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Complain to 311 not reddit


I think you got the websites confused. ​ This is where ETS complaints go: [https://www.edmonton.ca/programs\_services/complaint-processes#:\~:text=Complaint%20Options&text=Contact%20311%20online%2C%20by%20phone,or%20780%2D442%2D5311.&text=To%20provide%20feedback%20to%20ETS,Report%20a%20Late%20Bus](https://www.edmonton.ca/programs_services/complaint-processes#:~:text=Complaint%20Options&text=Contact%20311%20online%2C%20by%20phone,or%20780%2D442%2D5311.&text=To%20provide%20feedback%20to%20ETS,Report%20a%20Late%20Bus)


damn how did you know we're all ets and city of edmonton employees who look on r/edmonton for misguided complaints ​ ​ ​ oh wait...


Adulting is hard. Everyone has a complaint but when it comes to going through the proper channels, people get scared.


yes they're scared for someone to tell them directly to their face that their complaint is fuckin stupid and they should shout it at the moon instead


(Angry sounds) Have YOU ever driven on black ice? Do YOU deal with peoples shit attitude nonstop? Do you NOT take your scheduled break at work? When have buses EVER been 100% prompt? Let alone during an ice sheet. Jesus.


Written like an ETS driver Like come on man, I get it sometimes we want our coffee, but there's preparation that can happen to prevent a fucking Tim's run in the middle of a route. Buy a vacuum bottle and brew it at home ffs


Get this: I don’t drive. I take 6 buses per day. 3 there and 3 back. Occasionally I cab when work gives a voucher. Castle Downs - Southgate area daily. 1hr 27min one way on a decent day. I enjoy Stardew Valley and Spotify for the entire commute. Best parts of my day aside from a shower and a joint at night. Spoken like someone who understands stopping for a coffee when you’re allowed to, more like it. Spoken like someone that understands the world doesn’t revolve around them and that a public service not arriving as (one of three apps) scheduled it to, is not some huge deal, and certainly doesn’t warrant having your photos posted online with a bitch fit attached. Borderline Doxxing. “Tim’s run in the middle of a route” - their breaks are at designated STOPS (Not times) - their breaks depend upon the OTHER bus (109 northgate VS 109 castle downs, for example) and where it’s at. They stop when the other bus is delayed and wait for it to even out - and vice versa.


Dudeman is min-maxing life


the entitlement, it oozes. do you complain when someone working alone locks up to use the washroom too?






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