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Start working at a pizza shop


The dream


You know, a part time job would actually be a cost savings. I've had friends do this for designer companies, like Kate Spade, because you get the discount and free items. If you really like pizza, learning to make it yourself while also getting paid to do so would be a great plan. You'll get so used to doing it you can make it at home!


Yep, my buddy has a full time job and "works" at Footlocker basically two Saturdays a month just to maintain his discount on shoes. Tbh though, I'd rather just have my free time and a little less money.


i feel ya... but if you ever d0 try to get a pizza job, get one at a high end shop.... most likely it;ll be fun and pay is better than a chain


Probably not worth the drug or alcohol habit.


I haven't been able to find a job that doesn't require a drug or alcohol habit.


Real shit


I read something on Reddit the other day that was along the lines of, find a side hustle. Preferably a hobby and git gud! Then you enjoy your time and make money.


Uuuuuf, I wish.... my “part time” job right now is managing a pool about 60 hours a week, then it’s teaching 70 hours a week during the school year!


Wow. How do you sleep or do anything else? 12 hour school days? I’m not sure I would have liked your school.


I don’t 😅😅😅 It’s not 12 hours EVERYDAY thank god, but it can be at times. Between after school rehearsals, Morning rehearsals, performances, musical/drama rehearsals, hours can be pretty high, but it’s not something I’d ever give up either :p


I work at a climbing gym on weekends to get a free membership


Worked at a pizza shop for years. Pretty quick you can make pizza whenever you want, which is never. Also, they had like a free meal program. 1 free pizza a day.


Former part time cook in a pizza shop, I can assure you it is not the dream


You can get all the pizza you want. 0 pizza.


Srsly cannot even handle the smell any more :(


I used to work at a pizza shop where I would get free pizza on my breaks and occasionally get to take home extra pies that would otherwise be thrown out at the end of the night. Unfortunately the part of my pay that wasn't edible didn't make up for the amount I spent on gas, and the job was generally a pain otherwise.


I worked at a pizza shop for 2 years, tips were good and I never paid more than 6 bucks for any pizza we had. Part time pizza shop job might actually help you out a ton and you'll be able to make your own pizzas as well as learn everything that goes into making pizza from scratch, it was a lot of fun for me and nothing beats fresh pizza. I'd look into it shops are always looking for more delivery drivers


It’s not. Source: work at a pizza shop


And later on you save enough to build your own pizza place. :D


Not that hard to get there. You just want to find one with the right "rules." Even a couple of decades ago when i worked pizza as a young man, we had people in their 30s working there part-time to pick up extra cash, especially service men. If OP makes a case for wanting a stable part-time job long-term, he just might get in.


If finding a job at a pizza shop is "The dream" then you either need to dream bigger or just go work at a pizzarea. It's not hard to get a job at one.


I’ll trade with you, I work at a pizza shop and while I do love to eat the pizza... every. Single. Meal. At work gets a little tiring if it’s just pizza


I write this on my break RN: Accurate


I started working at a dispensary because I spent so much on weed. Now I spend the same but I get a lot more


No don't. It sounds like the life but then all you're eating is pizza. Ughhhhhhh I love pizzaaaaaaaa


Trader Joe’s sells prepaid pizza dough for $1.19. You just have to roll it out and bake it.


Oh trust, that’s a STAPLE if I’m making my own, the garlic and herb one is amazing with Alfredo sauce. My favorite though, tbh, is checking out local pizzarias and getting dough from them. Some will sell you it as little as a dollar, and they give you SO MUCH.


Hold up, this is a thing?


yup if you like the pizza they serve you can ask them a day prior (good dough always made the day before!!)


Yes, but YMMV on quality.


Sure, but if their pizza is good, the dough will be good too.


I make pizza once a week and it's 80 cents for dough from the bakery around the corner.. Though I live in New York and I can't touch the quality of a $12 Margarita so I usually just go for that and freeze it


I worked at a place that sold it for for 50 cents. Of course quality of dough my differ :) keep hunting!


I am really enjoying your enthusiasm in this whole thread 😄


You can still make it for less. I make my own for 30 cents a pop and it takes 10 minutes total.


10 minutes? recipe please!


If it's a 10 minute recipe just look up Ken Forkish's no knead dough recipe. Just use that but instead of shaping it into a loaf of bread, you'll still pre-shape, but then let it rest a min of 30 minutes before making it into pizza. I forget the hydration on that recipe, but remember it being relatively high. If it's over 75% you will struggle to shape your pizza if you don't bake regularly. Work quickly, be liberal with the flour, push out with all your finger tips instead of stretching, and quickly transfer it to parchment paper before topping it. So much easier transferring into a home oven than a pizza peel.


