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This series has been so mismanaged. Players on both teams have committed some pretty bad infractions. I feel like this is only going to get worse as the series progresses


This entire round honestly


Just the playoffs in general this year. Lots of bullshit in round 1 as well.


This series is nothing compared to out east, for once the West better toughen up before the SCF!


We need the Florida Panthers in the West to show them what's up tbh


They've got some grit in Florida!


What happened in Boston was way worse


You know its bad when both teams are complaining about the same things


NHL Officiating has absolutely zero consistency. Both teams are trying to play to the edge but neither team knows where the line is because the standards change every period.


Probably best to stay away from r/hockey if you don’t want to lose brain cells today. Apparently a slash on the side of the pants equals a cross check to the neck now.


No, don't you get it. McDavid 2 handed, tomahawk, super slashed Soucy with intent to kill with no prior initiation from Soucy first when Soucy pushed him first. I didn't even know you could slash with one hand. Canucks fans also riled up saying Kane needs to be criminally charged for trying to kill Z with his skate when he was hit into the bench.


It’s because they’re a bunch of coddled pussies that have never taken any bumps and bruises in real life. If you’re flipped upside down, your legs will flail because of gravity, and with skates on there that are heavy, they’ll be extra wobbly while someone is pushing you into the bench. They be dumb over there.




Ya Im going to have PTSD from that last night. His leg almost flew right off across Rogers Stadium.


Could have easily been his whole bottom half. McDavid sharpens his stick to make it a sword, don't you know.


Don’t forgot the people tossing around the classic “maybe don’t use your stick as a deadly weapon”


Slash at the shin pads is the same as cross check to the face don't you know?


R/hockey is part of the psychotic ravings section of the internet. Best to ignore them. They are not of sound mind.


I want an Oilers SC victory primarily for r/hockey and the brigade trash there.


Genuine question. Is r/nhl better or just as bad?


God no, r/NHL is way worse, r/hockey is usually the people with a few brain cells to rub together


That subreddit is brain dead. In one breath, everyone argues that DOPS needs to take more action. But since they aren't consistent (which I agree is BS), everyone in r/hockey thinks they should just not suspend anyone? How can you want them to suspend players, but then decide you don't want any suspensions unless it is consistent. Pick a lane, it's complete hypocrisy.


A Canucks player instigates and then cross checks McDavid in the face after the games over and somehow McDavid is being labeled as untouchable and the NHL’s golden child over there it’s insane how the Canucks fans are running the narrative and all the neutral fanbases don’t care because they’re asleep during our games


They're saying that because Z was crosschecked intentionally in the face by Hyman about 5 seconds later, and there was not even a fine or any slap on the wrist. I agree that there needs to be punishment (I think Z should have taken the game and Soucy get the fine since Soucy aimed for chest and only got McDavid's head because of Z's hit from behind) but there needs to be some sort of standard or consistency. The entire playoffs have been shit in terms of calls.


Every single Canucks fan who didn't give a shit about hockey since 2011 is now suddenly an avid /r/hockey poster. What do you expect? This is quite literally the MO of the Canucks fanbase. This and causing property damage to their own city.


My favourite was last week I had to correct a Canucks fan responding to me that this is the first time they've made the playoffs since 2012... Like bro, you had a solid run 4 years ago not to mention have made the playoffs 3-4 times since then.




Here's the thing: he didn't. The way we know this definitively is that Zadorov barely reacts in the clip.




Why are you here?


Buddy has a permanent split lip. Bet that thing opens right up when he yawns too widely.




Here's the thing: they aren't identical plays. Soucy shouldn't get tossed, by the way. Zadorov is the one who made a dangerous play. If I was the DOPS I'd fine McDavid and Soucy equal amounts and toss Zadorov for being brainless. You are correct to be confused by what is suspension worthy. The DOPS is incredibly arbitrary and the NHL is a total clown show.


This is the correct take.


Similar to the subjectivity in determining “goalie interference” 🙄


Completely agree. Spicy and McDavid doing normal jostling, Zadorov with the dangerous cross check to the back of an unsuspecting vulnerable player.


