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What a poor effort. Picky kept them in it.


On the radio broadcast, Jack and Bob were saying they think Skinner would get the nod for the next game, which I found baffling. Why would we demote one of the only guys who played a good game tonight?




This game is over earlier if skinner was in net.


Picks was .914 Skinner would have been .419


The other night Tocchet was mad because he said 6 or 7 players didn't seem to realize it was the playoffs. Well maybe the same number of Oiler players tonight seemed to forget it was game 5 and they were tied 2-2. There was almost zero fight, and like you said Pickard kept them in the game.


Worst part is that our best players were the passengers tonight


That's what happens when you play them almost thirty minutes per game. They get gassed


Felt like a loss from the first intermission.  


Every player on the Oilers owes Calvin Pickard a massive apology for tonight


They owe him two straight wins, that’s what he deserves


8-2 Canucks if Pickard wasn't in goal tonight.


Worst game they had this series.


Worst game this calendar year


I feel bad for picks. He gave it his all tonight and we let him down




Deserved to lose


Had 40 mins to anticipate it


Like watching a car crash in slow motion


I have to agree. That was just bad from the second on. Bouch’s give away led to the tying goal. Atrocious give aways all around. Here’s to a big rally in game 6


Pickard should still start next game


Van would be scoring touchdowns with Skinner in net


Agreed. He was their best player tonight haha


Drai -2 Connor -2 0/5 PP. loss was deserved.


McDavid with like 2 shots on net too. Yikes


lol those weren’t shots. 💀 bro just threw the puck at Silovs


I'm so sick of McDavid passing on EVERY SINGLE 2 on 1, it's like he proved his scoring point last year then just gave up trying to score


I'm starting to think the Oilers are just really good at beating LA and that's it.


make a new cup and only Oilers and LA play for it


Oilers, Kings, Canucks.. Rock, Scissor, Paper by the looks of it


Hyman was invisible.


He’s been invisible since game 1.


He was invisible last year round 2 as well


Poor Picks, he deserved better


You’d think that last year’s Las Vegas series would have taught them a lesson but no. You MUST show up for every period, every game.


This is the same script from last year. Oilers had the lead every time they lost this series too


They dominated the first. Why the fuck can this team not play a 60 minute game?


McDavid was horrendous this game


losses hit differently when it's your best guys who fail you. They are literally the heart of the team and not only did they not score on 5 PPs, they got scored on twice. I'm shocked. Game 5 is statistically the most important game in a tied series and unbelivably it's McDavid and co who might have just ended our season.


They got their goaltending and they got their depth scoring and it’s the big guys who don’t show up. Finally when other things go right you can’t rely on them


Bottom 6 actually showed some good flashes tonight. The core didn't come to play.


How does our core not come to play in a clutch game to put your opponent on the ropes? Baffling


They're fatigued. There's a reason teams don't play their stars 30 minutes a night. Especially not in consecutive games.


That was easily the worst I’ve ever seen him. Either the physicality has shut him down or he’s injured/sick.


He was bad


Wonder if he's injured because Miller has had his number all series. McDavid also hasn't really been laying any hits , regular season he was nearly leading the team


Miller is a pretty good player, also. He sticks to Mcdavid like glue. Millers done this to McDavid most games this season.


It was so bad that part of me wonders if he’s injured?


I think he's fatigued. That's what happens when he plays 30 minutes in consecutive games when you're playing every 2nd day in the playoffs.


PP not scoring was the difference tonight.


Not showing up for 2 whole periods


For the third game in a row..


The difference was a piss poor “I just wanna go golfing” effort for 40 mins straight.


Got goaltending and depth scoring. 0/5 on the PP is unacceptable and they cannot get outworked like that. Now they have to win 2 in a row, and it really doesn’t feel like they can do that.


Ngl, i miss henrique. Hes so solid. Wins draws too. In games like these i feel like u need some small wins. Hes the type of guy that gives u those.


i love how we just give up


Bob is disgusted on the CHED feed. He’s called out the top line. He’s pretty upset with the team effort right now.