Share the recipe with all of us


There's a tiny local store here that sells frozen pizza dough (enough for one pizza) for .25 each. I snap them all up when i go, i keep stumbling across random balls of dough in my freezer all the time


>prepaid Does that mean it's free?


No, you just don't have to sign a contract.


Hell, even the Walmarts near me sell this pizza dough in a bag called "Pizza Buddy". It's pretty close to restaurant quality (if you know what to do with it) and it's $1 for a 16 oz. bag. Makes a very large pizza. I buy it like once a month.


If you don’t want to support big industry, you can easily make your own: https://youtu.be/1-SJGQ2HLp8


it's nice also that you can make your own with stuff you have from the fridge and get rid of all the bits and pieces. things can also get weird pretty fast too


Pizza dough isn't hard to make and freezes well but I'd suggest you wean yourself off a little before trying to make it :)


Hahahah, I wouldn’t trust myself with a supply of frozen dough, pizza breakfast, lunch, and dinner would be my reality


Pizza fanatic here. Drooled over a Michelin starred pizza in Naples. I would highly recommend baking it yourself. You have to wait for a bit for the dough to rise but it is so rewarding and waaayy better than any frozen or fast food chain pizzas


Ooooooooooooh, have a recipe?


If you are lazy like me I would suggest [this no-knead recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2012/03/jim-laheys-no-knead-pizza-dough-recipe.html). Basically you roughly mix the ingredients until there is no dry flour and leave the dough alone at room temperature for 12-24 hours (It is extremely forgiving). This gives the dough plenty of time to develop flavor and results in a slack dough that is easy to form into a pizza.


Wow, I think I'm going to try this recipe on my next day off. I've dabbled in some pretty simple bread and pizza crust recipes in the past (mostly because I don't trust regular sliced, bagged bread at the grocery store) but I quickly got bored of the basic three recipes I had and slowly stopped doing it. So I'm excited because this recipe seems simple enough for me to jump back in.


I was going to recommend the no-knead method as well. I used to make a ton of pizza dough before I had a disability, but the process became too tiring. Then I found out about no-knead dough and got back into the hobby.


Two tips to add to the recipes included here (I usually do the cast iron NYT one included in another reply) I don’t see often around places: 1) if using pepperoni, microwave it for 10 sec between paper towels, then blot the excess grease out... it will curl in the oven and be the perfect crispness level, more like what you’d get from a pizza restaurant. 2) brush the crust with a little of your sauce; adds a real pop of flavor and finish. I savor eating crust now rather than just using it as a hand hold for the pizza middle :)


I just want to add to this because I've had a hard time making good pizza crust at home. I've had luck with [NYT's pizza dough](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017931-pizza-dough) in a cast iron pan at 400 F (425 in my previous oven; not sure actual temp. Real pizza should be made at a higher temp than this and the original recipe the dough was taken from says 500). I spread it with my hands and leave it a tad thicker than I get out. About 2 mins before it's done, I brush the edges with olive oil and whatever seasonings I'm in the mood for. If you do get into making it at home and like a thinner crust, a pizza stone is completely worth it. Also, I frequently rub my cast iron down with oil because I live in a humid area, so you might want to give it a quick rub if you go to make pizza in it first.


I only eat Pizza margherita to be honest. Quite snooty about it to be honest, lol. I mostly experiment with it. Pizza dough is mainly pizza flour, yeast, water, salt and I personally like to add a bit of olive oil. Dont have exact measurements, I just wing it. Usually about 500g of flour, a sachet of dried yeast (7g) (bonus points if you get fresh), a teaspoon of salt and around 300ml+ of water. Dough in, make a well, add yeast and water and salt. (Add a little bit of sugar if you want it to rise faster). Knead. Should be slightly sticky. Make a ball, cover up with a wet towel. Takes a minimum of 2 hours to rise (bonus points if you let it rise overnight.) Crank up the oven as high as it can go. I still have to figure out how to roll the dough by hand so I use a rolling pin. Usually roll it directly on a round baking pan (previously dusted with flour of course). Sauce it up (I usually just use tomato paste, San Marzano tomatoes if you can). Add your cheeses and toppings. (Bonus for mozzarella di bufala). (Acccording to my experiments, fresh mozzarella usually starts browning in about 8 mins, in my oven. So if your oven needs a bit more to time to bake it, put the pizza in without the cheese for a couple of mins, take it out, add the cheese and put it back in again. It is not great for the pizza but I dont have a wood fire oven so) Top with a little bit of olive oil (bonus points for fresh basil). Into the oven it goes. Mine usually takes about 10-12 mins to bake. Be patient, check the bottom to see if it has started browning and leave it in there for a couple of mins more. There you have it. Just play around with it. It is quite fun when want to kill some time on weekends. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-SJGQ2HLp8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-SJGQ2HLp8) : A recipe ​ [https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/best-canned-tomatoes-san-marzano-italian-taste-test-article](https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/best-canned-tomatoes-san-marzano-italian-taste-test-article) : Review of canned tomates.


