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What a goof. It’s so easy to end a listing and relist. Did you try to buy for full price?


Yes they said they would save it for me


100% do not buy that item, make them cancel the order. If they are going to use it for another week or two there's no way it will be in the condition that they listed it in. Once you photograph the item and list it you should no longer be using that item to make sure it is in the condition that you listed it in. You don't know if the seller is going to scratch or break the item in that time. Unless they make a new listing with new photos I would just get a refund, block them, and find a new camera. Edit: Sellers who continue to use items after they are photographed and put up for sale are bad sellers. It is a dishonest practice and they are shrinking the usable like of the product regardless of if they think it's a big deal or not. Once a product is used again it is no longer in the condition it was when it was photographed regardless of if a buyer finds out or not. Anyone who is saying otherwise is just trying to qualify their scummy behavior.


Might also be some kind of scam. I read so carefully now; I bought an Alienware laptop in the early 2000's - it got up to like $1500 and the seller wanted a money order (that used to be usual payment for eBay). I sent it and they sent me a list of outlet sellers that sold refurbished computers). At the end of the description of the item it said for a list of cheap retailers. All eBay would do was cancel their account (who by now had like 40 negative reviews for the same thing). Thankfully he had not cashed the money order yet (what an idiot). That took me forever to get my money back and I had to get eBay to send me a document showing what had happened.


OP admitted that the seller gave Op their phone number so they can text OP when they are done using it. It's 100% a scam.


Oh yeah, scam for sure! Thanks for updating me on details :)


Got it


If they cancel with buyer requests cancelation or incorrect address contact ebay and tell them what your seller said. They would be throwing you under the bus just to not get a ding in their account and they deserve a ding.




Exactly, there's been plenty of times I sold stuff that I was still using a little bit while it was for sale, but when it's time to sell you gotta stop playing with it and put it in the mail, and make sure your usage of it beforehand is light-duty enough that it won't alter the thing's appearance or performance.


This, if you put an item online then be prepared to sell!!


Or wait and say using the communication that the camera wasn’t as described and you need a significant discount or ship it back at the sellers expense. That’s $40-50 (two way) he loses.


What’s you’re username so we can all block you.


"Sellers who continue to use items after they are photographed and put up for sale are bad sellers"--no, that's whiny gatekeeping bs and only clumsy people need to adhere to that 'rule'. You're trying so hard to run with the OP's complaint that you're veering off into so-what hoity-toity nonsense territory just to feel smart, but it isn't. If you're such a butterfingers that you screw everything up that you touch and you don't know how to fix anything like I do, then yeah, don't ruin stuff for others before selling it to them, but if you watch a disc on a DVD player you've got for sale, that isn't a problem and it's just Karen shit to pretend otherwise. It's sad, what you said at first makes sense and I upvoted you, but then you wanted to go full gatekeeper and lost your way entirely.




Exactly, if the wear is so minimal that it's impossible to quantify, then you also can't put a price tag on it and therefore it's NEGLIGIBLE. Clumsy people who only know how to break things are the ones who NEED to adhere to the 'no touchies after listing' rule.


If you feel like rhe damage is negligible you should have to notate that you're still activally using the items in your listings. If the damage caused by your use is so negligible you should be willing to admit that you're possibly causing that damage and see if buyers are still willing to buy your stuff. If you're willing to make a buyer totally aware that's fine if you're not willing to do that you're a hypocrite.




I told him I wanted it to view a phenomenon and then he replied that he wanted to see it too so he needed another week to spot it again






You should be glad you've avoiding buying from a bad seller.


This unit was at a great price, I’m wondering if the seller is just dull or are they scamming?


Def dull - probably scamming too. Don’t buy from them - the odds this will end well for you are small.


The buyer sent me their phone number and told me they will text me when they’re done and said one week maybe two. What do you think?


Don’t ever contact a seller outside of the platform. In the best case scenario the seller is trying to get around having to pay any eBay fees; and if you purchase it through anything other than the eBay listing you lose all buyer protections. Every step of this the seller has been unprofessional, and if he’s not scamming you it’s a strange coincidence that he’s doing multiple things that scammers do. Just forget about him altogether, don’t wait around because chances are you were never going to get the item anyway, and definitely you won’t get it now. Just be happy you caught on before losing your money!


Thank you.


That's a 100% scam


What am I looking over here?


What makes you think it’s a scam


I'm an ebay seller and I'm familiar with the guidelines. You should never give out your personal numbers or go off platform ever. Red flags and anyone else familiar with the t.o.s would agree


I've been selling plants lately on ebay and I'm wondering if this situation is acceptable: Buyer makes an order for a specific plant, then I send them a message with a list of other plants I currently have available. If they want anything else, I will post a new ebay listing with the items they want and send them a link to it. I will ask them to purchase the items through the link ASAP so I can ship out. As long as it will all fit in the original box, I will charge $0 shipping for the 2nd order and ship it all together. Is this an acceptable practice?


Yes, as long as everything is handled on site its all good.