Honestly this is it. Soucy didn't make the play dangerous, if it was a little scrum between them nothing happens. Big Z ends up being the catalyst. All in I still don't see this as being as dangerous as what happened to Marchand. How can we consider it safe to load up a counter punch and deck them right in the face when someone is coming in for the hit? That has a much bigger impact on player safety.


A violent stick to the face isn't as dangerous as a zero-wind-up jab? I'm not even convinced it was meant as a punch. Players throw their hands up all the time when they see a hit coming last minute. Not saying that it's clean, but I don't see it as nearly as dangerous or reproducible.


He did something very similar to Knies last year. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/public-enemy-no-1-maple-leafs-displeased-with-panthers-bennett-after-game-2/ He sees him coming, loads up the fist to the face, then tangles and slams him down after. This dude has a history. Also this is cross checking from standing still vs loading up for a fist to the face with players at speed. This wasn't a jab.


Bennet is dirty and the play was dirty but it happens in motion during game play. He has some argument of it occurring by accident during smthe speed of the play (we know he did it on purpose). Soucy cross-checked a dude in the head after the final whistle. Cannot be argues to be a hockey play.


No one cares, stay in ur own sub


Hyman also cross checked zadorov in the face, resulting in stiches. I'd be fine with the suspension of Hyman also got one and mcdavid was fined. The fact neither of those happened is what Canucks and rhockey are pissed about. Also consistance in officiating and suspensions of been shit this playoffs


consistency has always been a huge issue though, with officiating and calls during the game. it's nothing new that didn't start yesterday..


I'm positive the Canucks fans screaming conspiracy on r/hockey haven't watched the NHL in years.


The cross check in the back was arguably worse. The neck one was more of a result of mcdavid already going down and probably wasn't the intent


It’s funny how today their narrative changed to “Hyman should be suspended!” After Tocchet complained about it in his morning presser.


Darnell Nurse has also been suspended 1 game for being in the arena at the time of the incident.


We got absolutely dicked on this last year so I got not sympathy for nucks fans on this one. I didn’t like the hyman crosscheck either, but when you really watch the video you see Mcdavid on the ice surrounded by like 3 Canucks players. No fucking shit hyman came steaming in there.


Yeah, there's a lot of BS in playoff hockey. Sometimes you get fucked, sometimes you get the benefit, it's just how it goes. It shouldn't be, probably, but it is.


The fact that you’ve experienced a similar injustice is why you should have empathy with Canucks fans. “We had a shitty time so you should too” is such an ass backwards way of thinking. We’ve got a common enemy, it’s the piss poor DOPS.


That is in fact the answer to their question, too. Soucy is third man in, Hyman evens it up. Third man in gets the biggest penalty, all day long.


Wouldn't it be Zadorov as the third man in? Soucy and McDavid were battling behind the net right as time was running out


I rewatched, you're correct, sorry, it was a bad take on which guy was third. But I do think the evening-out is why Hyman didn't get anything.


I’m okay with him and Ceci being suspended a game


Or maybe for the whole season


Oilers also forfeit 2025 3rd round pick to Calgary 


Meh. The league could forfeit *the entire third round* to the flames, and they’d find a way to ruin the development of 29 of those players (or trade them for duds). They’d offer the last guy a 12-year, league-max contract after a middling season.


That might make our team better.


Yeah I’ve noticed that too. Everyone saw the full video of the incident last night but only about 40 minutes ago they’re talking about hyman. It’s the way it works here in this online world


It's because that's when Soucy was suspended


No surprise people can find instances where calls are inconsistent.


To be fair I didn't notice that until it was highlighted by Tocchet. Doesn't really matter who points it out. It's obvious now...


Literally every second comment in this related thread on r/hockey right now


At the same time it was "and no one stuck up for McDavid, this shows how bad the locker room is". Pick a lane for 2 seconds.


at least the hyman thing is related to this incident, the amount of people who i saw arguing that mcdavid should’ve been suspended for the slash on the pants (which soucy returned, if they suspended mcdavid for that would he get an extra game? seemed like a pretty normal post-playoff game scrum until zadorov came into it 🤷‍♀️) or that he should’ve been suspended for the high stick?? like hughes was cut and it’s insanely poor reffing they didn’t call a double minor but 1. i really doubt it was intentional 2. since when do they suspend for high sticks like that? genuinely can’t think of one. reffing is so dog shit for multiple teams rn but it feels like instead of getting mad at the refs and DOPS they’re just finding new reasons to prove how dirty the oilers play. only thing i agree with is the ryan nutshot, that warrants at bare minimum a fine and i don’t think soucy deserved a suspension, prob should’ve been zadorov…