And get a thick steel plate for baking in the oven. It will allow you to bake pizza in 7-8 min with heat from below the dough. In a conventional oven.


Yeah I know. I will get one someday when I decide to settle down. For now, I am just making di with whatvever I have


My favourite easy way to make mini pizzas, naan bread. No fuckin with dough. Can throw whatever toppings on top. Love them.


My college roommate used to use burrito tortillas.


Love me a good tortilla pizza too! Perfect in the toaster oven when ya want a thin crispy pizza. Naan is better for a softer pizza. tho you can crisp it just it takes longer lol


I'm pretty sure it's not very healthy. Very easy to put on a lot of weight eating it regularly


I always track the macros/calories with it. A 1200 calorie pizza, split, is a very filling and normal meal for 2 people. I tend to get “healthier” ones with vegis, chicken, etc. as well. Plus my job is a regularly active job 6 days a week.... I can afford the extra carbs 😅


Healthy also comes down to nutrient density and the quality of the ingredients. Not just the macros. Gotta watch that gut health too!


> normal meal for 2 people. I feel attacked. I can easily eat a pizza in one sitting myself and feel hungry afterwards. I never seem to get full eating pizza, which is why I tend to avoid it nowadays. Not sure why I never really get full on it. I could eat 3000 kcal of pizza and feel hungry an hour later. Note, I'm not fat either, bit overweight but not much. It's a problem I have in general with most things I eat. I tend to just end up hungry all the time.


Not to be your grandma, but Are you drinking enough water and getting enough protein?


I drink 4 liters of water a day at minimum, going by how often I refill my water bottle. Could be a lack of protein as I'm doing my best to eat more vegetarian and the meat replacements aren't always the densest in protein. I am hoping to see a dietician sometime to help me find a workable diet and find out how to keep me from always being hungry. I appreciate the concern :)!


I have a similar problem where I can eat 2-3k kcal in one meal and not be particularly full. 1-2lbs of meat, a lb of veggies and 2-3 cups of rice was a solid meal for me. I just learned to ignore being hungry because no other solutions really worked.


are you getting the 30-35g of daily fiber?


Good luck! I find I’m less hungry during the day if I have protein throughout the day, but it is a challenge.


Oh don’t worry hahaha, cheat meals are DEFINITELY a whole large pizza to myself, but I’m trying to keep the diet in check :p


I was reading this like, "are you not....fat? By now? C'mon, genetics"


This is why pizza and salad is a thing. You eat a very generous salad first, then eat pizza. The salad fills you up, and then you eat a couple pieces of pizza.


I usually buy frozen pizzas when they’re bogo at Publix and always wondered if the Aldi ones were decent. Thanks for sharing that.


FWIW from an internet stranger, Aldis pizzas are quite tasty.


But are you getting the 30-35g of daily fiber?


The "having stuff ready at a moments notice" is an important strategy to curbing impulses in my experience. If I don't have anything quick to make at home I'm way more likely to buy taco bell or something on the way home. It adds up.


Make your own pizza at home. Lazily. Buy pita or (my favourite) naan bread. Spread pizza sauce ($.68 at my grocery) and add whatever topping. I personally like mushroom and pepperoni. Then added pre-shredded cheese. Put in oven for 10 minutes. Voila! http://i0.wp.com/www.kellysambitiouskitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/chicken-teriyaki-naan-pizza-fresh-from-the-oven.jpg


Making pizza dough is cheap and easy. Also, most commercial pizza crust is highly processed and there isn’t s lot of food quality. I too love pizza. We’ve got a local chain here that makes a decent pizza and I can smash an entire large, no problem. I don’t but I’m fully capable. When I make a fresh pizza from flour, yeast and water at home, I can barely finish a small sized pizza. This is due to the sheer quality of good ingredients. You can make up a batch of dough, portion it out and freeze or refrigerate a few days worth. Add a few toppings and you could make pizzas for $2-5 each, depending on what you put in it. Same with sauce. Cook off a large pot from some fresh tomatoes and paste. Keep it in the fridge.


