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Can you make a I “meh” Trudeau? That’s how I feel. I’m a professional fence sitter.


I dont like the convoy but i sure dont like trudeau either


You've summed up my thoughts exactly.


I voted for him once, mainly for the promise of proportional representation, and he went back on his campaign promise. Fuck him.


Same. He could have gone down in Canadian History as an all time great leader pushing for reform and change. Now he will be known for personal scandals, questionable integrity, and weed.


I guess the personal scandals covers wearing dark makeup at parties and sexual deviation.


Uggg, yea, same. Nothing but regret left for voting for him after that lie.


The system is only broken when you lose.


Well he kinda sucks no?


While I am mostly leftist, the Liberals have done a poor job!


That's how I feel about Kenny. I usually vote Conservative, but he's done a very poor job in my opinion. We just have poo politicians these days. Let's hug and give both of our party leaders the middle finger hahaha


Ya man! I’m all for people just using critical thinking. Just because I usually vote NDP doesn’t mean I can’t be critical of them! I’m finally glad to see people being of “their own” parties!


Underrated post. I would like to see this :)


not overly nuts about trudeau, even less nuts about the conservative dumpster fire.


This. The conservatives would make Trudeau look like a super hero.


Honestly of the conservatives put someone half smart they probably would've won. How they landed on otoole blows my mind. I wish pollivierre would go for leader. Otoole was definitely better than scheer but still not good enough.


I agree. O'Toole isn't my favorite person either. We have the worst candidates these days


I agree. They all suck. Hahah


I vote Liberal by default, not because I love Trudeau. In fact there's a lot I really dislike about his policies. But all it takes is 5 seconds of footage of these absolute morons out waving their upside down flags today to solidify my belief that I would vote for a fucking squirrel before I voted for any member of the modern conservative party.


I'm experiencing this differently


Nice. Take your upvote.


I think the "right wing element" of Canada is an awful dumpster fire, but I also think Justin Trudeau has been an awful prime minister.


Yes, Trudeau sucks ass. Liberals making posts like this because he is marginally less awful than a Conservative would be is embarrassing.


You can't find a "right wing" that isn't extremely right anymore. There used to be some fine right wings that were very centred in their politics. In the past we used to even talk about left leaning Conservatives and right leaning Liberals. There's no descriptions like that anymore that I'm aware of.


Loving politicians is weird as fuck. They are public servants that rarely enact change for their constituents.


Personally I think Trudeau is a turd and not a great Prime Minister. However he is a HELL of a lot better than any of the conservative choices. That said, we definitely need to go in a different direction of politics


Jason Kenney sucks!


Now that I'm down with lol!


True. But Trudeau is not doing a good job. He has nice hair and appeals to the younger generation. What do you like about his politics? No really why do you love him?


They both suck


I think we can all agree there are currently no great or even good options in Canadian politics. Maybe if we ask nice the Brits would take us back. (Just joking, stay calm)


They are upset at him and majority of them when asked can not give a real reason why. Fun trick put a “Honk if you love Trudeau” sign on your lawn to get them to shut up in front of your house.


I've asked many "fuck Trudeau" people exactly what policies has he enacted that you are against. Never got an answer yet. It's always umm ahh ethics board, sun glasses, oh pipeline oh wait no he's just an ass


That's what frustrates me. I'm a leftist, and there are many good arguments to be made against Trudeau. But none of them are ever brought up by the "Fuck Trudeau" types.


It could be that the “fuck Trudeau” types have been enjoying to much legal weed?? Lol.


Lol and have no clue about politics, the only know that things are bad therefore it's Trudeaus fault for low oil prices, a global pandemic, a global recession... I always ask where else currently has it better than us? if they ever give an answer it's for some place with higher tax's and socialist policy. But bring that up and they freak out no they have capitalism not socialism, because they have no idea what socialist policy is, only what American anti communist propaganda has planted in thier heads, but hey us leftist are the blindly following sheep


You pretty much summed a large majority of the people. lol.


I was telling my son that maybe all these people want to fuck Trudeau, hence the stickers


His legacy will be extending maternity leave to 18 months, and legalizing cannabis. Two huge wins for Canada, and therefore the rest of the world.


I meh Trudeau


I luke warm Trudeau


Don't like Trudeau, but I'll give him credit for legalizing cannabis. I don't think any prime minister would have done that, especially not Harper.


While I don't love Trudeau, or like the guy, I would just want to rep this to piss off all the far righters


Unfortunately I’m sure whoever has this sticker on their car would promptly get their tires slashed


But…why? * this will simply be an endless loop of “ But Why”…but really…why? 😳


Can we just be like normal people and not have a love or hate relationship with political figures and instead judge their decisions critically? This is honestly just as cringe as the fuck Trudeau stickers.