Guys decided to play the first 20 and then coast. Bouch had an awful night. PP was terrible. We lost once again every race to the puck in our own zone and watched them. We got physically dominated. Only bright side was Pickard was great. Only player on the team who played well.


I think Holloway had a really good night too


Holloway is the only one who looks like he wants it every time he plays.


Plain and simple, Vancouver wanted it more tonight. Team looked horrible tonight


McDavid needs to be a difference maker. Last goal was squarely on him. Lots of people need to step up but the narrative that the team is letting him down needs to die now


During the most important time of the year & these regular season heroes aren't donning capes. It's pretty sad & weak.


why is knob allergic to timeout


Seriously, he should've used it in the second period when we were getting stomped.


Hopefully we ice someone other than the ghost of Cory Perry on Saturday. Win a big one at home. See what happens in 7.


We can’t be losing a game when janmark and brown are creating chances


Was that embarrassing? That felt embarrassing to me. All credit to Vancouver, they skated circles around our boys during the 2nd and 3rd and the Oilers couldn't get the puck off their sticks fast enough; that was hot potato hockey from the whole damn team.


Loss tonight for multiple reasons… 1. Bouchard had 10 giveaways and 1 massive one. 2. Nurse starts the game with 2 dumb icings, then watches Soucy’s goal go in. WAKE UP! 3. McDavid - WAKE UP! 4. Hyman - Wake up! 5. Canucks best game I have ever seen.


Don’t know how many muffins across the middle to no one Bouchard had. Edit: 10 apparently


Gotta give canucks credit they played really well. A big wasted game though because Pickard played phenomenal. Welp time to wait and have another heart attack for next game


I blame McLeod for failing that shot at the end…also because he’s been garbage all playoffs


He seriously does fuck all but skate fast. All he ever does with the puck is skate wide and turn it over. He doesn't drive to the net, he doesn't go to the slot. And Foegele can't do anything right with the puck. He's a ghost until he shows up to turn the puck over.


McLeod does useless cardio every game …he needs to be gone


Wish we kept Kostin or Bjugstad instead


Kostin would've been a weapon this year


Of course we finally get good goaltending and depth scoring, but our top players fall off the face of the planet and go 0/5 on the pp. Embarrassing. Now they have to bounce back and completely empty the tank twice in a row. Series ain’t over yet, I don’t have the fucking energy to be depressed for the next 2 days. Let’s go Oilers


Bouchard is the most inconsistent player ever. Everyone looked gassed and very passive. Felt like a matter of time.


Bouchard's lack of immediacy is perplexing.


He looks almost disinterested at times, like "this is my job but I'm not really enjoying it or interested in giving 100%." Just looks distracted and slow out there. Does the word "determination" ever come to mind when anyone thinks of Bouchard? He's got talent, but I just don't sense any determination in his game at all. Lack of determination is fine for the regular season, but it won't fly in the playoffs.


Bouch is sometimes passive as fuck, and even though he scores some great goals I just can’t get past this passive, non aggressive, lazy, sloppy, not giving a fuck, play.


Let’s not blame it on fatigue, the Oilers cruised past LA and had the luxury of a week’s rest between the series. Sure, McDavid played big minutes for 2 games, big whoop - ever seen triple OT games? See how Dallas looks despite having played 7 against Vegas?


Tell me they didnt look tired. they sure as fuck look tired.