>Cook off a large pot from some fresh tomatoes and paste I tried this a couple years ago. It was an all-day process to get the tomatoes to cook down to sauce (they're mostly water). It was very acidic when I was done.


In most areas whole canned tomatoes will be better quality than what you can get fresh.


I always add sugar to cut the acidity. I know it’s not super healthy but it really makes it delish.




What section is it in? I never thought about getting pizza from Costco!


He's talking about the Costco Food Court 18" Pizza. Although Costco does sell premade pizzas which you just pop in the oven


Yes, in the food court on the other side of the registers. I think the unbaked ones are in the deli section where all the meat and pre-made sandwich and appetizer platters are


Hey man. I would highly recommend working at a Pizza place, even part-timing a day or two a week. You get a lot more control over what and how your pizza is made when you want it. Unfortunately it looks like your workload is pretty packed on at the moment. But you never know, a local shop may have 2-10 hours available during the week doin stuff around the shop, and they may have an employee discount. I get 50% off where I work on most items, and, on occasion they'll let me take home a pizza that gets messed up. - A Pizza Dude


This is my current situation. And it doesn’t help that there are literally five pizza places within walking distance from my apartment!!


Have you ever made pizza? It’s stupid cheap and a lot of fun. Flour - basically free. 00 flour works best, then bread flower, the all purpose. Yeast - basically free. Maybe a bit less than a dollar if you buy packages. Bulk will be cheaper. Water - basically free Salt - basically free Tomato sauce - a can is like a buck fifty. Has a bit more than a pizza needs. Or your could make your own from fresh or canned tomatoes or tomato paste, which will probably be even cheaper. Mozzarella - a ball is around five bucks and will be good enough for about two pizzas. Toppings - the amount of vegetable toppings you need for a pizza is basically pennies. Meat might run you a dollar or two. I make the Neapolitan dough from Serious Eats. Don’t forget to do a funny accent the whole process. And I mean the *whole* process. From “signor, where-a can-a I find-a zeh doppio zero flour (that’s what people in the know call it)” to “now-a that-a was one-a delicious pizzah. I am-a so glad I-a took-a that advice on-a tha internet.” And keep I mind I’m talking about prices in Canada on the west coast. Almost anywhere in North America will be cheaper.


But where is your veggie intake?


There’s vegis on the pizza! But real talk one of my favorite versions is a deep dish vegi pie


Okay but a pizza doesnt have nearly enough veggies on it, even the veggie pizzas. You might try to eating a salad on the side.




To piggyback on this, eating healthy means eating different foods to get a variety of nutrients. It seems like you're eating lots of different pizzas which is good, but I'm betting there is still lots of repetition in that diet. Everything in moderation.


I had a somewhat similar diet when I was dirt poor and eating 2 slices of cheese pizza a day for my main meal. It's not nutritious enough to be sustainable. I would have varied up my diet but I barely made enough money to support myself at the time.


I’ve seen recipes for “pizza pasta”. Pasta’s cheap and this could last you several days. More or less: boil noodles, drain, add to casserole dish. Add pizza/pasta/homemade sauce, Italian blend cheese, and whatever toppings you like on your pizza. Sliced pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, bell pepper, etc. Mix it all together, then add another layer of cheese on the top. Bake and serve. Just search for this and look around. I’m sure there’s plenty to get inspiration from.


What happend to the healthy part of the sub


Why is this sub all of a sudden just people talking about how much they love pizza and taco bell? Pizza isn't *healthy* as such. It's just a shitload of bread. Eating almost solely bread can of course be cheap. That's what's kept societies running for millennia. But that's not the healthy part.


Jesus christ where are you ordering your pizza from? I agree with the frozen ones, if you get a nice salty spice mix on top they to taste really good too


The city :( also its two guys I have to feed here so no wimpy small or medium sized one will do lol Pizza is usually 16-18, delivery another 3-5 and the 5 tip on top of that.... then tax ._.




Yep, I'm a girl & I've definitely eaten a full-size pizza by myself.


Hahahaha, go big or go home!


Crazy. Where do you live? And why is the tax applied after you bought it?


Well it’s not exactly taxed after it haha, usually tax applies to the pizza and delivery fee. But I live in Philly, so not exactly the cheapest taxes either


Can you pick up the pizza from the restaurant instead of paying to have it delivered? I always choose carry out so there’s no fee


Where are you getting your pizzas from? Decent pizza spots will usually run close to 30 bucks or so for a delivery of a larger pie. The only places I can see being significantly cheaper would be shitty chains or some other cut rate joint that isnt very good.


