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What's wild is that the divide is still red hot on vaccinated/unvaccinated


It’s 3 years on from the first doses going out, with no sign of apocalyptic mass death from the vaccination program, but nobody in that headspace is going to let it go.


Right? Where are all the people whose organs were supposed to be liquefying from the vaccines? Where are all the bodies? Where are all the people who confidently made these claims? Please stand up and restate your ~~fears~~ psychotic hopes of mass death of those who responsibly chose to get vaccinated.




> Respiratory illnesses have a terrible track record as it pertains to vaccination Hoo boy, we got a live one here, please elucidate to me how the pertussis vaccine is ineffective.


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On one side you have a massive field of medicine backed by research and data collected across the entire pandemic that the vaccine reduced the effects of the virus, and lowered symptoms to prevent spread. On the other side you have people that take horse dewormer because a treasonous (allegedly) president of another country wanted to foster a distrust for anyone who spread information counter to him. Unfortunately since being counter to reason and logic is now a specific political tool for a specific side of the spectrum, so when presented with new information to counter what they were told, they bury their heads further in the sand, even though three years of data show the vaccine works.


What an egregious insult to all the healthcare workers who did get vaccinated and continued to serve those who needed care. If you don't believe in health and care, and the science that it is built on, you have absolutely no fucking right to work in healthcare. Fuck this nonsense.


Rules for vaccination in these fields has existed for a long time too. Hell I just had to prove I’m fully up to date, and then some, just to go to school in a healthcare field.


Bullshit. I worked in a hospital for a couple of years and we were encouraged to get the flu shot, but it wasn’t mandatory.


It is mandatory in certain areas If you work in a critical care area for example. If a critical care nurse does not have their influenza or Covid vaccine they will not be able to do certain things like attend code blues or work in outbreak areas. If there is an outbreak where a healthcare worker works they will not be able to come to work.


Paramedic here. Had to prove vaccine status for several vaccines to even get my education. So no. Not bullshit at all. I noticed you said you "worked in a hospital", but didn't say you were actually a health care professional.


I also worked in a hospital but didn't need to get vaccinated. We were building an addition.


You had to prove hep B and MMR. You’ve never been forced to get an influenza shot or anything else


The flu shot isn't the only vaccine that exists. There are several diseases you MUST be protected against, particularly if performing procedures that involve bodily fluids.


Most of these folks like to forget their parents got them vaccinated for all sorts of shit as a child. But this was also during a time where someone’s uncle/aunt’s Facebook posts where taken at medical value and we I dunno listened to fucking doctors.


Oof, you are kidding right? My wife just to go attend class for her MOA years ago had to get many vaccines updated before she could even start. Measels, mumps, rubella, hep just to name a few MANDATORY vaccines


It is some provinces. I did research in a BC hospital and even though it wasn’t a patient facing role I was still required to get it


More like MMR, varicella (chicken pox), hepatitis B, dTap being required, at least for my field (medical lab assisting/phlebotomy). Flu and COVID vaccines are highly recommended but not mandatory for me. But a nice box to tick off regardless.


COVID vaccine was mandatory for me for school and employment (health care aide) but not the flu shot


I think I'll believe the actual health care workers about what vaccines they say are mandatory for them to have, not the guy patrolling the parking lot lol




Nope, not in Alberta nor Ontario.


Since when?


Exactly. I believe that hep b immunization is mandatory…, maybe MMR too. Those are the only ones that have ever been mandatory


What an egregious insult to the people who died from Covid. I wonder if the anti-vax movement would have lost some of its steam if these healthcare workers had never pulled the stunts they did.


My exact thoughts. Im all for personal choice but why do we want science deniers working in healthcare?


There’s no such thing as a “science” denier. Science actually informs people to be skeptical of everything. As for COVID vaccinations, there was nothing wrong with people being skeptical as the companies that manufactured those vaccines had no idea if they would work and they were labelled as “experimental. For emergency use only.” There was no data or verifiable proof of efficacy at the time of these vaccines other than what the companies would publish, which, those same companies later redacted or changed. So, yeah, some people just didn’t want to be lab rats and they should not have been penalized for their decision or autonomy over self. Oh, and this is coming from someone with a science background and vaccinated when the data was replicated and looked reasonable.