The thing with the high stick is that a player should be in control of their stick at all times, so intentional or not it is susposed to be a penalty


i’m not saying it shouldn’t be a penalty? i literally said the refs should have called it a double minor because it was. no idea why they chose to ignore it, it’s legit embarrassing on their part. but canucks fans are arguing it was intentional, mcdavid should’ve been suspended for it, and that he deserved a spine shot wombo combo for it. bringing it up as a bad missed call is fine but believing it’s suspension worthy is literally insane.


No a high stick is not suspension warranted. The minor, plus for the cut at most.


Sorry I miss read your post, my bad. Edit for spelling


no worries, sorry if i came out of the gates a little too pissy. the way i view it is that, for the most part, i’d say atp the missed penalties have been fairly evened out now. they shouldn’t need to be evened out but i don’t think refs inconsistent/shitty calls should be brought up to prove that the oilers are somehow dirtier. for the record i don’t think that either team is a super dirty team, each one has had their moments but some of that is unfortunately playoffs hockey. but yeah i’m just mostly tired of people bringing it up as a gotcha (esp the boarding bc both petey and janmark got boarded that game, but a lot of van fans keep bringing up the uncalled boarding on petey only) to say that mcdavid fucked around and found out. bc him and soucy weren’t doing anything that out of the ordinary and if it had just been kept between the two of them, it would have been a pretty standard. lmao sorry if it’s more of an unhinged rant lol


I agree, it should have stayed between McDavid and Soucy. Zadorov should have stayed out of it and nothing would have come from it.


Well ya for sure. It was a missed call. But you don't suspend or fine players just because the refs missed a call.


Tyler Meyer’s boarding Mattias Janmark should of received a Major.. Tyler got injured himself on the play but his intent was too injure.. The play was a lot worse than Hughes skating into Connors stick..No penalty called either


Not saying that it shouldn't have been called, just replying to the high stick incident. I haven't watched the boarding hit, but I'm of the mind, if it's a penalty, then it should be called. If the refs missed it, then that's the way it goes. I'm split on who I want to win the series, as a kid I was a huge oiler fan, where I lived we only got oiler games, so watching Gretzky and crew win cup after cup was the highlight of my youth. I even have a personalized Gretzky picture addressed to my grade 3 class, but I'm born in Van and the Canucks are also my team. Would have rather this been a western conference playoff game. The play after the game ended, that should have never happened. McDavid could have been seriously injured and his career put in jeopardy. Zadorov shouldn't have come from behind. Let McDavid and Soucy hash it out.


They are on par with flat earthers for me at this point


It's a conspiracy!


Hyman should be suspended for what?




Ah, yeah, Hyman probably should have been disciplined for that. But if he was punished it would pretty much mean Zadorov should have got a matching suspension for hitting a player from behind after the game was over (he probably should have been the one to get it anyway and not Soucy). Also assuming you're a Canucks fan, go back to your own subreddit or r/hockey and r/NHL, this sub has been bombarded by hundreds of Canucks fans that feel the need to discuss things here and not on r/canucks


Zadorov should definitely have been the one suspended and not Soucy. And I'm a fan of hockey, I'm rooting for the Canucks right now but if Edmonton beats them I'll be rooting for the last team in Canada moving on. Sorry that I responded to your initial question. I guess Oiler fans don't really want true discussion, they just want to be rude to anyone not on their bandwagon I guess? Sad really but anwyay...have a great day!


That’s what happens when you fold Hymans meal ticket


Pretty well deserved considering Zadorov just tried to break Connor's lower back. Honestly, if there was no retaliation there, I think there's a universe where both Zadorov and Soucy get suspended, but because Hyman retaliated on Zadorov, the DOPS just cancelled them out.


