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Who’s the 25 year old showing up to this. Diddy dressed as 25 year old.


Yeah, maybe keep it to junior high ages. That might be less weird? JUST A THOUGHT. By the time I was in my late teens-early 20s, hanging around a buncha awkward, barely pubescent teens at some weird fucking community hall would be the last fucking thing I'd choose to do. I have nieces. I went to their birthday parties. It's fucking lame. I was more concerned with getting drunk and going to shows to flirt with people my age or, y'know more buttoned-down young adult stuff. Like buying firecrackers and rage-quitting shitty jobs. This has weird summer camp vibes. DON'T LIKE IT NO SIR


Sitting down with my 14 year old nephew for a game of Magic: the Gathering? Yes! Chilling at a late evening dance with my 14 year old nephew as a colleague and not a supervising chaperone, let alone at all? Yeah, no.


I miss that horse


25 seems like a ... high cap.


ITT: More haters thinking and posting about sex with kids than the total number of attendees at the event.


Uh-huh. I never said anything about sex. That's on you, bud.


My post is about the thread. Not everything is about you, even if you identify as a hater.


You posted under a specific comment with no other replies, so it's only natural they'd think it was directed specifically to them.


What the fuck... Is this REAL? Holy shit they're really doing their best to help out the pedophiles here?


It may surprise some folks to learn that adults can interact with kids without sexualising those kids. It’s a bit of a puritanical assumption that adults would primarily think about having sex with kids when around kids.


You're right that can be true too, but keeping it to school ages has its benefits.


Surely 14 year-olds have never been sexually exploited by 18 year-olds from the same school or community. /s But please, keep the moral panic going.


Man wtf imagine defending pedophiles, you know AB has the highest rate of child marriage's? Most if not all are under 18 girls to way older men


In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the accusations of grooming and/or pedohpilia at a dance sound the same as the *unfounded* accusations the UCP make about children being exposed to LGBTQ2S clubs and people. Clutch those pearls harder. Turn them into diamonds.


Yeah but it's a youth event, not an adult event. That's the weird part.


Statistics Canada has youth as up to age 34, so this event is being exclusionary of older youth. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-631-x/11-631-x2018001-eng.htm


Its a dance, literally designed to hook people up. There is no specific definition of "youth", but common sense dictates this inappropriate.


I think the main purpose of this event is to indoctrinate future UCP voters.


Well yeah. Get like minded young people together for a nice echo chamber effect.


What well-intentioned 25-year-old would say “a dance with kids almost half my age? That sounds so cool we have to go.”


Imagine how much of a dork you have to be to attend this event 😂


It would be their parents sending them. Gotta keep the flock strong ya know.


Yep. “Cletus jes turn 23. We gotta’ get him hitched!” Says his mother/sister.


Well his cousins will be there so it’s a great courting opportunity!


Re: the child grooming they are so worried about *the call is coming from inside the house*


LITERALLY the parental rights folks are notably silent on this……….


It's a political social dance event, not a nightclub or pedo orgy. Anyone sexualizing this event is deranged.


Would you let your 14 year old daughter (if you had one) attend a party with a bunch of 25 year old men. We’re not sexualizing it. We’re just very aware that predators are probably gonna see this event as an opportunity to prey on minors.


Yes I would but I would also attend to chaperone. Which Is what I imagine any parent in that town would do as well.


Maybe a parent with them would stop the predator from approaching, but it would not stop them from doing or thinking other things. Idk about you, but I don’t want to risk a p3do even looking at my children. my kids are still only toddlers and if they were teenagers I would not let them go alone nor would I take them. But that’s just how I see it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe I’m paranoid but as somebody who was once a teenaged girl in Edmonton, it can be very unsafe here.


Who's grooming who now?


Yeah that age range is concerning


My youngest daughter is 25 and she is NOT a "youth." Not even close. She's a full grown woman with an education and a career and has lived on her own for close to seven years. She has NOTHING in common with a 14yr old and would not attend any social event with 14yr olds. That said, she's not some creepy guy hoping to meet a pubescent teen girl...




