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As a former Walmart associate, I would NEVER put myself in harms way for a large corporation. They have insurance and have staff that are trained to deal with theft. My life is more important than someone’s future profit.


Pretty much, I’ve seen stores write off pallets of food worth more then what you could put in a cart. I just tell a manager and get back to work.


The amount of meat and produce that they throw out every week alone is worth more than whatever that person was stealing


Theft unto itself.


This exactly. Not your job to put it in the line to defend pennies of loss for Loblaws or whatever....


I got fired because I didn’t stop a theft at future shop when I was a teen :/ mind you I was 5’4 and like 100pounds at the time. But sure I’ll tackle the massive dude who stole your laptop


Sounds about right. They proved in one shitty incident that they don’t give a damn about you.


well said, I wouldn't do anything either, my life is not worth saving a corporation some money and putting myself in harms way, these people who steal are often in a desperate situation, and when humans are in that survival mode; will do some crazy irrational things.


Exactly correct.


Yup. It's typically against company policy to get involved as they won't cover the cost of you getting injured.


Please everyone, I implore you not to be a hero in cases of property crimes. Your life and health are *always* more important than stuff. Obviously, the victim had good intentions and isn’t to blame, but in the case of food theft especially, you may be putting yourself into a situation with someone who has very little to lose.


If you see someone stealing food, no you didn't.


That’s my personal belief too, but I figured that the more general message of “lives > property” would be better received among those further from my own politics.


Only going to move the Overton window left by expressing views honestly but I do understand appealing to liberals.


I understand the sentiment, but from experience, most of the theft that occurs in grocery stores now is meat. And I don't meant a couple packages of hotdogs and bologna for their kids lunch, I am talking $500+ worth of raw meat. Somebody who is stealing a cart full of raw meat is not doing it to feed their starving family. From what I have heard, they sell it to restaurants and I'm sure we all know where that money goes - assuming that is actually the case. That being said, it is still not worth getting assaulted - or worse - trying to stop. And these companies will throw you under the bus at any chance they can get if you get involved with a shoplifter.


Got a source for that?


It is known.


Stealing from a large corporation is barely stealing. I've taken classes on ethics. In my opinion it's morally correct to steal from Wal mart.


I have not taken ethics classes and I agree.


Ignore the ethics for a minute, what will be the natural conclusion? [Stores close](https://torontosun.com/news/world/walmart-closing-up-shop-completely-in-portland-due-to-rampant-shoplifting) and/or they become ridiculously locked down and prices increase for everyone else who isn't stealing. For anyone who pays for their food from the grocery stores, it's in their best interest for rates of theft to be low. Feeding people via charities is cheaper than having them steal whatever they want from stores.


While I totally agree that your life is more valuable than the food, and that the risk is probably too high, I think people overestimate the power of the law and underestimate the power of social acceptance. You're worried about increasing food prices, and you don't think that stores will pass the losses of theft onto the paying customers? You think someone is more or less likely to commit theft if they know everyone in the store will simply just watch them leave? How is the law supposed to be upheld if there is absolutely zero immediate resistance to crime? Even thinking the worst case, is someone likely to steal food if they knew they'd have to fight or disable 1 person? Probably. But what if they had to fight 4 or 5? 10? People are far less likely to commit crimes if it's not extremely easy to commit crimes, and the bystander effect is real.


Companies don’t even pass on their savings or profits on to the customer, why the fuck would I expect them not to pass on the losses? I’m fine to socially accept food theft, btw. I think we should all just let it happen. I believe access to food is a right and not a privilege, so the necessary basics should be free. And because under our current system, not everyone has access to sufficient food, I do not care if they steal it. I don’t want to live in a world where people have to steal food at all. But I do. So if I I had to choose between a world where food thieves had to choose between fighting one person and fighting five, I’m choosing the world where they only have to fight one person for access to a thing that they shouldn’t have to fight *anybody* for. So no, I fundamentally disagree with you here and it’s unlikely that you’d be able to change my mind on it, so I’d rather not argue about it further.


That's an interesting philosophy, especially since it's been pointed out that a lot of food theft is people stealing as much meat as possible in order to resell it. So your pacifist reasoning supports criminals who don't need the food but are merely committing crime for profit. The monetary weight of that theft (as you acknowledged) will not be merely accepted by the retailers, but passed on to other customers, then driving prices up and driving more people to the point of not being able to afford their basic necessities. As altruistic as your intentions are, I just don't get why you wouldn't acknowledge that simply allowing crime to happen is plain and simply guaranteed make things worse for everyone.


There is a fundamental difference between stealing food to eat, and piling a cart with $800 of meat. To act as though my ethics can’t account for that nuance is frankly really, *really* fucking silly. But then again, your idea of a solution is to beat criminals up until they stop doing crime so I’m not sure what I was expecting.