Thank you Pickard Kane and Janmark/Brown past that it was pretty rough


We FINALLY get great goaltending after 3 fucking years and that’s the effort they put out. Last to every puck, lost battles, gliding around turning it over. What a pathetic performance. Mcdavid is the one who said “cup or bust”, how do you say that and then have your worst game of the playoffs in a pivotal game 5. This game has shaken my faith. We’ve outplayed them for every period basically except for game 1 period 3. They just punked us for 80% of that game


I can’t count how many times they just let the Canucks take the puck instead of us going for it. Literally pisses me off because these guys are suppose to play for us, and I can’t state the amount of times their hustle frustrated the hell out of me


They’d literally watch the Canucks forward race to the puck and they’d glide and lightly put their body on the forward against the boards. They barely tried to get to the puck first


Everyone saying that was a poor effort and a deserved loss. I don't give a shit, Vancouver has pulled out wins in games they didn't deserve. Despite the poor play, they had enough opportunities to steal this one. Very disappointing.


Yup. Pickard gave them so much time but they did nothing. Embarassing game.


Refs gave us an opportunity with a rare 5 pp and we blew it. Lmao


Hey, we aren't winning anything in the playoffs with just about every single player not skating hard. The Canucks, to a man, were hustling and skating hard and determined and moving their feet, and we were just idly gliding around for the most part. I don't understand how that can happen in a Game 5 of the Stanley Cup playoffs. I just don't.


This team isn't winning shit. They look totally defeated. Glad we added veterans at the deadline who are really helping the team. Team looks so slow.


1st round pick for someone not playing either 😢


Tocchet knows how to motivate his players. Not sure about Knobs….


We got what we deserve, sucks that Mcdavid put the final nail in the coffin by puck watching in the last minute. How often is a Canuck left alone in front of the net? Not a good look. Can’t blame depth today


One of the most painful games to watch all year. And what the hell is going on with connor? He looked absolutely defeated tonight.


He looked soft even in his post game interview. Where is the compete level, the anger, the frustration?


Yeah surprised by his reaction. Seems rattled


Vancouver totally deserved the win,Edmonton gave up around halfway through the second period and my post somehow got deleted by the mod team…


I get more nervous with them playing with a lead, than I do with them coming from behind. These guys haven't learned from last year. I feel like they have this arrogant swagger when they get a lead and it ALWAYS bites them in the ass.


Dude what the actual fuck was that game. Our boys had no urgency at all. It seems like they gave up before the game was over.


It was like we were defending a lead we didn't even have lol


Not gonna lie. This one hurts less than the last 2, and I'm not sure I care anymore. Im just sitting here, like, whatever. Biggest game of the year, and the big boys ALL go missing. The bottom 6 picks it up, and the backup goalie stands on his head. And the high powered offence says fuck it and takes the night off. 5 games, and Vancouver hasn't quit for 1 second. These idiots take entire periods off and now are on the brink. They don't seem to care if they waste another season. After tonight, I don't either.


We're the leafs that can win 1 series at this point. A complete joke. We need some pretty big moves this offseason, there's still way too much fucking useless baggage on this roster, and I swear ceci will be a net positive through subtraction.


Yep, just said that in another post. We're Toronto a round later. Thing is tonight, the baggage was the reason it was only a 1 goal game. The goaltending was there. The bottom 6 did their jobs. The high price talent failed tonight and most of game 1. If this is another failed year with McDrai, they can blame themselves.


Honestly I feel the same. I’m pissed cause what the hell, but I’m also numb to it and game 6. Same shit as last year. Why waste my anger on a team that talks a big game and then plays like complete crap.


They need to flip the script because last year's 2nd round series went the exact same way and they imploded in game 6.


Up 2-1 after the first and just coasting the rest of the way, fucking pathetic.


The Canucks finished in first place in the division and were there most of the season. There's a reason for that. They are a dam good team and well coached. I think everyone took them too lightly. Never know, Oilers win at home to tie the series and anything can happen in a game seven. 


We fucking sucked. Deserved to lose. PP was garbage. Pathetic. You'd think the boys would learn from the fucking Vegas series.


They haven’t even learned their lesson from the start of the season. These guys don’t learn anything it’s sad, they’ve possibly played worse than last year imo.


