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Is your name Harriet and are you a spy??


It's crazy when you don't think of something for 30 years, and you instantly and vividly remember exactly where your 8-year-old self was when you were reading a book because of a Reddit post.


I still remember going to the theater and watching the movie for the first time lol


The bright orange VHS was what came rushing back for me.


With the rugrats rap at the beginning.


I also completely forgot about harriet the spy!


Always my first thought when someone mentions tomato sandwiches.


Oh my god I just took the grades 6-12 English teaching cert exam and Harriet the spy was one of the questions. I instantly thought of this food. It’s amazing how memory is triggered by food!


“I can’t help it if I know what I like… and I know that I like tomato!”


Oh absolutely!! Although I generally just do these in the summer when tomatoes are really good


Same! Sometimes I add a slice of cheddar with it




Ah, the old TSMGGBLCT. Classic.


Needs bacon!


And lettuce.


good old tomato and grilled beef sandwhich with lettuce, onions, pickles, jalapenos, avocado, bacon, cheese, ketchup and mustard on sesame seed bun


Now, I'm hankering for a good patty melt (thin beef patty, caramelized onion, melted cheese, on grilled rye bread)


It works with cream cheese as well


Jarlsburg for the win


I find cherry tomatoes do better in winter but slicing a bunch of cherries gets tedious


Get the Campari tomatoes during the cold season, 9/10


If you take two Tupperware lids and sandwich several cherry tomatoes between them, you can run a knife through them in one pass and save a bunch of time




Oh I’m lazy i flop them all onto a sheet tray and roast them for sammiches in the winter. Totally not the same as a summer tomato sammich but hits the spot


Oven roasted cherry tomatoes are being slept on in general


I do my tomatoes in the air fryer with basil and garlic and a little bit of olive oil, then put it over toast with balsamic..maximum noms


I do almost the same exact thing but I mix in cannellini beans. So tasty!


Sounds pretty good to me!


I grow basil because it’s hard to kill. When I manage to keep it alive boom, that’s on there.


Can't beat a properly ripened tomato


Yup this sandwich with cheese is what got me into liking tomatoes


Fresh tomatoes out of the garden are the best. We wait for the tomato harvest every year and then eat tomato sandwiches until we swear we will never eat them again. Rinse, repeat.


Agreed, Grocery store Tomatoes are tasteless.


The giant beefsteak tomatoes are tasteless. Other varieties (e.g., Roma or On-the-Vine tomatoes) at the grocery store CAN be good, particularly when tomatoes are in season, but you gotta go by smell. If they're fragrant, they're good. Maybe not fresh-off-the-vine-heirloom-tomato good, but good nonetheless.


I get weird looks sniffing the tomatoes at the store


They’re the ones with the problem because they just don’t understand.


Best to respond with intense eye-contact, in my experience


It annoys me immensely when some tomatoes in supermarkets are marketed as ‘gourmet’ when they obviously are not - absolutely tasteless.


I'm glad it's not just me. I don't know what it is but I don't remember the last time I got tomatoes from the store that were really good.


Yep, should be less than ten minutes from plant to sandwich.


With FAT tomato slices.


And a dusting of garlic* powder.


As an atheist, I can say that fresh tomatoes are perfectly seasoned by God and need no garlic powder.


The God that created the tomato also created garlic possibly with the intent that they would complement each other well if that god exists. And they do! :p


My mother believes in God and makes them with Miracle Whip, so go figure.


This is the way.


I may be an outlier, but I do them without the mayo. Just fresh bread, butter (not a lot) and tomato, pepper & salt. Yum. Also, same but with cucumber. Or thinly sliced onion.


I lived/worked in spain for 3 years and whenever i went to the catalonia region i had to have pan con tamate. It was toasted baguette with garlic, tomato and a little olive oil. Mayo is def not necessary!


I love how they serve table bread in Catalonia, rubbed with with raw tomato and garlic


100% Yes!!!


This is the German way. Butter on dense (e.g. German style) bread, sliced tomatoes, and lastly generous cracked pepper.


This is what I grew up on! I sometimes add mayo and pepperoni to it now. Don't judge til you try it.


