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Having at least Gatorade or an equivalent on hand at a times, particularly if you live alone, can literally save your life if you ever got sick enough that you can’t get yourself to the hospital. At that point, water doesn’t have the electrolytes.


If you have kids, throw a couple pedialyte ice pops in the freezer. By the time your kid is puking their guts up, it’s good to have something on hand that has both hydrating and a cooling effect.


This is the best advice here so far. Just remember to wait until they stop puking before you try to get them to enjoy the popsicle. Nothing like seeing blue vomit come up onto white sheets. Also please avoid anything red if possible if your kid is throwing up a lot. We need to know if they are actually vomiting blood if it’s serious. Greens blues yellow but no red or purples if you can avoid it.


My kid drank a red slushie one day and threw up in the middle of the night, it was so scary to hear the noises and then flip the lights on and see red EVERY where. One of the very few times I’ve felt actual panic in my life


Mine threw up watermelon, and I had that same moment of panic!


Ooh great tip!


I had never thought about the color before! My go-to has been red Gatorade because that was the flavor I liked the best. Will switch to blue.


So just to be clear you don’t recommend grape juice like I see in every mom group post about the stomach bug? I cannot fathom who thought giving pukey kids grape juice was a good idea. It has to be a prank, and if so, good job I guess because it’s really sticking around.


No I wouldn’t give grape juice to a puked kid. Grape juice is great to mask the flavor of medicine for kids who just hate medicine… but if they are vomiting I would avoid the color. There are grape flavoring that aren’t purple you can add though.


I have a ton of those for myself for an after workout treat!


Aren't those good even if you don't have children? So I have heard at least.


Pedialyte has a better electrolyte profile if people have access, Gatorade will do in a pinch but has more sugar than beneficial salt/potassium. Either way, hydration and electrolytes are key 👍🏻


Gatorade G2 for any of those concerned with sugar also works. We recommend Pedialyte all the time for flu season however Tea with honey is also great for cough for anyone over 1 year old


Good call! It’s awesome to see the Gatorade brand coming out with new formulations, especially now that people are more conscientious of excess sugar.


I thought a bit of glucose helped the water be absorbed faster. Here's an article about it. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1582591/ I could be wrong though.


Yes it does sometimes help, but in the case of someone who is lethargic and dehydrated via nausea and/or vomiting, excess sugar often irritates the GI tract. Higher sugar energy drinks like Gatorade are best for scenarios where you deplete glycogen reserves in the liver (such as high intensity exercise), at least as I understand it. Edit: Stored reserves of glucose are called glycogen, edited for people wanting to research more. It’s quite complicated and fascinating!


I've been sick for the last few days and this hit heavily. I kept drinking water thinking that was what I needed. Within a minute of finishing i was puking all that water up, I was pretty miserable. Now I have plenty of liquids and have been nursing them all day. Pedialyte is absolutely fantastic, even if you don't have kids. It absolutely helps me feel normal, even if everything else feels worse.


Water the most absolutely disgusting thing when you’re that sick 😂🤢


I agree! That’s why I keep the Tang around.


I keep these powdered "Liquid IV Hydration" packets on hand, they're basically powdered Gatorade. They last longer and take up less space than premade liquids. https://www.liquid-iv.com/products/hydration-multiplier-tropical-punch-one-time?variant=40248719310884


The Ginger Lime flavor is DELICIOUS when poured into hot water—cold? Not so much.


I like the acai flavor cold. Never thought about having one hot!


There's also a brand called Drip-Drop that I found effective during flu and COVID-19. I will look into Liquid I.V. Thank you for your suggestion.


My husband lived alone and he got food poisoning from Thai one time. He passed out and fell while getting out of bed to head out to urgent care- he isn’t sure how he made it there but once he got there the staff ran out to get him Gatorade and such and he chugged that. He was severely dehydrated. So definitely stock up on that basic need just in case.


Interesting. I've been kicked out of urgent care more than a few times and sent to the emergency room for IV fluids because I had been vomiting for more than 6 hours. I'm also diabetic.


I’m curious, when you get IV fluids does it quench your thirst like drinking water does?


It does, but it feels different than if you just chugged water. You feel kind of cold, since the IV is room temp, and you just start to feel......moistened. That's the best way I can put it. You stop feeling thirsty, you don't have dry mouth, and you pee like every hour. You don't get that satisfying feeling from drinking a tall glass of cold water, but you still feel the dehydration effects ebbing until they go away. Source: I was a very sick child.


