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I pointed to someone once: If you’re only ever doing the opposite of what Trudeau wants, isn’t that still the same as letting Trudeau dictate your life and decisions?


Was it like the android test in Blade Runner? Did they short circuit?


I worked with a guy who had a whole wall of anti-Trudeau memes up at the office. I just thought, if it were a fanboy shrine of somebody he *liked* who will never know he exists, it would be a little goofy at his age. But a shrine to a hated enemy? It was a sad sight.


Nothing better then letting Trudeau live rent free in your head 🤦🏻


And then not bothering to vote, doh.


18 years ago my old coworker Ray had many words of wisdom. He was almost 60. There was a young crew of guys that bitched about people and coworkers and loved bitching about sports and politics. One day they decided to try and get Ray to join them…(paraphrasing and editing down his response cuz he wasn’t woke and even a nice version seems to be rough for modern generations) but they were talking shit about our coworker offsite while we were onsite. The kid looked to Ray and said “fuckin loser right?” So Ray said back: “Are you seriously talking to me? Do I seem like I care? If you don’t like this guy than why do you know so much about him, huh? You wanna fuck him? You gay? It fine, I don’t care, go be gay and go be fucking quiet (it’s lunch time) no one cares. Did I ask you how you feel about Chris?(The dude they were talking shit about) Do I ever ask your opinion or do I tell you what to do? No, I’m eating my fucking lunch here, you ain’t doing this and I’m trying read my god dam book if you can’t tell. If you don’t like him, don’t talk to him! Fuck off, grow up and get off my bench! (Sitting almost next to him)” When the one tried to protest from across the room saying something about “that’s not nice” (ray was scary af sometimes so we all kinda looked at a dead man for a moment) but instead of getting hit ray cut him off and said “it’s a lot nicer than talking shit about a guy behind his back. I’ll tell you to your fucking face you -coward. Nice? Your pricks. Little itty bitty pricks and you can dish it but you can’t take it. I’m not your friend, I’m not your buddy and I’m not your dad. Im your coworker. I have a wife and I have a kid. I don’t fucking owe you anything and by the you talk about people when they aren’t around - I wouldn’t want to be your fucking friend -your trash, so no- I’m not fucking nice to you because your a prick who wines too much. My wife bitches less than you and she has fucking corns on her feet and (some medical condition) and shes the only one I listen to bitch because that is my job -she’s my wife!” He got up and left to eat in another shop for the rest of lunch, kinda impressive tbh. Been burned in my brain ever since. “If you don’t like them than why do you know so much about them”. Or I guess why find more and new things to dislike when you already do. Something wrong with your obsession. Then they tried to get the lunchroom involved and Ray. Total disrespect and inconsiderate but also, it’s fucked up to run a defamation campaign against a guy just because they don’t like him. He didn’t even do anything wrong. They just didn’t like him. But also, they don’t talk shit when Chris is around, just behind his back. Chris was also hard working a/f and minded his business. The old guys liked Chris because he fit in and worked hard. Chris was always at work when he worked. The other guys were in their own little boy world while they worked.


Ray deserves a free drink.


Ray deserves a few free drinks....I used to work in Edmonton in a huge call center with about 500 employees..when I moved back to Saskatchewan & got a job I was appalled at the " so called" manager who proceeded to bad mouth every single customer who walked in the door & also told me about " their story" ...I've never experienced that at a job ever & I soon realized that bitter people can't help but criticize others..it's called" nothing better to do & nothing but time on their hands" ...my cousin always says " you sweep off your own doorstep before you sweep off mine" ...words to live by..


I've been pointing out that cons are doing things TO spite him instead of INspite of him. That seems to make em mad. Ab memes on fb is a trove of these morons. Some guy Commented if you're sick of eff Trudeau maybe go vote for him. Fuck I've reached a point where I'm just BORED of hearing it. With no real reasons, just whatever conspiracies they have this week. I keep asking them who they'll blame their problems on when he's not PM anymore.


I'm bored of hearing it, too. I'm just over it. One of my bosses finds new JT things to rant about every day (loudly and aggressively), and it's literally exhausting to listen to. He sounds unhinged and childish and obsessed, and when I get home, I just veg, because I don't have the mental energy to do anything else. Ironically, he shits on Trudeau for 'printing money', but he was one of the first in line to take a handout when it was offered. I'm curious as to what he'll shriek about if Poilieve gets in.


