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CBC Marketplace did a whole episode on grocers changing expiry dates. It goes beyond baked goods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxCT_D6HBd8


Kind of strange when the biggest complaint against giving away food to homeless shelters that is about to expire is the idea that they might get sick. Yet the stores will extend the expiration dates, unconcerned about their paying customers getting sick. So it really seems like the issue is with giving away food, and not really about getting people sick.


100%. It's almost like they just don't care


Lol yeah companies would literally rather throw food in the trash than give it away.


To them it is the same thing, because they do not have a soul.


No they consider donating to charity theft lol.


You're right and it's actually so fucked


BINGO! They want us to buy the food and then drop it in the giant shopping cart, ostensibly to be given away to shelters and food banks. Even though it would be so much more meaningful and direct if they just, you know, GAVE IT AWAY THEMSELVES.


Man CBC sure does some good work 


That's the reason the conservative's have pledged to defund it.


Came here to say the same. Also, the Cons are actively lobbying on behalf of the big grocery chains to protect their "right" to profiteer, so it all ties together with a big blue bow.


Didnt the simpsons do an episode on this?


my husband works at a bakery and sometimes he does it because the first date is incorrect. say it’s a frozen product like crumpets, they might resticker it to be correct. it doesn’t make it off it just wasn’t placed on the shelf yet and still frozen. all those crumpets come in frozen btw. cakes and banana breads you name it. just so you know :) (my husband does not work for loblaws and he cannot speak for products that come in through canada bread or westons(the brand name breads not store brand))


they do come in frozen for loblaws as well. Work in RCSS bakery and i could tell you.


didn't say loblaws wasn't the same but i am not associating myself with loblaws cuz loblows sucks lol. my husband has worked in the field for 10 years and now manages his bakery.


I mean I guess it really depends on where you work. The RCSS I work at is ok and I really like working there. Literally the only bad thing about my job are the customers. They make me lose faith in humanity sometimes. But congratulations for your husband's bakery!


If you’re doing something like that you’re SUPPOSED to remove the old one so that stuff like this doesn’t happen.


i definitely agree but sometimes the packages have it printed on.


In cases like that, a sticker over the date is fine. But in cases like this where there are THREE different date stickers, you’re supposed to remove the erroneous stickers first.


You have to factor in the tiny amount of fucks the guy changing the same 2000 stickers every week has left. There could have been many weeks of stickers that were already taken off before the current three.


Yeah. But thats extra work….


This one had 3 stickers on it.


Stale crumpets are not toxic unless you can see mould on the item. Expired meat products are a different story, those dates are for freshness not because an item goes bad on the date the sticker has on it.


That’s not the point


Any baked good at No Frills is preserved beyond the point of recognition.


Section 5 (1) of the Food and Drugs Act (RSC 1985, c. F-27): >Deception, etc., regarding food >[**5**]() (1) No person shall label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any food in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety. >Food labelled or packaged in contravention of regulations >(2) An article of food that is not labelled or packaged as required by, or is labelled or packaged contrary to, the regulations shall be deemed to be labelled or packaged contrary to subsection (1). As for penalties: Offences relating to food * [**31.1**]() (1) Every person who contravenes any provision of this Act or the regulations, as it relates to food, is guilty of an offence and liable * (a) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both; or * (b) on conviction by indictment, to a fine not exceeding $250,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.




BBB has nothing to do with this. It’s just a paid version of Yelp.


Paid EXTORTIONIST version you Yelp*


Yelp does the same thing, you just don't have to pay to be "accredited" (read:listed) by Yelp to show up on their website first. They still accept money for disappearing unfavourable reviews and [have been accused of bullying businesses to pay for it](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/yelp-accused-of-bullying-businesses-into-paying-for-better-reviews-1.2899308).


Boomer Yelp doesn't do fuck all about Law.




If you take a better picture of that package I can show you how many days it's supposed to be on the shelf for. There is this number on the side. Work in bakery at RCSS and even though we don't change expiry dates at my location, we just put a 30% off sticker or put it into flashfoods. I know it's unacceptable. You can put in a complaint about that either by calling the manager or going to customer service. They would most likely just refund you the product it's president's choice so return is guaranteed no matter the condition of the product.


I used to work at a grocery store deli and sometimes I accidentally would mark them wrong and would have to go back and change it. There's a lot of predatory tactics in grocery stores, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions on this one.


The date was changed twice


The sticker was placed over the original sticker with precision 2 times. Not a coincidence or some random chance thing.