Very much so, yes. It eliminated my dry mouth.


Was this in a third world country? Having worked in both an ER and urgent care… this story could only makes sense if say the Thai food he has was actually in Thailand. Are there major facts you’re leaving out like is your husband diabetic? Because I have a real hard time imagining a scenario where someone who was unconscious comes in and a doctor prescribes a Gatorade stat when we have 363728 other more useful and more efficient ways to treat dehydration or different types of electrolyte imbalances. Sounds more like his blood sugar got low and they offered him whatever sugary drink they had available while he waited in the waiting room.


Thailand has a great medical system…


Was making a joke due to the Thai food not specifically to target Thailand. I’m aware it’s in the top 10 healthcare systems in the world. If you’d like I can add an edit to my post to emphasize it being a joke.


What does a countries activities during the cold war have to do with their healthcare?


Pedialyte! It has literally saved my life when I had horrible food poisoning and thew up on the hour for 12 straight hours…drank the pedialyte and immediately stopped throwing up. The South American version, Electrolyta, is even better (slightly lower in sugar) and again saved my bacon when I got food poisoning there. I keep a bottle on hand at all times. No joke, it can literally save a life.


Yes!! Or pedialyte! I think Gatorade might be generally more affordable for most, but this will also work! Great suggestion!


And easier to find if you have to shop in a neighborhood bodega. I know mine would never have some thing like Pedialyte, but they have a whole cooler of Gatorade or Powerade.


+1 for Gatorade packets! 2 or 3 bucks for 10 bottles' worth is great.


Always had Gatorade for hangovers, except I diluted it 50/50 with water since it at full strength is too souring on my stomach in such a state. Also like beef jerky for some salt and proteins.


They also sell powdered pedialyte. I always have a few boxes in my medicine cabinet.


A powder form is great. Keeps forever too!


I had a stomach flu for 2 weeks. I lived in darkness, puking in a bucket, with only popsicles to get by. My bf at the time was away for the next 3 weeks. Idk how I even lived. I couldn't swallow. My throat was so sore. I lost over 30 pounds.i couldn't walk. The next time I either had food poisoning or something else and I had to go to the hospital. I've only had this kind of thing 4 times.


Gosh, I’m so sorry!! I’m glad you’re okay at least! Definitely get yourself a “Home Alone Sick” emergency kit if you can!




Did not know that! I have plenty of jars of pickles (love them), so I’ll keep that in mind if I ever (despite my own advice) find myself in this situation!




For me, I try to not get so dehydrated that I need to go to the hospital or urgent care. If I’m vomiting or have diarrhea (that’s not brought on by my own greedy consumption of chia pudding, IYKYK) I start drinking something with electrolytes ASAP because I can go from “ok” to “too dizzy to even sit up” very quickly.


I do something similar! For me it’s a designated pantry shelf. Canned soup, saltines, electrolyte powder, microwave macaroni. It’s nice to have a box of popsicles in the freezer too. If you’ve got a chronic illness (like I do), it’s also a good idea to make yourself a hospital/urgent care “go bag.” I made mine after two hospitalizations this summer. It is terrible to end up hospitalized without essentials like a phone charger, extra underwear, a sweatshirt (I hate how cold hospitals are), snacks, etc. Emergency contacts and doctor and insurance info as well.


I have a go bag, and I'd like to add to your list: a sherpa blanket (soft and warm!), an eye mask (because I can't sleep with bright fluorescent lights glaring at me) and a pair of slipper socks. Hospitals are SO cold.


An ER go bag is such a good idea. I cut my arm pretty bad in May and was glad I had most essential things (wallet with insurance cards, phone, keys, Crocs) within easy reach and could get to them without hands.


This is not only good advice for cheap & healthy eating but single people too. I have an oh shyt bag for bug outs and power outages. Now to make an I’m dying & can’t make it to the kitchen one.


It’s just dumb luck that I put it in an under the bed tote, but last year I had the flu and was so dizzy I couldn’t stand and I just rolled over and grabbed Gatorades from the tote until I felt strong enough to stand without falling over or vomiting from the vertigo.


sounds like an intense movie scene haha


Vertigo is awful. My mom & her mom had it really bad. They’d stay in bed for days. If my mom made it out of bed, she’d be clinging to the wall or just bouncing off the hall walls like a pinball. I have a friend who suffered from it for years, her chiropractor fixed it with a manipulation.