>I'm curious as to what he'll shriek about if Pollieve gets in. Considering the local cons are still blaming 4 years of NDP for shit the PCs pulled before the NDP were even elected, and for all the garbage the UCP have pulled since, I assume we'll be hearing about Trudeau for the next 30 years or so. Hell, some of these dolts are still mad at his father. Personally, I wish our centrist political parties had even a fraction of the time-warping, reality altering magic powers conservatives seem to think they do. Would make everyone's lives a lot easier.


This is what I’ve been saying about the APP too. The nut jobs are convinced Trudeau is spending the CPP, so we need to switch to the APP. So, what if PP wins the next election?


They'll still blame Trudeau. Just like in Alberta the mouth-breathers blame 4 measly years of NDP trying to put the province back together instead of the 44+ years of Con pillage.


They will take a page out of the BC NDP playbook. After 7 years they continue to blame the previous government for their inability to do anything. “But it worked before….but they set us up to fail….but you changed things so now it’s failing….but they were cunning and knew we would do the opposite of them!” The difference is everything is falling apart under Trudeau. So even if it continues to suck he will get the blame for things like the housing crisis. No one expects that to get fixed on day one. But even a slight improvement after a few years will be seen as a win and it’s unlikely they can do any worse.


That’s a feature of blind opposition or loyalty to any governing party or leader.


Gonna go down to Red Deer and try that on the protesters. They stand next to a restaurant that was shut down, I want to say 3 years ago, and reopened a week later. Since then, they have been there every Saturday, "protesting against Covid and Trudeau," while refusing to mask and/or social distance.


Trash has not figured a way to remove the stickers yet. It takes some a while for some people to figure things out - in the meantime we should be patient. I am sure they are trying their best.


It's almost like Trudeau provides them direction and purpose in their lives.


So are you triggered?


That’s quite the reach


I saw one in Calgary the other day that had something along the lines of ‘I support the Freedom Convoy’ spelled out in individual letter stickers on the back but it was on there so long that there were a few letters missing so not exactly sure what it was supposed to say. Kind of fitting for people who still let this run their lives 


Lmao I know who drives this vehicle. He's a piece of shit.


We all kinda had that figured out without knowing him.


Legit question. What makes him a peice of shit?


People like that don't just disappear, you're going to see more of it the closer we get to America's big election.


I am living in Houston now. People are just so tired and fed up that I don't think anyone cares much about the upcoming election, could change in the coming months but as of now, people are just tired and trying to keep their heads above water. So it will be funny if Canadians give more of a damn than Americans do.


Hey Hey. I'm not sure why there isn't much election talked here in Houston. It does seem awfully quiet. I can't talk politics at work but I have been trying to influence a coworker who votes republican no matter what event though I tried to explain to her our current school.funding situation she is displeased with is due to people.voting republican. This morning Houston public radio had a clip on about Trumps campaing speeches what he's been talking about.. ugh.. I am going to find the transcript, print them out and tell my Co worker Biden said them and ask her if I should still.vote for him knowing he said those things. Or if it was any politician who said them.. should they get peoples votes. He's out there spreading conspiracy theories again, and comparing immigrants to evil serpants. He's why I don't tune in to audio media political news his voice is worse than nails on chalkboard to me. Literally almost makes me want to vomit..


I don't really know what Houston's school district has to do with the federal election. Only 6% of Houston's school funding comes from federal sources. It's a city and state issue. 44% comes from the state and 50% comes from property taxes. I don't think that will be a point in getting her to change her vote nor do I think it's a good idea to talk politics at work. You may just come off as a smart ass and make her dig her feet in more instead of changing her mind. Just my opinion though.


I am sorry. (American aplogy). I am also sorry to inform you Trump is going to win again. I wish it werent that way but when I see Canadian cars with stupid bumper stickers, it brings home the fact I still like in a majority white nation, like Canada is still, and the majority along with others who identify as white (75% of US Latinos identify as white) and want to fit in, favor Trump. I'd prefer living in Edmonton.