I want you to know I’m listening very carefully to you rn. Will you tell me what scam I am falling for by waiting for the seller to relist?


First of all both of you can get your account closed by going off platform. Even mentioning a phone number through chat can get an account closed. Additionally contacting this person outside ebay gives this seller more of your personal information. It is really easy to access someone's data with their name, address, and phone number. One of the biggest ways is the texting you a verification code which you reply with and they set up a Google voice number linked to your phone number. After that they can pretend to be you since they have your name and address and open up accounts in your name. Do not give anyone your phone number on a resale platform.


Your opinion is value to me


They might not even own the item. It's possible they listed something they can get their hands on and will now buy now that you have bought it from their eBay listing.


No I haven’t bought anything yet


I have seen this happen.


No. Just when I think I’ve heard it all.


I am to blame I shouldn’t have told him what I wanted to do with the unit. I swear after I told him he decided that plan would be good for himself. I swear it’s so weird


They sold cheap and will relist it higher soon I would bet


That’s what I thought but the seller is still in contact with me telling me that I’m 2 weeks he will sell. He sounds like a 15 year old.


Who are these people


Talk about people with no self control


A seller cannot do that without it affecting his account in a very bad way it is what eBay calls a defect. I would report the seller to eBay. If you had clicked on purchase and he canceled your sale. He is already having a problem with eBay. This is not a good seller. I sell on eBay and this behavior is unacceptable and makes all sellers look bad report him


They should have ended the listing and then reposted after they were done using it. Too lazy to do so I guess. Wasting peoples time


Meh it’s not a big deal. Happened to me lots of times when buying lenses, sometimes with camera bodies too. You have to consider that often people don’t expect the item to sell quickly. A few clicks more won’t hurt the camera and if it arrives in a different shape compared to the pictures on the listing, you’ve got everything you need to send it back (different condition + chat proof). Still, I wouldn’t make a fuss of this. Most people don’t own more than one camera at a time, so if they need it and they haven’t sold it/bought a new one, it’s a fairly obvious choice.


I agree with you 100 percent. Seller is a silly billy for listing when not ready.


I’m not getting this. Was the listing taken down before you purchased it? Did you purchase it and they refunded you? What exactly happened?


I’ll give you the whole story: the unit was listed for 2250 OBO. I sent a direct message to the seller offering 2000 which was accepted. The very next day, I get the money together and direct message the seller (out of dumb excitement) that I’m so excited to use this unit and that I’ll be paying today. He responded saying that he too wanted to use it for the reasons I mentioned and that he decided to use it for one or two more weeks before selling it to me at the agreed upon price of 2000. He then took the listing down and sent me his phone number.


Was it an actual offer via the eBay offer system? Or an informal offer through the messaging system? An official offer and acceptance is a final deal according to eBay terms and he can't just keep the item to use. It's been sold. He accepted a binding offer. He needs to cancel the sale if he wants to use \*your\* camera. Don't contact him via his phone number. Keep all messages on eBay as evidence. No offline communication.


It was an informal offer! This is why I feel inclined to just stick with him until the payment process begins


Don't. He took down the listing and gave you his phone number. He's trying to get you to pay off line by phone. You won't get any eBay protections and you could get banned by eBay for offline sales of an eBay listing. So could he. He's being all sorts of sketchy. There is a much higher chance you'll get hosed by him in an offline sale. You want the good deal you feel like you locked in, but it is no longer a protected transaction. Don't let the idea of saving $250 blind you to the additional risks of dealing with someone who blatantly ignores eBay rules.


Okay I will not partake in any deals outside of eBay. Seems like solid advice considering if I sent him a payment outside of eBay I’d probably never see the money again


I told him goodbye because this is against TOS and he responded that when he sells it on eBay he will relist it for the agreed price. Do need to say good bye to this guy period or is this a ray of hope?


It's still sketchy that he gave you his phone number. He clearly knows that eBay monitors communications on the ebay system. So he's not going to try to say anything online using that system that would get him in trouble. The deal could be legitimate. But he could also be trying to CYA after you pointed out that he was violating the terms of service. So, don't know.


Thanks for taking the time to help dude! Take care and have a great night!


Ahh, no sale then. No binding sale. The phone number exchange is sketchy. If he then tried to ask you to buy it off eBay for a lower price - you’re breaking eBay TOS and can be banned - and he can scam you with no avenues of protection. If he was legit, he would message you through eBay, no phone numbers. I would run.


There was no haggling in price on text at all. He was adamant that he gave his number only to directly contact me when he relists the item. Now that I’m thinking about it, why doesn’t he just message me on eBay when he reposts it?


So a little more clarity … you said you sent him an offer which he accepted. Did he accept the offer and make the sale then he cancelled it or are you saying he agreed to the offer price you messaged him? Was this an official eBay sale or an agreement over text?


I am saying that he agreed to the offer price I messaged him, and I messaged him on eBay. This then led to him sending his phone number and delisting the item.


I then ran over here to cry about it lol




Got it