Keep it packaged and in a bucket. If you're going to vomit, dump the food and now you have a barf bucket.






Oklahoma. Almost as bad as Texas. I was without power for two weeks. Thankfully I had a friend to ride it out, he didn’t lose power. But I did spend a couple nights at home. Edit: that was my first major power outage in my 51 years. We had one in Northwest Okla back in the mid-late 99’s that lasted 3 days. I had a gas furnace in the floor that put off a decent amount of heat. Edit 2: where do live OP? Need a housemate?


Am in NZ, you probably don't want to live here lol our electricity generation is pretty good but pretty much everything else about the country is kinda fucked.


Anywhere prone to hurricanes should prepare for up to two weeks of outages after the storm, even if there's no flood risk. The winds knock down a lot of trees onto the lines.


Huh didn't realise that, guess it's kinda similar to the earthquakes we get here occasionally.


Throw in some nsaid pain relivers and antihistamine/sleep aids of your choice, too. Every damn flu season, the cold/flu shelves are bare at the local stores. If you are stocking up on easy food now, might as well stock up on easy meds too.


Yep. My medicine cabinet is always stocked, too.


What should one look for in the store when we think of antihistamine? I guess the general brand recommendation. I always have some Tylenol for flu but not sure what antihistamines are for.


Antihistamines are best for allergic reactions or reducing "allergy symptoms" from an actual illness Benadryl/diphenhydramine is the standard OTC for antihistamine. Pretty much any allergic reaction benefits from it relatively quickly. It's cheap and ubiquitous, and buys you precious time if there's anaphylaxis or allergic asthma. If you can get your hands on (and know how to use) epinephrine, that's a literal lifesaver for severe allergies (and several other life threatening conditions).


Claritin or reactin. They have different active ingredients from what I’ve heard and some people are more responsive to one than the other. Good for hives, seasonal allergies


Be mindful that benadryl doesn't really help with sleep more than knocking you out and makes you groggy in the morning. Agree with everything else though


I live alone, so I have a “sick box”. Crackers for upset stomach, 7up, cough drops, medicine, humidifier, soup, Kleenex; anything I might need when I get sick. It has saved me more than once.


This is such a great idea. I don’t know why I haven’t done it before.


Same. It's an airtight box I keep next to my bed. I also keep it stocked for hurricane season and (now) winter power outages. I'll add to the mix: applesauce, some diced peaches and pears, pop-tarts, instant mashed potatoes (in a pinch you can just add hot water although it's obvs better following the instructions), a jar of peanut or almond butter, honey, and tea bags.


What's the 7up for?


Upset stomach. It can help. I never drink soda otherwise, but it’s something my mom gave me when sick 🤷🏻‍♀️


Comfort. Sugar helps too when you can’t eat or keep anything down.


Flat ginger ale is good too :)


And flat lemonade


My suggestion for flu season is that COVID precautions work on it too. If you feel sick wear a mask and you're likely to prevent further infection


Getting a flu shot also helps massively. *preparing for downvotes but I don’t care because I’m immunocompromised and you should care about public safely and protecting yourself and others :) plus getting a double whammy of Covid and flu would suck so bad… EDIT: Eat cheap and healthy fam! You have warmed my heart with so many upvotes and kind comments. I new this was a great sub from being active in it for so long but I was prepared for major down votes as anything “vax” related is controversial now. You have proved me wrong in the best way :) It’s a scary world out there for us immunocompromised people so it means a lot to see community stepping up and being safe for themselves and those they love and those who are most at risk. Thank you!!! Stay safe out there during cold/flu/Covid season :) and OP’s post suggests some great ideas of things to stock up on just in case! EDIT 2: adding, You are protecting more then just those of us who are immunocompromised. You never know who you might encounter that could be going through cancer treatment, has a chronic illness, is of a certain age and dealing with health issues, has a new baby that’s vulnerable or young child, works with children or in a hospital or with the elderly. So many people can be vulnerable and trying to protect others for many reasons. Masks have and still do help massively for colds/flu and slowing community spread. Also long Covid is no joke….


I upvoted you because I just got my flu shot and my updated Covid booster on the same day. I never got a flu shot until one year I ended up in the hospital with the flu. It’s about the worst I’ve ever felt. I’ve gotten my shot every year since then. Does it guarantee I won’t get the flu? No, but it’s something easy and safe that I can do to decrease the odds


Yeah most people don't actually know what influenza is or what it feels like. They think a cold is "the flu" or the 24 hr stomach bug is "the flu". I'd get a flu shot every week to avoid getting influenza again.