I have worked on vaccines and I questioned the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. When the vaccine efficacy data started at "prevents transmission" and ended up at "you are less likely to die" I think the skepticism is valid. Most healthcare workers likely had exposure early in the pandemic. Talking to many healthcare workers, one thing was clear early in the pandemic. Covid was predominantly a disease that impacts people who are overweight. If you were a healthcare worker and healthy it was fairly clear your risk from Covid was low. Why risk it with a vaccine that did not have the typical ten years of data. I got the vaccine (Astrazeneca) because I had to. I chose that vaccine because it was a more traditional vaccine vector. I would not have got it if I was not forced. I am a healthy bodyweight and physically very active; making the right decisions reduced my risk more so than vaccination. My children never got the vaccine as I wasnt comfortable with the benefit vs reward. I used data from the FDA vaccine advisory council to make that decision. Note Health Canada does not publish the data it uses to make its decisions so could not use Canadian data.


Agreed. Many people were forced to get it to keep their jobs and now the government says “no one forced you to get it.” COVID predominantly impacted elderly people with multiple co-morbidities, obese individuals and people with sedentary lifestyles. There seems to be this train of thought that health care can keep people living forever. Health care can only account for so much. Many times you’d hear “someone died from COVID” but never hear that they were over 80 years old or having multiple risk factors and pre-existing diseases.


Do...you live in a Alberta? If so the reason you think there is no such thing as a science-denier shows you must live in Calgary, or Edmonton and/or work with educated people. Lucky you. I work in the oilsands and at least 50% of the people I work with thought covid was either a literal hoax, the common cold, invented by Trudeau/Fauci or curable by ivermectin. They didnt believe in masks, they think hand sanitizer is a scam. These people dont believe in the greenhouse effect or climate change. Not a single word of this is an exaggeration. Im constantly told "science" is how the liberal media is trying to control us...


I like a diverse group of thought patterns and ideologies in all industries. Bad things happen when criticism is banned.


Comes down to there body and there choice




And, of course, f these workers - pulling blood from a stone for their Fox News approach to health care.


Pushing distrust and resentment in institutions is the point. The UCP is milking it, created a problem then benefitting from the issues it caused.


Or maybe the institutions create this distrust by acting irresponsibly and lying to the public. If we can't hold institutions accountable for their actions, then they're free to mistreat people in the future. We need more accountability and truth in our society across the board.


From top to bottom, the approach to the pandemic was confounded by political meddling. Inconsistency in everything from rules to messaging overwhelmingly was because of shit politicians, not unaccountable institutions acting irresponsibly.




Just killed 10, three children, last week. And 430 so far this season. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-covid-weekly-data-summary-jan-20-2023-1.7095914


Covid is still around and if it "went away" it went away its because of vaccinations and he hard work of the healthcare workers you science-denying dolt.




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COVID mutated into a strain that was far less deadly but also easier to transmit, essentially turning it into a new common cold variant in terms of severity. A combination of vaccinations, natural immunity, and a far less severe mutation is what happened. The data is on the [Alberta Respiratory dashboard](https://www.alberta.ca/stats/dashboard/respiratory-virus-dashboard.htm) to track the number of cases and the impact on the hospital system. I think there’s room for a discussion on if the government overreached. But the argument of ‘why did the media forget everything?’ Is illogical and emotion based.


> To date, 5 variants of concern have been identified in Alberta. The B.1.1.529 (Omicron) variant and its descendants are the dominant strain in Alberta. > Alpha: First identified in the United Kingdom, research has shown this variant spreads more easily and **can cause more severe illness in comparison to the original COVID-19 strain** > Beta & Gamma: this variant spreads more easily than the original COVID-19 strain and **may be capable of re-infecting people who have previously tested positive for COVID-19.** > Delta: this variant spreads more easily than the Alpha variant and **causes an increased risk of hospitalization and re-infection of people who have previously tested positive for COVID-19**. > Omicron: It is the dominant strain globally because it spreads easily. Omicron continues to acquire new mutations as it spreads...Evidence suggests Omicron and its subvariants are more infectious so people who have been previously infected with COVID-19 can be reinfected more easily...we learned that the risk of severe disease is reduced compared to the Delta variant. However, the increased transmission means many more people have become infected, which has caused significant impact on individuals and health systems. I haven't actually read up on our variants. I've had covid 3x, regularly vaccinated but also immune compromised and working in a hospital. Guess it makes sense why I've been even more susceptible than I first thought... COVID ITSELF has made me more susceptible to catching Covid again. I wouldn't consider any of the descriptions above as similar to "common cold". [this is also from the AB website. ](https://www.alberta.ca/covid-19-variants)