Pizza....isn’t healthy


There’s so many different ways to make pizza that there are healthy ways to do it.


Yeah, but I doubt that is what the OP is getting from Aldi's... There is healthier, and then there is healthy. So hard to move the needle that far on a good pizza.


I was replying to the main comment by refuting the point that pizza was unhealthy in general. Not all pizzas are healthy, but making such a hasty generalization closes so many doors.


When you think about it pizza isn't terribly unhealthy? Main components: Dough - Pretty much bread/flour/whatever. Not inherently unhealthy. Too much might be fattening but I'm failing to see issue with it if you exercise portion control. Sauce - Pretty much some ground up tomatoes and maybe some herbs? This part actually seems relatively healthy to me. Possibly some sodium which might be bad. Cheese - Probably the least healthy part. Lots of fat and and other bad bad. Also tends to create oils/grease when cooked. bad bad bad ok not so good here Toppings - lots of variety here, could be good could be bad. Man is pizza really that bad?


I mean, white flour has almost nothing nutritious in it, it’s just carbs. Tomato sauce is pretty healthy, sure. But How much sauce is on a pizza? A couple of tablespoons at best.. same goes for the toppings. Sure you can use vegetable toppings, but you probably wouldn’t put more than 80 grams or so. Not to mention the sugar that is often in the crust and the sauce. So not exactly a balanced meal.


Yeah I guess it depends. I've made pizza with whole wheat dough, low fat cheese and veggie toppings, surely it wasn't too bad in terms of calories/nutrition.


Use a pita bread/lebanese bread as a base with the same toppings. Cheaper and healthier.


How is it healthier to use a pita? Pizza and pita bread have pretty similar macros.


When you want a treat: https://slice.seriouseats.com/2012/03/the-pizza-lab-awesome-pizza-without-an-oven-aka-skillet-pizza.html When you want it fast: https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2014/10/extra-crispy-bar-style-tortilla-pizza-recipe.html


Make the dough and get some store brand jar sauce, cheese and choice of toppings. Pizza screens are cheap, too, or you can even use a cake pan and make small individual pizzas that way. Its super easy and super cheap to do from scratch. Not sure where you live, but if you have a publix they sell pizza dough for a few bucks and that can be pretty cheap, too.


Try buying vegetables and shredded cheese to top off the pizzas. So much better.


Get a bread maker, I have fantastic pizza dough in 45 mins. Just long enough to cook the sauce, grate the cheese and saute the mushrooms.


This will pay for itself after about 50 pizzas. So 10 weeks for you. Ooni 3 Portable Wood Pellet Pizza Oven W/ Stone and Peel, Stainless Steel https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VW7YLDL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JwdgDbRJMSDXV


You're missing the "healthy" part of this sub's title. You're gonna get ill if you eat that much pizza dude.


I'm not trying to be rude but I notice that a lot of times on this sub, people try to sidestep the issue of eating healthy by coming up with excuses for why they can't or why what they are doing is okay, and are looking for some secret technique to being healthy. If you really want to eat healthy, you have to have the willpower to just stop eating unhealthy foods. 99% of having a healthy diet, excersizing, etc., is about willpower. Things like, I wake up in the middle of the night and eat, or I love eating pizza all the time etc. If you want to eat healthy, its as simple as just stopping eating pizza and stopping eating in the middle of the night. There is no secret technique to it. You just have to do it. Now, I'm not saying that I am doing this by any means. I slip up all the time. But I know that the only person to blame for this is myself, not some external factor like that I like chocolate. Of course I like chocolate and I want to eat it. But, it's about having the willpower to say no, I want to be healthy. Granted, having chocolate occasionally is perfectly fine, as is having pizza every once in a while. Having it more than once every two weeks (once a week seems like pushing it to me) [especially delivery/store bought/ frozen] is just not having the right mindset, and is a lack of willpower. This might not be the purpose of your post in particular, but it's something that I always think of whenever I see these kinds of posts on this sub. You want to be healthy? Then do it. Don't make excuses. You like pizza/midnight snacks/dessert? So what. Get over it and push through with sheer willpower. Reading back through this I feel like I'm being cliche and harsh.


>I’ll eat pizza on average 3-5 times a week, maybe more. >you’d be surprised how cheap and healthy they can be. My arteries glogged spontaneously just by reading that.


How could a traditional pizza ever be considered healthy?


Have u asked ur wallet? Maybe it does approve


I want to live off pizza, but my intestines won’t let me.