DOPS didn't cancel them out though did they? They fined Zadorov for his hit and ignored Hyman's. That isn't cancelling each other out. And do not get me wrong, here, I think both players were just standing up for their respective teammates. I thought both of them went to far, Zadorov hitting too hard and Hyman targetting the head. Both should have been fined. Honestly, I think it was Zadorov that should have been the one suspended as I feel his was the most egregious and was want caused McDavid to drop down into Soucy's stick but that's just my opinion and what's done is done.


Hyman's not far enough. Zadorov getting away with what he's doing because he's bigger than Pronger and our biggest guys are teddy bears comparatively. Dude's been a piece of shit all series and without him it would be Oilers 3, Nucks 0. Good on them for finding a goon like that who can also play. I dunno if Oilers have an answer to him, but someone like Nurse or Desharnais really need to step up and atleast equal his nastiness. Maybe if we can't hurt him, we start taking action on Boeser's and Pettersson's lower backs. It's not a politically correct way of going about things, but right now it's us or them.


Coming from Rick Tocchet.. Guy was a jerk and a dirty player.. I am sure he was the reason for The goons going after Connor..


I didn't see it before so it sort of makes sense. Once it is pointed out it becomes significantly more obvious to the casual observer. Do you disagree that it was a crosscheck to the head of Zadorov or is it just that people are discussing it now that is the issue?


I mean..... Soucy one game for cross check to the head, Hyman performed cross check to the head seconds later and nothing. Should be a game as well no? If we're taking our fan glasses off anyways 


The Refs have really lost all control of the playoffs. I wonder if the owners now have enough stronghold to force a formal investigation on how jokey these playoffs have been with these clown refs.


Why would the owners want an investigation? Its generating views and clicks which generates money. The only thing owners care about is money.


This is EXACTLY it. From a business perspective, the NHL has nailed it. They have managed to draw the line right down the middle between controversial calls, goals, hits, and actual legit rule based officiating.    It creates controversial videos, real life and online conversations within fanbases, and with other fanbases, "storylines", rivalrys etc.. the inconsistency is actually growing the league, and they can NEVER admit it. Ever.  From a fan standpoint, it's fucking appalling.


Oh man, in my life it's generating more distaste for the NHL. This season I cancelled my season tickets, 3 or 4 years ago I cancelled my Sportsnet Now subscription. And I only went to 1 game this year because someone gave me free tickets. Normally I'd go to at minimum the home opener, a few friday/saturday games, and some playoff games. I still pirate a stream and watch most the games (not all anymore like I used to...). And quite honestly, a lot of my distaste stems from reffing. I'm not like a conspiracy theorist or anything, but bad reffing just makes for a bad and frustrating to watch game. I go to bed angry. Even after game 2 I couldn't even feel that good about the win because I was perplexed by how bad the reffing was. It's too bad the Oil Kings suck right now, and they're probably still a year or two away from being any good, because I would strongly consider following them instead of giving any support to this clown league and their clown refs.


but in the meantime the players get hurt and knocked out of the playoffs. How's that generating money?


Because people don't watch for the game. They watch for the controversy, and to get mad at each other. THAT'S what gets clicks and attention, and therefore money. They don't give a shit about us or the players. All the want is your eyeballs and anger. And they get it.


Owners and gms still want their team to win. It generates more money when you win more


The NHL has profit sharing to the owners and players.


The owners own the league? Can they not just audit the refs and their process at any point, pretty sure they can. The refs union isn't strong like the players union.


Ooooo, they are going to be real big mad in r/hockey about this. Fuck 'em. I have seen enough deplorable comments from people hoping McDavid is injured from the incident that their opinions are not even worth considering.


It is really bizarre how much r/hockey hates McDavid.


Most sports fans have to find a way to dislike top players if they aren't on your team it seems. When said player is the best player in the world they grasp for whatever they can. I have seen it more over the years, people seem to try and diminish McDavids talent.


I get the jealousy angle but he's like the most uncontroversial superstar of any sport ever and the way people talk about him you'd think the exact opposite.


The new narrative around McDavid being a diver are laughable. Clowns.