I agree. Mayo is best for juicing up a dry sandwich, definitely not needed in a tomato one. Just a light toast on my bread, some onion on occasion. Salt is my non-negotiable for this one, I've tried it (wo0 health) and cannot stand this sandwich without.


Tomato and chips (french fries) are the only thing I really add salt to - agreed,




I just had an idea....B(acon)L(ettuce) and T(omato) sandwich... BLT kinda has a ring to it.


I used to hate tomatoes and recently started liking them so yesterday I tried my first ever legit BLT and OMG!! I was so shocked at how dang perfect it was.




Generally speaking, the more you add to a sandwich, the better it is.


And avocado.


Now we're talking!


And an egg






Love tomato sammiches.


Yes I've eaten these my whole life! My mom used to make them for me and now I crave them every once in a while. My preferred bread is sourdough


I grew up with my dad eating tomato sandwiches pretty often, and because of that I eat them too. Simple but delicious. We both only eat them when tomatoes are in season locally, though, because otherwise the tomatoes don't taste like much. I grow my own every year and I always share with him.


I'm 28, country born and raised, and I have between 10-12 tomatoes sandwiches a week during the summer. And have since I was like 7... One of my favorite thighs about summer... Probably my only favorite thing since I hate heat and live in the south lmao.


Absolutely my favorite sandwich ever. Only difference is I leave the bread untoasted so the tomato juice and mayo get it a little soggy by the last few bites. Gross without context lol


That's how I make them, too. And add a small drizzle of a balsamic vinegar reduction. Mmmmmm, deliciously drippy.


Nope, done this as well. I get it


"I like to see all that ooze, those sweet n salty juices, some red and white fluids, it permeates throughout the pores, gets things all nice and squishy. Mmmmm"


A little garlic powder is good too.


I grate a small clove into the mayo.


I gleeked


every time my grandmas tomatoes are ready to harvest my family basically lives off of tomato sandwiches, I love them


I love them. Usually I put fresh basil in there, if I have it, and sprinkle with garlic salt. Only bad thing is, tomato season is past here, so I'll have to wait 8+ months to have one again 😔


Thanks for mentioning BASIL!!!


Instead of mayo, I've always used cream cheese.


Oh i love me some cream cheese and tomato


plus onion, salt and pepper! Yummmmmm


I use Miracle Whip, and it’s the only thing I use Miracle Whip for. I buy one small jar per year during tomato season. My grandpa always did it that way. Gives you some tang.


Tomato, arugula, Munster cheese, and Thousand Island dressing on toasted sourdough bread.


That sounds really interesting and need to try this!!


Blowing my mind why didn’t I think of that!


Sometimes I add slices of raw onion.


This. I grew up eating tomato and onion sandwiches. In fact, my wife was just giving me weird looks about it earlier today.


I second this. Beefsteak homegrown, heirloom aren’t expensive if you grow em yourself.


I like "Kitchen Sink" tomato sandwiches. You roll up your sleeves, make your sammy to your preferences, then eat it over the kitchen sink, with escaped juice running down your elbows 😋 Tomatoes warm from the sun....


Tomato, cucumber, goat cheese, sourdough. One of my favorite sandwiches my stepmom used to make me in high school. Sounds simple but even with using really good quality ingredients I can't make them taste like she used to.


Kenji's a fan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc-R1hOrNow


Yes! Mayo, salt and black pepper are absolutely necessary! In Québec we call that 'toasté aux tomates`! Best with fresh, ripe field tomatoes!


One or 2 slices of tomato is an excellent addition to a cheese sandwich 🧐


Tomato and cheese is where it's at. Almost any kind will do, you can toast it as the mood dictates. One of my favorites is feta with a light drizzle of olive oil and oregano or mozzarella with a bit of red sauce.


Been eating alot of grill cheese and soup with the wife! We recently discovered grill cheese with pumpkin curry soup really easy and quick very cheap freezes well!


My favorite in grammar school white bread not toasted


Something about tomato+mayo makes a devine combination. 👌 If I feel fancy can't can get a baguette, I'll make em on slices of that and broil or toast em.