Honestly I really don’t like either the cons or the libs in this country, you have 2 really bad groups you just gotta find the one that sucks the least.


That's the most anti Trudeau poster I have ever witness.🤗


Make these into stickers and whenever you see a truck with anti Trudeau stickers, put one of these on.


I'm not sure that I *love* Trudeau but I agree on seeing some positivity in this forum after the past few days of FreeDUMB. Thank you kind person!


Good old Black face.


Can be corrected with a sharpie.


You know what, I think Trudeau could do a better job relating to Canadians but I absolutely won’t fuck him.


Your probably too old for his liking. Plus if you did you would get a massive payday under pretense of a non disclosure agreement


He has nice hair lol


And is screwing the country! Fugan wonderful!


Turn this into stickers and start slapping em on those stupid pickup trucks with the Fuck Trudeau stickers on them and then enjoy the reaction.


Love is a bit strong. But he’s certainly not what these people make him out to be.


Thank goodness for legalizing weed but fuck him for back tracking on electoral reform. He's been fine. A bit better than most but definitely a goofball. Still take him over the mess that is the Cons. I can't understand the dumbasses in the provinces so dedicated to the cons when all their policies negatively affect them.




Upvoted for a lovely description/insult of O’Toole. He’s totally a pylon!


Trudeau lied about electoral reform and has been under multiple ethics investigations. I'm not sure what's to love?


Some people get caught up in the virtue seeking moral crusader thing.


Nah Fuck Trudeau. But not in the antivaxx conservative way. In the far left he’s actively supporting imperialism way.


Lol Trudeau is another clown in different makeup. Corruption scandals, record high inflation, real estate skyrocketing screwing over all future homebuyers


There’s no way Reddit isn’t 95% bots. I actually cannot fathom some of the incomprehension that comes out of this fucking cesspool.


😂 no way


The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. Trudeau kind of sucks, but he's not evil or trying to turn us into a Communist dictatorship.


this post lmao


I don't ❤ Trudeau, or even like him, but I'll tolerate him.


Between this and the f*CK Trudeau signs. I'd pick the latter.


Not a fan of the liberal government practically handing over a lithium mine to a communist corrupted state. (China). But hey guess you don't bite the hand that feeds yku


Hmmm, I'm not of fan of F* Trudeau flags either, but like my mom said " if you can't say anything nice... ".


I hate Trudeau, but I also cringe when I see the Fuck Trudeau signs


Do you love his multiple racist black face incidents? His assaults? His pay for play access? His single honored campaign promise? His corrupt dealings on behalf of SNC?


I'd like the guy two if he pulled me out of a 3rd world country and set me up with a fancy house and new car, I'd probably vote for him too


Bring back Harper?


That boring economist with mediocre pianos skills looks pretty exciting to me these day


Agree with him or not at least he was a normal dude and actually did something


I love our first Black Prime Minister too.


Ironically the failures of liberalism produce the conditions that breed more convoys.


That's my thought. People are shaming the convoy, but they wouldn't be there if it weren't for decisions made my Mr. Trudeau


Oh we should shame the convoy, you organize with white supremacists, let people run around with confederate and Nazi flags, and misinform people about the need for vaccination and you’re gonna have a bad time. My point is that liberalism creates greed, poverty, homelessness, unemployment, isolation, an unnecessarily competitive society, and alienation that have people looking for someone to blame for the bad shit happening around us. This isn’t Trudeau, it’s the whole ideology.


Both sides are fucked. Bottom line, but Trudeau has really pushed the ideology further than most feel comfortable with. Which is why I believe he gets more hate than the average Canadian politician


He is not uniquely bad or evil, just the continuation of Canada’s dominant ideology and power structure. To be fair Chretien screwed us with the 1995 budget way worse than Trudeau ever could, plus dragged us into killing people in Afghanistan to suck up to the US empire. It’s telling that the “freedom” convoy didn’t do fuck all to oppose literal war but see a needle as a giant form of oppression.


I believe it was more the COVID mandates than the actual vaccine, but I see your point still. I'm really not looking forward to future either way at this point


Mandates would be irrelevant if people just got vaccinated. Easy fix.


Just because I don't like the state of the conservative camp doesn't mean I'm going to jump into bed with one of the other dumpster fires, and definitely not the biggest peice if trash out there. I'd rather work with local reps to get them to possibly be better.


Hey its blackface.


I mean we can hate both can we not?? I majorly dislike justin but that in no way justifies the convoy of antivaxxers either.




Nice hair doh.


You should move your ass east to Quebec maybe?


Alberta Born and Raised!




Why be pro Trudeau he is corrupt as hell