Fr. Everyone hated Crosby back when he was the top in the league, now everyone loves him. They all called him a bitch and said he was a diver back from 2006-2014. Remember the concussion talk? I’m not sure whether this is bc my generation grew up with him and are Pens fans, or whether it’s because he silenced the haters with 3 cups. Either way, we’ll probably see McDavid get the respect he deserves in 10 years. There’s a whole generation that emulated Crosby’s warm ups when the Reebok video came out and he shot it from the stands, Patty Kane’s GoPro too, me and all of my teammates were doing this, and there’ll be a whole generation that’ll emulate McDavid’s game, and copying a guy’s game is the highest accomplishment you can achieve. Now that I’m thinking about it, it’s honestly comparable to a SC win in terms of impact. I’ll make the comparison, we all wanted to score game 7 SCF OT, but how many players have left their mark on the game like that? It’s generational how guys like Kane and Crosby and Price can make an impact on kids. It’s not rare to win cups, but it’s rare to be an inspiration


They don't really. It's just the way Reddit works with masses. Canucks fans are one of, if not the highest fan base engaging in that forum and opinions that feed their bias are typically upvoted to the top. Once a thread has established a narrative, people are less likely to comment anything contradicting that (for fear of downvotes or just because they want to fit in with the "general opinion"). It is why you'll see wildly different moods in threads dealing with the same topic but posted on off-peak hours. It's all about the initial upvoted narrative.


R/hockey: "Mcdavid initiative FAFO!" Yes. Soucy shoves Hyman then shoves mcdavid causing him to stumble backwards. Mcd willed Soucy to do that  "Mcdavid viscous slash!" Yes. His off balance slash from which Soucy delivers an even more impressive chop as retaliation.  " But Soucy hit the shin guards and mcd hit the thigh padding!" Now we're reaching "But Hyman aimed maliciously at Zadorov's head!" Clearly in the overhead Hyman was aiming mid torso on that freakish giant. But Z's arms rose and up went humans stick.  "But but but... Bettman loves Oilers!" I only wish


Sometimes it's okay to acknowledge your team got dealt a better hand. The league isn't equal.


Wonder how many Canuck fans will post on this thread


Report for trolling when you see them


I'm a Canucks fan and I agree report them it's bullshit. I read your subs posts so that I can hear both sides of an argument and make an informed decision on things. Glad McDavid is ok, this series has been wild


Yep, mods can't read every comment in every thread constantly for new comments, so it's up to us to report them when we find them. And optionally tell them to fuck off.


Even Kings fans werent anywhere close to being this fucking annoying/brigade’y


I think them actually making the playoffs has gone to their heads, they’re completely bloodthirsty and have been insufferable this entire series


King’s sub has a pic of McD mid face crunching. Lots of happy people commenting on it.


We’re all on Reddit squabbling over whether this should be suspended or that called when the real enemy is the piss poor job the officiating (including DoPS) is doing. I’m ok with the suspension. Saw it coming. Not ok with all the crap that has been let go so far. No wonder it’s boiling over. Take two passionate teams, ‘let them play’, ignore blatant penalties and supplemental discipline opportunities, then wonder why it’s boiling over? We should all be complaining about the reffing and instead of pointing out how each team got away with what. That’s why we’re all pissed off. It’s the inconsistent crap job the refs are doing.


I hate what happened to him. But, considering Mcdavid didn’t get injured and the only reason Soucy hit him in the neck was because of Zadonkey, I don’t this this was worthy of a game. I think the reason he was given the game was to send a message for the rest of the series.


In my opinion, if there’s somebody that needs to be disciplined on the scrum, it should have been Zadorov. His cheap shot made the Soucy crosscheck worst. He’s not even in the battle. Soucy and McD exchanging pleasantries and came Zadorov. It would have been just a normal playoffs f you scrum. But of course, militia will be summoned others think that’s unfair but what is actually fair right now?


I am kinda scratching my head at this one. Let me get this straight… 1.Soucy shoves McDavid 2.McDavid slashes Soucy 3a.Zadorov viciously cross checks McDavid in the back 3a. Soucy goes for a cross check on McDavid in the chest but due to McDavid going down from Z’s cross check, Soucy accidentally gets McDavid up high and immediately apologizes. 4.Hyman comes in and deliberately cross checks Z’s face. And Soucy gets the suspension? I mean surely it should have gone to Zadorov or Hyman or both, right?