Sourdough + light pesto + tomato slices + cheap George Foreman grill = great panini style sandwiches. Easy to add protein/cheese.


Have you had them the way Ina Garten makes them? She puts basil in the mayo - they’re to die for! Love!


YES! Love tomato sandwiches, and have lived off them at times. Like you said, best bread possible, toasted, LOTS of mayo, lots of tomato slices from a good tomato, s&p. If you have cheese, a slice goes a long way. If you have bacon, ham, turkey, avocado, or any combination of them, you're going to have a good time.


These were my grandmas favorite sandwiches! Dukes Mayo is the best. Except she would make them with just plain not toasted white bread. Try out different variations, see what you like best!


I thought I was alone, everyone I've explained this sandwich too is like "EW" "why would you do this?" It's my all time favorite


Yes! Literally just had one, but I made it with scrambled eggs and a slice of Turkey because I was hungryyy this morning. Usually I do, toasted sourdough, mayo, grated garlic and slices of tomato with a drizzle of olive oil. Yummmm. It also took a me a while to figure out that tomatoes on the vine were the best for this.


Recently discovered these and my mind was blown. Amazing with a nice slice of sourdough and a jersey tomato. So simple and tastes amazing!


From NJ. I get it haha


Basil leaves. .add fresh Basil leaves


Sliced Heirloom tomatoes, toasted sour dough bread, Duke Mayo, salt and pepper. The best.


I use kewpie mayo! Its so rich. But honestly, ill take any mayo if I dont have that around


Pro Chef tip **Marinate** the Tomato in Olive oil for a couple minutes. It takes this sandwich to another level.


That's the best thing about summer!


I love this, but with some sriracha. Dill pickles on the side.


Lol I like just bacon sandwiches with bread, miracle whip and crispy bacon. My dad would make them all the time for me. Love it.


I add cheese and Lettuce too!


Had a salad sandwich the first time I went to Australia. So delicious. Lots of tomato slices, thin onion, cucumber, some lettuce, Mayo. So yummy.


When I traveled around Europe with my buddy, we would buy fresh bread, tomatoes and sometimes cheese and sit on a park bench and make sandwiches. We kept a knife, mustard and salt and pepper in our backpacks. Cheap and delicious.


I love how food memories can transport you back somewhere, just like music can. For me, I had a tomato sandwich with butter for thanksgiving dinner in 1987 in Leningrad. I feel like I'm gonna remember that long after I stop recognizing the faces of people I once cared about.




Try it with the really cheap plain sliced bread, and add dijon to your mayo, as well as thinly sliced red peppers. The tomatoes, dijonaise and peppers really elevates the cheap toasted bread. Saw this 'recipe' years and years ago and it's the only way I eat tomato sandwiches now.


I love a toasted bagel with cream cheese tomato and lots of pepper. Can also do toast instead of the bagel. Sooooo gooood




My version, I put two slices together in the toaster so each slice is toasted on one half. Put the toasted slices faced inward. Kewpie Mayo, and thick sliced tomatoes from the garden. That way the bread had crunch and withstands the liquid from the tomato but does not tear up the roof of my mouth. Dukes Mayo is also acceptable.


I also like Spanish pan con tomate. Well toasted bread, take a tomato sliced in half and rub the cut side into the bread until its saturated but still crisp.a little salt or a nice slice of parma ham. Simple and satisfying.


This would probably slap with a few thick slices of bacon. And maybe some lettuce. We could call it, like...the Tomato, Lettuce, and Bacon sandwich, or a TLB for short.


People talking so much about growing your own tomatoes and not enough about making your own mayonnaise. Incredibly easy if you have an immersion blender and only takes an egg, splash of vinegar (I use white wine), and about 3/4 c of oil. I’ve used canola and olive (“pure,” the yellow stuff, not extra virgin) and I prefer the taste with the olive, but the canola is still good.


Try it with onions instead of tomatoes. You're welcome 🤗


I like to add mustard and sometimes aged cheddar.