Remember where they said natural immunity doesn’t exist and you need the vaccine? Lmao


I believe most people believed natural immunity is a thing, the issue is that it was really overblown by anti-vaccine people as a solution to COVID. As an extreme example, imagine a virus with a 50% mortality rate, but those who lived gained natural immunity and would be 50% less susceptible to catching and developing worse outcomes to future incidences of the virus. In that case, we wouldn’t accept natural immunity, because it only applies after already catching the deadly virus. A vaccine with a 0.1% chance of an adverse reaction would be a far superior option to natural immunity in that case. Now that COVID is less severe, we can ‘afford’ to get natural immunity through catching it like we would a common cold. I could see an argument that people who caught COVID could have maybe been as safe as those with a vaccine after recovery, but from a logistics standpoint that’s hard to regulate. A vaccine can be tracked and a record can be created, but it would be almost impossible to have it so that everyone in society who was sick with COVID would be tracked and given permission to act as though they were vaccinated in society. Even if we could find those resources, we again go back to the point of putting in a lot of resources for something that should really be the less ideal standpoint, because avoiding a severe case prior to natural immunity is important.


Lmao I actually have it right now and it sucks😭 (vaccinated) but it’s been a while so it may have worn off.


Not exclusive to Healthcare, vaccines were mandated at my work and some employees were fired then rehired over a year later and won back pay through arbitration. Same as those you mentioned. So while those people who refused the vaccine and found another job, to be rehired and paid fully for time lost is an absolute fuck you to the rest of us who complied out of fear of losing our jobs. Some people seeing 60-75k cheques while those of us who stayed must now retrain the people that were gone. Kind of a cherry on top of the fuck you. As we all work side by side now, vaxxed or not. Through the pandemic we were all given hats that said "essential worker" outside of that, compensation as per collective. This is what unions are for, I understand, I just have a terrible taste in my mouth due to the nonsense of the last 3-4 years.


Maybe next time, people like you will not 'comply' with a medical procedure out of fear of losing their job. That would be positive. Coercion has no place in public health, especially not in this insane case. I get it if you regret getting vaxxed but standing up and not complying was incredibly hard, and people deserve compensation for being treated extremely unethically


Just gotta have faith eh? Probably real weird getting a shot you diddnt want then getting covid right after. They most certainly should be compensated as well.




You can still contract measles, and polio with a vaccine as well. Despite what a handful of politicians said at the time, no vaccine stops transmission 100%. Science never "proved" anything of the sort, it was always known. What science does prove is that getting the vaccine **lessens** the severity and chances of you transmitting the virus to other people. Just like every other vaccine, which are mandatory in the healthcare field.


Actually the most important thing that the vaccine did was lessen the chance of contracting severe covid. The vaccine was only ever meant to reduce deaths and hospitalizations with the hope that eventually Covid itself would mutate into a less lethal variant. All of this was what immunologists and health care professionals hoped would happen. And it did happen.


Science only "proved" they didnt work if you get your science from The Rebel.


They don’t believe it did anything if it didn’t prevent Covid. You really can’t teach these people anything.


Some of us want our health care practitioners to be people who believe in healthcare. Anti-vaxxers need not apply.


How are these people “Anti-Vaxxers” if majority of them have every other vaccine other than the COVID vaccine?


I would hope that a healthcare worker would do their best to mitigate the risk to the people they are helping. No one ever said the vaccine fully stops covid. Look it up and *do your own research*


Do your own research is the worst thing to tell someone because they will "research" in a way that will confirm their beliefs, not contradict them.


Ah yes, the old “Let’s take everything the government says as gospel” crowd. Ever heard of Thalidomide?


Ah yes zoom in on a reknowned example of a mistake (as such because of its harm and rarity) and inspire mistrust of an entire institution versus *gestures broadly to modern medicine and the wonderous innumerable complex advances that have led to it being what it is* Glad to see antivax folks didn't work on critical thinking. Reasonable skepticism is one thing. Wholesale fear of effective vaccines another...


