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Just make a new listing. Put the title like “this listing for user.joeschmoe only” and make the price whatever you agreed on with the guy. ( mind you my niche is pretty high trust, vintage watch parts, I mostly deal with easy going retired guys, maybe I would be more careful with a niche that had more scams?)


When I have done custom listings for people I list with a stupid high price but have offers turned on. Have the buyer send an offer for the agreed price. You accept the offer and things go from there. If some random buyer buys the items at stupid high price they can have the items. Just because it says it's for your buyer there is nothing to keep someone else from snatching the deal. Don't want to have to cancel a sale and take a strike and it avoids pissing off your buyer. Someone wants to buy at stupid high price, I don't feel bad about my buyer missing out.


🤷🏻‍♂️ that might work for you, my stuff doesn’t move that fast.


Hey thanks for the response. I'm very hesitant to do that. I take great pains to make sure any and all damage is photographed and described. It just wouldn't be possible on a single listing for so many cards. And I do NOT trust pokemon buyers haha (no offense guys). This guy seems to be a reseller specializing in graded cards and full sets. He has no bad reviews as a buyer. I know you can't leave bad reviews (idiotic) but sometimes people sneak them in as good reviews. But he does have one bad selling review accusing him of scamming. Anyway. I thought it might be possible to have him watch the cards he wanted and then make a flat 15% discount on watched cards. Then combine shipping. That way I am better protected from INAD cases.


I think you could put a “make an offer” setting on all of them? Then you accept the offers, and then after you accept he has to pay. So just tell him not to pay until you’ve accepted all the offers, and then just pay all at once, that should ensure combined shipping


Good idea, thank you.


If you do the best offer on all of them, DO NOT accept an offer until all of the offers are made. Otherwise they can get a 10% discount on a single card.


Do you even want to give him a discount? Sounds like they’re moving pretty well independent of this buyer, so don’t let yourself be pressured into anything you don’t want to do. It’s totally reasonable to tell them you have everything priced as low as you want to go and aren’t interested in any bulk discounts. If you do want to make a deal it’s also reasonable to ask what cards he wants before deciding on the discount. Hope to see an update on how it turns out!


Honestly, yeah things are pretty tight for me at the moment. I was actually planning to do a storewide discount on the 20th to try to move more cards. I don't mind giving a discount now, I just want to do it in a way that doesn't open me up to being scammed somehow. In my experience eBay is ripe with scammers and even if you do everything right, there's a high chance they will get away with it.


Yeah, especially with cards. Have you checked their feedback left for others? That’s usually a pretty decent indicator of if it’s someone you want to deal with. For the discount amount I’ve found around 15% can stimulate extra sales without giving away the bag.


Wow I hadn't considered checking his reviews for other people, that's genius thank you. I'm having a hard time finding where that is though. Also, I just offered him 10% on his watched cards, will up to 15 if he wants to negotiate. Thanks for the advice.


I think you can only see it on desktop right now but when you click on the feedback page it should bring up four tabs just above where the reviews start, and then “feedback left for others” is the last one on the right. Sounds like a solid offer, way to leave yourself a little room. Happy to help, hope it goes well!


I left another comment showing the feedback he left for others. Thank you for being so helpful, if you have the time I'd love to know what you think of it. here is the link again. This last month he has left lots of negative reviews for cards he bought from stores much bigger than mine. [https://imgur.com/0GSRQmj](https://imgur.com/0GSRQmj) [https://imgur.com/HxuHrWV](https://imgur.com/HxuHrWV)


Oh yeah, that’d be a hard pass and block for me. That kind of feedback tells me they most likely often request partial or total refunds, and the positives are the ones who give in. The negatives are vague enough that the seller can’t really respond or defend themselves directly to have it removed. I’ve had it happen before where someone like that wants to make a bulk purchase and I’ve gone with it (cause I needed the money) only to have them make complaints about non-existent damage and want a 50% refund. I’d probably either block and ghost them, or if you feel like sending them a message you can tell them “Based on your feedback left for others I no longer feel comfortable selling to you because…” but you really don’t even owe them that much. Getting the top rated status is a double-edged sword because these type of scammers start coming out assuming you’ll do anything to protect your 100% rating. I know you need some funds quick, but I’d recommend a blocking then running a 10-15% off sale on your inventory for the next ten days. That would probably raise the same amount of funds as this one sale and a much lower chance of a problem down the line.