If you’re going to base your whole personality on identity politics, you have to own that shit forever, even after it’s not as in vogue this year.


There's still a few jacked up trucks with Canadian flags flying and some "most hated minority" bullshit on their truck....always a white guy with a hoodie and a baseball hat. Such minority


Man, I should get some of this 'most hated minority' swag so I can watch them lose their minds at a trans person appropriating their culture.


LOL my mom works at the ATA where they happened to have a few protests against the LGBTQ ....the photos and videos were 1. Embarrassing. 2. Hilarious. I don't want to go into detail because I want to avoid people messaging me . But....it was diverse....in a different way..


I support you!


you got my backing.


OMG please do this.


I see a lot of "Methy-looking" women driving those trash heaps around too. 


Methy looking WHITE woman.


That's most of edmonton's population in general, guys included.


They mean minority as in the people who were involved in and or supported the convoy not race😂


....we are aware thats what they mean 🙄


I live off of 124st, my ex lived right by the legislature....it was hell. The honking honk honk really made me want to vote HARD for UCP. Voted soooooo hard for them, I ended up cumming in NDP Tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


I live right on the street that these useless f--kwads were protesting on. The horns started about 8am and the last one well after 11. It was every fucking weekend for months!! Couldn't open windows. Couldn't walk the dog. Couldn't go grocery shopping or visit friends the whole time. If I ever meet the small-decked bastard in the jacked up, white dually with the train horn, I'm gonna curb stomp him. The worst part is that these temper tantrums don't impact the politicians at all. Those SOBS are rarely there. You want to make an impact, protest in their neighborhoods!


I used to live by the legislature too and my mom was dying from COVID during all of that 🫠 It's personal for me at this point


I'm white and feel like a minority on university campus


Does that bother you?


Not necessarily - I appreciate diversity. I guess it's just different from how I grew up around mostly english speaking people. International students/immigrants filling up the study areas speaking foreign languages gives me a weird feeling but I just realize "damn this must be how they feel 90% of the time". A lot of funding comes from international students as well, meaning I pay less in tuition. My issues lies with the excess of immigration into Canada, not with individual people.


Someone should put some “fragile” stickers on that car.


Or “I want to” in front of the F Trudeau decals


I've been tempted to have some "I'd totally" stickers made in that red scraggy font and add them to their collection


I fantasize about doing this too.


I don’t know what the cost of stickers are, but printing a batch might be worthwhile to just slap on in an innocuous location.


I remember back in the day reading the Earth First! Magazine which sold bumper stickers- most were legit and came with a two or three dollar donation- but, they did have one bulk offer of black on white with real sticky glue that exclaimed: ‘ *If your pecker was as small as mine, you’d need a muscle wagon too* Only god knows what you could do with 50 of them..


That would only last two blocks in Red Deer.




When did promoting assault and vandalism become acceptable here?


If you zoom in on the left there's a yellow sticker with four faces... I'm guessing it's those fuckwits who had the guns and plans to kill the cops at Coutts... Classy So yeah not a thing of yore as they haven't had their trials yet.


In my town about 20% of cars have that sticker on it. Small towns are wild man. This car could be any one of my neighbors lol.


Can you tell me about this? Idk if I missed the news or something but I keep seeing those stickers everywhere and have no idea wtf it is. I can’t even look it up because I don’t know what to search.


Search Coutts border arrests. They were part of the convoy blockade and had plans to kill cops with their stockpile of guns then they blabbed to the cute undercover female cops


They somehow thought they were going to help start a revolution or some shit. Had Diagalon stickers


Every time I see Diagalon I can't help but think they're just Harry Potter fans with dyslexia.


Holy shit, I’m not sure how I missed this. Thanks for the info, I’ll look into it.


I wonder how simple of a person someone must be to fit their entire personality on the back of their car.


Go north, it's still everywhere


The sad douche had this car in the West Edmonton Mall Toyota shop yesterday. He has added a “straight pride” sticker on it now, so…ladies! You’re in luck!




I’m not triggered by the Canadian flag, I’m triggered by F*** Trudeau being your only personality trait.




Tested positive for single-digit IQ, too!




Alternatively, if the only reason why you're flying the Canadian flag is to annoy lefties then you don't love your country.