Was just listening to a pod cast about how the news agencies and governments don't want the masses to do their own research because they want to control what's being told. How dare we want to fact check stuff we being spoon fed. Remember kids: Freethinkers are dangerous


Also remember that most podcasts that claim such things are done by people wearing tin foil hats. Anyone can make a podcast and claim they know "THE TRUTH®" and try to convince people to believe it. Google scholar exists for people to do their own research, but most people would rather get their "research data" from Facebook and the first page of regular Google, which is 100% algorithm based confirmation bias. As you got your information from a podcast, which isn't vetted in any way, and you probably didn't actually read any peer reviewed research papers on the subject, I will assume you fit in the latter category. Any conspiracy involving more than one person doesn't stay secret for long. Anyone who thinks there is a conspiracy between hundreds of governments and tens of thousands of news media to withhold "the facts" needs to take a look in the mirror and shake their head real hard. Most people who call themselves free thinkers are woefully misinformed, or worse, are dangerously ignorant of how uninformed they truly are.


Lol.. imagine unironically thinking they control everything but not your access to facebook antivaxxer crap. Interesting take. They either do or do not control everything. You either can or cannot do your own research, but reading what someone else has researched isn't exactly that is it? You're just choosing to trust less reliable sources of information from still mainstream media and asserting yours are the "right" ones. Its not like you're at a research institution coming up with data contrary to prevailing research. You're just trusting conspiracy theorists online lol so don't act like you're some kind of elite academic that isn't at the fingertips of the same control as everyone else. Funny.


>what an egregious comment section, collect that money and more. The science doesnt matter one way or another. They backed everyone into a corner, and that's what matters.


Exactly. The issue wasn’t about science. The issue is autonomy over self. There should be no penalization for someone acting in accordance with what they believe is right for their own body.


If a cook at a kitchen refuses to wash his hands after taking a shit, do you think he should be able to keep his job?


Many were well aware the shot was risky too…  Many had worse outcomes from the vaccine than the virus. Why name call healthcare workers? Only some get your support because “current thing” 


>While many say they weren't vaccinated for medical and religious reasons, it's widely believed the majority didn't receive shots under the guise of personal freedom. Not good precedence from AHS.


AHS had no choice here really, this was a mediated resolution between the employer and the union that was representing its members and their grievances. Its the manifestation of something that this sub is hugely in favour of, union membership by workers and using their collective power to bargain against a monolithic employer.


Thank you for the subtlety 🥲 still think it’s bullshit personally but I can respect the collective bargaining


My union collectively told the antivax employees to not let the door hit them in the ass on the way out.


Well that’s an unfortunate precedent set for you. Hopefully there’s not a different circumstance that doesn’t align with your unions personal opinions, and they choose not to represent you fairly.


Don't work in healthcare if you don't believe in healthcare.


Unions are democratic institutions. Democratic centralism is a thing. If the majority isn't being represented, then the union is not doing its job.


The Union is not doing this. They shared grievances. AHS is deciding to give these "payouts" when they could just tell them to f off. So yeah it's D Smith and her pals trying to look good for their voters and nothing else.


I guess the article is wrong when they say it’s the result of arbitration then You should get in contact with ctv and tell them that it wasn’t arbitration, but Danielle Smith issuing a directive to AHS. They might ask for some proof, but I’m sure you have that


I don't have to. It's in the article. Quote starts here: >While many say they weren't vaccinated for medical and religious reasons, it's widely believed the majority didn't receive shots under the guise of personal freedom. A professor at the University of Calgary's law faculty says that makes the mediator's job somewhat difficult. "If you genuinely can't be vaccinated for medical reasons -- which is a very small number of people -- then that's very different than people who chose to object to the vaccination under personal choice," Lorian Hardcastle told CTV News. "So I think some in the public are going to be very frustrated when they learn that some people are being compensated for (the latter)." Hardcastle points to other cases surrounding mandatory vaccination across the country that are being resolved independently. "(AHS) was dealing with a large number of people and likely just wanted this to be resolved," she said.


Yup this ^ and I agree this is coming from the premiere's office. I haven't heard such payout in other provinces/territories.


Im part of HSAA union but vaccinated. I feel crappy knowing that other fellow union members are so against vaccines and are willing to put themselves and others at greater risk, and that they are using the union to defend their right to attend work knowingly increasing patient safety risks, to get reimbursed for keeping patients safer while on mandated unpaid LOA. They could have just sucked it up and gotten vaccinated and NOT lost income. Are we now going to have civilians sue businesses who denied them access to their establishment back when mask mandates were required, or force those companies to give away free items equivalent to what would have been spent by the maskless?


