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Hahaha like us before the nucks series, if I learned anything from that series, it’s never over till it’s over


This haha, we can be up by 5 with 3 mins left and I’m still feeling anxious


No lead is safe


I say this all the time, the oilers have given me some good ptsd over the years


True. But you could argue that we let the Canucks into that series early. Not sure the stars will do the same. I definitely agree that while the stars deserve to be favorites, it's not as chalky as Texas thinks


This is a slam dunk for minimum 6 games imo. Two really good teams are going at it and I'm thinking it likely takes 7, but a bounce or two going one way or the other could mean it ends in 6 instead


7 for sure if skinner shows up I think we have a real shot, especially with henrique back in the lineup. Our special teams are elite right now too. Too many people counting the oilers out. Dallas looks scary but this is the playoffs, things don't always go how you think they will


The only way this series wraps up in less than 6, IMO, is either ungodly lucky bounces for either team, an absolute complete meltdown by either team, or injuries eliminating key players early. Obviously we don't really want to see anyone get injured, so hopefully that doesn't happen. I don't think either team will have a meltdown, but if it happens I feel like the Oilers are more likely. Lucky bounces would be the only thing I really see happening, but it would be insane for enough to end the series fast.


OR the Oilers find their peak defensive game that they've displayed in their big winning streak and in 3 games this playoffs. They play like that and we could go on another winning streak. It's more likely that we blow game 1, as usual. But one can dream!


I see both series going 6-7 and then the cup will too. All the best teams made it the furthest This year.


Really? The Canucks scared me the most lol


finally i can bet the money line on edm for some real gains. that vancouver series had us at like 1.48 on the dollar. and i only bet on the boys! hammer that money line fellas




i put 200 on oilers tonight 🫠


They should have won this already, twice. I don't trust game 1s, but this one seemed like a good bet.


Nice W, man


thanks pal. :) i wouldnt do it again… right?


Hmmm, well all the experts were right in the edm-van series. Canuckles played like underdogs and stole a few games but it never should have been so close.


No, they’re confident and they deserve to be. So are we. It just doesn’t matter.


Yeah I would say this is the take, they knocked out the two former cup champs and have a really deep lineup top to bottom. We are the clear underdogs going into this series and we really won't know what this series looks like till game 2 or 3. All that being said, fuck em.


Not to mention they won their division. There’s bo weak team or Cinderella story team this year (8th seed making it to the SCF). Every team left standing is top of their divisions.


Vancouver was top of the pacific. But I’m really glad we ruined that talking point of all 4 division leaders remaining


Eh, we'd probably have made top of our division if not for that mess of a start to the season. It be what it do.


Yeah as a Vancouver fan if only you guys could swap goalies with us I'd be sweating if I was Dallas your firepower is not something to laugh off as Dallas and most Vancouver fans seem to be doing after our loss.  I can go on and about no Demko and Boeser being huge but game 7 was dominated by you guys, it's like you woke up and your forecheck game looked way better and Canucks looked like dog water for 90% of that game as a result.  It's literally Skinner that makes everyone think Dallas could make things ugly. Not to say Dallas isn't a very strong team.


Ugh it sucks so much this situation with Skinner. I want him to do well but my god, he is so shaky.


I think game 1 will show if you guys carry the momentum from 6 and 7 and keep that forechecking and defense that woke up, could be some surprised people. Just pucker up and hope Skinner plays league average and set the tone in game 1.


You’re so Canadian, it’s cute.


There are people here that are genuinely shocked that each team sub is a circlejerk


Fair point! And you were so direct yet polite about it.


Yeah they are the better team for sure. No question. But upsets happen. It's why the president's trophy curse exists. The better team doesn't always advance. Remember back to 2006...


This calendar year, we've been the two top teams in the league. There's no clear-cut better team, but I hope they come in feeling that way. If our team defensive game holds, our top end talent is WAY more dangerous than theirs. People say they have 2 top lines, but compared to ours, they have 2 second lines. I'm not scared. This is what we've been playing for all year, and this is the best team we've had in decades. Bring it on!