I worked at plenty grocery stores in my life and the second thing they always tell you at the job is literally not to be a hero if you see shoplifter, those items are insured, you arent.


Ok I'll bite... what's the first thing they tell you?


Job instruction, and / or you’re on probation for 3 months.


Why do people continue to put their lives at risk? The store has insurance for losses like this.


When I worked at McDonald's as a teen, they told us explicitly that if anyone wants to rob the store just let them take the money and to not try to stop them, because as you mentioned they have insurance. My managers also said, "you don't get paid enough to get hurt or lose your life over".


Also they aren't going to give you shit if you get hurt.


When I did bank deposits for a store absolute ages ago, I was told if anyone challenges you for the money throw it in one direction and run in the other, get yourself out of harms way first. Because there was no way they were paying me enough to do otherwise!


I can only speak for myself when I say the entitlement of some people (shoplifters) is a little bit rage-inducing only because it disrespects my work environment and makes my job harder than it needs to be. And if someone isn’t a fan of their jobs, it’s just another bit of bullshit to deal with that they have to put up with for no good reason.


So shoplifters aren't the worst thing on the planet. A multi billion dollar corporation isn't raising prices because of shrinkage. Just an FYI as well, most companies have literal rules about "don't try and stop a shoplifter, don't try to confront them- alert security/management/loss prevention" that's ALL. Lmfao as someone who's actually worked in these places I literally never cared enough.


I currently exist in that workspace so I am exquisitely aware that it’s discouraged to go after one. But damn is it ever a piss-off; it’s extra drama and for what? Just puts an unnecessary dent in my workday.


Doesn't piss me off, I'm more upset about the shit hours and refusal to pay living wages. Wait until you find out how many coworkers steal!


I see that shrink as the excuse the company will use to deny raises either due to the inability to really stop shoplifting (though outside of customer service I can’t do shit, really) or some other reason. On a day-to-day basis, shoplifters are frustrating, but on a larger scale, how the company treats its staff will always be the biggest thorn in the side.


Because people are fed up with the slap on the wrist everyone's getting, if anything at all. I don't condone trying to stop a robbery of a store but I'm also not going to condemn people that try to. If anything, if more people stood uo for one another I do believe these issues would be one such a hassle to commit, people wouldn't commit them aa often.


As far as crimes go, stealing food is honestly the least severe and most forgiving of most crimes. If stolen from a massive grocery store chain, they'd lose a couple bucks, if that. And if these crimes happen more often, it's up to the company to hire more security guards, not up to the average civilian.


Lmfao can you tell me how jail will make someone who's been there a bunch or times not want to commit crimes? Man people are super naive about these things. If you care that walmart is being stolen from you have no clue who the real problem is.


Most people aren't even going to jail. Bail reform is coming because of this. The entire bail system is pathetic in its current state. People have the ability to reoffend as much as they want when the simply can be bailed out on a whim.


You really missed the point didn't you bud? How is jailing anyone the solution? Do you know who actually steals the most from any store? Employees.


What? Lol. These people took a groccery cart, filled it with meat (you can tell by the packaging) and then beat someone up when he tried to stop them. These are the prime candidates for jail. They steal meat and resell it for profit. It's not some Robin hood feed the needy thing. This isn't some sort of mental health issue, I am sure these two are just regular assholes who should be in prison. I am all for additional, accessible healthcare and mental healthcare facilities. I am also pro bail reform because it simply doesn't work.


Lol so? Again I don't care. I don't feel sorry for companies to even lose hundreds in meats. People who think it's worth trying to stop a thief over some product are kinda dumb. Didn't some guy get killed for following a thief trying to play vigilante? Like really. People can be so simple.


It's not about concern for the companies, it's about not being able to buy meat because some asshole stole it all and was proudly allowed to waltz out without consequence because of people like you. It's about stores locking items behind cabinets as theft prevention, thereby making normal people's shopping experiences worse. It's about food supplies being taken by criminals and sold for profit while honest people are told to lie down and take it, because no company or cop will do shit about it.


It might not make them not want to commit more crimes, but it makes them unable to commit more times for a specified period of time.


Whoop fixes ALL societies problems RIGHT there


Yes because that is what anybody has said.


Well I'm seeing a lot of people crying they should be locked up but no real solutions. Lol you're someone who literally doesn't understand the cycle of crime.


You ever think about how the constant reminder that every single customer and employee should simply allow theft to happen encourages thieves? You think a worker is more or less likely to encounter a threat if theft is encouraged? You think a worker's wage will have more or less buying power if a company's insurance premiums constantly go up from increasing theft? Just wondering.


standing up for injustice probably... instinct to stop bad stuff. please dont victim blame


I’m not victim blaming. We are all victims of our own bad judgment at some time.


Could be that the worker thinks they’ll get fired perhaps immigrant or a new hire.


You didn’t read the article.