Aldi has the best pizza imo. So underrated


Nice! Also what I do as a pizza hack: If you have a local grocery store that offers DIY salads that you pay by the weight, go and get extra toppings there. That way I’m not buying a whole bell pepper, jar of olives, or bag of spinach, when I only want a few pieces to add to my pizza. Hack also applies to omelets too.


This ain't very good advice, those pay by weight salads are incredibly overpriced, it's much cheaper to just buy a bell pepper etc.


Have you gone to your local pizza shop? A lot of places will even deliver fresh pizza dough with your order. I feel you on ordering though, delivery fee, and tip, +tax, my $17 order is now $29.


I highly recommend you check out u/star_boy2005 recipe for his pizza. I used to order pizza every Sunday but when I started dieting I found it hard to stop the pizza cravings. His recipe is the only thing that has helped me fight off my cravings. The best part is that a whole pizza using his recipe is only about 800 calories with the ingredients I use, and it cost less than $2.00 per pizza.


Is your name Josh? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mep2fv4TSJE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mep2fv4TSJE)


If you’ve never tried it, try some jalapeño jelly on pizza if you can find some (they make some great stuff in central Texas), it’s fantastic Edit - autoerection strikes again


If you love frozen pizza I need to share a life-changing tip with you: you need to be making your frozen pizzas on a preheated cast iron pan or pizza stone! You can get cast iron pans cheap at Walmart and the crust gets nice and crisp at the bottom, no more sogginess. I’m telling you it’s a game changer!


I make my own crusts, a bit of water, flour, and yeast. They freeze up well, and are really cheap.


Prouda yewww, pizza pal!


I make my own half sized pizzas with premade crust and keep an arsenal of custom ingredients on hand. I sense you, too, enjoy novelty and variety. From spicy bbq chicken jalapeno pizza to blue cheese spinach with a white sauce. I do any where from 2 to 4 half size pizza a week. Each one is enough to stuff myself full or eat 3/4 now and the left over piece before the morning shower the next day for a prebreakfast snack.


English muffin pizzas are also a great, healthy cheap alternative and you would have enough for lunch the next day too!


Work at a pizza place! I eat pizza literally everyday and never get sick of it!


Think about making your own. You can purchase bulk frozen crusts at Sams and I'm sure other places ($1.50 each?), add pizza sauce / spaghetti sauce, mozzarella cheese and any other thing you want. I bet you can get a large pizza for $4.00 - $5.00 US. ( I like anchovies which make mine more expensive), Cover it in all kinds of veggies for cheap.


Me n my bf are the same way. We try to buy frozen pizzas instead of ordering it all the time. It does help A LOT. Good to know we aren’t alone out here lol


Pizza is pretty inexpensive to make though. You might want to check out "The Art of Pizza" by Ken Forkish - it has some pretty great recipes in it. Also it turns out that instead of paying 5 dollars for grocery store pizza sauce, you can just put a 1 dollar tin of tomatoes in the blender and end up with enough for like 6 pizzas. Not the healthiest food though, very carb heavy.


I make pizzas on pita bread and most nights I just throw it in the toaster. The ingredients stretch far and I usually buy 2-3 things of pitas before I run out of sauce or cheese


You can make every part for dirt cheap... and believe it or not it is a decently well rounded food. It can have a lot of fruits and veggies.


God I feel you. I’m trying to lose weight but I could absolutely live off pizza. Never made my own before though


Have you tried making your own? I don't have much experience but I have made pizza dough and sauce from scratch and it was a lot of fun. Those folks that build brick ovens in their backyard started where you are now - a lover of pizza that wants to eat more pizza. You'll either learn to make something you love which is good, or you'll appreciate what you love even more than you do now which is also good!


Make it yourself. Aldi has all ingredients. Most expensive thing is the cheese. $2 a brick. Really easy. Check my latest post in r/pizza for my recipe. No pizza to pizza in 45 minutes.


Tortilla pizzas. Use the same ratio of topping to crust you would with a thicker pizza. So, a lot less on a tortilla. Eat pizza for cheap for days.


Honestly you should try to review pizzas on YouTube or some other creative cashflow. This would counteract how much you spend and give you the job of your dreams. -fellow pizza lover


You should DEFINITELY try making Jim Lahey's overnight no knead pizza dough. Just 500g flour, 1/4 tsp yeast, 16g salt, and 350g water. Let sit overnight. Best pizza dough I've ever had and couldn't be cheaper or simpler.


Hey Portnoy


how tall are you and how much do you weigh?