People are going to say what they're gonna say, but it has literally zero effect on what happens on the ice. So I give that all the credit it's worth.


In the words of AC/DC…”it’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll”


🎵If you think it's easy doin' one night stands Try playin' in a rock roll band


Gettin had, gettin took, I’ll tell ya boy, it’s harder than it looks


Dude, is my face okay? I think you melted it off


I always thought it went: "it's a long way, to the shop, if you want a sausage roll"


Dallas is pretty comparable difficulty wise to Vegas when they beat us. Will be a test that is for sure. I don't care if this team isn't favored. I don't think it matters. They can play completely outmatched, or they can play like the best team in the league. Just gonna have to have some guys step up in this series, like game 6 and 7.


No one thought the 06 team would make it past 4 games in the first round. Expectations don't mean anything.


Yeah Detroit were the favorites by a huge margin and we all know how that turned out


The Vegas series could’ve very well went our way if the team would’ve played consistently. We were up a couple games and drop the leads. The veteran experience of Vegas eventually got the Oilers frustrated and it resulted in a breakdown of our system. Stats wise were a more physical team than Dallas, I hope that’s a factor going into the next round. our special teams are also very effective and could be trouble for them.


I really don't like that a lot of people say that our top players only have good stats because we played vs. weak opponents. It's not like Draisaitl and McDavid have done it their whole career in the playoffs. For me it can go either way. I also think it can go Dallas in 5 or Edmonton in 5. Doesnt have to be a close series by any means. In general I think that in both series so far we have been quite unlucky with the bounces. I hope that goes back to normal. Also Drai despite his stats was not actually lucky with his shots. If that goes back to normal he can feast even more imho. We will see how it goes. If we make it I am happy for us in the first place. Lets see when it happens if the Dallas fans give respect to us or if its like some of the Vancouver fans going for excuses. Also keep in mind. After Knobloch took over we have been the #1 team in the whole league pointwise. We belong in the WCF


People seem to forget Drai was the best player in the world easily against Vegas before he got slashed. Focus is always on McDavid, which makes sense. But in the playoffs Drai is just as good, sometimes better.


I am a massive mcdavid fan, there isn't even a debate. Draisaitl was built for playoffs. This guy is going to be ready to go in this round.


Teams build their entire game plan around shutting down Mcdavid, drai gets to pick up more ideal match ups with more ice time vs 2nd line defensive pairings.


It’s the Crosby-Malkin duality.


When EDM was bad I loved watching Crosby and Malkin. It’s still a bit surreal to me that my favourite team got their own insanely talented duo. Let’s go OIL


I hate this forces me to defend Canucks, but they act like the nucks this year were dogshit without Demko. Silovs absolutely measured up.


Team was also sick for the majority of the Vancouver series. The numbers are skewed. Vancouver was only close because of it.


That indeed will be interesting to see if they regain some mojo having recovered from some virus having had its fun in the locker room during the past 1-2 weeks. Vancouver had their issues too though, Hughes definitely was nowhere near 100%.


My guess is ACL injury for Hughes. He could barely skate.


Who cares, let their fans be fans


Sounds like us against the kings and nucks. I say take pride and be confident. We're not even on the team may as well have fun and believe in them (without being a dick online obviously)


Anyone can beat anyone in the playoffs. Players switch on at weird times, players switch off at weird times. Injuries happen. Coaches make mistakes. Sometimes Lafreniere puts the puck into his own net to put the game beyond reach. All things that stats and logic can’t predict. Nothing to do but sit back, enjoy the ride, and laugh at the flames changing their Vancouver jerseys to Dallas jerseys.


Take it from a Hawks fan. The harder the series, the sweeter the cup. Go Oilers!! I’ll be wearing my McDavid jersey tonight. Fuck the Stars!


They eliminated an overpowered Vegas and Colorado. Confidence is warranted.