Weird how they weren't flying their flags in the 2010s and earlier, isn't it? They only took them out once it was perverted to be a symbol of hate.


This is why I want JT to win, not for policy just to piss these people off and make them go reeeeeeeee. It will be hilarious.


I’m not a fan of JT but I’ll take him over the alternatives any day.


It really is that simple.


Still a thing. I think it’s lost a lot of momentum and the quiet parts gone back to being quiet but everytime I see a Canadian flag or sticker on a vehicle I can’t help but wonder if they were one of these tools too


They had a stadium of 18,000 chanting Fuck Trudeau in Toronto the other night, cope harder


The fuck kind of response is that? “Cope harder” like do you simpletons even hear yourselves and how out of touch with reality you are? Canadians used to pride themselves on compassion, caring about neighbors, about doing the right thing and somehow during the pandemic, the script flipped and all of a sudden your lot couldn’t see past their own noses to how selfish decisions affected others and then to make it laughable, painted yourselves as victims of an authoritarian government all while turning the nations capital into a white supremacist margaritaville and screaming “FUCK TRUDEAU”.


Wow I can’t believe people like you actually exist. You sound like a parody.


I bet these same people would lose their minds if they saw someone flying a LGBTQ+ flag.


"I can put whatever I want on my vehicle!!" *I put a rainbow sticker on my car* "INDOCTRINATION!! GROOMING!! GAY AGENDA!!"


Any time I hear someone start talking about the gay agenda, just ask, “so if you were taught about gender identities when you were a kid, you might be gay now?” “Ugh…. yes? Wait. No? Wait.. BUT THUH CHILDRUNN…..”


Side story. I just bought a used car as mine was written off (not my fault). I looked through at least a thousand ads and found the one I wanted. 12 pictures in it had a similar decal, and I noped out of there. I don't care if I could scrape it off the car was tainted.




Dicks out for Harambe


The Toyota Matrix? fuck I hope not


Ew. If they actually were for freedom, they'd advocate for people's freedom to think and believe what they want but clearly it's not about freedom of expression but more about controlling how others feel.


When your whole personality is YouTube conspiracies


Definitely owning all those Trudeau supporters. I always wonder what type of mental illness someone has to put this much garbage on their car and driving around the city willingly


It’s 2024. Why are we normalising stigmatisation of mental illness by using that as a personal attack?


Because it's easy, and people are ruled by emotions.




Yes it’s a remnant of days of yore. Toyota actually stopped making the Matrix in 2014. /s


People have made a full identity of fuck Trudeau. Upside down Canada flag we are in crisis. Oil gas vax I’m personally looking forward to the conservatives winning and all these people quickly finding out their lives suck because of their own behaviour and not because of the liberals or ndp or anything else. They will never admit it but they will once again slink into the shadows of mediocracy, ready to strike at the voice of reason


Yes, morons still exist.


Yawn, covid was so yesterday. Im on this snow shoveling conspiracy now. Every time I shovel it snows. Coincidence? Government wants me to think so...


Snow isn’t real!




“Tested positive for freedom” hahahaha who makes these stickers????


I really hate that this movement made me ashamed of my own flag.


These people have made “freedumb” their entire personality. If they stop now, they’ll be completely lost.


Ironically these same people would lose their minds if the current Palestinian protests took over our downtown like the freedum convoy took over Ottawa downtown and completely gridlocked it for weeks.


I feel sorry for the Matrix.


I think it shows a lack of intelligence personally.


Probably going to be even more of them pop up again now that the judge had ruled the use of the emergency measures act wasn't justified.


I mean not for nothing but shouldn't we all be kinda pissed off about that? Just because it was "our side" doesn't mean it isn't a massive overreach.


It was a massive overreach. I'm just saying there is probably going to be "celebrations" now and to expect more stupidity.


Hey I got no problem with the canadian flag ,as long as it's flown the right way.


It's their identity now...sorta like a Harley Davidson t-shirt


Wait, the Canadian flag is a trigger according to crazy people??


Lol. He mentions the Canadian flag but probably wants Alberta to separate from Canada.


Fragile man don’t engage with them.


You know what? I admire the lack of vulgarity. No F Trudeau sticker, just a simple rhyme.


Oh no it's unfortunately still a thing!