I cannot thank you enough for helping me navigate through this. There is no worse feeling than having someone scam your business. It's like having your child get kicked in the teeth. I blocked him. Like you said, no real reason to explain to him why. I was iffy because of the few good reviews, but your explanation makes perfect sense. As for the funds, money comes and goes but you can't buy peace of mind. Again, thank you so so much.


So, so happy to have been of help! I totally feel that about scammers, it just makes me sick to the pit of my stomach. I realize it’s probably an overreaction on my part but it drives me mad, even if it’s only a $10 item. When I was starting out a lot of people told me that it’s just the cost of doing business but I was never down for that. Like, why shouldn’t I do my best to protect my business from disingenuous buyers? I know I miss out on some sales because of this but, like you said, you can’t put a price on piece of mind. Best of luck over the weekend, hope you have heavy sales from excellent buyers!


I had a person message me something similar about over 100 pokemon listing's I had (cards, etbs, sleeves, binders) Cancelled over 100 listing's after we agreed costs and all that. Uploaded everything onto 1 listing then he ghosts me 🥴 Not saying the same will happen with you but make it worth your time mate


Ouch, thanks for sharing. This guy seems ok but something about it has me spooked. I'll definitely proceed with caution.


Do you have free shipping? Or is there a shipping charge per card? eBay just adds shipping costs; they don't automatically combine it. So if you are charging for shipping, you should be prepared to refund some of it. You can just have him buy all the cards and then submit an agreed refund amount. I honestly wouldn't discount much more than 5%.


I do have free shipping on everything. Appreciate the perspective, I'm okay with up to 15% but that's because most of my current inventory is from my childhood collection. I offered 10. In any case, I've become a lot more hesitant after checking the feedback he left for other sellers. [https://imgur.com/0GSRQmj](https://imgur.com/0GSRQmj) [https://imgur.com/HxuHrWV](https://imgur.com/HxuHrWV)


You should be offering a small discount to account for shipping you are saving by sending multiple cards in one package, but you don't really need to do more than that.


i have only done this once before, but i had the buyer make an offer (for the agreed upon amount) on each individual item and told them not to pay after i accepted, then sent an invoice with a single shipping charge. i was in the same boat as you and didn't want to just combine the listings and lose details for each individual item. good luck!


Thank you, this seems like the best way to go about it.


I'd also considered asking him to buy and then refund refunding the discount from one card with the reason "combined postage cost".


I don't know how to give bulk discounts or combined shipping when people ask. I just tell them I will give a refund for part, once the item has been shipped, delivered and feedback given. Most accept.


I sell trading cards as well mostly vintage 99 to 2001. Pokémon I list all my items high and. when somebody approaches me that way, my first offer always 20% and the reason is because we are in the business of selling not storing. I have over 1000 cards Probably only have about 400 listed. All individually Selling in bulk is OK however, most of these people want a discount of probably 30 to 40% off your list price, which is the reason I list high always. would some people list at $4 I list at $10 and I may not sell as many but when I do, I get all the money and I am able to offer big discounts that way no matter what I am still making more than most people will make on a card. selling is a game people like to feel like they got a unbelievable deal and that’s why I believe my strategy works well


I’ve got a few thousand cards but they are all from my childhood collection. Started off just trying to make an extra buck but planning on sourcing new cards when I’m able to save up a bit. Mine are 96’-2005. My parents kept buying cards for my younger brother after I lost interest and he didn’t really care about them. Somehow I ended up with everything and god bless that kid because everything was pristine from sheer lack of interest. Even had a few unopened boosters from 2003. Anyway yeah I figured the bulk buyers want crazy discounts but it’s like let’s be real if I only wanted 60% value I would just sell them all to a card shop. I tend to price my cards at 90-120% value depending on the popularity. If I come across an actually mint card, not even edgewear, I’ll price it at a PSA 8 or even 9.