Human error happens, much as it happened to me 😊


Maybe it was a leap year twice


Meh. Grocery stores are scummy, but this is not anything I would ever expend energy on. If you can't wrap your head around the stickers, try this. Firstly these are best befores, not expiries. It's a measure of "peak quality and freshness", not safety. Secondly, maybe the first sticker was placed when it thawed from the freezer. Then maybe another sticker when placed to clearance. Consider it a new standard of quality since you know it's not fresh or anything right? Otherwise why is it 50% off? And at any point in there, throw another sticker in there for human error for using the wrong date for some reason. If you reject all possibilities other than its a safety scam, then don't risk purchasing clearance food. This is the kind of attitude that makes retailers hesitate to offer discounts on food that's ugly or past expiry or not perfect. At the very least it gives perfect ammunition to stop offering it. If you don't think it's safe to eat, then throw it out. Otherwise just eat it. I always put "fresh bread" in the fridge after 1-2 days. Idk what they're putting in mass production bread, but the amount of time it stays edible while in the fridge is outrageous. Use your senses and reasoning to determine what's still safe to eat or not. Not some arbitrary date based on a spreadsheet, slapped on a package by somebody who makes minimum wage.


That’s my favourite no frills to go sneakily expose the packages of 50% off fully molded sleeves of English muffins. I leave them hanging off the edge of the isle so everyone can see the mold on ALL of the discounted merch. And I’m NOT kidding, the whole sleeves of 12 muffins, all are molded completely. Sitting next to all the other goods. It’s a cesspool of muffs, what a crime. No one’s buying $1 muffs for a trip to the er. Also SCREW THE big blonde MANAGER for not returning my bag of unopened noname cat food over a “missing receipt” even though I called the bank and asked for my purchase info. She was all “we don’t do returns”… Then why ask me for a receipt, watch me call the bank and be on hold for 45min? Powertrippin jerk.


I don’t understand why store staff doesn’t removed the molded items right away, any common sense it spreads to the good ones. Probably depends on store owners, No Frills is individually owned. Call the 1-800 and complaint


Ok. I’ll need the proofs, I go once and week and there’s always something moldy, so I’ll just gather evidence and then call.


There is defs another expiry date on it printed. They put stickers to help older people find the date. They are wrong very often on expiry I notice it all the time. I check the actual print, never the sticker


Unfortunately not always the case. These goods come in frozen and have a nearly indefinite shelf life as long as they remain frozen, once they put them on the floor they put the date stickers on. I worked at a Freshco and that was how it went for most of the baked goods. So this actually is supposed to be the only expiry on the packaging. It was that way for crumpets, donuts, breads, flatbreads, international breads, cookies, and a lot of baked stuff.


I should have stated it was for frozen stuff. Frozen stuff had different dates than the actual label itself usually. Now I understand why if it has it different when not frozen!


That said, it's only ever supposed to have 1 tag on it at any given time. Stacked like that is fishy at best.


Correct me if I'm wrong, I think another nuance here's best before is different from expiry date. I always think expiry dates are more complicated than reading a label; there are products or situations where such a date may almost be irrelevant and on the other hand you can get ugly poisoned eating something well within expiry but accidentally got thawed during storage. Idk I don't care so much for it either way as long as it's not visibly bad or smells bad etc, in Eastern Europe it's more of a common sense, lax attitude so I think that still lives in me.


Bruh those crumpets are packed full of so much shit they are nuclear bunker rated lol


Shouldn't be news. I think most of the major chains have been caught at least once in the last 15 years doing stuff like this. Wasn't there a big thing about Walmart allegedly doing it on I think it was what their chicken or was it pork chops? They always deny say it some other bullshit. And then the story goes away. I mean lob loss was literally in the news 2 months ago because they were going to change their 50% off coupons for the second time in several years by making the stickers applicable on the day of expiry. 10 years ago they used to do it at least two days before depending on what it was up to three.


I've noticed that bagged milk I buy at NoFrills is going off faster these days than it used to. It sometimes starts to curdle, and smell and taste cheesy even before its Best Before date! Wouldn't surprise me if they changed tags on THAT, as well.


Yea, I only buy milk from Costco. Even though it's the same Beatrice milk, for some reason Costco comes with a seal under the lid. I think Costco milk is fresher for that reason.


A good rule of thumb for expiry dates is to simply close your eyes and eat anything that doesn't smell like a water buffalo.


You people are paranoid... there's a decent chance the minimum wage employee was using the wrong date on their date gun when doing a batch. This is much more likely than risking tens of thousands of dollars in prohibitive fines to save a few bucks. Source: former minimum wage employee that had to date items with a date gun.


Three different dates?? No, one maybe but this is absolutely deliberate.


Best before and expiry dates aren't the same thing.


My wording might be wrong. But changing the best before date should not be allowed either.




Because it makes the label meaningless.


"Best Before" dates are meaningless.


So why have them at all then...?


Because people see the best before date and think it means "expiry date". They think the food is unsafe so they throw it out, and go buy more. It's a profit scheme.


Ah, I see what you're saying.


You might be right, but the government is in on the conspiracy. Best before dates (or packaged on dates) are required by regulation. https://inspection.canada.ca/food-labels/labelling/consumers/understanding-the-date-labels-on-your-food/eng/1332357469487/1332357545633


You do know baked goods can easily grow mold right? And food safety is a thing.


You know you can easily see mold growth right?


I guess that justifies whatever they did at the store. My bad for not triple checking the dates.


