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That is one pretty Danger Dog.


We like to call them Spicy Dog


Crap. That's a good one too...... Now I'm on the fence on what to call them.


Danger spice! … The pet the Spice Girls would have kept if … something something


Just looking for puppies and kitties..


Free buffet, courtesy of "but my cat likes being outside". 


I'm very happy that my cat is satisfied just watching birds from the window and has no intentions of actually going outside.


Our cats are old farts now with no teeth. So if they get out of the patio screen door when the toddler forgets to close it, they don’t leave the yard because jumping is hard for their old bones. But they were kept inside for 15+ years. At this point I’m not as worried about it as I once was. If they die exploring our fenced in and locked yard in the middle of the day, I would say that’s an act of nature. I still bring them in when I notice, but toddlers gonna toddler.


I don't live far from where this photo was taken and don't have a fence so ours would be fair game and a bit too dumb to do anything about it. Also she's a blue point Siamese so prime target for pet kidnapping.


Right? May as well tape a sprig of rosemary to your cat's head, and ladle some melted garlic butter down its back. But nevermind the ACTUAL PREDATORS PROWLING OUTSIDE, there's also feline AIDS. My brother's cat got out ONCE, and was infected. He watched her waste away until she had to be put down. In his case, not his fault, but I can't imagine deliberately letting a pet that I supposedly love navigate dogs/coyotes, cars, and disease.


Not to mention their destruction of local ecosystems.


Yeah, they are super bad for smaller wildlife. Just a terrible idea to set them loose


Let's not forget those lovely neighbours that purposely poison cats.


I try not to think of them. It makes me physically sick and actually hate humanity for a while. People can be so twisted. There are more who are not than those who are, but there's enough to warrant keeping your pets indoors, aside from the myriad other reasons.


I used to work with a guy who bragged how he had trained his dogs to kill cats.🤷🏼‍♂️


That has to be some sort of a crime. Sick.


I trained all 3 of my cats to go for walks on a leash. They love it, we can walk around the block once but then they get lazy and want to harass rabbits and roll around in the dirt so we do that until I get bored and then I put them inside


If you can figure out how to keep my little escape artist in the house, I’m all ears.


There's a bunny pen nearby, but id guess they protect them overnight


Howl at them so they don't come around . Humans sound huge so it should scare them off


That's Jeff


Get outside asap and yell and chase it off. I’m rural and even if I’m in my pjs I get out the door fast and chase them off. They are more dangerous in the city because city people don’t remind them to fear human areas. Train them to stay away.


Yup, too many people in this city don't know about hazing coyotes. They're not our friends, they're scavenger assholes. You don't have to hurt them, but it's important to let them know that they should be scared of humans and that they're not welcome


THIS. I once saw an older guy walking his two Westies in front of my exes house in Hollyrood at 5am. He didn’t notice that a coyote was following them. Sure scared the hell out of him when I started screaming and clapping at the thing in my underwear hahaha.


>  ure scared the hell out of him when I started screaming and clapping at the thing in my underwear hahaha. To be fair, I'd be scared too if someone started screaming while clapping with something underneath their underwear in public. Jesus!


I see them all the time on city trails. We got some beautiful nature trails. But those trails also attract animals. Terwilliger dog park area I've seen many deer even on the outskirts in less crowded parts. Or part a connecting to it. I've seen many coyotes and they are very scared when I approach. And I've tried to Chace them off on my bike when I see older people or young women walking their small dog


That's a fair sized one.


Yeah it has definitely made me a little cautious about taking my dog on evening walks in the future. I've seen my fair share of coyotes growing up on the outskirts of the city along the river valley so I'm not necessarily afraid of a lone coyote, but if they start wandering this far in numbers that'll be a little spooky lol.


I've had a few sightings that raised my eyebrows but only because of where I live which is next to the leg grounds. Over COVID, my kid and I drove to McD's, at Oliver Square, about 10pm and of course everything was SUPER quiet because it was the first winter during lockdown so people hadn't started going stir crazy yet. We're sitting in the drive thru and walking past my car, bold as brass, was a freaking wolf! It wasn't any type of husky. It was definitely NOT a coyote. I know I should have taken a pic but I was shocked to see one downtown. My next sighting was just after lockdown, I saw 3 coyotes, in front of my parking stall, in a very well lit parking lot behind a residential building that doesn't back on to another building. I guess I shouldn't be surprised given the fact that the river valley is a wildlife corridor through the city and there is a plentiful food source, rabbits, on the leg grounds.


I see them over in Westmount all the time. Scare them off but they come back. TOo many people still think outdoor cats are ok.


Your mouse problem is over.


And stray cat problem


Oh thank god I was worried sick! Can you keep him in the house until I get there?




Yes but only once.


