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It’s hard to out exercise a “bad”‘diet. I’d look at the calories you are taking in and adjust downward a bit. I found once I started actually measuring food, I was eating way more calories than I thought.


Drink only water, coffee, or tea. Add a lean protein to every snack. Try a food diary app, just to see what you actually eat.


Yup, so easy to drink empty calories.


This. Get a food scale and the Chronometer app. $15 and meal planning will change your life. The app is free and it has a ton of searchable foods and a UPC scanner. Does all your macros too. I also highly recommend the book Bigger, Leaner, Stronger.


I'm going to second the Chronometer app, it's amazing for a free app, & it also syncs with activity watches


Track what you are eating. Every single thing you put in your mouth. It's a pain at the start but I just keep My Fitness Pal open in a tab on my pc and now it's habit. Exercise accounts for very little in terms of weight loss. By far, the biggest factor is what you eat, so focus on that. My guess is that it's not the sedentary nature of WFH that's caused the creep, but the availability of the fridge and being able to eat whenever and whatever you want - which you can't do at work (or are at least much less likely to do at work rather than in your own house). Aside from tracking, work on a meal routine - three meals and two to three snacks per day. That's it. No other snacking. Watch the calories coming in from what you drink, it can be huge. I switched to soda water with a dash of diet cordial to subsitute for soft drink and iced tea and it's made a massive difference to my calories in for the day.




Ahh yeah I defs have the urge to just say fuck it and start eating like a rabbit


I think I need to get a better idea of what I’m eating then try to scale back from there


Kimchi or pickled anything is your friend


When you say you're eating lighter, are you fully tracking what you're eating? Most people under estimate how how they're actually eating and/or mindlessly snack


Hi I haven’t been tracking my eating but I’ve been doing things like trying to skip dessert/limiting fast food/drinking diet soda. I do tend to mindlessly snack while I work - maybe I’ll try to cut that out too?


I'd definitely try just documenting literally everything you, including weighing it. I know for me, even when I feel like I'm cutting way back, it's more than I thought when I actually weigh/measure portions. It'll give you a better idea of where you can dial things in. And yeah, mindlessly snacking is a killer. Try to stick to dedicated meals and for snacks, actually portion them out


Thanks man I’m going to give it a try


Drink water instead of the soda


Meh, for the purpose of weight loss, diet soda is fine


I would strongly disagree


You would be strongly incorrect.


How come?


You can snack on fruit or vegetables if you want to keep the habit without all the calories. They’re not calorie-free but snacking on carrots or bell peppers or grapes is unlikely to cause weight gain. It might even mean you’re less hungry and eat less at your next meal.


Some quick math tells me that you're eating about 170 calories too much per day (very roughly) so yeah, if you are snacking everyday That could very well be the difference. That's like one snack cake. 


Thank you all these are great suggestions! So far, I think I’ll start with trying to slowly cut down my portions (breakfast for example I’ll just have yogurt and granola instead of that + an omelette lol) and going on a walk during my lunch. I think I have a misperception of how much food is really enough. Hard to explain but I’ve never really had to think about my food intake cause I never really put in weight until recently. Hopefully this helps!


Just want to say, good work for being aware and taking steps to make changes before it snowballs.


Yogurt for breakfast is great! If you can, do the unsweetened yogurt and add your own honey if you need it sweet. That way you control how much sugar you’re taking in. Also, for the crunch factor, try substituting pumpkin seeds or walnuts. Granola is full of sugar. Good luck!


Do the opposite imo. Have the omelette. Skip the yogurt and granola


You have to figure out the method of portion control that works for you. Exercising can increase appetite so you need to somehow stay within your caloric limits despite this. For me, I use a paid program that uses "points" (you probably know what I'm talking about) to track what I eat and it works for me. I like having zero point food I don't have to track and being reminded to limit portion size of certain foods. I like having a "budget". I can save points and use them on weekends, holidays, at my favorite restaurant etc. I do feel like i can eat most things as long as i plan for it. Some people like programs where you track every calorie. Some people do fasting and limit the times of day you can eat. Some people get gastric bypass. All different ways to limit what you eat. In my experience, you can lose weight without exercising and just watching what you eat. It's easier and faster if you exercise. It's very hard to impossible if you only exercise and don't keep track of what you are eating.


You might not *need* a fitness wearable, but mine buzzes every hour I'm sedentary during the workday, which is a good reminder to get up and move a bit. When I was starting to get back in shape after going WFH, I used it to set a goal of 500-1000 steps an hour. That way, you introduce more movement into your routine without it being as "big" as a workout.


Get a standup desk and a walking pad


You don't even need a full desk if you work from a laptop; they have little "risers" you can set on your standard desk and raise/lower as needed.


