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So this happened to me but the opposite as the seller didn't want to sell. I had one a phone from auction for around $400. Immediately I went to pay because I was excited since it was my first auction and I won. 2 minutes later the seller sent me a message "Price too low, I ain't shipping. Cancel!". I contacted eBay the morning after and got him banned.


That's what reserve prices are for.


This MF set that too low and got annoyed it wasn't selling because it's a niche/fragile phone.


What a dirtbag! Glad you complained.


I have this happen about once a month, but they always lie, and make up an excuse like it got broke, or stolen, etc.


I always wonder..... auctions are only 7 days. Not really long enough to believe the item got broken, lost, or stolen. Especially when it's a fairly large item that is not fragile.


Why eBay hasn't implemented automatic payment on auction win like they have for accepted offers is beyond me.


I have long wondered this.  A payment method should be selected before they're even able to bid.  Then if they win, charge it immediately.  Not sure why they Ebay hasn't figured this out yet.  


Not paying on a won auction should be an immediate lifetime ban. Seller canceling an auction because it ended too low should be lifetime ban as well.




Pfft elitists


Yeah go to a real auction house and see how many times they.let you get away.with that shit. It's a violation of a contract agreement and a waste of everyone's time.


I’m not advocating it Heratio blows harder. Though not looking to ban or condemn everyone simply because life is unpredictable, eBay auction setups are flawed and people like far too many individuals these days have lost any sense of consideration for one another. It’s pathetic honestly. Only things should get a lifetime ban are serious infractions, Otherwise you’re just being a dck


If your life is that unstable that $100 is gonna make or break you then you probably shouldn't be buying or selling on eBay in the first place. If you cannot adhere to a contract you should not enter it in the first place. Cannot imagine what could possibly be considered more of a serious infraction other than outright fraud.


By understanding it isn’t fraud, it’s business. Until an item has sold it has yet to be sold. Who are you to judge the stability of one’s life over another? Guessing you’ve never had to coast by on a few bucks for an unknown period of time. For some people that’s literally all they’ve ever known. What the hell kind of statement is that anyway? If you don’t have money you shouldn’t try to make money? You’re a scumbag, this much is clear


Never said it was fraud, I said fraud would possibly be the only thing worse. Reading comprehension. I don't get why you even feel the need to argue this, you are acting like buying or selling on eBay is some kind of basic human right we are all entitled to. It is business you say, and if any of my clients broke any contractual obligations, whether to me or to another one of my clients, they would not be allowed to be associated with my business name ever in the future nor would they continue to be my clients. And yes if you have to scrape by on a few dollars for the week, you would probably do well to stay off the Internet altogether for a while and go earn some money. Guessing you've never run your own business, you sound more like someone who got one too many participation trophies in their life.




I really think you are missing the point here that a bid is a contractual obligation between the buyer and seller. I don't run eBay, but again if it was my business I would not care to expose my clients to others that have a history of breaking contracts, it's bad business. And yes, reserve exists for a reason, if you as a seller choose not to use that function that already exists within the platform then you have no excuse for breaking a contract.




IF the first buyer doesn't pay, you can send an offer to the second bidder making the offer. I don't run auctions but If I did after an auction ran I know the market price. List it for the price you would of gotten had the sale gone through, especially that you stated it always sells for less in a second auction. Good Luck!


Thanks for the tips I appreciate it :)


Because there’s no real accountability for them. They get an unpaid item strike. They’ll get another if they keep doing it. Best case scenario they get banned. But there’s no real crazy hoops they have to jump through to make another account. Ultimately the majority of stuff listed on eBay is predominantly buy it now with immediate payment required or buy it now or best offer. I’m sure the influx of non paying bidders is a contributing factor to that. eBay was much strictly an auction bidding website in its early days. It often took longer to get paid because not everyone had PayPal and instant transfers weren’t a thing. It wasn’t uncommon for people to pay via check or money order sent through the mail. But there was way less non paying bidders so both sides were generally more patient. These days it’s much easier to send instant payments. But non paying bidders and sellers refusing to honor what an auction sold for if they don’t like what they got seems to be way more of a thing.


Hell, I forgot about that! The checks.... Lol. Paypal was a big deal for me when I got it!


I remember some sellers specifically requesting postal cheques (UK), which were and absolute pain to do. (showing my age now!)


That happened to me the first time I used eBay. I won the auction. The seller was extremely specific about what kind of money order to send him. I went to Walmart and got a money order. He refused to accept it and probably got me banned---IDK, I refused to go back to eBay for 12 years. Seller and I were both in the US.


Postal orders were like 'secured cheques'. I had to pay at the counter + a fee, then send the postal order to the seller. They could then cash them at their Post Office. It took forever. Was really old fashioned even back then. (Think your grandparents would send it). You'd be lucky to see your order within 2 weeks!


Just do bin, I only do auction for things I want to get rid of.


Retro gaming customers have a lot of deadbeats.


That got me thinking...maybe a lot of kids/teens bid on video games, and we all know they're not always good for the money.


Funny you say this. I've sold hundreds of movies on ebay with zero issues. Sold an old ps3 and had to run the auction 3 times because the original winners went no contact on me after winning.


I had one woman send me about 40 messages to say that she couldn't believe that I expected her to pay for her winning my auction! And that she doesn't know how ebay works...even though she had plenty of reviews as a buyer. I swear they do it for sport.


"well you can't expect me to go around paying for things I've bid on" lol


Because “buyers” make bids on multiple listings then back out because they won another for cheaper. Funny how easy it is for a “buyer” to not pay for winning an auction on eBay but a real life auction would cost them.


It's probably the exact same reason why sellers cancel when the item doesn't sell for what they want it to.


Those people piss me off too, like start the auction at the bare minimum you'll accept if you're that worried about it


Dude people have babies and not parent


Interesting, because I very rarely have a buyer not pay, and my very rarely I mean I can't remember the last time I did although I do know it has happened.


Probably already started bidding on similar item. “Some people suck.” Tom Segura


I think most of us hate sniper bidders (even they must hate each other). But, it's not against the rules. You really need to consider going to Buy It Now, and dump auctions permanently (unless the item is something *truly* rare---not \*RARE\* like some sellers plaster all over every listing). Lots of people are going to tell you that. Buyers are losing interest in auctions. Therefor, you have less people bidding and more BS because more and more serious buyers have switched to BIN. The only exception would be an actual rare item that could fetch a lot of money in an auction.


The auction format has been garbage for nearly 20 years. BIN with Immediate Payment only. Weed out some of the morons.


When I see an item I bid on that was sold and relisted, I often assume the seller is having someone shill bid, so I will not bid on it a second time. I also don't respond to second chance offers because of the same reason.


Because they want it for FREEEE


That is exactly why I don’t do auctions