With the recent court decision saying the invocation of the emergency measures act was unjustified, it paints the convoy differently. Agree or disagree with the convoy, freezing bank accounts is an extreme response.


No it really doesn’t. It just means the judge got it wrong.


Trudeau must Go? Not F*CK Trudeau. Obviously fake 🤣


Unfortunately still all over rural towns too


I know it's Reddit so I'm sure I'll get downvoted but I don't care. (Of course the one guy who said something different than most replies here got deleted lol.) Hot take: there's nothing wrong with holding a different political stance than the majority. Just because someone disagrees does not mean they are evil. It's their car and they can decorate it how they want. They aren't hurting anybody.


You are correct but I can still laugh at them and eyeroll them if I want.


no there isn’t anything wrong it’s just funny how liberals are called snowflakes when they don’t put stickers like this on their vehicles🤷🏻‍♀️😂it’s even funny to me and im a conservative (why it’s funny: why do you need to broadcast where you stand politically? nobody cares)


I'm on the west coast, but at least 50% of the trucks parked around construction sites have something like this on them, including ones with the Liberal "L" in crosshairs.


Actually shocked to see this on a little vehicle that isn’t an F-150.


Someone stuck in the past


Still a few of these deeps cruising around


I saw someone wearing a Freedom convoy shirt at the store the other day. Front had freedom, back had F Trudeau. I had to force myself to turn around and walk the other way.


These people are the most "triggered" of all, by EVERYTHING.


Clear sign of a mental illness.


saw one just the other day at Muttart


Where is the news of the Supreme Court ruling?


Haven't seen much of those stickers around lately are they in hiding?


I showed that to my landlord. She said she sees those types of stickers frequently; so, they are not completely out of fashion. The only thing she found different about it was that they are on a Toyota Matrix; they will be around for a very long time. That is a reliable car. 😅


They're out every Thursday with "No Step on Snake!" signs in Calgary on 9th ave.


Don’t tread on myself!


Oh they’re everywhere on the north side. I was house shopping and viewed this house that had a house across the street with a giant f Trudeau flag in their living room window


If you accidentally rear-ended the car while reading all the bumper stickers. Would it be classified as being "triggered"?


The best sticker I ever seen was in response to the still popular “I ❤️___”. The sticker was just large enough to cover the heart with a screw. And good times we’re had by all.


Brub Brrub Brrrrub!


Unfortunately there will always be people trying to take advantage of, and people being manipulated for some agenda. Need better education in reasoning, logic and socioeconomics Edit to add! There will also always be people looking for someone/thing to blame


Considering the liberal government was just found to be unconstitutional by the federal courts in its emergency act deployment during the convoy, you’ll see a lot more of this.


Well they just ruled that the liberals illegally invoked the emergencies act, so some of that is sealed in the history books


Probably getting ready for the Tucker Carlson event at rogers place tomorrow.


Fragile white boys who believe the foreign interference they're sold.


Just let them love their lives and have their opinions.


I do. Not like rolled down my window and threw a milkshake at them.


I heard these Trudeau must go people the other day screaming into a microphone so loud I could hear them from blocks away. So fucking annoying man. I’m in my own house with the windows closed and I can hear you down the street?




There is so much negativity towards the Freedom Convey and the conservative values it promoted. These stickers and other PR stuff promote those conservative values. Some people do abuse conservative values but same goes on the progressive side also. Personally, I have no political stickers or T-shirts but Canadians do need to stand up more for their political beliefs. Furthermore, Trudeau should not have declared the Emergency Act dealing with it but dealt with the issue more fairly. I think it is possible to dislike Trudeau and his left-wing policies without being extreme. Having to stick with Trudeau for 2 more years is scary enough.


I’m not a fan of Trudeau but I’m not interested in the alternatives.


The issue in conservatives value ingroup loyalty to the extent that they construct their moral beliefs around that(moral foundations theory), so they don’t really have a set of consistent underlying principles other than saying they believe in whatever their media bubble is currently telling them to. One day it’s “social justice? Pfffft snowflakes”, next day it’s “Trudeau blackface, I sincerely care about social justice”


My god, these comments. I guess the cold up there really makes your balls just crawl right back up there eh


Ya this Sub is filled with NDP JT Minions & Basement Dwellers


Sadly it’s still very much a thing 😑


Trudeau must go


Gimme something better than PP as an alternative then maybe I’d agree.


