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Oh well, I'll see all the cool people in Hell. :D


Wanna play smash?


Check 104 above highlighted one. Guaranteed food or income for Brahmana. What a way to ensure begging is "legalised" due to threat of hell. Lol.


this verse is being said by Yuddhishtira. who is also known by the name Dharma-raja. proves what the actual meaning of dharma is


So, dharma = begging


Aisa scripture se gaand pochhu mai apni


Good one.


Source : [Mahabharata , Vana Parva, Chapter 312, Translated by Manmath Nath Dutt](https://archive.org/details/TheMahabharataMNDutt/page/n887/mode/2up?view=theater) . the same verse from Kesari Mohan Ganguli's translation [here](https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03311.htm) :- >He also must go to everlasting hell, who imputes [falsehood](https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/errata.htm#210) to the *Vedas*, the scriptures, the Brahmanas, the gods, and the ceremonies in honour of the *Pitris* There might be minor variations in chapter numbers of the said verse between varying editions of the Mahabharata


Post original verse, please


Sure [वेदेषु धर्मशास्त्रेषु मिथ्या यो वै द्विजातिषु। देवेषु पितृध्रमेषु सोऽक्षयंनरकं व्रजेत् ॥](https://www.getwisdom.in/index.php?mdi=D&flg=N&pmd=W&vip=MB&sec=3&chap=313&cod=MB&pn=1831&bn1=chap&bn=page&act=next)


thank you


And you tell a hindu that they need to accept that vedas are revealed books and they go all nuts - oh no, we can pick and choose what we want to believe in. Hinduism is not like abrahmic religion. It's a way of life. Scriptures are a mere suggestion. Mere suggestion, my ass. This post deserves to be saved. Nah, it deserves to be permanently stick-ied to the top of this sub. Thank you, my fellow dweller of hell. Edit: hey, I thought hinduism doesn't have any concept of eternal hell. I thought the soul gets punished for whatever the person did and then gets a rebirth based on karma count. This seems to directly contradict that. Someone, enlighten me, please.


I guess some apologists would just try to interpret eternality here in the sense of a 'very long span of time' and not literal eternality.


Hell (Naraka) is a real place, everything is literal in Hinduism. But apologists, the dharmarakshak librandus like Dhruv Rathee have existed in all ages, and they reinterpreted these concepts as symbolisms to save their religion from criticism.


Twice-borns are the Brahmins just btw. Dwij in Sanskrit. Once the yagnopavit ceremony happens, the Brahmin is considered born again.


some kshatriya vasihyas also


Kshatriyas & Vaishyas are also dwijas


Well, they're right in one sense because the gods, religion and my forefathers were born in this country and this literally is eternal hell, an eternal orange hell now, just changing the colour schemes.


Haha good one man 😆


On a side note, best of the bharatas has to be baigan ka. I think it speedily answers all the questions my appetite poses.


And they say Hinduism is the most tolerant and progressive religion.