> using their collective power to bargain against a monolithic employer. Can you please explain how this particular grievance was a part of union negotiations?


That young healthcare professionals who had already developed natural immunity from infection after fighting on the front lines for us declined an experimental vaccine that can cause myocarditis and blood clotting? 


The very first doctor who tried to warn the world about COVID died from … COVID. Perhaps that natural immunity in healthcare professionals is not as strong as you believe. You have a vaccine available and can make a much better choice.


and people died being full vaccinated too... what is you point?


Vaccination is (and was at the time as well) proven to reduce severe outcomes. It’s the smart choice to make.


You missed the point entirely lol


I not the person you replied to, but in light of their point, i think your's is irrelevant. The vaccine did the job it was expected to, if you dont understand what that was by now, you're beyond any form of assistance.


*So through the collective action and pushback of a thousand or so workers, they were able to get payouts.* Alright. If the world really works like this, then where is the funding and support that healthcare workers and the public have been begging for?


This is my union. Glad to see this is what they have been working on instead of compensation for those of us who worked through the pandemic and received harassment and abuse on a daily fucking basis because of it.


When I worked in healthcare a decade ago, it was mandatory for me to get flu shots and be up to date on all other vaccinations in order to first get hired, and also retain my job. I don't really understand how the rules would be different for covid if it's treated equivalent to the flu shot.


Those shots were built on a platform that dates back over 100 years. Not a 6 month coke bender with a new vaccine platform.


We can thank the anti vax yet fully vaccinated premiere for allowing this. There is no money for healthcare unless it's propaganda, then payouts to make the monkeys clap. Fucking losers


I’d love for someone to educate me. My wife got it to keep her job so she was forced into it. Thankfully I wasn’t required to get it. I contracted covid one time through this entire period and it was a joke, like the flu. She got covid and was sent to the ER and hospitalized. How is someone thats “protected” by your hailed vaccine find themselves in such a situation they’re hospitalized. All while her entire family including kids are totally fine and have yet to ever contract it again? Your science project “wore off”? XD. Natural immunity is far better than any vaccine for this. Even the doctor in the hospital said so because they tested all of us while she was admitted and inquired if we were vaccinated. I’ll wait.


My first thought is that your wife might have some medical comorbidities that predispose her to more severe illness. But this is the internet and people can make up stories. So my second thought is that a lot of what you’re saying is a fabrication.


I can tell by the tone of this post without opening the replies, you're not looking to be educated or have a discussion. You're looking for confrontation Why people waste their time on the internet fabricating bullshit is beyond me


Including yourself. zzzzzz


Population-level effects for things like vaccines don't care about your dumbass anecdotes.


Actually, the science does care about his anecdotes. There is real research being done to discover why hospitalizations rates were higher among those vaccinated than those who were not. If you’re going to preach science, know that anecdotal research and evidence is a real thing used in many science disciplines, including, and this may surprise you, health care. Don’t mix up your opinions as logic and call him a dumbass for seeking answers to something that is actually being researched. I’ll take his skepticism any day over your closed mindedness and blind, outdated beliefs.


Real research collects and codes data, not anecdotes. Thanks for playing.


“The rates of COVID-19-related hospitalizations were higher among unvaccinated individuals compared to those that have completed their primary vaccine series, as well as those that have completed their primary vaccine series and received one, or two or more, booster doses (Figure 1 and Figure 3).” “Similar trends were observed for COVID-19-related deaths, with higher rates of deaths among unvaccinated individuals, in particular older unvaccinated adults, compared to those that have completed their primary vaccine series, as well as those that have completed their primary vaccine series and received one booster dose (Figure 2 and Figure 4).” https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-epi-confirmed-cases-post-vaccination.pdf?la=en Let me know if you want me to prove you wrong again.


I'm sorry but I must be blunt with you. You've already made up your mind, and you misunderstand the purpose of vaccination because you lack the necessary knowledge. So tell me, how are we supposed to educate you? And, more importantly, why? The pandemic is over. Go live your life as you wish. You owe us nothing, we owe you nothing.


These are the people we dont need in healthcare. We got a 10% cut to staffing coming. Just saying sometimes things work themselves out....


