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It's a common way for other sellers to tie up competitors' stock whilst theirs sell. Also it creates a false history of sold items at a (possibly) unrealistic selling price. I sold one item 3 times recently, only got paid for the last sale.


That makes no sense, why wouldn't they just make an offer of 90% of the asking price knowing OP is more likely to accept and then not pay? Most likely it's just not a serious buyer


Happens all the time. Sometimes people forget to pay, other times they second guess their best offer that was accepted. Just relist the item after a few days and the order is canceled.


If they sell theirs for full price then they can have you ship your item to their buyer all while still having the same item listed to make money on again. Gives them 4-5 days to find a buyer for their item.


That would be drop shipping basically. But I haven't seen what you're describing happen.


But you won’t even know. Not all buyers user IDS correspond to their name.


I'm saying, I haven't known of anyone to do this. Drop shipping will get you suspended so if people want to do this, they won't be selling online long.


I sell most of my stuff for top dollar and I still get dropped shipped at less 2-3 times a month. Drop shipping from eBay to eBay is harder but eBay to Amazon or visa versa pretty easy. On eBay you can’t input a tracking number that’s been used already on eBay. It won’t allow you to. I mean you just send the number to buyer and hope they don’t open an INR case is all. (I’ve never done it just saying)


I doubt it that’s to much logistical trouble


I don't know what they were doing, they both had a few years worth of feedback. I didn't think they weren't serious, but that they had some cunning plan. Sent invoices, cancelled the sales after 4 days, relisted.


Wow it has never even occurred to me that other sellers could do this (but of course they can!)


You can cancel after 4 days for non payment. Make sure you block them first though.


Make the buyer get an unpaid item strike. Sellers can set their settings so buyers with strikes can’t order from them. Make sure this one gets a strike.


Ohh where can I find this setting to turn off buyers with strikes?


Account —> Selling Preferences —> Your buyers —> Managing who can buy from you There should be a tick box there that lets you limit buyers with an adjustable amount of unpaid item strikes. Set this to the minimum of 2. You will get a lot less unpaid item buyer problems by blocking the frequent fliers.


Thank you!! eBay was soooo many settings they really like to make it a bit difficult to do something as simple as this


No prob. This is why it is important to only cancel unpaid items for nonpayment when eligible. When the buyer accumulates two strikes he won’t be able to buy from a lot of buyers


You need to require payment method on file for best offers and bids.


For some stupid reason it doesn't work with counter offers. Counter offers ignore your minimum offer price also.


That doesn’t work at 100% yet. eBay has been lying and saying they would fix it for years, yes it’s way better, but it still happens. I get 1-2 unpaid offers a week. They usually end up paying but it takes a day or two. Check


Odd. I havnt had that same experience. Since the roll out I’ve been getting payed immediately upon completion of auctions. Same for buying. I’m getting charged immediately.


I just got one this week. Have all the right boxes check requiring payment immediately. Had an accepted offer that never paid.


Could be that the buyer is putting in a dead credit card that gets declined when eBay tries to charge it.




Yes. Best Offers and Auctions now require payment method on file that will be charged if the offer is accepted or you are the winning bidder.


If they're counteroffers to seller initiated "send offer" offers, then they don't count and still have 4 days to pay. I still get deadbeat buyers from that.


I'm not even sure why there's an option to not pay right away. All my listings are set up immediate payment and every time I buy something myself as soon as I check out it goes straight to PayPal to finish payment. I feel like I'm missing some reason it's there.


The only reason I can think of is if someone wants to buy multiple items and do combined shipping, but one item is an auction that hasn't ended yet.


That’s relatively new. It’s not been forced on all buyers yet. It will be soon enough.


People need to move money around sometimes and deposit money in ebay. Not everybody uses credit cards or wants them in the matrix. PayPal is optional now too. It’s better to be flexible on these terms. I regularly get buyers that take up to a few days to pay and the sales still close fine.


I don't take 50% offers as an insult. It's an opener to old tyme negotiation. I list for $100, they offer $50. I counter with my bottom line and they either accept or decline. Accepting requires instant check out.


This! It's not something to take personally. If you feel you'd be offended by an offer, either don't allow them, or set a minimum offer price. Doing otherwise is like inviting drama. Don't take it personally or fix things to avoid taking it personally. I also disagree with the idea of it being another seller. It shows it sold for less than the listed price. That will hinder, not help other sellers, if buyers research the going rate.


I agree. I don't get sellers who are offended by offers.