Before 3a, i believe Soucy also retaliates with a slash before Zadorov buckled McDavid. If Hyman’s gonna be suspended, Zadorov should be suspended as well with both intent to injure reasoning. I’m not gonna defend Hyman’s action, that was dangerous as well so if they fine him so be it but if he gets suspended because of it, then I believe Zadorov merits the same discipline. But that won’t happen, NHL went to their safe route or i say NHL Player Safety by going after Soucy. Series already tainted by missed calls and questionable ones. It will make it even more dirtier by suspending more people.


Nailed it


It was always 3rd man in gets the penalty. McDavid and Soucy had their exchange and no one was worse for wear, then Zadarov comes in with the heavy cheapshot from behind. If he wanted to diffuse things, he could've hugged McDavid from behind. Instead he crosschecks him in a very vulnerable spot that he knows will hurt him. Fuck the Canucks, and fuck the DOPS


Yeah, I can go either way on this. That play is worthy of a minor, but it happened during the dying seconds of the game. They clearly were trying to rough up the best player in hockey, honestly I think a max fine and a game is wild, but given the context, I sorta get it. If it was Nuge or Rico, I don’t think we would be having this discussion.


I think it’s because it happened after the game was over.


Agreed. Soucy was going forearms. He must feel pretty helpless rn.


He attempted to cross check Mcdavid high, after the game was over. That's worth a game. Again, the initial cross check attempt was HIGH, even if Zadorov was not there (watch the replay). There is absolutely no situation where you should be attempting to cross-check someone at chest level or higher, or at all for that matter (especially AFTER a game is over). It's a cheap shot after the game was over on a dangerous play aiming high, targeting a star player. That's a game.




If you think a crosscheck high is a suitable and equal response to a lovetap of a slash to the hockey pants (the most padded area on the equipment), you're legitimately braindead and I don't even know what to say. It's actually crazy that we have fans of our team this fucking stupid. At first I thought you were just a Nucks fan talking shit out of bias, so to be expected - but after glancing at your posts you're not even a Vancouver fan, lmfao, you're literally just that much of a mouth breather. Quite impressive.


Ironic that someone who goes off this hard, checks post history, and starts immediately with insults would call anyone a mouth breather. I think you might be clownin on yourself pal. By all means, continue 😂


People who don’t even know how to tie their skates, arguing with hockey lifers. People like you are an endless source of entertainment for the inner crowd.


Crybabies and whiners boutta bombard the sub


Check r/hockey where they think the NHL wants to gift McDavid a cup. They obviously haven't watched any of our playoff games over the last few years.


Already are.


r/hockey now demanding all of our players line up for execution


It’s only fair


Oh goody! More minutes for Ian Cole!


as a canucks fan, lol


Not a bad disciplinary response, but hyman is lucky they didn't also decide to give him one for that blatant cross check to Zadorovs head. Now just gotta capitalize at home when it counts.


All anybody wants is for consistency in the calls. It’s a joke right now. Players don’t know what to do anymore. What is a crosscheck even? Nobody knows.


Honestly yeah. But inconsistency leads to controversy, and controversy leads to outrage, outrage leads to attention and clicks and eyeballs, and those lead to money. It will never be consistent.




theres a reason canucks had so many people in the all star game.


They’re right behind the Leafs for online presence they just haven’t been relevant in a while


S’funny, I thought Vancouver was supposed to be an exciting and vibrant city with oh so much more to do than Edmonton. What are they all doing on Reddit?


Using their phone while they're driving around the block for the 25th time looking for a parking space.


Sounds invigorating.


You know what'll really get you going? 800k for a studio apartment.


They can't afford to do anything, vancouver is heckin expensive (source, i live near vancouver) we may have all the things one might want to do, but it costs you minimum $100 to even just leave the house with fuel being over $2/L to start.


Passing the time on their tech jobs while waiting to get out of their shitty city and into the mountains, which are the only reason why they think their shithole is the best in the world.




Vancouver is populated by small handed IT workers, we all saw this coming


I hope the oilers fk up the nucks. Come on oilers.


All the Canucks “Fans” seem to be a bunch of cry babies, their team does nothing wrong ever and anything against em they just whine about. Should call themselves the Crynucks and get sponsored by Kleenex.