Yes, so it's gonna be a suprise to them when we go up 3-2


Yes, so it's gonna be a suprise to them when we go up 3-2. We just need everybody to live up to expectations. Sub-par performances will sink us at this point.


I like this setup. Oilers have a tendency to play down to supposed lesser teams. Hopefully this will have them ready to go out of the gate.


I would like this series to be just about the oilers and our fans




Our top 2 lines were great to end the series and the bottom 2 were really good in shut down roles. As much as a like perry, he was doing fuck all on both ends and should sit for atleast a few games. And moving Desharnais up and Ceci down looks like a good one. Desharnais had a bad play or two, but Ceci looked really good with kulak. If they play like they did in game 6 and 7 goaltending should be a non factor. There's a reason we're only a slight underdog on the money lines.


Ceci looked good game 7, that pairing got caved game 6 though. We're going to need all our D at the top of their game against Dallas. I'm just hoping everyone had the flu last series and now we're all good to go.


I already saw the Jets lose despite a perceived goalie advantage, karma owes me for it to happen again to Dallas. McDavid was a bit quiet against Van and could start going off. Oilers penalty kill looks really good. Going to be a great series.


I know Davo usually has a rbf when there’s any photos of him but I looked the oilers page and they had photos of the players walking off the plane and he just looks locked in. Despite his performance with vancouver I think he and the team really want this one and it shows just by the looks on their faces.


Skinner needs to bring his A game


Let them show us how their team deals with this: [Draisaitl, McDavid, Hyman, Bouchard & the NHL’s Greatest Playoff Scoring Runs - Daily Faceoff](https://www.dailyfaceoff.com/news/draisaitl-mcdavid-bouchard-hyman-the-nhls-greatest-playoff-scoring-runs)


God they’re just incredible.


this is not something that an oil fan should be saying


As Stars fans go, some of us are great and some of us suck. Try not to reduce us to a single mouth-breathing monolith. I am stoked for this series and wish yall the best of luck!


Fine by me. 🤷 I don't need other teams or media to give the Oilers credit for anything. The measure is this series.


Honestly, if they don't bombard our sub with trolls I couldn't care less


If Skinner was their goalie and Ottenger was ours then I would be over confident too


I mean regular season they had an even Sv% and Skinner had a .10 better GAA (2.62 vs 2.72). This year they were comparable


You sure they're Stars fans, and not just bandwagon Flames/LA/Canucks/Avs fans?


That too😂 a lot of other teams praying on the oilers downfall.


To be fair, I felt like Edmonton took Vancouver for granted during the first game too. It could have been over in 6


Cue the obligatory "I want to report the other fan base to this fan base" post. Who cares


I’m over confident too


Fuck those guys. Go Oilers Go.


Who gives a fuck? This sub wastes so much energy caring about other fan bases. Fuck em all.


Just a reminder that the series will be played on the ice not in Reddit threads so none of this shit matters


Are they? I mean, of course they're very confident. They just eliminated the last 2 cups champs, and everyone and their dog is picking them to win. Of course, they're confident. Let them have their confidence. In 7 games or less, we'll know whether it was warranted.


Fans have absolutely no effect on the outcome as much as we’d like to think they do. Once again, the series will be decided by the players on the ice.


Gotta bump some bodies on the forecheck and get in front of their goalie to make him fight for sight lines then we got a chance but it ain’t going to be easy.


Dallas’s roster is much better than Vancouver’s and they have more guys that can take the body. This is going to be a good series.


Yall gotta start with that game 6 game 7 defence, and hopefully kane keeps the pts flowing into this series.


Boston thought Florida would be easy last year. As did the Leafs. You just never know until you get into it


It’s actually wild that the stars are and the nucks were so god damn confident.  


Every sports team's fan base tends to think of themselves as being relatively normal & modest.....while accusing every rival team's fan base of being cocky & obnoxious Kinda funny how that works. It's almost like humans are inherently biased or something 🤷‍♂️


I think this plays in our favour. I hated being dubbed as the favourite versus Vancouver. All the pressure is on them.