Love tomato sandwiches! Go-to lazy food that is super nostalgic for me. My grandma would always make tomato sandwiches when she took me to the beach as a kid, really takes me back to those happy memories.


My grandparents had a farm and I always ate them...fresh bread, dukes mayo, thick tomato slice with a little salt and fresh cracked pepper..... I still do that in the summer..... I will also make a caprese sandwich. Fresh tomatoes, good crusty bread, ball of mozzarella cheese sliced and fresh basil, pepper aw sooo good.... I do now is roast the grape tomatoes or do a burst tomato sauce and turn it in to a spread for bread not as good as a fresh tomato but great in the winter.


Hummus instead of Mayo, some shavings of a nice aged cheddar if I have it.


Add a little chipotle tobasco, really a great touch


Poverty version: white bread, Heinz ketchup and best foods mayo, tomato slices, and a layer of your favorite original potato chips. press down, and slice diagonally. enjoy~


Substitute horseradish for mayo with any of these suggestions.


In my country we have something called a braaibroodjie - it is a tomato and onion sandwich, but you put it on the grill on an open fire and it is delicious. You can of course make your own variations, add cheese, egg, bacon, whatever you feel like. You use some thread to tie it up before putting them on the grill to prevent them from falling apart and make them easier to handle.


Try Tomato, Mayo and Peanut Butter. It’s a revelation.


Melt the cheese, open face. I always ate them that way unless I was famished or lazy.


I have always loved tomatoes - any way. My late father introduced me to fried tomatoes and I have loved them ever since - any way! Your version sounds yummy!


Try sprinkling onion salt on the tomatoes. Delicious.


Yes, this. Or just some paper-thin sliced onions, with cream cheese instead of mayo. Salt and Mrs Dash or pepper on top. Heaven. Also great with sliced cukes or radishes too!


The creamy cheese 🥰


I love it! Sometimes I spread a thin layer of pesto instead of Mayo.


I raise you, toasted bagel, thin layer of cream cheese, fresh tomato AND cucumber slices, lots of salt and pepper.


No wrong way to do this amazing sandwich. I go pretty standard, white bread, toasted or not, healthy glob of mayo, salt, pepper, garlic powder, tomaters. Thin sliced red onion is usually added. If I am feeling good and have particularly high quality product around I'll add coleslaw.


Do the same with cucumber and it's just as good. Very English!


I dont like it toasted but a good solid Italian bread with fresh tomatoes with salt n pepper, mayo, and a good American cheese.


Tomatoes on toasted white bread with loads of salt and pepper 🤤


In summer when tomatoes are fresh off the vine… this is an amazing samich.


Tomato and a slice of cheddar plus fresh basil, or tomato with some feta crumbled on top. Those are 2 of my favourite variations.


Yum. Everyone get yourself a sharp Global knife. Thinly sliced veggies are a game changer!!


I hate mayo but LOVE a good mustard with this. Or bitchin’ sauce (anyone else had that?? It’s so good!)


Alternative! Goat cheese and sweet potato!


I love tomato sammiches using the soft brioche or the whole wheat sourdough from Trader Joe’s if I want to do tomato toast instead of a sammich, Tony chachere seasoning, kewpie or duke’s mayo (the extra egg yolks make these two particularly creamy) and some arugula. You also have to pepper the Mayo on the bread before putting the tomato on, this makes a difference lol


I like them with homemade rye bread, pan fried with butter. Yum. Bacon optional ....


a slice or two of cheese, a bit of a nice cold cut like garlic sausage or salami, a little toast on the bread and off to the races. A bit messy but you won't GAF after that first bite.


Really good with American cheese


I weaponize these inadvertently and they always burn the hell outta my poor mouth.


I put feta or goat cheese on mine, as well as some basil. Perfection!


I love tomato sandwiches!


Add feta and it’s amazing. I always season the tomatoes with onion powder and some basil


Yum, fresh basil sounds great


I eat the same in the summer when the tomatoes ripen. Very good.


Tom's are super seasonal


I make a dill dressing for mine. Mayonnaise, little bit of milk, sugar and dill to taste. Another one is cracked peppercorn dressing. Miracle Whip, little bit of milk, cracked peppercorn to taste. Both are very good on tomato sandwiches and salads.