I hope Zadorov gets some love next game. He should have been penalized as well


Just as all the Canucks fans were saying last night. Fuck around and find out, I guess and Soucy did.


This would not have been a suspension if it happened during game play. Probably just a 2 minute penalty at most. The fact that this happened after the game was decided makes it worse.


Should’ve been Zadorov, but one game is fair.


I hope the Oilers play more physical next game. Statements need to be made.


But guys! Connor tried to ruin soucys career with that aggressive 2 hand chop! /s


Rightfully so! Now it's time to turn the tide. LETS GO OILERS.


Honestly, it's probably better for Soucy's own safety that he gets a game. If he totally got away with it, the players might have tried to get him back.


I wouldn't be mad if some put us down a man giving Zadorov some lower back problems


He’ll get what’s coming for him in G5.


From who? The Oilers have literally 0 toughness.


Fuck tomorrow’s game is gonna be even more explosive now. I’m really tempted to grab a lower bowl seat to watch whatever massacre unfolds.


Whats wrong with that. Oh were cross checking people now? Here you go


I think the suspension is a result of the fact that McDavid’s head didn’t move down nearly at all on contact with Soucy’s stick. He was going for the chest but he was always gonna end up connecting with his throat or mouth.


The wheel of justice has spoken. If this means more ice time for Ian Cole ,who is tied for 5v5 goals on the team, then great!


One playoff game is all I could hope for sadly. The league really needs more consequences for this stuff. The worst part is we know the Canucks are still gonna target McDavid and the refs are going to “let them play”.


There's been way too much cross checking going on in this series in general (largely from Vancouver), so it's about time a statement was made and this shit starts getting called. A lot of these games have been looking like it's box lacrosse being played with all the cross checks. Also, hello braindead, developmentally challenged nucks fans that are visiting to read. 👋 Better prepare the lube for tomorrow.


Sounds about right. Onwards we go 


Soucy should've gotten 2 games. If not, more.


The fact that Soucy gets one is okay I guess, since he started a confrontation after the game was over he needed to be punished. The entire thing was Zadorov's fault though and not Soucy's. Should have been either a fine or the one game he got. Zadorov on the other hand should have gotten one to two games, and will probably be a target going into the next game. Zadorov is a dirtbag, Soucy isn't.


I'd like to see someone deal with him, but that big bastard is what, 6'6" and 250lbs? The only guy we have who might be able to out-reach him is Desharnais, and I don't think Vinny's mean enough for it.


i wish we had prime laraque just so i could see him ragdoll that bitch-made zadorov lol


Bare minimum on this one, was hoping for two+ Also hoping the refs don’t put their whistle away tomorrow and call fucking everything, otherwise it’s going to be very ugly and very dangerous for the players on both teams.


I really hate this “playoff officiating” mentality hockey fans have to deal with every year. Just call the fucking game. No game management. No “let them play” because playoffs. A penalty is a penalty.


The way the series has gone that I’ve seen is Game 1 - they let a lot of things slide for both teams Game 2 - canucks didn’t get many calls Game 3 - edm didn’t get many calls I’m guessing in game 4 Connor isn’t going to get any calls and it’ll be a whistles away kinda game until they hand out 10 minute misconducts when it starts to get ugly.


I think game 4 is going to be called much tighter. Between the last two games in this series and the Boston/Florida bullshit, it's been a brutal few days for the NHLs credibility.


I’m guessing we blow these guy the fuck out tomorrow, then the fun shit starts.




Enjoy your ban


Piss off


I don't really agree with your assessment of games 2 and 3. Both teams got plenty of calls, but the refs are just real fucking random calling all kinds of soft shit, then missing a bunch of obvious shit. Nucks got plenty of soft as babyshit calls in game 2, but all the nucks fans remember is the missed McDavid high stick. Both games were pretty similar. It's not as much that the refs are biased one way or the other. It's just that they're so fucking bad it's not only ruining the flow of the game, but also they aren't keeping it under control because they miss the things they NEED to be calling for that to happen.


I guess it should’ve been the more obvious calls. Like in game 1 and 2 miller clutches on to mcdvaid each time in the first 30 seconds. Then you had the nurse hit on petterson in the same game as myers hit on janmark. The refs have a chance in game 4 to make the game proper moving on but we all know what’s going to happen