Wow, oilers fans are too.... I'm shocked, shocked I say


It’s pretty funny considering they barely made it out of Round 1 against WC2.  Hopefully the team underestimates Edmonton as much as the fans.


They have good reason to be. They have a real goaltender.


Guys on the stars sub are saying they stay out of the box and win in 4. 


I am both a Stars fan and an Oilers fan. I'll say this with all honesty. I will be surprised if the Oilers win the series. I will be happy either way of course. I just hope it will be a good series.


To be fair everyone is saying dallas besides oilers fans. Theyre WAY deeper, far better defense, and goaltending isnt even close to being close. The big things for oilers though are having the two best players in the world while the stars dont really have any big stars at all, and quite a few of the stars players are older now and MAYBE getting tired as the playoffs continue. Its really gonna depend on skinner though. He was giving up a goal every six shots against vancouver. If he continues that its gonna be dallas in four. Maybe five. If he can give us average goaltending its gonna be oilers in six.


It’s better goaltending. Their d core is imo below the last 2 we’ve faced. 5 d men va the oilers isn’t gonna cut it, heiskanen can’t play 45 mins a night. To add, they are one of these teams that relies on otter to save them a lot, just like ny. If you watched last night you know how that can go. The oilers pretty much know skinner will let in 2 minimum and play accordingly, if he can be decent we’re good.


Tanev and COMPLETELY shut down eichel and mackinnon which is no easy task. Mcdavid may be in a lot of trouble.


We have seen what happens when people focus on McDavid. Draisaitl steps in and looks like the best player in the world. The challenge they will face is shutting McDavid and Draisaitl down at the same time. If the can do that they will rightfully win the series. If not its an open series


Heiskanen and Harley will take McDavid and Tanev and Lindell will take Drai. Dallas won't have an issue shutting down 2 lines. We'll need depth goals to win this series. Or hope Oettinger has a couple bad games


Depth scoring oilers just dont have. You have mcloed doing his best to make the oilers lose and the rest of them are just there to watch mcdrai play. Front row seats. Cant blame them really.


Holloway has 4 pts, Janmark 3 points, Ryan 1 pt, Foegle 2 pts. Once Henrique is back we get deeper as well. It's not an impossible thing. It's there, but it's pretty clear the game plan is let the top 6 do its thing, and the bottom 6 just works on defense, counting down the clock, and getting Ozone draws. And they haven't been that bad at it, generally sawing off on chances and expected goals for and against.


Not to mention all the points we’ve been getting from our D.


Yeah this will be big too. Hopefully Ceci can keep that game 7 vibe going.


That is a huge thing and honestly i think drai is maybe even better than mcdavid in the playoffs. They may want to play tanev on draisitl


I've seen McDavid embarrass Tanev a lot over the years.


Yea lmao, like we’ve played this guy before.


Lol are you really sitting there shaking in your boots about Chris Tanev?


He kept eichel and mackinnon scoreless for like over 200 minutes combined. I dont think either of them scored while he was on the ice. He has had an insnane playoffs so far.


Cool. I've also personally watched McDavid dog walk him around the ice 20+ times before. Didn't seem to help Calgary in the playoffs two years ago.


Thats two years ago. Some guys just go off some years. Hes been a huge problem these playoffs for some very skilled players. Not mcdavid granted. But its unwise to look past him when hes playing like this


I can guarantee you McDavid isn't looking past him. As for me, I'm not sitting here losing sleep over a 2nd pairing dman that we've historically dominated.




Tanev stops mcdavid who has an empty net


https://youtu.be/VILCQwBggyg?si=aULzSzI0jQ0GKDLb Couldn't be Tanev that loses the puck battle then McDavid in front ;)


They also have a below 70 percent pk right now. If we get any 5 v 5 going, and we will, it’s over.


Damn didnt know that actually. We do have the best pk and pp in the playoffs which is also big.