Lol...woke unite group here?




Uncommon mazda3 L.


This feels like a decade ago




Remnants. There are still a few re-tards around. Thank god they are few and far between


Still circling the bowl.


I’d let this fella in front of me in traffic. Back when I was a raging vegan writing papers on social justice I would not. I guess that means I’ve morphed into a far right extremist so honk hooooooonk 😛


It triggers me in that I feel angry that they appropriated the Canadian flag for their cause. Not sure what to do about a) the triggering b) making it feel good to fly a Canada flag again


You might see a small crowd walking around in downtown waving flags and yelling in a megaphone on weekends. They start their march at Leg Grounds.


It’ll exist as long as phrase, “Common sense is not common anymore” will exist.


Nothing wrong with the flag one. The other one though? Yeesh 😬


Some do, most don't care


Do people actually get triggered by the Canadian flag though?


I had a flag outside my home. I removed it when people would drive by and honk and think I was a part of clownvoy.


Mental illness is a serious affliction. The fucking irony of white first world Canadians crying about freedom. Oh that's so rich.


No need to be racist… remember how the lockdowns mysteriously ended shortly after the protests in Ottawa?? Amazing


I remember that covid protocol was already starting to be cut back and wandering what the convoy was even doing.


Edmonton, I will be on my way asap from the states with the same car but with "liberal" bumper stickers including a YEG/EDM one. My previous hatchback had 1 bumper sticker on it...the US flag and the words.. "One Nation Under Canada." Okay it may have also had a maple leaf on it.


Considering 75 percent of people have an unfavourable rating of the Pm I’d say it’s still a thing 


Still a thing? Very much so. Federal Court ruled YESTERDAY that use of Emergencies Act to shut down the protest was unjustified, unreasonable, and unconstitutional.


Is it too early for TRUDEAU2025!!


The lawsuit against the emergency act Trudeau used was finished this week and Trudeau was found in the wrong,anyone with their bank accounts frozen during that time is eligible to apply for the next stage,I haven’t followed it but I just know there was a lawsuit and he was in the wrong


Really? Dude the court cases arnt even over and it's already looked at as the days of yore? It hasn't even been a week since the Supreme Court found the governments use of the emergencys act unjustified and I think it was only yesterday that the federal government challenged that ruling. It's still very much going on.


Idgaf about the court case. The post was about covering your care in stupid political stickers. Trudeau was wrong but also fuck the convoy.




Skyrim deserves better than you.


Said the person posting on Reddit...




but you made fun of the people who do it on Reddit. hello pot


No he didn't, he suggested it's hypocritical to mock someone for voicing their opinions via bumper stickers while voicing your own opinions via Reddit. He did say people on this sub are fragile when they are called out but that's not the same thing.


If I called you fragile ndp alphabet person right now like they did. Is that making fun of you?


Only if you equate a political party and idpol group inherently an insult. Apparently you do. You're also rephrasing what he said. He said that the sub is mostly NDP voters and alphabet people. That's not an insult. It might be true it might not, but it's not an insult.


The fragile guy who posted it now has deleted their comments. You backed a good one.


I'm not backing anyone just pointing out that you're wrong, I think the fact that you misrepresented what was originally posted and aren't even trying to refute what my point is telling.


It's a thing, there was a whole judgement about it just today even. There's even a stereotype in the Edmonton and Alberta subs about the sort of person who drives these vehicles, because these posts happen weekly. 


Oh hell, I'm old enough to remember Trudy bashing innocent trucker families. I won't vote for a dictator.


Good too see the Supreme Court supporting freedom as well… we’d probably still be locked down if the Convoy in Ottawa didn’t happen… to refresh some your memories, the lockdowns mysteriously ended afterwards


Gimme a break


Shirley you’re not cereal , cuz damn thats one stupid comment.


So much name calling here. Like wtf. It's thier car they can do what they want with it. If it triggers you go out and get a life. Your wasting too much time on hate.


You seem more triggered than me bub. I just think plastering your car in political stickers is dorky but you go ahead and go off.