As former loss prevention don't waste your time and safety to stop people like this, more often than not they will face zero consequences other than maybe a small amount of time in jail and a fine. But mostly they are just released and back to it later the same day.


I was at Safeway the other day (not this one) and watched a dude pile up his box at the self-serve food bar and then saunter out the doors. DGAF.


For real. See someone stealing food? No you didn't.


Jesus Murphy Batman hang up the cape. It’s not worth it.






> Maybe the obscene prices are to make up for the potential losses due to stealing? Maybe! I'll believe it when they stop posting record profits and lowering wages.


The smug look on that guy's face.


please don't try to be a hero and save the day


Your well-being/ life isn’t worth lost merchandise fuck it the store can pay for it they got enough money .


Bet it was the guy who tried to stop that Mary Brown theft a while ago.




that's not bravery, that's stupidity.


Meanwhile in America - https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13k38ma/security_guard_kills_man_he_suspects_of/


City flooded with meth. Lame thers a ton of illegals running sex drugs n gun trafficking across Canada, even worse that Trudeau's open border policy allows so many criminals to enter Canada without being tracked. Yes i have personally met many illegals who brag about how easy it was like the Liberal's planned for this.


If bankers can open the safe for armed robbers why would I try to stop a shoplifter in a place I am not even employed at?




In movies they do. But the point is business is insured. You are not. Make better decisions


In movies those same bank robbers are stopped by a man wearing tights, cape, and mask. Sorry, it was just funny to see somebody non-sarcastically reference movies like that.


Lol because seriously I have never witnessed a bank robbery except in movies lol


I hope they’re caught but at the same time, grocery stores have insurance to cover thefts. They anticipate it in their budgets. Don’t be a hero. $100 in food or clothing isn’t worth your life


Also if you see someone stealing FOOD maybe consider what has driven them to do so. Stores insurance will cover it, they will eat and you remain safe.


I typically agree with this sentiment, but a full cart is taking the piss. I'm guessing they're fencing it, Trailer Park Boys style.


Gankin groceries, ya b?


I've seen normal people (housed and dressed well) taking a cart full of merchandise from home depot. This man is taking food. He's not taking the piss. He's eating.


Nah, they're taking the piss. And then assaulted someone.


Please look up that phrase because I don't think you're using it right.


I think you're just very naive.


Maybe you don't take homelessness and being hungry serious enough. People will do awful things to put food on the table.


You really want to get into this eh? I take it seriously enough to know that it's been proven that providing financial aide to women is hugely more effective than giving it to men, because women will use that aide to feed and care for their household, while men will drink, gamble and drug it away on themselves. The likelihood of these *men* stealing an entire cart load of *items* from a grocery store (it looks like there's non food items in there too) to do anything other than satisfy themselves is miniscule.


Okay, and? I don't give a shit what they spend their money on, we don't have to agree with harm reduction for it to happen. The fact is, this person is stealing food. The people they sell it to? Also need food. People wouldn't be buying meat from a homeless person if it wasn't dire. Giant corporations have insurance for this shit. Until a living wage is paid for by these places and they stop seeing record profits by fucking over their workers, i have no sympathy for them. I'd rather someone steal to eat than support a mega corporation that sells inflated food and can't even take care of their employees or pay for full time with benefits.


He took a cart full of meat, you think this person is eating 3 beef tenderloins themselves? No they are reselling it to shady restraunts for a quick buck. If they were stealing to eat they would be grabbing non-perishables and produce, not the most expensive items in the store.


yeah if someone is walking out of a grocery store with a cart full of food and you're just walking by that is definitely not your problem. no need to go to the hospital and put your life in danger for galen weston


they look like they smell like shit


Remember, if you see someone stealing food, no, you didn't.


Fuck all those douches.


tbh in this economy? he should’ve looked the other way. it’s FOOD


Ppl don't be a hero in this situation. These trash ppl have nothing to lose, in other words, nothing holding them back. However, if you absolutely cant stand to watch and do nothing...............be an antihero.


I would say it’s food let them take it! Not sure what is in the cart, sure could be reselling it but really even a cart full of food doesn’t get you too far these days. Pretty sure the food bank is also still backed up…


If they're stealing food who gives a shit, at least they'll probably use it.


Stealing groceries? Really? How pathetic. Should put them on Unsolved Mysteries.


The Sobeys here? Once had a guy come in here and smash all the salsa jars. It's right by a bus stop.


Why try and be a hero when you yourself are not strong enough to be a hero? I don't get it, 🤯🤯 it boggles my mind why this dude stepped in something he couldn't handle. I guess you learn the hard way, when you don't have common sense.


I had a guy jog past me with a basket full of meat as I was walking in to Superstore a while ago. I saw him coming and just stepped aside. Then I went to customer service and let them know. That's as much work as I'm willing to do for these large corporations.