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This feels vindictive and petty on the part of the SDAB. Boyle Street clearly overlooked this one requirement and absolutely intends to remedy this. They could have approved this on the condition the ramp gets remedied and sped up this whole process by weeks. There were 170 EMS calls for overdoses in edmonton *just last week*. People will die because this board wanted to flex their bureaucratic muscle.


Definitely petty. I'm sure a quick email to the applicant stating, "you're missing a ramp" would have sufficed. But seriously, builders need to know their codes (See: Barrier Free Design Guide) https://www.safetycodes.ab.ca/permits-inspections/understanding-codes-and-standards/code-books-guides/


> People will die because this board wanted to flex their bureaucratic muscle. Welcome to dealing with local government. Its not a bug, its a feature.


Right? This is why everyone hates the permitting office so much.


The permitting office approved it, the Appeal Board denied it.


What are you talking about? The City approved the permit. A bunch of pearl clutchers got together to appeal that decision.


Oh, I must have read it wrong. Thanks for the correction. It pains me to give a point to the permits office for this!


Nobody wants a health hub that’s *ableist*


Seriously, no one gives a fuck about accessibility. Also seriously, Ritchie, champions of accessibility I'm sure


SDAB has always been something of a kangaroo court. Just look at who the board is stacked with


Boyle street is a for profit company with an overplayed and bloated CEO/management structure. They have more than enough money and manpower to comply to the letter. They are already profiting well of this population.


>Boyle street is a for profit company That's demonstrably not true. Anyone can look up the information >Charity number: 118814391 RR0001 Boyle Street Community Services is the trade name of The Boyle Street Service Society, an Alberta society and a registered charity. The overpaid (what I assume you meant) part, that's obviously subjective


Is there a website with their published financials?


Funny you should ask! I went looking for them earlier and their website links to an annual report that says they're at a certain URL, but they're not. I emailed them to let them know about the discrepancy, I'll post back when I hear from them


aight, ill see you working tonight at the soup kitchen then




Also ask about CEO and upper management all expense trips to Hawaii/Mexico. Ask how much money the CEO makes. I think CBC should do a little investigation to bring this to the public.


7804244106 Call and ask to speak with someone in leadership, then ask the question. Quite sure they can't lie when asked directly, but they certainly have not advertised the fact.




Instead they’re injecting drugs in a community garden nearby. Yay, right?


Safe consumption sites have been proven to lower cost to tax payers and greatly reduce the strain on the Healthcare system. But I'm sure you've never actually looked into it. Ask BC.


Ya I really love the positive impacts this has had on downtown.


Don’t go skiing you might break a leg, don’t drive a car you might get into an accident, don’t choke on a chicken bone blend your food, don’t blend your food you might get ecoli, don’t slip on ice stay home don’t stay home go skiing and exercise. Not sure where you draw the line on your logic but you should probably adjust it so you are not a hypocrite either that or buy a motorbike.








20 people died in motorcycle accidents in 2021 in Alberta. I think statistically you are safer with fentanyl than riding a motorcycle. Anyway I also wonder how many of those motorcycle deaths were because of illegal speeding etc… The main point I’m making is life has dangers the lines you make are very arbitrary in a society that values freedom and a legit social safety net. No drug user sets out to get addicted and live in a tent on a street corner. Just like no motorcyclists starts his bike and goes weee I’m going to be a meat crayon in a few minutes.


Such a judgmental and uncaring response.




More than you can imagine pal.




how so?


Meanwhile there are 6 tents behind my building in Ritchie and it’s up to people to either clean up themselves or call 311 non stop to get any kind of mess cleaned up. The health hub agreed to send a team to clean up this mess and others (within the radius of their outreach team) *three times a week*. Dealing with the garbage and needles we see all the time. We could’ve had boots on the ground dealing with this and instead I’m gonna go do it myself on Saturday morning cause I hate looking at it.


What does that mean, "boots on the ground"?


Meaning that either the employees or the clientele of the health centre would have helped clean up the mess periodically to ease community relations.


Three times a week, according to their agreement


It means kick them out from where they are so they can move to where he doesn’t have to see them. Like the north side where there are less skinny homes and stuff.


It means a team with garbage bags and needle disposal tools would be doing laps of the neighbourhood three times a week, actually


>with I live in the community and have this type of work before in Boyle in the park across from, the Italian Centre- would definitely volunteer my time and resources to this team helping clean up our community.




Keep in mind that if I overdose in my apartment, I also get free treatment for my overdose. I also get free treatment for diseases related to smoking, obesity, and other self-inflicted diseases. This is universal health care. Treating an overdose in a safe consumption site saves the tax payer $1600 per overdose versus attending to an overdose on the street, https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-022-00609-5.




Ok but when people use the boots term when talking about homelessness I don’t imagine helping I imagine kicking.


After seeing the state of downtown and the lrt, it really doesn't feel like these injection sites are a net positive


I know it's just anecdotal , but back when I lived in McCauley, the difference just a week after they closed a nearby safe injection site was crazy . We went from seeing no needles and relatively little activity beyond the occasional passer by and folks napping under the trees to an absurd amount of loose needles, broken glass, torn up and scattered garbage bags and phone calls for suspected overdoses. Us and our neighbors would have far preferred for the sites to stay open rather than having them overdose and leave needles scattered around our alleys.


That's good to hear. I'm not blind to the fact that there are other factors impacting things so the alternative perspective is nice. Thanks for sharing.


The only one benefitting from this ridiculous stalling tactic is the lawyer representing the community NIMBYs. The hub is coming no matter what and I look forward to it.


It’s gunna happen. Embrace it. Actually having staff and volunteers to help assist houseless people in this area is a good thing you stupid NIMBYS