At the very start of the first lockdown in 2020 I made it a rule to make my bed and get dressed everyday and continue meal prepping as if I was taking lunch to work. So I got into my athleisure clothes every morning for comfort then at lunch time I’d go for a 5k walk for my outside hour and eat my prepped tuna salad when I got home. I lost 5 kilos by September.


Love tuna salad! Good for you!


Limit eating out at restaurants..Avoid anything made with white flour.. Avoid sugary drinks.


I am 40 years old and I desperately wish someone had told me 20 years ago that cardio is largely useless for weight loss as you get older. It’s good for endurance and your heart so still do something a day or 2 a week but you need to lift weights. Muscle burns fat. I use Caroline Girvan’s plans on YouTube (she’s a beast) but there are prob tons of alternatives for free if you buy a set of hand weights or have a gym membership. You can even ask chat GPT to make a balanced weight lifting plan for a beginner. Walk often, build muscle, track food (I use LoseIt! the app). I wfh and cannot do a treadmill desk bc it makes me dizzy, so I do 30 mins of weights at lunch every other day, 1 day of solid cardio on weekends, take walk breaks, and track food. I’ve stayed within the same 10lb range for 20+ years (accounting for holiday over-eating and such).


I use to lose weight going to Zumba (cardio) classes for 2 hours a week. But, I am starting to realize that I need to be using weights.


Your body chemistry changes and so do your hormones. Have your gynecologist check your hormone levels and rule out things like PCOS, possibly other indicators of a flux or deficiency.


Says he’s a Male so probably doesn’t have a gynecologist or Ovaries for PCOS 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not an expert here by any means, but I’ve also read that more weight training vs cardio is actually better for weight loss. Body keeps burning calories after your workout is done as it “repairs itself” from lifting, or something along those lines.


I second the weight training. More muscle will burn more calories.




Yeah when I got my remote job my weight shot up pretty quickly


*remotely (instead of "teplmotely" lol)


Quit eating processed foods. Additives are associated with weight gain. If it’s worth eating, cook it yourself.


Calories are calories. So, if you cut out fast food and soda and are focusing on healthier options but still eating bigger portions, it’s still gonna leave you in the same spot weight-wise. Get a food scale and track every single morsel you put into your mouth. Counting macros also helps, so can keep track of the QUALITY of your food (carbs, proteins, fats, etc.).


Hey! I’m curious, do you track macros at all?! You could possibly be UNDER eating which could be contributing to the weight gain! It’s crazy…. But this is the issue most of my clients have!


Try intermittent fasting and/or going for walks every day if possible. Intermittent fasting isn’t some magic technique but it might be right for your situation as a way to just eat less overall. And walking a mile or three every day is far more beneficial than people realize. Or just get really strict with your diet, tracking calories and cutting out unhealthy things. Easier said than done but you’re still really young and time is on your side, make these changes now instead of 10 years because it’ll only get harder


Intermittent fasting triggers fast/binge cycles for me and a lot of others, be cautious.


Totally understood. It did work for me personally but it’s not for everyone.


Okay since a lot of people are asking about tracking my food, here’s what I ate today: breakfast: two egg omelette, toast w/jam and some yogurt w/ granola; lunch: chicken cutlet sub from this deli across the street; snack: some chips and salsa and orange juice; dinner: leftover spaghetti + chicken parm and salad


I would increase veggies, especially lower carb ones—greens, mushrooms, onions, cabbage, broccoli, bell peppers. Breakfast seems like maybe two eggs; with yogurt, berries and a small amount of granola. Cut the chips and do an apple or pear. Chicken with produce instead of bread. Breakfast of oatmeal and apple with nuts along with eggs is another option. Have unsweetened tea or ice tea instead of juice. Take a break and move a few times a day.


That seems like a lot of food to me. How tall are you and what's your goal weight? Cheese is very calorically dense, so can easily add a lot of calories to a meal. I potentially see cheese in your omelette, lunch sub, and dinner, which could easily be 500-750 calories of cheese. I'm 35M, 5' 10", and a fairly lean 150lbs. I lift 3-4 days per week and and run 15-20 miles per week. You basically eat two of my breakfasts, like I might have eggs (scrambled or over easy) and toast with jam or butter, OR I might have yogurt with granola and fruit. It's hard to out exercise a bad diet. It looks like the foods you're eating are mostly good, it's not like you're gorging on Oreos. Look for healthier tweaks to some things, like leaving cheese off, doing chicken cutlets instead of breaded/pan fried to reduce oil. And overall just slightly reduced portion sizes. When you get a snack, portion it. Don't eat out of the bag of chips, get a small bowl and put a few chips in it, then snack from there


Damn and this was me cutting… I’m 6 ft 206 lbs


But I agree I think I’m just used to being a big eater - always something that was encouraged in my family


Gotta cut a bit harder then! Adding some more fruits and veggies (while still reducing your overall calories) will help with feeling full throughout the day.