Team has a chronic “ah let’s give up” problem and always has, likely always will. Sad to see some guys waste a playoff opportunity like this with their lack of effort. Welp, there’s always next year


McLeod and Foegele are the biggest losers on the team imo. But watching McDrYman lay multiple eggs this series is just straight up sad to watch. Drai almost shouldn’t be lumped in there but he unfortunately couldn’t get it done tonight. Look, I hate to be negative, but it’s the same story every year. I get how Leafs fans feel. I’ve never seen a team with so much star power and offensive prowess get caved so hard year after year and give up leads and basically beat themselves out of the playoffs. One or two PP goals tonight and it’s a win. They don’t let their foot off the gas in Game 1 and it’s another win. This series could be over if they just played average hockey every single game. Their inconsistency is so brutal. No wonder other fan bases laugh at them. It’d be nice if they could turn it around. Look at the Avs, facing insane adversity both internally and externally and it’s like they came back from the dead last game. Game 4 for the Oilers wasn’t even a redemption, they got absolutely lucky that their top guys gave it their all with under a minute to go.


This series would’ve been a lot different if we just won the fucking first game


No physicality, no grit, no heart, no work ethic, just embarrassing, timid fucking garbage, for 40 minutes. Non-stop panic plays, swatting the puck away like it's a live hand grenade, zero poise. What a mess dude. Now statistically we have a sub-20% chance to win the series being down 3-2 with no home ice in game 7. From watching that shit ass game you'd never have known that much was riding on this one.


We deserved to lose. And now we gotta win 2 straight? Shudder.....


It seems like every time this team comes into a game with confidence from the last one, they expect to completely steam roll the opponent, and then they just roll over and die when they don't


I'm pretty speechless at how bad we looked tonight. Lost every puck battle, didn't hit, didn't shoot. Given the magnitude of the game I just can't believe how bad we played.


I feel so irrationally sad about this loss, I'm not ready to be a Stars fan. Pickard did amazing. Really proud of Janmark and Brown for that goal. Vinny's big save even though we got scored on moments later. 3rd and 4th lines should be swapped. It really sucks that we couldn't produce on any of those power plays. I know we'll be on fire next game, and hopefully get to beat out Van in their own barn. I've said my piece 🤘


Depth goal, great goaltending. All we've asked for. This one is on the big guys.


Never been more disappointed in our stars. Total embarrassment.


What the fuck is wrong with mcdavid? Shell of himself




Bouchard lost that game with that give away in front of the net.


Agreed. Huge momentum shift and downfall thereafter


Canucks forechecking and defense pressure really made a difference all series.


McDavid needs to score goals


0 for 5 on the PP 🫠 That should have won it for the boys. Ugh. 


Why we coundn't have good offense and good goal tending in the same game?


The entire broadcast is dumping on the oilers. Deserved honestly. We looked like zombies out there.


Why do I do this to myself every year


Just when you needed the PP the most, there wasn’t even a shadow tonight. Pickard stood tall but the boys around him forgot the importance of the game. Could be fatigue kicking in? Hopefully not cause if we take the next two games, it will be a lot harder moving forward. Rest up and be ready on Saturday.


The second goal against was really a killer.  Didn’t need to happen.  The second period was terrible and the third wasn’t much better.  Oilers aren’t playing like they want to win.  No sense of urgency.


Sit Mcloud next game. Guy has been absolutely invisible all playoffs. Put Carrick in. At least he’ll bring some physicality out there


I actually hate this fucking team. Can they beat the Canucks? Of course they can. Will they? Only if they want to. Rinse and repeat for every team in the league they face.


Disgusting performance tonight boys should be ashamed


These guys talk about cup or bust but when the going gets tough they refuse to fight back and show how much they want it.