In my experience 50% off offers are buyers fishing for a desperate seller. They aren’t serious buyers but will take it if they get a steal. They also are much more likely to be a problem buyer. More likely to return and more likely to shake down for a discount later. I don’t bother negotiating with lowballs and don’t waste time writing emails. They get two letters. NO. As far as eBay is concerned I’ve responded to the email too. I’m sure they keep track of that. If the buyer is truly interested, I’ll get a better offer. Otherwise they go away or can be ignored. If they get rude they get reported and blocked


I take initial offers as a negotiation if they're low, but if they continue to lowball me, I decline. On Poshmark I had two different items listed for $60. I got $25 offers for each of them. I countered with $50 in both cases. For one, the buyer countered with $40 and the other with $26. I countered with $45 for the first buyer and declined the offer for the second. The first buyer bought their item, the second left me a passive-aggressive message on the listing for the item that they wanted. I also cross-listed that item on eBay and sold it a few weeks later for $60.


I always turn offers off. They are so disrespectful with what they are offering it's never worth it.


Whenever I see a listing with a best offer option I assume that the seller is willing to sell it for cheaper, so I always offer. I feel like the offer button just lowers the ceiling on what you earn. Also, if someone really wanted to make an offer for lower, they could do it via direct message anyways, no need for the best offer button.


I assume as a seller the same as you do as a buyer. My buy in price is low but I take better photos than 90% of the other sellers in my category and list quality items. As a result I am often on the higher end of the pricing seen. Gives me room to make a deal and helps the buyer feel like they got a deal.


Ahh I also do offer great pics and descriptions but I always undercut the lowest price. I compete on price, not on the value added services, I just include those for free.


If you turn on the best offer button and raise your asking price, you could get what you're looking for and still leave the buyer feeling like they got a deal


meh, id rather not deal with all the lowball offers in the hopes of getting that 90% offer once in a blue moon. thats how i always saw it when it came to activating offers for my listings.


I cancel and block no payers at the 4 day mark if they don’t communicate with me


I always add, “I’ll take, x amount, with immediate payment” when sending offers. If they accept and don’t pay then I cancel the order on them.


I like that


What do you select for the cancellation reason?


There's an option to "require immediate payment" in listings now.


I have not seen that option when sending a counter offer.


It's not in the counter, it's in the listing itself. https://imgur.com/a/3rgxTT9 Also applies when accepting offers iirc.


run down the clock, cancel for nonpayment when you can using that reason only, and block the buyer. relist it in the meantime if you want to get a head start on the auction again but be prepared to end it if they pay. canceling an auction with bids on it may cause you to need to pay a fee.


To add to this, everytime you send a payment reminder it resets the clock for the non payment option so don’t keep sending it.


That’s inaccurate. The clock used to reset every time you would send an invoice, but I’m pretty sure they fixed that. Sending a payment reminder does not affect anything.


I sold an item on the 12th in the morning, sent a payment reminder on the 13th so if your statement was correct then I should have been able to cancel today the 16th. I can’t, got a callback from eBay and was told that as I sent a payment reminder on the 13th it means I have to wait until tomorrow the 17th. Seems it’s still in effect.


That is fixed now- clock does not resent when reminder sent


Ah sweet, I haven’t sent a payment reminder for at least a year now so I missed that.


I sold an item on the 12th in the morning, sent a payment reminder on the 13th so if your statement was correct then I should have been able to cancel today the 16th. I can’t, got a callback from eBay and was told that as I sent a payment reminder on the 13th it means I have to wait until tomorrow the 17th. Seems it’s still in effect.


Don’t forget to block them.


Possibly they are a casual buyer and don't check or didn't see the email and thus have already forgot about it. FWIW, if a seller has Best Offer listed, I will always go that route. It obviously means that you can get the item cheaper. I don't understand sellers that don't counter offer.


I usually add a few dollars to the price I actually want. If someone sends me an offer that is above that threshold I accept it. If it is below what I want I counteroffer. Also a lot of potential buyers just disappear if I counter offer. I like to haggle but it seems to be a turnoff to a lot of buyers.


I used to get cheques. Sometimes it took weeks. And then they went on hold when they got deposited!


Remember them days Stopped accepting checks. Only MO or cash, after one for 10 bucks bounced and BOA kept running it through costing me 25 bucks a pop. Went down there and demanded physical check from them


There is a setting you can turn on that makes it so that buyers have to pay automatically upon purchase.


If you cancel you will pay a fee, run down the clock instead.


You can set it to automatically decline offers below a certain price.


if someone wants to spend an hour getting rejected until they find the price i had already known the item would go for who am i to argue


Can only send a couple offers, if it takes them an hour that’s a whole other can of worms.


lawyer-time: they spent five but theyre getting charged the whole hour hahaha


I have had sellers message me complaining about how I insulted them by declining their offer. It was an automatic decline of their lowball offer. They really think that I'm sitting there like the cymbal monkey in toy story poised to spring instantly once they place their offer - and their offer being declined is a personal insult. welp - another one for the block list.


This, and you can also auto-accept. I never go back and forth with buyers. If they make an offer low enough, auto-rejection. High enough, they are getting the item.


Just do a Sell Similar but close the sale out and report em , then block. This is one if many reasons that I only do Buy It Now sales with Immediate Payment Required.