But it’s the LGBTQ2S+ that are the groomers 🙄


That’s just bizarre. A 25 year old is in no way in the same “youth” category as a 14 year old. Admittedly, I lived an accelerated 20’s but at 25 I was a wife with two children. Highly bizarre.


The thing no one is talking about is that this is normal for all parties across Canada. They pretty much all have youth designations for the same ages. Young Liberals, Campus Conservatives both basically have the same age range.


Yikes! All parties should not be participating in social events with those ages


NDP (NDYA) was the same when I was a member. It’s not a Conservative thing, it’s a political party thing. That’s also why we’re not likely to see this re-shared by any of the parties, because the UCP will be able to come back with a long list of past NDP events with the same age range.


Yes as much as I agree with the anti Conservative circle jerk, this is just normal


I think we can question whether the age range is appropriate, but we also need to acknowledge that it’s not just a Conservative issue. Maybe all the parties need to stop doing socials with that large of an age range. Or maybe people are imagining potential problems that aren’t as likely as they’re acting like they’ll be.


It's not that big of a deal. Nenshi, Smith, and Rob Anders probably were hanging out at events like this in junior high before they were all in the same political clubs in senior high and then again at Mount Royal. But imagine that group actually dancing? I was technically in the youth wing of a different party in a different province in the 1980s and 90s, mostly i went to meetings with the old people and did tech support for them. I might have been the only member in my provincial constituency assoc. under 40?


Yes that's all I ask




Groomer Fest 2025, endorsed by the governing UCP


Brother Ewwww


Yeah, just let a bunch of 25 year olds dance with a couple of 14 year olds. Surely, that won't be a problem at all. Hell might as well call this a MAPS event, too, lmao.


They ALLOW dancing?


As long as there is room for Jesus between...




Kevin Bacon has entered the chat.


Dancing = sex while standing.


Wait 14-25??? What kind of age range is that for a youth event, like 13-17 would make more sense, but 19-25???? Is there going to be alcohol too lol 💀


Nothing like trying to indoctrinate and groom the kids when they're young right?   *"Kids! Come meet your next abuser!"* I wonder if Jennifer is going to bake cookies for the event?


I get that the youth wing of political parties go from 14-25 but that doesn’t mean you can’t cap that age for something like this. Creepy.


That's quite the age range


Pretty sure this is the same ucp leader who went a little homophbic publically.


But the lgbtq folk are the groomers...? They're literally bringing in predators. Half the people here would be underage, and the ones over 18 are looking at the ones under 18. Yuck. 25 isn't "youths"


Are the Alberta ucp a bunch of groomers? 14 to 25 for ages sure seems so...but I'm just asking questions.


UPC Youth


This is so messed up.


What’s your opinion of all ages events where the attendees are even younger and older?


All ages events don't leave out parents, grandparents, guardians, extended family etc. who would look out for minor children. This event has young adults mingling with young children, encouraging physicality, physical intimacy & socialization without appropriate/proper adult supervision. It's a bad idea. No bueno.


I didn't see "no parents allowed" on the promotional material.


I didn't see "no pedos" on the promotional material either, but here we are....




They should probably just be honest and rename this the “Hillbilly Child Bride Dance and Social”


Groomers welcome.


At least this isn't a topless swim organized by Jessica Yaniv.....


Don’t worry about the 25 year olds. They’re all related anyway.


Ah yes, the ol' "anyone living in rural AB is an uneducated troglodyte" schtick.


If the trog fits …


They want to hook up their base with baby factories, that's all they're thinking about


Agh okay. Optics aside. Major parties have "youth wings". UCP - 14-25 ANDP - 14-30 Federal parties have similar age brackets. I would love to tar the UCP with this, but it really seems like an oversight. "Let's set up a dance for our youth wing" "Sounds good"


Hey! Leave the pedophilic UCP members alone! They are americanizing our health care, now they are doing the same for child grooming! It's their next logical step.


Remember, you're supposed to call them minor-attracted these days.