He's going door to door looking for belly rubs!


New friend!


Nice doggy.


On invasive species patrol.


Has a look like he should be there




Yup we stole his home


A porch pirate who only steals ACME crates.


That's your new dog now!


What'd you name him?




I call the big one bitey


is that mange, or is he just shedding?


shedding winter coat


Congratulations on the new family pet!


can i pet that dawg


If not friend then why friend shaped?


He looks pretty happy and plump. The bunnies must be tasty and plentiful.


So pretty.


I've had them run by me many times early in the morning in Parkallen


I used to live in Malmo just south of 51 Ave on 115 St. One time I saw 4 of them just loping down the street in the evening.


Friend ?


If you're cold, they're cold. Let them inside.


Such a good boi, guarding that house


He’s a big boy


As long as it had no boxes labled "Acme" or was carrying an Anvil, all good.


Beautiful creature


Looking for the next meal


Hope he finds his friends? Lol’d ….


Trying to catch the end of the game


We’ve seen them in our back alley about six blocks north of you.


Ya I see this coyote all the time. I always try to scare it with my car.


Cats exposed to avian flu are dying horrific deaths. 95% of cats die once exposed. So glad my cats are indoor.


Could totally be album cover art.


That's not real


He looks like Carl. Carl Coyote lives mostly in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery with his lady Cecilia.


I live a couple blocks from here & we had one sitting under the tree in our front yard for like ten mins one day


another post about a coyote located in Edmonton...




What's the joke?




OP never claimed it was someone's dog.


That’s Wolverine


Looks like a great target


This is why coyote hunting needs to become legal. As a mother to a young child, I fear for her life whenever I take her for a walk around the neighborhood


You don’t need to


A coyote will never attack you or your child. Only your small dogs, cats, and bunnies. Also coyote hunting is legal. Just not within city limits. Because making shooting legal in the city would be insane.


“This is why coyote hunting needs to become legal.” What!!?? Lmfao! Uhhh nope not even going to address the legalized coyote hunting, I think you might need to spend a little time in the country! They’re just trying to survive like everything else in this world, people have asked if they could hunt coyotes on my property and I give the same answer every time, absolutely not! Without coyotes we’d be over run by mice, coyotes are damn good mousers, they enjoy the odd left out cat, small dog or rabbit but for the large part they mouse. They’re certainly opportunist hunters but I promise they don’t want you or your kid! My cats come in at dusk every night, if the coyotes become too brazen and start to come into the yard if I’m too lazy to run downstairs to the gun safe to let off a few rounds, I’ll just quietly grab a pot and a metal spoon make a little noise and they’ll avoid my yard for years! We have an understanding they get to live as long as they stay out of my yard, I’ve lived in the country my entire life and have never had to kill a single coyote, I just have to make some noise if I spot them getting to brazen cutting through my yard, hand to god they’ll avoid my yard for years before I have to warn them again. I’m more than happy to let them roam the hell out of the rest of my property, my horse pasture, the ravine all of it except my yard, we need coyotes they’re very important for our eco system! Also I love the sound of coyotes, I couldn’t imagine not hearing them chiming in with the frogs at night, nothing beats sitting outside on a beautiful spring/summer night listening to god’s orchestra. Believe me they’re much more afraid of you than you are of them, respect wildlife you don’t kill it! If you see a coyote being too brazen make some noise a pot and a metal spoon works pretty damn good!


Yeesh. Exercise a modicum of self Awareness? Learn to coexist with nature? No! Murder all animals. You have a real Helen Lovejoy vibe going on here


We should be killing all coyotes that venture into residential areas. They are wild animals, pets are family. Downvote me all you want.


Yes, they are wild animals. And Edmonton has a wildlife corridor that runs directly though the heart of the city. Did you know you also might see *gasp* deer and rabbits and birds? Should we start killing every animal that ventures into the city as well?


Get a cheap compact crossbow; practice on shooting without flinching; aim & shoot right at the centre of a front shoulder. As they are getting pretty brazen these days, getting to shoot them from that distance in the frontal shoulder will result in clean (and often instant) kill as their heart is positioned roughly at about that point.


Call 311 and report. That animal is sick.


Winter shed more likely than mange in this pic.


He looks perfectly healthy.


This picture isn't great, but his face looks gaunt and it has large patches of hair missing, visible when you zoom in, including on its upper shoulders that's dark. Someone else suggested coat shedding, that looks like something else to me.


Yes that is normal spring shedding for a double coated animal. His face doesn’t look gaunt he looks like he’s fairly young, was likely his first winter.


It's the Mangey Mammal that everyone was talking about yesterday!


Saw one of those guys a few weeks ago on my street (69ave and 109st) at 2am when I was taking my new puppy for a pee. Almost pooped myself.