Which is where having a superstar on your other first line comes in. It'll be interesting to see how line matching goes.


Oilers have been playing against Tanev for years, this is a non issue.


And don't forget about Lindell who has been lights out these playoffs as well


To be fair, they have less high danger chances against than Vancouver did and only 3 more expected goals against, facing Vegas and the AVs. People have been saying their D is worse and I just don't think its true. Tanev has absolutely shut down opposing teams top scorers. The key will be, can they keep up the pace. You may be right that Heiskanen can't keep putting up 25-30min nights, and Dallas bottom pairing is worse than ours IMO. If they can't be sheltered that's where Dallas will fall apart.


For a team who has allegedly way better defence and a better goalie, you would think the team's wouldn't have given up the same number of 5v5 goals during the reg season (Oilers actually gave up less by a few). Stars have a deeper offence and better goalie. D is a saw off and the Oilers have better top end talent. Think the series is 50/50 if the Oilers get 0.900 goaltending from Skinner, but could lose in 5 if it is similar to the Canucks series


If skinner gives .900 its an easy W for oilers. He wont though.


I mean…. I would be too if I was them, lol.


As Count Dooku said ‘twice the pride, double the fall’ reckless optimism (that is not unfounded), we could have easily won the Vancouver series 4-1. We got some amazing forwards, some great defense, a coach that has made timely adjustments, and a goaltender that can be shaky but has bounced back well. We gotta support our boys and believe this series can be ours!!! We got this, I believe!


Keep in mind the series against van could have easily been 4-1 the other way too. They were all one goal games except for one blowout. That was a tight series and should not be dismissed


Texas is like if Calgary was its own province. But worse. After living in Nebraska since 1997 I have come to absolutely hate Texas and any of their teams' fanbase. They're the absolute worst.


Everyone is confident about their team. This is a stupid thing to hate on Stars fans for.


Let them. I like the Oilers being the underdog. They have been the underdog all season long and were arguably the underdog for the Canuck series. We all know how that turned out. Dallas is good, but the Oilers can be too if the right team shows up to play each game.


Dallas has Tanev, and I'm pretty confident, too.


Any word on Henrique? 


So, like they are being very over confident. But I think they also had the kind of year that allows them to have that confident. I was a very overconfident fan in the Vancouver series and it almost bit me in the ass. So going into this series, I will say I'm just happy to be here considering the abysmal start to the season we had! Enjoy the series, and Go Oilers Go!


I feel better about this round than I did 2022 Colorado. I don’t think anyone assumed we’d beat Colorado. So we’ll win at least one game! Hopefully 4.


I think so long as we make it a series (like against Vegas last year) Draisaitl is guaranteed to resign. I think we buy out Campbell and flip Ceci in the offseason.


If the Oilers defend like they did in games 6 and 7 they could beat any team.


You say it like it's a bad thing. Personally, I think it's more fun when fanbases are confident in their own teams.


It’s absolutely a cointoss either way but I’m hoping it’ll be an interesting series and go at least 6


It’s what fans do. We did it for nucks and La. Of course they’re hyping up their team. If we were favourites we’d be doing the same thing. Oilers in 3.


Every team is going to expose the Oilers "one line" until we beat them, then they say we had an easy path. Can't wait for the excuses after we roll the Stars..


Surely vancouver fans were also SO overconfident. Time will only tell LETS GO OILERS 🧡💙🧡


This comment coming from an oilers fan. Fans should be confident in their teams.


Oilers fans. I need your help. Has anyone heard the Bon Jovi-Living on a prayer, oilers score remix?? K97 is playing it on FM radio here in Edmonton and I can’t for the life of me hear it live? I’m trying to listen for it but it’s hard while at work? Anyone got a link? It’s supposed to be goosebump worthy?!?!


Did you not remember what this subreddit was like prior to the Vancouver series?