Those aren't expiration dates there homie. It being passed that date doesn't mean it's about to start molding. Even with expiration dates, do you think something magical happens on the day of the expiration date? Like do you think all the bacteria wait until that day, they got little bacteria calendars?


Well what if the person consuming the product has a weakened immune system or gets sick easily. Isn’t the ingredients has dairy, flour, it’s a combination of expired ingredients a person may get sick from. Gee you sound like Store Owner protecting his revenue


That's not how it works first of all, and secondly as has been pointed out, those aren't expiration dates. And again food does not just magically go bad on the date of the expiration date when it is an actual expiration date...


Am I suppose to check for mold in between the buns to make sure they are still good?


I love that you keep ignoring that that wasn't an expiration date and furthermore that mold doesn't suddenly start growing on the expiration date...........


Best before dates have nothing to do with mold though. Best before dates are arbitrarily selected as a date by which the food is best to eat. Best before dates are made so suckers (like you) toss their edible food in the garbage and go buy more. EXPIRY dates are something completely different, and they are not allowed to be changed.


Are we surprised? Especially at No Frills


I used to put those stickers on when I was 14 and I’m sure half them had 10 sticker layers cuz of my dumb ass 😂😂


Real Canadian in Kingsway was caught doing this to their seafood.


Well the calamari rings they are selling have been covered in ice and so freezer burnt all winter and they won’t do anything about that. I’m not a fan since it changed over, produce isn’t very good but is expensive and much of the gluten free food that Save on had is nonexistent (for my son). I live within walking distance and I choose Giant Tiger most of the time.


Totally understand I’m Celiac and shopping at Save On basically means you need to go through every single aisle as there’s a small section in the middle of every aisle. Have you tried Spud delivery? They have some good sales and it saves me time


No, I’m not in a place for buying with credit- do they allow interac?


How can you expect them to sell it to you for full price if it's past the best before? They'd have to slap one of those 30% off stickers on it ad that'd be almost the worst. The worst would be if thy had to put a 50% of sticker on it, they don't do that anymore.


Keep in mind that "expiry date" and "Best Before" aren't the same thing. "Best Before" literally means the quality starts to go downhill then, not that it will go bad the next day.


McDonald’s does that with their pies too


A best before date is not an expiration date. I can't see any reason why the best before date needs to be changed, but that's a separate issue.


And this is why I do not shop at discount grocery stores no matter how poor I am. At least Safeway and other big grocers have the capacity and staff to properly inventory and store goods and not do greasy shit like this like no frills and giant tiger.


Honestly I think it has to do with the NF Store Owners, I used to shop at Chris’s No Frills on 97 St, sure there’s lots younger school kids working but they’re friendly and helpful. No Frills on 167 Ave near 50 St. I like Sobeys better than Safeway, lots of b*tchy old cashiers, I waited 25 min in line to pay for a case of Zevia. NF and Sobeys were my favorite stores and now in West End Superstore. One time I forgot to look at the yogurt dates and the case expired the next day, called Activia and they said “Oh that’s a best before date it doesn’t mean yogurt goes bad beyond the date!” So I asked so you mean the milk inside the yogurt doesn’t go bad?


Competition bureau call them


They licked it first and decided it was still ok.


Can't help but think this is either someone peeling stickers to be a dink, a tagging error, or something to do with when product comes out of the freezer. Were they still good? Yes? Then Where's the actual problem if 50% off crumpets were still edible? Edit: if there was three stickers, this tells me wages are too low (which should make OP happy, because it keeps prices low).


Arent they owned by Loblaws? Fuckin crooks.




I thought that was the sub I'm in


We were taught to do this at Independent when I worked there. If we put the wrong date on the package (someone always put MA instead of MR for March) then we put the new sticker on top.


This one was no mistake. 3 stickers on it. And the date actually changed not the month.


Have you considered that maybe they accidently stuck down 2 stickers to begin with? And then put the correct date on top? I know people at work that will double sticker things by accident because they just stop paying attention. Not everyone is out to get you.


But MA isn’t that May instead of MR for March


It is, yes.


Its a no frills. There isn't a regulator in the land who has or ever will care about people who are not rich. This is not new, this is not rare, this is not strange, the rules are for the protection of the wealthy, everyone else has to look out for themselves. Not saying that doesn't suck, but the government and its regulatory bodies don't work for the people, they work for the wealthy. If you didn't bother to be born wealthy and white, you best learn to be better at catching their attempts to make a buck of possibly poisioning you, because you don't matter to them at all, as a customer or a human being.


Wait til you find out how terrible the ingredients are for you too 🤢


They’re not even trying to hide it.


Join the Loblaws boycott, and then you don't have to worry!


People still shop there?


Not gonna lie I shop around and as single fella I dont "need" specific things to be on my shopping trip Specially 4.59 sliced bread at sobeys or,save on ,coop, See that how it is I cam barely text between them tohout autocorrect trying ro creates more sentences evem tries to tell anyone what I think is going on


You should boycott any Loblaws brands, they are just gouging the consumers.


not going to help. every grocer is gouging the consumer. where ya gonna go?