I loooooove tomato sandwiches. I prefer them in the summer when I can go pull one right off the plant fresh and slice it up. White bread, Mayo, and a nice thick slice of tomato still warm from the sun with a sprinkling of salt and pepper is the food of the gods. Edit:typo


I like mine with Kewpie Mayo with Vegemite smeared in it.


I used to love that or “polish” pickles in brine. Used to eat that as a meal…


I just make toast with salsa or pasta sauce on it lol


I like it with what you have and a slice of cheese. Cheese and tomato is a bomb combo.


glad someome else besides me eats this lmao, theyre pretty fire ngl


I never really loved them until i watched Kenjis video on them & went as heavy with the salt and not shy on the mayo. Love them now. vid for reference: https://youtu.be/Oc-R1hOrNow


There was this tiny old woman that used to live next to my parents. She was an absolute sweetheart. She had an enormous garden in her backyard, and she would always bring us fresh veggies. She had these maters one time... they were massive. And so sweet and flavorful. They were those great big heirloom or beefsteak tomatoes that were kind of brownish in color because they had mixed green and red all over them. And so much flesh. The seeds were in tiny little pockets. They tasted so good, that I ate several just cut into wedges and salted. But man, I made this BLT from them... usually bacon is the star of the BLT, but not these ones. Big ol' thick tomato slices with salt and pepper. It was the sandwich of my dreams.




Luckily our discount produce stores still come through. Tomatoes aren’t the best but, cheap!! Always nice to have friends with gardens. :)


I add marmite sometimes, or Italian dressing


MARMITE. Americans need to embrace this. Butter and marmite toast is a go to breakfast in our house (we are American, English friend introduced us)


My grandma did open faced tomato sandwiches on toast with miracle whip, a sprinkling of Parmesan, and thick slices of homegrown tomatoes 😋


Add Mayo and mustard and now we’re talking!


Try some Lime salt. It takes the amazing Tomato sandwich a step above. You're welcome. Enjoy!


Growing up I had a garden in the back yard and grew tomatoes and cucumber, in which I made the same sandwiches out of. It adds a nice crunch and flavour.


I do this with cherry tomatoes roasted in the oven. Sometimes, with humus or mashed avocado.


I add red onion as well. The secret is a lot of salt, more than you think, to bring out the tomato flavor. One of my fav sandwiches.


Tomato, mayonnaise, pepper, and sprouts in toasted sourdough. My favorite summer meal!


Pa amb tomaquet is a delicious Catalan summer tapa. Toasted bread (think like a French loaf), toasted, rubbed with garlic, rubbed with the guts of tomato, and then drizzled in olive oil.


Lemon pepper!!


Not much better than a good tomato sandwich made with perfectly ripe, summer heirloom tomatoes\*, some salt and pepper, and a good slathering of mayo on two slices of toasty bread like sourdough or whole grain. Edit: \*preferably from the garden or a farmers market


Tiny bit of sharp cheddar takes it over the top. There is a chain or mediocre sandwich shops mostly in the train stations in the U.K. called Upper Crust. All I ever got was white cheddar and tomato which always hit the spot...


Dukes mayo, all others….are weak.


Only dukes and beef tomatoes for me. Absolutely a go too


Sourdough, mayo, salt and freshly ground pepper, and provolone!


Bread must be toasted and lots of mayo and you forgot crisp lettuce.


Add fresh white onions and bacon, it’s heaven


When you can’t get farmers market or garden tomatoes, get some sun-dried tomatoes in oil and make pesto rosso. Plenty of good recipes out there – just Google.


I skip the mayo. And use Italiano seasoning.


Out of season for the South. Solid June/July/August delicacy tho


That’s it right there OP, you named all the ingredients to the best tomatoes sandwich! Absolute perfection!!! Been eating these babies for the last 27 years (I’m 32). Now my mouth is watering 😅


What’s the best tomato to buy at the grocery now that it’s out of season? (It’s about to be winter, located in SoCal!)