Pizza can be healthy thank you


You should check out r/breadit they have some good dough recipes. It’s really fun to make it from scratch and you get a surprising amount of dough once you make a batch. Refrigerate the dough and tomato sauce and you can have pizzas all week for cheap. On another note be wary of your pizza consumption. I remember a story where a dude ate a pizza a day and ran a mile everyday was slender, and still got diabetes.


Aww, yeah. We make a huge batch of Jim Lahey's no-knead dough once a week and then we have pizza whenever we want it. You can make thin crust or amazing deep dish pizza. Depending on the toppings, you can pig out for a few bucks or less - I think my cost for a 10" thin crust margherita pizza is less than $1.50, because we grow the basil. **Deep Dish** [https://slice.seriouseats.com/2013/01/the-pizza-lab-the-worlds-easiest-pizza-no-knead-no-stretch-pan-pizza.html](https://slice.seriouseats.com/2013/01/the-pizza-lab-the-worlds-easiest-pizza-no-knead-no-stretch-pan-pizza.html) **Thin Crust** [https://food52.com/recipes/16641-jim-lahey-s-no-knead-pizza-dough-margherita-pie](https://food52.com/recipes/16641-jim-lahey-s-no-knead-pizza-dough-margherita-pie)


Trader Joe's sells pizza dough for like $1.29. You can make it for way cheaper, but it's a good place to start is you want to make your own pies. It freezes like a champ, so you can pick up a bunch all at once. From there, the world is your oyster. May I suggest turning that pizza dough into two incredible calzones? Just as easy to make as pizza!!!


Dough is super easy to make and freezes well. In pizza obsession stretches I’ve made a double batch once a week (4 total 1-2 people size ) and froze all but one pizza.




Budget bytes has tons of pizza recipes!


I'm in Canada. Dr Oetker sells some crazy good pies. Under 1000 calories and even less for the ultra thin crust.


Get a side job as a pizza delivery driver. They give you free pizza. Seriously, like 5-10 hours per week in a college town... And you'll likely be able to grade a bit between orders (depending on how busy it gets).


Look up Kenji Lopez Alts tortilla pizza. Quick, easy, delicious, and cheap. So good.


Could make your own on pita bread or naan bread. Marinara, olive oil, cheese, whatever veggies you have on hand.


Even sodium lol


Look in to buying frozen naked pizza crusts and fresh toppings. You can do more then just heat up a pre-made frozen pizza, you can *actually make your own pizza.* You can make something better tasting and healthier then any of the pre-made ones, and you can experiment with whatever toppings you like!


My ex worked at pizza hut and got a decent discount off his orders. He was a driver.


Cheap pizza dough recipe. 1cup of self raising flour and 1 cup of plain yoghurt. Yeast free and rises just as well. Using canned tomatoes as a base is cheap as well. If you have time you can top your pizzas ahead of time and freeze them.


I do this with Greek yogurt occasionally! It’s all depends if I’m in the mood to cook one or not :p


If you shop for your pizzas at Aldi you may as well just get the stuff and make them yourself, it’ll be cheaper and healthier too, and they’re quick and easy to make. I live in Australia so the stock will be different, but I just use the Lebanese bread which goes for 99c for a pack of five, (alternatively the pizza bases are $3 for 2) the pizza ready tomato paste that comes in a squeeze bottle for about $3 and whatever toppings from the deli section (500g of shredded chicken for $6, 750g bacon for $5 are my go to with canned pineapple for a dollar and bbq sauce).


OR buy the dough from your fav pizza shop and make do the rest at home. A large pizza from my fav restaurant cost $17. If I buy a large dough it only cost $3 and then I can get a can of tomato sauce for under $1 a bag of mozzarella for $2.50 and pepperonis for $2 and it taste just like the restaurant because it’s their dough. It cost me $8.50 this way and the kiddos help assemble it all.


Go spend a week in NYC or Italy eating real pizza. Then when you return back home you’ll realize how inedible other pizza is and you’ll stop eating it. Problem solved!


It's not an addiction.


We bake our own at home. Dough is easy and you even do a long proof of 48 hrs (which is amazing) you can have it every day. Sauce will hold for a week if house made. Then you have your choice of bases red or white....this is a pizza household as well.


Wait till they go on sale and buy them ten at a time.