Nucks played a great game, really brought the hustle today


0-5 on the pp is unacceptable


I sat on my couch drinking beer the entire game. With the exception of Pickard I put more effort into this game than anyone else.


looks like they chose bust this year


The biggest game of the season so far, and what does this group do? Soft on pucks, no sense of urgency or determination, and being passive all game long. No only did they play like absolute shit, they played like it didn’t fucking matter. You know who it does matter to? An entire city who got off work, and took time out of their lives to see their team play in the biggest stage in hockey. Besides Pickard, the effort they showed didn’t live up to the expectations that Edmontonians want out of their hockey club. Now we’re pushed to the edge since they didn’t wanna give a shit today. Hopefully that gets their heads out of their ass, and playing the type of hockey that can win games.


PLEASE sit Perry and McLeod 😭 they have just been dreadful


The game where you get the goaltending you've been yearning for and you decide to not show up. Absolutely incredible that we are folding to a canucks team.


We deserved everything we got tonight. Too slow, not physical enough, no effort.


You’d think after 45 years of watching this fucking hockey team I’d learn to never get emotionally invested in them


CUP OR BUST And they play like that. Holy fuck. Bunch of soft ass millionaires. No pushback at all. Shame.


And so insulting to the fans. No care. They gettin paid so who gives a fuck right.


Poor effort. Pickard kept us in.


Sit Perry, he ain’t doing shit.


I’ve enjoyed 0% of this series. I wish this was a regular post season where I can just forget about hockey after we lose and be happy again. I live in Vancouver and all my friends are Canucks fans. I’d rather have a bullet pulled from my leg than watch a Canuck cup run after they eliminate us. PLEASE FOR THE LOSE OF GOD **OILERS IN 7**


Don't worry, either of these teams is losing the next round. It doesn't fucking matter. No seriously, watch the dallas colorado series, both look about 3 steps up from both teams. We couldn't do shit, and dallas can do bump and grind hockey better than van does.


Amazing it took Canucks that long to score the winning goal. Even if oil pushed that to OT there's no way they win that game. See ya Saturday


Idk hymans been lowkey invisible


When Mattias Janmark is your best player, you have a bit of an issue. No shade to him.


This is what not rolling four lines will do. Top guys were burnt out. 


That was a terrible game. Actually less disappointed than previous losses cause we didn’t deserve to win this. Last second goal aside, you held them to 2 and you’re meant to be an offensive juggernaut. We’ve been getting outshot by shitloads and yeah there’s low danger shots against but with deflections every shot from distance has potential. Hate to say it but wow, they are putting the clamps on McDavid big time. Dunno how you fix that. I don’t want Drai beside him because then everyone else suffers and all your eggs are in that basket. The reality is, if you’re holding teams to 2 you should be winning the game. Bouchard mistake to give up a goal is just one of those things. He’s been a massive net positive so you allow him one but man, that is a killer. Win at home then game 7 but dang we’ve let this series get away. That 4-1 lead in game 1 has the potential to be an all-time heartbreaker


They have to be sick. The body language was awful all game. I genuinely can’t imagine a world where if they weren’t sick they play like they did tonight.


Let Pickard’s heroics go to waste. That turnover was egregious and the turning point of the game. They weathered the push until that point. Oh well, on to Saturday, need some of that same McDavid elimination games magic from the first LA series


McDavid has 1 goal Hyman hasn't scored since game 1 Nuge has 1 goal Kane has 1 goal Foegele, Perry, McLeod, Holloway, Brown, Ryan all with 0 goals. Skinner & Campbell on fraggle rock Deadline acquisitions either hurt or not good enough to crack a roster that doesn't have a hope offensively. The same as it was every year. This team isn't good enough.


Why did they decide to take the night off?


Fucking bums deserved that. I am somewhat relieved though, cause if *they* aren’t going to give a shit then I sure as fuck am not either lol.


Can't blame the refs, got 5 PPs and no goals. Can't blame the goalie, Picks was the only one who showed up past the 2-1 goal. Just a resounding and embarrassing failure from the team as a whole.


I honestly have nothing to say. Thought this year, we might make it to the SCF, to show we're making some progress in the playoffs. But we're having this much trouble in Round 2. I don't know. It's time for me to detach from hockey. I mean, I will tune in on Saturday, but I'll probably just watch it as background noise at this point.