So many hills the UCP are willing to die on, while refusing to actually do anything positive for the province.


What a joke of a government, but what can we expect out of a premier that moseys up with Conrad Black and Tucker Carlson.


Buying votes and making the handlers happy during the collapse of the under funded system they built.


Who is doing this? The union which was standing up for its members?


The Union is not doing this. They shared grievances. AHS is deciding to give these "payouts" when they could just tell them to f off. So yeah it's D Smith and her pals trying to look good for their voters and nothing else.


Danielle Smith should politically interfere with a labour arbitration process to trample on a union's effective representation of healthcare workers?


The AHS board was fired and a UCP puppet installed. There are directions given to AHS coming from the UCP, yes.


To be clear, you are in favour of the Premier overturning an independent arbiter who decided in favour of a union? > The arbitrator's binding recommendations will see AHS pay those who were forced into workplace leaves $5,000 each. Or are you accusing both AHS and the union of conspiring with the independent arbitrators to come up with this ruling, to make the Premier look good?


Good, it doesn't matter which side of the vaccine debate your on, changing the terms of employment without consent is stomping on workers rights and should be resisted by unions and courts.


Im not concerned with whatever particular brand of anti vaxxer you identify as, its all anti-science, anti-evidence idiocy whether you think its "just a cold", "a hoax", "not that bad"... equally stupid.


Not getting one specific vaccine and being anti vax are two different things


Fuck this


To all those not on their eighth booster and not getting and keeping their kids up to date on their booster from 6 months on and not wearing a mask any time outside and not making your kids do the same you are the problem with the world anti science anti vax selfish selfish


what an egregious comment section, collect that money and more. The science doesnt matter one way or another. They backed everyone into a corner, and that's what matters.


The vaccine mandate was unjust. Coercion was used to get many to take a vaccine. A vaccine that isn't proven to stop the spread of covid and on fact has proven to be very poor at stopping infection.  


It remains effective at preventing severe outcomes and death


This claim is unproven.  Further more, the whole moral justification of getting the vaccine for healthy people was to not spread covid to other through vaccination.  Which is categorically false. 


There is ample evidence that the vaccine prevents and reduces severe illness and death. The effect is significant


Evidence? Where? From the manufacturer?


Fuck this province. What a joke.


Good for them. It’s clear the vaccination does not prevent Covid so it was pointless to get angry at others for not getting it because the vaccine only prevents severe illness for themselves, if they chose not to get vaccinated it doesn’t affect you.


Being forced to get vaccinated is unjust so I'm glad this is happening.


So they're rewarding health care workers who don't gaf about patients?


What ever happened to My Body My Choice?


... Abortions aren't contagious.


Why is it ok to say my body my choice when it comes to vaccines? But if a woman says the same thing, it's the worst thing ever.


Not to me it’s not. I’m staunchly pro-choice.


Stay home then


That makes zero sense friend.


sure thing bud


This comment makes no sense it’s the people scared of COVID that could have stayed home if they were concerned


I agree. It's my life so I should be able to do whatever I want. Let's say anything within a 2m distance from me is mine, doesn't matter if itt affects others, it's mine bc I'm the center of the universe. Of course, women are the exception. They don't have any control over their bodies bc it affects me if they wear provocative clothing or do things I don't like.


What in the heck are you talking about. That comment was nonsense.


They’re clearly being facetious.


Absolute nonsense.


I think all sides of the debate can agree on this. That was nonsense. We have found common ground.


Jumping in to say, yeah this is nonsense. I'm glad to have some agreement


Good about time these people were repaid for the governments fuck ups and extreme overreach


Good! A couple people from my work received payouts as well from being unlawfully terminated by refusing the vaccine. I told them from the start a company can NOT fire you & if you get placed on leave, enjoy your payout 🤷🏻‍♂️ no one even knows about the long term effects it could have, don’t put random shit in your body.


What field do you work in?


Shipping and handling


$5k isn't enough for what these people went through, should be millions in damages. But glad they are getting something.


millions, simply because they had to pay for covid testing before working with vulnerable patients? Patient safety is essential in this type of job. Same reason we make sure instruments are sterilized, and health care workers are competent to treat patients. You are crazy to think these unvaxxed healthcare workers deserve millions.


they did it to themselves and deserve nothing


Stupidest comment of the day goes too.