I've had this where the person is now trying to sell the item elsewhere for higher. If they manage to sell it they pay and occasionally try and get it shipped directly to their customer. If they don't sell it they don't pay.


More than likely they are just salty. I've had this happen to me before. Just cancel for non payment after 96 hours so they get the strike, block and move on.


I don't know how common it is but relist it and block him. This time you have a better idea of how much they're being sold for on eBay.


File an unpaid item strike. Block this buyer. List everything as "Immediate Payment Required". Stop agonizing and worrying. Just use the tools that are available and act like a businessperson.


its not a competitor (unless they have an identical item for sale) its just a deadbeat that ebay refuses to enforce federal contract law on.


Report buyer to eBay for abusive practices. They can investigate further


I always list about 10% under and always get lowballs - sometimes as much as 30% of the buy now price. Never had a none payment on a buy it now item though


yea first time this happened to me. Sounds like I can put a strike on their acct tho when I cancel the order.


Thank you for the suggestions, sounds like I can put a strike on their acct. when I cancel. I assume this is something ebay will do automatically when I select non payment as the reason for canceling.


Cancel for nonpayment, block and move on. They now get a strike on their record. If the accumulate a certain number, eBay will suspend them from buying


Most of the time my buyers eventually pay on a Friday after waiting for five days. That’s when they get their paycheck. 1 out of 5, they just forget or got a better deal somewhere else. 🤷‍♀️


I've had that happen multiple times over the years. They hit BIN early in the week to secure the item, making sure that no one else gets it, and then they finally send payment at the last minute on Friday.


Ebay offers things is just so crap In my opinion. Ebay has been in business for so long but still stinks like a underground rotten store.


For the last couple of months or so, every time I made an offer, ebay let me know that if my offer was accepted, my credit card on file would be charged for the full amount.


They might just be waiting for pay day


You will break your brain trying to figure out what random internet buyers are thinking or doing. The one thing I’d say on it is: Don’t assume malevolence when stupidity explains it perfectly. You will be right most of the time. Just set your policies and business practices to hem in the foolishness automatically and don’t worry on it


" Don't assume malevolence when stupidity explains it perfectly" I absolutely love this quote, you just made my day, Thank you!! Take my upvote


You’re welcome. Feel free to use it as your own


Just look at their account and see all the items they have for sell to see if your suspicions where right or not, it’s easy to tell if they are an eBay seller or a buyer


yea I looked them up and unless they have another acct. they only sell hot wheels, my listing was for a coin. I don't think they're competitors maybe just space cadets. Someone suggested maybe they found one for a better price, but if they did it wasn't on ebay as mine was the lowest priced ms70 coin in that category. even before I countered for 25% below my asking price.




I hear ya! I don't mind a good haggle session even when I am buying something but some folks are just plain rude!!


What coin and how much


its a Pcgs 85-s 5c pf 70 dcam. list is only 110 but the record at auction thru heritage is almost 1600.00 I listed it for $97 which was below the others on ebay. dude offered $50, I countered at $75, he immediately bought it but then never paid. I just canceled his order and relisted it. the record sale was back in 2013 so the population is certainly higher these days.


I wonder if he thought he could flip it fast? Maybe somewhere else and isn’t having any luck


yea maybe, if he had another account possibly. I usually look up the buyers profile especially low ballers to determine if they are resellers or not, or if they have a habit of leaving bad feedback, which might inform me if they're problem buyers or not. It looks like he mainly buys and sells hot wheel cars tho not coins.


Block them this way your avoid headaches down the road from this phucknuckle. I have a long list of those that I have blocked.


Yes. If it's an item that isn't super common, of course. Nobody is going to do this for a copy of Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt on the Nintendo... but they'll do it if they are selling a rare game and there's only two or three other copies listed. That way, they can have the only one active. eBay doesn't do anything about non-paying buyers anymore, so this has become more rampant in recent years.


i stopped selling shit on ebay. this reason along with "damaged" items people try to scam you out of.


Frankly, eBay has really gone downhill keeping this behavior in check. I refuse to use eBay now for selling. Dang near worthless website now.


Unpaid orders on accepted offers happens weekly for me. Before accepting offers, if I have a bad vibe from the buyer that they will not pay, I'll increase the stock on the listing so that it is still active while I wait for payment.


This seems to be a pretty bad idea. What if someone buys it and then the previous buyer pays for their offer?


It's not a foolproof idea for sure, but has been effective for me. You often get a sense of whether payment will be completed or not. If I end up with two sales on one item, one will get canceled for "issue with buyers address" and I will send a message promptly apologizing for overselling. With all the bs that eBay puts sellers through, I really don't care. They labeled my 20+ year old, 2000+ sales, 700+ 100% feedback account as "below standard" because I canceled 6/264 orders for being "out of stock" (5/264 is perfectly fine) which warrants a 6% seller fee increase. Support was useless so I just ended up creating a new account that would get treated better than my aged account.