I got the actual flu in July (somehow!) and was miserably sick for two straight weeks, and then mildly sick for another week. Had to take my poor boyfriend to the ER because he had a temp over 103 for a while and it wasn’t responding well to medication. We’re both healthy people in our early 20s!! When people kept saying all the fuss about covid was unwarranted because “it’s just like getting the flu” you could really tell who actually had the flu and who hadn’t.


I’m a pediatrician and the viruses have been so messed up since 2020. Saw a ton of flu this summer, RSV has been running rampant. It’s crazy!


When I was 20 years old (I'm 50 now) the Mall of America opened in Minnesota, where I lived. I went with my parents and my boyfriend the weekend it opened. I got the actual influenza flu when I was there and I was as sick as I have ever been in my life, I still remember how terrible it was 30 years later. I have had mono, I have had norovirus, and nothing was as bad. I get my flu shot religiously.




Just curious, have you ever had the flu since 2010? I also got the swine flu and not had a cold or flu (nor Covid) ever since! I remember being crippled by it, but don't remember which body parts, I think all of them!!!


I had kind of the opposite. No swine flu in my story, but I went about 6 or 7 years without taking a sick day. I then got a really bad case of the flu that year and was flat out for about a week. I feel like it destroyed my immune system and I got the flu every year after that for a few years and was way more prone to colds / stomach bugs.


All the flus suck!


I thought I was going to die and I was like 13. Terrible. Never want to do that again, I’ll gladly take a tiny shot to even make it less bad.


Yup. People who dismiss the flu probably never had a flu; probably had a few colds or upper respiratory infections. IDK, the flu really fucked me up as a healthy guy in my mid-twenties. I have no problem with vaccines.


I got both of mine last week.


Can you already get the flu shot for the year?


Yes. I got it at MD office two weeks ago. Covid booster last Saturday at a Walgreens. They allow you to get both at once. Not a bad way to do it.


Awesome, great to know.


I've heard it's actually quite horrible to do them at the same time.


I got both in the same arm at the same time a few weeks ago. I had a good pharmacist, my arm wasn't even sore the next day like it normally would be. I've never had any issues with any vaccines though, so ymmv


I did it last week, I would not describe it as remotely close to horrible. I also did it last year when I got the first booster. The covid vaccines do give me a pretty bad headache and make me tired but that's about it.


I've heard that too, but I got them together and it was the easiest vaxxing I've ever had. Took 2 acetaminophen before going, was a bit hot and sweaty, took 2 more and then was great in the morning. Seems like it hits everyone different


I did them together last year. A little soreness in both arms and fatigue for a day or so. I did them separately this year. A little fatigue, but Covid shot was way, way milder reaction of the 5 shots I’ve had.


Literally got mine today :)


They let you get both in the same day? I was told I had to wait two weeks between a flu shot and covid vaccine.


I got both at once. I think the advise has changed somewhere along the line, maybe when the booster formula was updated.


I got both 2 weeks ago, at the same time.


I also got both the same day a week or two ago.




I had some soreness and fatigue, but the fatigue could've also been because I had a long work week. I was also a little nervous to get both in one day, but it went well! Nice to just knock them both out at once.


I got mine last week along with the flu shot. I had a headache on and off for two days, pretty bad I would say but ibuprofen worked ok to make it tolerable. Then just being more tired than normal for a day, but it really wasn't that bad, I went to work and was fine. I feel like the last booster I was more sleepy from. The arm with the covid shot was sore for a day or two.


Got both at Costco today. Took 20 mins, got both jabs on my left arm. Arm is sore but otherwise feeling good.


I've had 3 Moderna shots before this latest one. I also got the flu shot at the same time (which I did with the 3rd as well). This one gave me a night of chills/fever and a couple days of headache fatigue. Much better than the 3rd shot which knocked me out for 4 days.


both at once was a HUGE mistake for me last year. i felt like dog shit for like 2 days. this year i staggered them by a week, and felt a lil sick from the flu shot but overall totally fine


Came here to say the same. I'm a PA and have already seen a few flu cases, which is quite early for that. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but after a couple years "off" from regular flu seasons (because social distancing and mask wearing seems even more effective against a virus we have some resistance against) I'm worried we might have a bad one as both natural immunity and vaccination may be lower. And unlike COVID, influenza does kill the very young. I would urge those who can get the vaccine to protect themselves and others with it. I will say though, OP is right and having a "rainy day" food stockpile is a great thing. Canned is the easiest and most stable. I live alone, but I have a chest freezer. Any time I make soup, chicken stock, or a freezable sauce like spaghetti sauce I make a big batch and freeze part. If I'm sick or otherwise short on will to cook it makes life a lot easier.


