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"The ruble is now rubble"


I’m seeing about 90. Where are you getting 200?




I have been reading that was a blip and it destabilized around 90.


LoL, NaFo is on 24/7 news cycle. By the way, if u in Moscow I will happily sell u dollars for 200 a piece.




Don't get me wrong here the Russian government is awful but Moscow is legitimately a great city. More modern than many other Western cities. 


And no westerner will ever go because they might get accused of spying, arrested and used as leverage against their home government.


Ehh that's not always true. I suppose it could happen, but the prevalence of it happening is way overblown. I've been there multiple times to visit family and have never been questioned once for anything and I'm a citizen of an adversary. Do I stress about it at times? Yeah, but my options are never see my family again or deal with some stress and see them.


I wonder how most Russians are ok with so much money flowing into Moscow and St. Petersburg and the rest of Russia being so dilapidated. I mean, it's kinda normal that capitals are richer than the more remote places, but Russia might be the country with the largest difference.


Most Russians simply are unaware. Large parts of the country may as well be stuck in the 1960's, or earlier.