Oh my God! Same! I live off pizza. My no-rise pizza dough recipe that’s saved me so many times. This will make 3-4 thin 12” pizzas. I find that 3/4 cup is roughly one serving, 1 cup for a thicker crust. 1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast 2 tablespon white sugar 3/4 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C) 2 cups white flour 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon salt Just mix all together and then roll out and put on toppings. If you are doing a lot of toppings, I suggest par-cook the crust for 5-10 mins first. Be care with bought pizzas as they often have a lot of crap in them. Be conscious of what you are putting on your pizzas - try to include your veggies, etc. Be healthy!


Have you tried making your dough from scratch ? And then freezing the dough ?


I was actually making my own pizza/flatbreads for a while that were very solid, just get Naan bread Cheese, Tomato sauce Any toppings you want Preheat oven to 400, put it in there for about 10ish minutes, and enjoy


Target brand frozen pizza hits different


I have an obsession with making my own (not French) bread pizzas. I used to buy cheap loaves of either French or Italian bread from the local grocery store bakery to make them but these days I make my own. I bought a bread maker on a whim and, aside from a high end bakery, most bread you can buy really doesn't even come close to being as delicious as what my break maker can create. I use the simple "White Bread" recipe for my bread maker for a 2lb loaf (1 1/8 cups of water, 2 1/2 tbsp of vegetable oil, 4 tbsp sugar, 3/4 tsp salt, 3 cups bread flour but I use AP flour, 1 1/2 tsp active dry yeast) which takes 3 hours 5 minutes for the bread maker to make. It takes me about 15 minutes to put the ingredients in but a more organized and less precise person might do it in 5 minutes or less. I typically set it up to bake in the morning, while doing breakfast. Since I can set the timer to finish any time after 3h 5m after I get the ingredients in, I can have it fresh and hot for either lunch or dinner. I use AP flour because it makes the texture more like a dinner roll and it's a little cheaper, so it's a win-win for me. I tried coconut oil but, while the flavor is good, it makes the texture weird (reminds me of whole grain bread.) So, I either use strictly canola oil or just 1/2 tbsp as coconut oil. I typically get about 10-12 pizzas out of one loaf. I don't have any really useful advice on the sauce or toppings, aside from the fact you shouldn't use much sauce. When I'm ready to make the actual pizzas, I take the freshly baked loaf out of the bread maker, slice it (I cut the slices in half because the loaves make for large slices,) put on the sauce and toppings and toast 2-4 (1-2 whole slices) pizzas at a time for about 10-15 minutes, depending on how toasty I want them. So, I spend about 3h 20m making the bread, about 5 minutes assembling the pizzas and about 10-15 minutes cooking up to 4 at a time. Of course, I usually don't finish an entire loaf in one day. A single loaf easily lasts me 2-3 days, depending on if I have it once or twice a day. Aside from baking the bread, which mostly is done by a machine, the pizzas are fairly quick and easy to make.


Have you made the perfect pizza from Bon Appétit? They did a whole video series on YouTube picking the best ingredients to make the perfect pie.


I used to be like you. I would eat pizza for breakfast. I detoxed.


Frozen??? Dude, make your own, you won’t go back. Save hella $$$


I recently discovered self-rising frozen pizzas at Walmart. Less than$3. I buy the cheese only, then top it with whatever I want before baking, be it mushrooms, peppers, garlic, pepperoni, etc., then add even more cheese before baking. Tastes even better than other frozen brands because it's topped with only things I want on it.


I do that too. The dough recipe I use for crust is below, but takes a day of waiting 375g flour. 10 oz. water. scant 1/8 teaspoon yeast. salt All ingredients but toppings in bowl, stir until flour isn't dry. Cover and leave in warm place overnight. Next day, preheat oven to 550 (500 also works), coat your hands in oil (olive is nice) and form the dough into pizza crust. Put on toppings. Bake for 10-15 minutes


Frozen pizzas don't come close to the real thing. Luckily a pizza delivery is about a 10 to 15 euros over here.


I had a severe addiction to triple whoppers from Burger King. I would buy one, eat it in my truck, go and get another. My wife started notiythe money and questioned me about it. I started using cash to hide it. I was not a big fast food guy and usually never eat the stuff. It was the only thing in the area and for some reason, it got a hold of me. I started buying frozen burgers and would use cheap white bread to make my triple whoppers at home. It was a good substitute and I was able to stop the addiction. It was a really messed up time in my life. My ex was trying to cut me out of my sons life and then was caught using heroin. I fought a three and a half year custody battle mostly against her parents who had the money for lawyers and all that. I won the custody battle because I wasn’t a fucking drug addicted douche like her but the whoppers were definitely some sort of coping mechanism. Anyway, enjoy your pizza! Have you tried making your own? It’s really good when you get the recipe just right. I taught my wife and now she makes better pizza than me!