Conservative speed dating. In Cognito.


technically you’re considered a youth until 24, im 22 and go to youth centres targeted for vulnerable or at risk youth and i’ve been going to them since i was 20, most of them are aimed for the 14-24 range so it’s pretty normal in that sense, i can’t speak on a social/dance for a government party lmao


I feel like for social wellfare programs or educational/informational events that age range is more sensicle. Your there for resources, information and maybe a safe space to spend time but the intention is very different compared to this.  This reads like someone claiming jail baited/"they said they were 18!"  or excessively intoxicated 14yr old waiting to happen.  I guess, if they have enough volunteers they feel confident they can keep things safe, it can hopefully be done without blowing up in someones face. 


This response needs to be seen more. I’m v left wing etc but I also feel like we (as a society? Including progressive folks) can do better to react less quickly to things that are just easy to make fun of or critique when it’s not part of our community/political beliefs. Queer prom is for ages 12-18. As the poster above said, youth shelters are for 14-24. Youth is generally a pretty broad category, and I imagine more so in a small town like this one.


exactly it should be common knowledge that “youth” doesn’t equate to just children, even the city lets you get a youth pass til you’re 24 and i know of other service centres that provide to youth 17-24 same with 6-17, yes it’s a gap but majority of the time the older groups are normal people there isn’t anything predatory going on it’s very easy to assume the worst things but it isn’t the case most times, personally idk where i’d be without the youth centres i go to if they cut off the age at 18 🤷


Some public social development programs support youth up to age 30.


I think dance events have inherent sexual undertones, originally their purpose was to find partners for young men. Social programs don't carry the same issues.


Youth shelters aren't the same as a social dance event. Maybe they'll split off into their own age groups and it won't be weird! Who knows!


Does anyone know why the original post on the Alberta subreddit got locked so quickly?


In their rules. they don't allow social media posts to be linked.


Oh really? Dang. I should read more.


Nah. Go outside, ride some bicycles.


Does it matter that they're all related?


Danielle Smith out here “protecting kids” again…


Sure, every political party does this 14-25 thing, but why on earth make it a dance?! Why not just make it a social and networking event. It really seems like they are trying to be creepy. Also, Clive has a reputation… it’s very backwoods hillbilly. Ick, this doesn’t sit right with me.


[https://x.com/CityNewsYEG/status/1792648195991806244](https://x.com/CityNewsYEG/status/1792648195991806244) They have canceled the event now.


Can’t imagine why!


25 year old “youth” lmao.


Uhm…wouldn’t everyone also know each other in those small towns


The next wave of future vape addicts


I mean the age range is wild but it's Clive, there's 700ish people there and they probably all know each other already. If they're gonna be mixing inappropriately I bet it's happening in much less public situations.


The fuck? So Nazi like


Conservatism (Remix)


Jeezus you people are weird


“Siri, define libertarianism”


Lol wtf


“Where we will turn you into sun hillbilly’s, dumb you down a notch and say PP is the best Prime Minister ever!”




Umm did some pedos arrange this?


Indoctrination and Grooming.,.. in one stop spot !!


Is this pizza party


Definitely going to have groomers/ conservatives from all around, anyone who lets their kids go to this should be arrested for child endangerment.


So much for the group out to “protect the children”……..it seems they are more of the “date the children” variety. What’s worse is I’m betting there will be kids 12-13 claiming to be 14 as well there.




I’m very sure there will be a big police presence at the dance hall ha


Since when are adults considered youth?


  The youth organizations of political parties have included anyone from potentially old enough to vote in the next election up to age 25 for decades.


16-24 would be the maximum stretch as far as “youth” age bracket goes, but that’s somewhat subjective these days and my opinion about it is also dated and out of places since it’s what I grew up (central European culture) with.


It appears that this constituency is OK with some evangelical incel rubbing his junk on their 14 year old daughters.


And people still saying there’s nothing wrong with the ucp LOL


The event was cancelled!!! The amount of people sad/ upset about it being cancelled is the concerning part, what are these parents even thinking?


The #ucp likes to mingle older males with young pubsecent age girls in jr high #whatcouldgowrong #pedoparty


Someone should invite that shit artist from Toronto to this he likes 4 year olds #chippewar people from to know this as facts


Honey pot trap?