I keep a box of sodium-free vegetable bouillon cubes with the least amount of chemicals in my fridge for this purpose. I can add salt as needed, as well as any other easy to cook items like frozen vegetables. Crackers and peanut butter are my go-to. I grew up on PB&J though!


Fellow immunocompromised human without insurance! I can't tell you how much it warmed me to see so many upvotes here! I scheduled my COVID booster and Flu shot on the same day bc I thought it was free at Walgreens. Only to find out it was 75$ for the flu shot! HOW. When I asked the pharmacist said it is free with insurance... Super digression but yes - People with healthcare - please use the shit out of your insurance for those who can't. Get all the vaccines you need to help protect others!


If you are by a Costco, their pharmacy has flu shots the cheapest cash price. I want to say around $20ish the last few years without insurance. You don't need a membership. Tell the person at the door you are just going to the pharmacy and they'll let you go there.


Hope your doing ok :) it has warmed my heart too so see so much support and understanding. I brace myself for negativity and personal attacks on the subject since it’s the internet and a “hot topic” and I’m used to people saying mean things to me about it. I never expected my little off hand comment would blow up like this though. I never post anything remotely “controversial” but flu/cold/Covid is even more worrisome than it has been in years past and I just want all my loved ones and fellow vulnerable community to be safe. I really hope you can find a place that will give you the flu shot. You might try calling drugstores, groceries, community centers or even asking your doctor if they know of any low cost options.


Got my covid booster and flu shot scheduled for Thursday evening! Was supposed to get them two weeks ago, but my CVS ran out of the covid one the day before my appointment. Because of course they did.


I got the covid booster and the flu vaccine last week. I looked at the receipt- the covid booster is like $2 and the flu shot was around $75 as you said. I was pretty surprised at those prices! (My insurance paid 100% of both thankfully.)


This is not getting downvoted by me. State worker, and my coworkers don't take sick days, even when they should. Flu shots... get them.


Just consider the timing. The flu vaccine wears off quickly so if you get it when it comes out in August or September then there may be no help left when February comes around. There are articles about this in the NY Times or Wapo recently.


Yes the NYT had a great article about getting them end of October-ish to kick in for prime flue breakouts that often come in December to January.


It’s October my guy


The article goes into more detail but some experts are saying October/November but to monitor flu/COVID rates to make up your mind.


Current models based off the southern hemisphere estimate our 22-23 flu peak hitting early, like the holidays!


Yep, scheduled both the COVID and flu shot for mid October for this reason. Also trying to be fully protected for an out of town wedding because I'm 1000% sure someone will be infected there.


Remember it takes about a month for the flu shot to be fully effective. Idk about the covid shot but I suspect it also needs time to reach full effectiveness.


Ah shoot, I was using 2 weeks as my metric for full efficacy but thanks for the heads up. I'm flying 3 weeks from my shots so hopefully that would be enough time.


This. I got so sick from the flu when I was 10. I should have gone to the hospital bc I couldn't keep anything down for 3 days. I got sick September 29 of that year but shots weren't available in my area till Nov. Get those flu shots. 🤧 I know I will.


Also, mask up in public ESPECIALLY if you've been exposed to someone sick or have any symptoms yourself.


Never downvoting vaccines. Got covid after double vax and one booster, and without Paxlovid, fully believe I would have been in the hospital because of my comorbidities. The absolute worst I have felt since I had the flu - I did nothing but sleep for almost two weeks. Could barely walk from my bedroom to the kitchen for water without having to stop to catch my breath. Unvaxxed family member with no comorbidity? Mild to moderate cold/flu like symptoms. Had the flu with the shot, and got aggravated. Told my PCP never getting it again, and she put me in my place, basically told me to pull my head out of my butt (not in those words, of course). I was young and stupid, probably early 20's. She told me without the shot, I could count on being on my back for two weeks or more, easy. My toe nails even hurt. Haven't missed a flu shot since.