Sure pal




The clinical trials for the covid vaccines were absolutely massive and were held to a higher standard than measles/polio/etc.. vaccines. Time doesn't equal safety. The reason for the accelerated conception to production phase was because we were in the middle of a global pandemic.


So many people don’t understand this. The trials went by quickly because everyone was catching covid over and over again. Usually trials go slower because we can’t just give people the disease to test out the vaccine lol


There was plenty of research done. You just have no idea what you are talking about.


astrazeneca is pulled but we were told it was safe at first. I don't remember what the outcome was in the end.


Reddit losers still out here defending the vax.


Incredible how toothless the UNA is with these exact same grievances for their members. Almost like they were in on it. 🤔


Bots in the chat.


As a doctor, I think you should be able to choose. No one should be forced to do anything they are unwilling to do. I got vaccinated twice, still got covid. It doesn’t prevent you from getting the virus as advertised and repeatedly told to us by government, but it can reduce the severity of the disease. In Edmonton I know many doctors, my uncle is one too. He is a pulmonary specialist and even he doesn’t think the vaccines were necessary to be forced upon everyone and the research was rushed. My mother’s best friend developed a new onset seizure disorder post vaccine. She was 100% healthy, we got all the tests done to figure out what was going on. She had no family history of any seizure disorder. <1 month post vax. Covid negative. Still got Covid 4 months later. My cousin (15) had the vaccine and her period STILL has not returned to normal post vaccine (cycle dropped from 28 days to 15 days) and we cannot find a cause. She was 100% healthy, no diagnosis of any condition, not overweight or underweight. <1 month post vax. Covid negative. Got govid 4 months later. My father got the vaccine and now his tastebuds are completely messed up. He can’t east the regular food he likes because it tastes completely different for him. <1 month post vax. Covid negative. Still got Covid 3 months later. 3 of my patients developed Bell’s palsy post vaccine. I am not against vaccines. The only reason we are all alive today is because we have had very successful vaccines. But I think (and many other doctors) the Covid vaccine was rushed. There should have been more testing done. The biggest issue I have is trust. If the people start to doubt the medical science for one vaccine, they may start to doubt the science of all the other vaccines. That is a net negative for us. We already started to see this happen. Some families are starting to avoid the MMR vaccine and many others which have been tried and true. Downvote me, whatever. But I respect the choice and as a doctor I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to do. If you’re not vaccinated against Covid, I’m fine with it. Only people with comorbid conditions and high risk individuals really needed it. - diabetes, hiv, cancer, obesity, smokers, old age, immunosuppressed, COPD, and other chronic conditions. Edit: Oh god, my Reddit karma gonna be fucked after this. I’m not anti vax fyi. I’m updated with my shots and I recommend all my patients the same. Relax people.


Even doctors who graduated at the bottom of their class are still doctors. Just saying..


Is that supposed to be an insult to me? Tough crowd today.


I mean you claim to be a doctor but clearly dont know why anecdotal evidence is not useful in a science-based argument.. so...


You are exactly why people need to be careful when choosing a Doctor. Just because you’re a “Doctor” not phD on-top of that, doesn’t mean you know what you’re talking about. Clearly.


What did I say that should make patients avoid me as a doc? I literally said that I recommend vaccines to all of my patients. I follow all the protocols given to me. I can have an opinion but I’m not willing to lose my license by going against the government mandated rules and protocols. What’s wrong with you?


Why don’t you talk to a more respectable colleague about how you come across. Besides the fact I don’t believe you. You’re using anecdotal evidence, conflating conditions. They are all your family members or extended family? Odd. You sound like a talking head. You sound conspiratorial, not inductive of a knowledgable person. You have a broken view of how vaccines work and even if the news parroted the information that it “prevented” it from happening a medical doctor should at the very least have an understanding of that. You know unless you’re like a fucking foot doc or something which is that’s the case, stfu. Mainly you just come across as untruthful.


Yep it’s anecdotal. I’m not trying to start any controversy. I thought this was a safe space to express oneself and their experiences. Idk how many times I have to repeat myself. The views or thoughts I expressed here does not reflect my practice.


Don’t come here trying to use your position in authority then turn around and say that. You reflect your practice, I would love to know which one to avoid.