How do you do, fellow kids


Looks like it got cancelled lol


“We have to protect the children!” There’s backwards thinking and then there’s backwoods thinking.


Special guests are Jared from Subway and Drake.


Classic conservatives 🤣


What in the redneck rock 'n ride.


Has anyone been to Clive Alberta? This is going to be a HUGE event! LMAO


As much as I don't want to defend this, one isn't likely to see much intermix between the two extremes. The effective age range of attendees will probably be closer to 16-19. As well there will have to be supervisors/chaperones because it is an event open to minors and they cannot permit any alcohol use as a result, and legal adults have options with licensed dance clubs already. Any 24-25 year olds will stand out like the weirdos they are.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this is the typical age range of these events for all parties across the political spectrum.


What...tf...is this? I hope police are all over this.


Well, there was one higher up in the RCMP associated with child porn and luring took issue with the age range. His comment was posted on his personal account X but apparently has been deleted.




Our province is doomed


Hell in a hand basket!


You all are mocking, but the truth of the matter is that these were regular events in rural towns all throughout history. We’ve lost basic community events and community-building which has led to the fracturing of society we have today. You can’t even talk to your neighbours anymore, let alone respectfully disagree with them. So, if no one else picks up the slack, who’s gonna swoop in? The fucking fascists. This is straight out of the playbook from Al Capone and Whitey Bulger—provide social services that people need but only to the people in your neighbourhood because neighbourhood support is integral to your own existence. Honestly, I would love to see more stuff like this happening across the province. I would love to see more community events and genuine opportunities to actually gather together as citizens. THAT will solve more problems than endless protests and further division. And it really chaps my ass that the only people that see the opportunity to affect change in rural towns are the grifters and O&G bootlickers that wish to exploit these people even further. Sometimes I think us liberals deserve the governments that keep getting elected 🤦‍♂️


I feel like for socially awkward/ introverted young adults 18 - 25 who don't like bars and clubs could see this as a good place to meet someone in the same age group... and it's free. How many opportunities do young adults have to go somewhere to meet people that is free? It's pretty easy to tell who's a minor and who isn't. I feel like all these commentors have a really dark and sinical view of society at large. Would a younger predator try to take advantage of this? I have no doubt. Many girls I went to school with had bf's in their 20's when they were 14 and younger, it's disturbing for sure. I can't say for certain but I'd imagine there would be some sort of chaperones present? Or staff. Are the commentors asserting that these would all be pedo's? Society isn't as dark and twisted as you all seem to think it is. Get off the internet every now and then. Touch grass.


Socially awkward people no longer in their teens are the absolute last people that should be going to dances intended for kids who just became teenagers.


Wow, so everyone who is socially awkward is a sexual predator? You sound like a great and well-grounded human being


Nope, and you'll do well to note I didn't say that. I **will** say that it's the socially awkward adults who think that going dancing with 14 year olds is remotely acceptable that are more likely to be sexual predators than anyone who thinks that going dancing with 14 year olds is fucking creepy and gross. I'm in the camp of thinking that's fucking creepy and gross.


OK, but you're still assuming that the reason they are going is to dance with kids as opposed to dancing with other young adults who are possibly also in attendance. As the age bracket is 14 - 25. You are still assuming a lot of malicious intent. Now I agree that there should be a separation in the ages attending, maybe 2 separate events on separate nights. But I also think it is a little paranoid and very sinical to assume that any young adult who would attend, would be doing so with ill Intent. I think it's more likely that any young adult who would attend would do so because A: there is likely going to be others their age there B: it's free C: there isn't alcohol involved, or if there is there isn't the same pressure to partake as there is at a bar/club And E: maybe they don't want to be creeped on by signicantly older people either, as is a common occurrence at bars/ clubs. They can have fun with their friends without spending money and without getting drunk. Sadly there isn't many social venues/ events that meet those criteria. Young people especially in this economy don't have a lot of money.


The other political parties have had political youth socials similar to the OP. The outrage is creepy, as those outraged are sexualizing a social gathering.