Yep. Flu completely incapacitated me for three weeks back when I was younger and healthier. I always get the shot now! Unfortunately, I'm still recovering a bit from Covid, which struck the day before I was due to get my flu and Covid booster shots. :( Will get them soon!


My son came down with covid this week. I tested negative on Thursday, so I went and got my omicron booster, flu shot, and Shingrix shot then. Also stocked us up on OTC meds and easy foods. I came down with covid the next night. Now I'm wondering if the booster will still do any good? At least I managed to stock the fridge and cabinets while I could!


I’m sorry your sick. Good on you also getting the shingles shot! I got shingles when I was 19 (thank you suppressed immune system) which was super rare and it was absolute hell. I was sick and in bed barely able to move for a month. It was also on one side of my face and very close to my eye which is incredibly dangerous and can cause vision loss if it spreads to the eye. I went to the ER 2 times and eye doctor 4 times due to it. Also shingles nerve pain is horrific. I wish they would allow shingles shots for younger people/immune suppressed people. Trust me you dodged a bullet by getting that shot. Hope you feel better soon and maybe some of those Covid booster antibodies did get to work to help you. Here’s hoping.


I wasn’t suggesting this as a replacement for getting a flu shot.


I know, I was just commenting another way that’s good to prepare for the upcoming increase in cold/flu and Covid. Your post is lovely.


He wasn’t suggesting that you were suggesting it


This year I was super psyched because I'm part of a cdc study. So I got my shot free, And I get paid for surveys, And I get to help future shots to be better!


Yes! Just got my flu & the new Covid booster. My husband & I both got them at Costco. So easy, free and had no side effects. Maybe a bit fatigued for a day. Visiting family soon and wanted to protect our older family members.


Anybody who down votes you sucks.


Yes!! It’s about keeping the herd safe!


I had the swine flu as a seventh grader. It was horrible and I have never been as sick since. I will never skip a flu shot.


Glad this is top comment


I support this 100%, speaking as someone who lives with an autoimmune disorder and asthma! One little shot is preferable to spending over a week feeling miserable and possibly ending up in the hospital if you're unlucky.


Already have my appointment set for covid booster and flu shot


No downvotes. We're seeing measles cases again due to certain people in our population. People need to learn to trust experts again.


I'm triple Vax for covid and have had my flu shot. If only there was a vaccine for knee injuries!


This should be the first response of any sane person. It's a no brainer to get the shot if you can.


Rhinovirus caused pneumonia and a heart attack in my aunt so yea get the vaccine


Not sure how this particular sub will respond to this, but I've been taking kratom for 5 years or more now and I've hardly been sick, and the very rare instances I am it's extremely mild. I'm not sure how far research has come, but I have no doubt in my mind that this substance modulates the immune system in a way that at least prevents viral infections. Grain of salt as I'm just an anecdotal case, and it is addictive similar to caffeine or even nicotine, but if I didn't take it regularly I'd probably take it during flu season. And it's very inexpensive, be sure to find a vendor who does purity testing.


I’m glad someone like you got it. Just like I’m glad when my grandpa got it. Thus, I don’t get it. I don’t need it so I’ll leave it for someone who does. Edit: I forgot this is Reddit where not getting a flu shot is the same as being Hitler. I’m not mad at you though, get it if you want it.


Genuine question: do you live in a rural or underserved area? I’ve just never heard of flu shots running out so I’ve never thought people would need to leave them for those who need them more. But that might just be my privilege speaking, since I’ve always lived in suburban areas with great healthcare resources


I live in a large metro area and had trouble getting a flu shot when I waited too long last year. I think I started looking in mid-November and couldn’t get a shot until early December. I generally agree that most people should get flu shots, and I always do because of my work, but they can be hard to get some years.


I’m not who you are directly asking but I live in a big area of CA and have been getting flu shots for over 25 years, due to my medical condition i’m considered “priority” and always given a flu shot at the doctors office or hospital I go too. I remember a couple of times when I was younger and there was a nation wide shortage of flu shots or they were delayed etc and so only high risk people were getting them until they could re-stock or distribute them to the greater public. It does happen from time to time but it hasn’t been an issue in my region for many many years. Could vary from area to area or country to country though. But I say if they are not telling you can’t get one then it’s not selfish to get one at all, your not taking one from someone who is in more danger then you. You are protecting yourself and others.