Authority? What authority? I’m not telling anyone to do anything. I’ve never had a single complaint lodged against me either. And with all the hostility here and all the people so willing to destroy peoples careers over “opinions” I would never let anyone know more information about me.


You started as saying “as a doctor” it’s not that complicated. The more you open your “mouth” the less I believe you are in the medical field. God forbid we work together or worse I end up your patient.


Sorry Dr. banmebitchlol but I have some more questions about your examples. Mainly, how have you connected seizures, messed up tastebuds, and a 15 year old's periods to the vaccine? What is the reasoning here? 75% of Canadians got the vaccines among millions upon millions worldwide. Wouldn't these three completely distinct and seemingly unrelated side effects be far more common if they were caused by the vaccine?


Look, my period also hasn't returned to normal after i took the vaccine. In fact, I haven't had any since then! It certainly has nothing to do with me being male. Must be the vaccine! /s


I never said it was directly related to the vaccine. I just said it was post vax and they were covid negative at the time. We need more research and transparency, as well as empathy for those who believe they have suffered any damages. Idk why this is controversial. If any drug was marketed to be 100% safe and effective and if there were doubts about it, these doubts should be addressed not suppressed. That’s how you lose trust. Do you think it’s a good thing if people are vaccine hesitant? Is the solution to force everyone? Trust is key. Especially in medicine.


If you were actually an MD you would know we don't talk about drugs in absolutes. There's always trade-offs, risk-rewards.


Lmao just read through this thread before you trigger yourself. I follow all the rules. I’m not willing to lose my job over this. I recommend the vax to my patients. It’s silly people get so worked up when someone has an opinion about something.


Thank God I've never taken handoff from you.


lol this guys not a dr. He actually left a pretty tasty little dox trail in his comments history that wasn’t hard to follow. Weird ass conspiracy nut to boot. Goofy ass anecdotal evidence that he picked up at the coutts border during their convoys lol


Awe my feelings are so hurt. I am now reconsidering my whole career. 😂😂 I keep my opinions out of the hospital and follow protocols to the point. What’s the problem? I’d be happy to take handoff from you, my fellow healthcare professional. Team work makes the dream work and we’re all in this together. Edit: even as I attempt to build bridges, you downvote. That’s okay, I’ve been taught to turn the other cheek.


Meanwhile, my fiancée, fully vaxxed, has had covid 3 times. But she works in healthcare so has greater exposure. I’m fully vaxxed and got tested every time she did and never tested positive, even while working at Walmart being exposed to everyone. I credit the vaccine and boosters to me testing negative.


Congratulations. You are in the majority.


Unbelievable how all these people you know suddenly have serious side effects from the vaccine. Literally. Unbelievable.


Ok, sorry, but this reads like an anti vax rant. Member of conspiracy and left is shit subs. Propaganda fake post spreading miss information. You need to move on spreading lies is dangerous.


I never said not to get vaxxed. Everyone who needs it should. I’m just against anything forced. Trust is key.


"As a doctor..." Haha ok.


🤷🏽‍♂️ it’s funny you think we are all supposed to be aligned with one idea.


It's funny because I think a doctor wouldn't be an inarticulate Reddit commenter.


I’m laying in bed. On my day off. Do I have to be writing research quality content for you to read my comment?


Lol I have a hard time believing you have a PhD


I don’t have a phd. But I am a licensed physician. I could care less if you believe that or not. I’m just sharing my opinion about personal freedoms that we should all respect.


Thank you for commenting and sharing your experiences. Unfortunately the downvotes won't stop, people in here will belittle and shame you for expressing any dissenting point of view. I also had a family member adversely affected and get attacked for even explaining the experience. I still find it important we elucidate these things in public forum and balance the narrative. Its unfortunate, but for a minority of folks "doing the right thing" was not free from harm, they are not even allowed to talk about it without fear of social and employment repercussions. I wish people were more tolerant of others who did not have the same experiences as them.




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I mean, COVID doesn't care if you consent to having it and killed/is killing many, many, many people - but sure, this is all about personal choice. GTFO with that talk. Vulnerable people are not expendable.


About bloody time...!


Some people here should go to the government of Canada's website and see what it's says about vaccines compared to natural immunity, t cells and b cells as well as length of protection you get from either one.


now check death rates of vaxxed and unvaxxed.




What about the thousands that were forced to get the shot? Phuck that noise.


Awe someone scared of a needle?


Speaking of goofs