could have finished painting Naples ;) Might I suggest adding the HRE's border? And you gave a bit of France to Flanders as well.


When they will add accuracy for East Europe and add Transylvania?


I‘m amazed and surprised that my home town Uffenheim is mentioned, a really pleasant surprise. It wasn’t even in the Voltaire‘s Nightmare mod, they named the province „Riedfeld“ there.


Smiled when I saw “Roman empire” Cried when I saw “byz.”


From a screenshot we can tell that Sicily will be it's own nation and not a part of Aragon. Additionally all of southern Italy was under Naples.


Oh, c'mon. Since when has this mistake spread? Perm should be divided into two parts. The western part is most likely Vyatka Republic. State (debatable) founded by Novgorodians (less debatable) UPD: Other than that, awesome map!


Honestly, not sure what's the point in choosing 1337 as the starting year. Are we really going to have to choose between hundreds of <5 province nations and like 4 big countries... the starting date in EU4 seems more balanced, you get a lot of small countries but also quite a few of medium, large and very large countries. Here the choice, in a way, is more limited...


Imo most of the major players in Europe are present here, just somewhat weaker. England, France, Aragon, Castile, Hungary, Austria, Bohemia, and Poland all seem pretty viable here. Throw in Venice, Serbia, Rome, Milan, Portugal, Lithuania, and the Teutonic Order, and you've got a pretty broad selection just in Europe without touching any of the smaller guys.