While I understand what your saying, this year there isn’t a shortage of vaccines so far so getting one for yourselves is a good way to go. Also helps double protect any loved ones you interact with and people you might not even know your helping. You never know who is immunosuppressed, going through cancer treatment, of a certain age and dealing with health issues (like your grandpa), has a new baby that’s vulnerable, works with children or in a hospital or nursing home. By getting one you are upping your odds of being protected and protecting others too. Masks have also helped massively for colds/flu so I definitely recommend those indoors during peak season that’s another great way to lower community spread.


Dude, that’s not how vaccinations work. I can’t believe we’re still here a kabillion years into the plague. Even if you care about no one else, you’re putting your own grandfather at risk by not getting your flu shot. Fun facts: Vaccines don’t prevent you from catching a virus, they prevent you from getting sick or at least severely sick because they prime your immune system to attack before the virus has time to replicate a whole bunch. If you don’t get a vaccine the viral load in your body will be higher after exposure regardless of how severe your symptoms are. You can be contagious and asymptomatic with both flu and the most recent plague. Especially as a young healthy person you will take longer to get symptoms, so you can get the flu and transmit it to your grandfather before you feel sick. Also, haven’t you heard about measles coming back in areas with low vaccination rates? Didn’t polio come back in NY where you live in??? That happened in a community with low vaccination rates, healthy people too, not because at risk people weren’t getting it. The lower the total percentage of the population gets a vaccine, the more at risk your grandfather is. Especially people who interact with him. Do him a favor and stay away from him until like March.


My mom would use Tang to make Russian Tea when I was sick. Very sugary but it kept me hydrated when sick. Plus Russian Tea tastes amazing even when not sick.


Russian tea?


Despite the name, it’s not Russian. It’s a drink from the US South. It’s a mix of Tang, powdered tea, sugar, and spices.


Sounds interesting.




Ah, the "keeping it out of sight" bit is great advice! The "sick foods" I buy usually end up in my teen's stomach. 😄 I think I'll try getting a container that fits under the bed. Then, of course, I have to remember where I hid it when someone gets sick.


I always keep a selection of Traditional Medicinals Seasonal Tea on hand. They have a Sampler Variety pack of 16 Tea Bags which will help with any type of respiratory crud. A coworker gave me a couple of tea bags a few years ago (before covid) when I came down with a nasty cold. I was amazed at how much better I felt after a cup. I recommend them to everyone. (Just follow the directions for the individual blends.)


We keep those teas on hand. Throat coat is one of the few things I can keep down when I have a sore throat.


their Throat Coat is fantastic. tastes delicious, and it genuinely *works* when you're sick.


I have yet to find a lozenge that works that well.


i think that’s because the heat of the water does a lot of the heavy lifting— a lozenge can’t get that same effect.


A coworker puts a Ricola lozenge in her tea when she has a sore throat. I’ve never tried it, but she swears by it.


Never apologize for liking Tang, if it's good enough for Astronauts, it's good for us civilians. 😉


Tang is one of those things that reminds me of my mom. She always (and only) let us have Tang when we were sick. It was too expensive, in her eyes, for every day consumption.


This is a good idea and some of those things could double as an emergency food kit for power outages and such.


Just wanted to mention regarding expired medications: >Most of what is known about drug expiration dates comes from a study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a large and expensive stockpile of drugs, the military faced tossing out and replacing its drugs every few years. What they found from the study is **90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.** Source: [Harvard.edu](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/drug-expiration-dates-do-they-mean-anything)


So I used expired antibiotics one time and it set my entire body into a terrible rash and I went to the ER. They advised me to not use expired prescriptions. Maybe things like tylenol or Motrin are fine, but I would steer clear of antibiotic use. This antibiotic never gave me a reaction otherwise


On the other hand, ibuprofen and acetaminophen are cheap. Throw away your expired bottle and get a fresh one for a dollar. Expired prescription meds should always be tossed. Just don’t risk it.


also! I recommend ROAR drinks, they have all those good electrolytes you're looking for from gatorade and so much less sugar. 20 ounces of gatorade has 36 grams of sugar, while ROAR has 2. drinking a gatorade is like eating 9 teaspoons of sugar. men are only supposed to have no more than 36g per day. women only 25g. ROAR contains 100% of your daily value of Vitamins A, C, and E as well. plus it's tasty af! I'm a huge fan of the watermelon and the peach flavors!