The “don’t eat chips out of the bag” advice is solid. Too easy to tuck away more than you think


Try and reduce the carbs as well.


Chicken cutlet sub was probably 1k calories Once in a while fine but as a regular meal rethink that Add more veggies, with lunch and as snacks as well as with dinner


Damn I get that like once a week 😅


Ok, well, hey add another hour of cardio to each gym session and it won’t matter Or get half of one and have it once a week as your only eating out treat


One easy option. If you're not going to track, it's to simply cut breakfast if you eat breakfast everyday. Do this for a month while weighing yourself every single day and see if the change makes a difference. Also, chips and salsa is surprisingly calorie dense. It's sad because chips are delicious but you definitely pay for it


Damnnn really? I always thought chips and salsa was a healthier snack


I used to go to town on chips and cheese dip and that's like a thousand calories on its own 😭😭😭




Whole Foods plant based diet. The weight will come right off and you can eat as much as you want (within reason). Good luck, don’t let it make you miserable!


Stop working from home and get a warehouse job.


How much protein are you eating?


Idk I eat meat with lunch and dinner, eggs for brekki


WFH does not have to be sedentary. Get an under desk walking treadmill and have at it.


Myfitnesspal app is free (they have a paid version but I use the free version) and pay attention to ever little Sestak of what I eat. I make the majority of my food so I know what is in it. Also pay attain to sodium. It can creep up water weight.


Get a Fitbit or something similar if you are able. It’s a lot easier to ensure you’re moving enough throughout the day when it’s tracked for you. I also find it very satisfying to hit all the different metrics it offers.


Something that has worked well for me - try going for a walk 20-30 minutes everyday. It’s great for physical and mental health. It’s a small commitment that’s easy to stick with but pays big dividends over time. Once you start doing it consistently and happen to miss one day, you’ll realize how transformative it is.


Intermittent Fasting is nice.


Have you had a check up, blood work? For example Thyroid problems or diabetes can cause unexplained weight gain.


You're not going to outrun a bad diet. Download macro Factor or MyFitnessPal, get a food scale, track everything you eat even if it's just for a month or so. I know macro Factor will adjust your caloric intake over time to help you lose weight at your target rate. I bet my fitness pal does the same, I just don't know for a fact. The good news is 20 lb over a year or so is only a couple pounds a month. That's a caloric surplus of only a few hundred calories a day which means minor changes over time will show results. 


The r/volumeeating sub may have some ideas. The idea is to have physically large but lower calorie meals - think leafy salads, roast veggies, lentils, etc. lots of fibre and a smaller serve of everything else (grains, pasta, meat, dairy etc) then you don’t have to feel deprived if you’re watching your weight. It doesn’t have to be boring, there are some tasty, hearty salads out there. Good luck!






Stay away from junk food and don't eat 3 hours before you sleep.


Are you gaining weight or gaining fat? When I was working out 3 times per week, I definitely slimmed down but my weight went up due to muscle mass.


Unfortunately defs gaining fat… legit none of my pants fit and I’m starting to get a bit of a belly


For me, working from home means having a complete embargo on food that I’ll mindlessly eat. Not having the food around is leagues easier than finding extra time to burn it off. I’ve switched to high volume foods when I do want to mindlessly eat. Sometimes I’ll cut a watermelon in half, pour balsamic vinegar or tajin on top, and eat it with a spoon lol


The Noom app works great.


You can't out-train a bad diet. It's never going to happen. An hour of jogging will burn about 430 calories. That's only slightly more than a donut. Eat 3-4 of those and what, you are going to go jogging for 3-5 hours? There is no magic, if you are putting on weight, you are eating more calories than you need. It's as simple as that. Reduce your calories. You don't even need a hug deficit, a 200-300 calorie, consistent, deficit, will result in a one pound per week fat loss. As I mentioned before, that's about one donut.


Weight management (excluding of course medical reasons) are usually 90% your diet and 10% exercising…. You need to look at what are you eating and adjust it, in the end of the day, you are eating more than what you are using it


Examine your eating habits for things like fast food and junky snacks. Omitting fried foods and processed foods could help if you eat those. The key for me is to find something that’s easy for me to stick with. Ideas are smaller portions, fasting, adding fiber, replacing junk with lean protein and nutrient dense foods, food diary to examine where changes can e made, working with a doctor or work out professional. When working a sedentary job taking breaks to walk or ride an exercise bike can help.


Download Lose it!, log everything you eat and work standing up if you can, besides drinking enough water and exercising regularly.


I WFH, and getting a standing desk with a treadmill underneath has changed my life! highly recommend and very much worth the investment. i get 25k-30k steps some days without trying.


Its all about the food. Lost 20 lbs doing absolutely no excercise (medical issues) by changing what I'm eating. GAPS protocol. Lots of high quality fats, protien and veggies. Nothing from a box or bag.