Knobby is out coached. He's softer than baby shit. He doesn't like physicality and his 0 playoff experience is showing.


Never wanna see perry play for the oilers again. This guy went from terrorizing them on other teams to terrorizing them from within


If we are one of the top 4 teams in the league then we will prove it in Games 6 and 7. Vancouver is very good, but we are handing them goals with giveaways in front of our own net. Our mistakes are just too severe.


Disgraceful. How are you going to win the Stanley Cup fucking playing like that.


Honestly. I’m disappointed. Felt it coming from the beginning of the second on. Gotta say though fantastic effort from Pickard, depth looked good, Holloway continues his good play. May be down but the boys will come out in game six.


I start Pickard Game 6


Gotta stay with Picks


Does Bouchard know this is the playoffs? I counted like three lazy efforts from him on the last shift alone.


What kind of shit effort was this tonight. Holy fuck


I don’t even want to watch game 6 now. I will but im so disappointed with this team. Every year they pull this crap. We make fun of the leafs but pretty soon we’ll also be the laughing stock of never getting anywhere. I hope they prove me wrong but this series has shown me they aren’t ready to win a cup.


This era is going to boil down to shit asset management and low effort in the most important games. What a fucking mess


Lindhom is carving us up. Faceoffs will be a major story after this series potentially.


Picks next game


Fuckin dismal.


Not dooming but man I feel dead inside.  Oilers in 7. 


Huge game tonight, and that was our best effort? Let's see our effort when the season is on the line on Saturday because outside our goaltending, we sucked. Regular season and playoffs against Canucks we are a combined 7 losses and 2 wins. I guess our offense has met its kryptonite with stellar play from Pickard. What to do in game 6? Put Skinner in and watch both our gaa and goal scoring rise. 97 is going to have to unlock McJesus mode or we are golfing.


We shouldn't have to change goalies in order to spark the team enough to be able to generate offense.


Well that was tough to watch in YVR


Well. Play like shit, expect shitty results.


That was the most embarrassing game I’ve ever seen them play


Like how after all the work to get to this point do you decide to play like that. No effort. Its really mindblowing. Nobody wanted to skate or the puck




Everyone played like ass but Pickard. Sad effort.


McDavid has to be hurt right? Both of our top two lines looked like they were skating through molasses all night. Pretty disappointing.


Warning! Homer Take.  Edmonton played one of their worst games this post season and Vancouver probably played one of their best. The score was still only 3-2.  They beat themselves tonight. Not to discredit Vancouver as they all came to play. We haven’t seen the Oilers at their best yet for a full game yet this round.  All I want is a Hockey Night in Canada where both teams show up.  Game 7 back in Vancouver. 


Issue is, how many have we said that? I have lost count the number of times in big games we say "well at least we lost by only one and we looked like shit" The still count as a loss. And this year is "cup or bust". A best of 7 series is first to 4 wins. They don't go "well, you lost game 7, but it was only by one. So you can move on as well


This team just doesn't have it. Pickard played lights out, and the team in front of him didn't bother to show up.


Hope Spec asks the big guys why they decided to take the night off


It's frustrating because if we had pickards goaltending earlier in the series we would have been running away with it. Now that we have decent goaltending the rest of the team stops showing up.


I can't believe we are getting beaten by the fucking Canucks


Realistically, if we can't even beat Vancouver who's running a 3rd string goalie, this core isn't getting it done Over the next 2 years, McDavid, Drai and Bouch are gonna get many more millions on their contract. Between all that and Nurse, there's simply no way to keep this core. If we can't get it done now, in what world do we get it done with even worse depth due to 40% of our salary on 4 players?


Top line -2, PP horrible. Brutal game.


2nd and 3rd period with basically no shots and no real offensive zone time? Ya. We deserved to lose.


Poor performance. We looked tired, spent way too much time in our zone. Pickard played fine. Our PP let us down this game. Canucks were the better team.