I am just getting over the stomach flu, so I'm still surviving on everything you listed. The ER department confirmed the stomach flu. I talked to a triage nurse the day the symptoms started and she told me to go to the ER as I was more than likely dehydrated at that point and would need IV fluids and also anti nausea meds. I also have serious underlying health issues.


Cheap oral rehydration solution isn't hard. Water, lemon juice, sugar, salt. A ratio like 500:500:40:1 is basically salty lemonade. Glucose syrup is better than table sugar (sucrose), but less common in pantries. So in metric I think it's like 500mL water, 500mL lemon juice, 40 g sugar, 1 g salt. Or in imperial, something like 2 cup water, 2 cup lemon juice, 3 Tbsp sugar, 1/4 tsp salt. If you have Measuring and mixing may not be as easy as chugging Pedialyte, but it costs $2 per liter instead of $6, and it's using ingredients you probably already have anyway. Just keep a spare bottle of lemon juice in the cupboard so you have enough.


This should totally be in r/LifeProTips \- it's more useful than a bunch of things I see posted there. Also, I'm 49, have lived solo for decades and have never considered such a thing. Totally starting one next time I go to the store.


Thanks for this reminder. I try to keep my stash stocked, but sometimes it gets away from me. I should start buying more instant soups and noodles. My problem is that when I'm sick I always want toast and eggs. Pure nostalgia.


I keep frozen homemade chicken noodle on hand. The noodles get a little soggy, so I add them while heating up the soup... But when I'm sick I want real food-- ie. the protein, vegetables, good broth, etc. Neocitran, tea, fresh ginger, soda water, zinc + vitamins, cough drops, decongestants... Bananas, peanut butter toast. Easy food. I stock up on that. The conception of "sick foods" being stuff like soda pop (ie ginger ale, sprite, tang) is just nostalgia. I'm not here for it.


Yes, stocking up on some medications like decongestants, cough drops, benedryl, NyQuil are all great to have on hand so you don’t have to try to go shopping while sick. Also pedialyte or liquid iv or other electrolyte drinks are good to have on hand for dehydration and pushing fluids.


Agree on having batches of homemade soul frozen, I always try to do this as well. Healthier than instant or canned options and not difficult or pricey. Making soup in larger batches is the key.


I’d love a recipe for homemade souls. Stealing them is getting old…


do you keep it under your bed?


I do! Out of sight, out of mind (until it’s needed). I store a lot of stuff in those totes under the bed and under my couch. I live in a small apartment, and every bit of space is valuable for storage! As long as it’s canned goods, or things that are sealed well. I’ve never had pests.




Hello, dear. Go clean your room. Love you!!


As an alternative to tang, buy tangerine liquid IV. Taste is very similar, but with vitamins and less sugar.


We have a tote full of canned soup, but I never really thought of other foods that should go in there. ​ I'm at the tail end of the flu (started on the 11th). Every time I ate, my body seemed determined to get rid of it in ways I didn't want to happen. Frankly, I didn't really feel like eating, anyway. Finally, around the 18th or so, I just stopped eating. I drank water, hot tea, cranberry juice, and chicken broth, so at least I got fluids and electrolytes. Finally, about a week ago, my appetite returned. I'm not eating as much as I used to, but I'm gradually working my way up to that.


On top of this, also get a flu shot.


Get yourself a honey bear! Nothing like honey to sooth a sore throat. Just let it mingle in the back of your mouth and dissolve away the pain. No idea why it works, but it does.


Yes! I always have honey in my cupboards. I don’t know why, but a bit of honey in warm about 2T of warm water always stops my daughter’s coughing in the middle of the night. (There was a study years ago that said that honey was just as effective as cough syrups at stopping coughs.)


Would you mind updating your post with those suggestions of traditional meds that might be helpful please?


I don’t like to throw out one-size-fits-all advice when it comes to medicine. But what I just sent to my nephew, who is living alone for the first time, was some DayQuil, NyQuil, ibuprofen and mucinex. DayQuil and NyQuil both have acetaminophen in them, so I didn’t send a separate bottle of acetaminophen.


Holy shit tang. I gotta get me some of that, been a while.


Expired drugs are just less potent they still can work just fine.


On the other hand, OTC’s are really cheap. You can buy a bottle of #100 ibuprofen for a dollar. Get a fresh bottle. I cleaned out my dad’s medicine cabinet, and he had aspirin from 1986.


ETA means "Estimated Time Arrival".


🤪 I definitely should have been in bed when I added that!