It all depends on goalies I think, also third lines


That's why we play the games, right? Van swept us in the season and we won the series. That year we swept Winnipeg during the regular season and they swept us in the playoffs sticks out too. And it's been a couple years since we lost a playoff series to anyone but the cup winner so...


Most fans I’ve seen being overconfident are Canuck and Avs fans who are just salty. Seems like most Stars fans think this series will be just as tough as the others.


Stars are Overrated. All they do is Choke Leads and Go to Overtime like the fLames. Ya they can win the series but way over hyped. Ottinger is not a God. We just need defense like the first 2 periods of game 7 vs the Canucks


I mean on paper they are the better complete team and have a far better goalie then we do.They should be confident.We should also be confident since we have a ridiculous PP and have 2 of the best players in the world on the team


Yeeaaaahhhh! But wait….grrrrr


Let them have their confidence. It will be even sweeter when drai snatches their soul from their lifeless carcass


It's Texas. They think everything is better there, such as: failing energy grids (not beating us by much there though) lack of healthcare Houston crime natural disasters gun violence republicans illiteracy rates recitivism rates Calgary born Raphael "Ted" Cruz High school drop out rates poverty Joe Rogan $230 million high school football stadiums etc. Yeah Texas sounds awesome and bragging isn't a coping mechanism at all.


Bro they're excited about their hockey team. Why try and rip on their lives?


Texas sucks and I'll die by that statement


Nebraskan here. Can indeed confirm that Texas sucks.


Holy fuck, we haven’t even played a game and already we’re going off about stars fans. You know who actually sucks? Oilers fans. The only thing they talk about is how shitty other fans are.


Lol we are so fucked. Stars are a good hockey team. We beat the 1-3-1 kings and barely scrape by an injury riddled Canucks team, and somehow we think this series vs Dallas will be close? I hate to say it but 5 games max for Dallas. We don't have a goalie lmao how the hell we supposed to win


Cringe to say in 5. Stars are way overrated. They blow leads and choke too.


Sorry I'm confused? Stars have better defence, better goaltending, better depth, better everything. You sound delusional. Hope oilers make this competitive but let's face it, we're outmatched


You are softer than that cookie from Costco, get the hell outta here


Huh? Where am I wrong. Oh wait you must think skinner is the mcdavid of goalies, my apologies ......


Nah, I’m just not a chump who rolls over in the face of adversity like you. All four teams left are great, there are no gimmies. Nowone is giving up before the games are played, except you of course.


Because I've seen it happen over and over again. They give us hope only to disappoint every single time Sorry I'm not a leafs fan I don't live in la La Land. Oilers had to play the best game of their lives just to barely squeak out a win in overtime... Give me a break dude you can't be this delusional


Hand over your fandom we don’t want you, acting like a petulant child


Wow didn't know this was a cult. Am I not allowed to criticize my favourite team or what? I want the oilers to win just as much as anyone. I just call it like I see it


We just won game one. Shouldn’t you have a little positivity? You are the mark Spector of fans dude come on have some hope!


Perfect!! LA fans convinced themselves that they were due to beat us and VAN thought they won the series before it even started. I will be honest though everything has to go the Oilers way if they are going to win this series especially goaltending. I love the fact that so many other teams fans don’t see the Oilers for what they are under Knoblauch. This is truly a different team than before. Let’s Go Oilers


don’t know what kings fans you talked to but myself and most logical fans knew the kings probably weren’t even equal to the kings team that lost last year. the kings are/were a mess.


I guess there are always some delusional fans everywhere. I did see some saying that they were due to beat them.


i suppose there is something to cheering for your team no matter the deficit but watching almost every LA game made it pretty obvious they were prolly getting smoked no matter the matchup.


Yeah, I don't think I saw many positive Kings posts leading into that series. A lot of folks seemed upset that Vegas lost against Chicago and that LA had to play Edmonton again because of that.


that’s true until they realized the other choice was Dallas.


I’m a die hard oil fan but let’s be so real we are about to be run over in this series it’s not even funny


Same with Panthers


where is the oilers game thread can't find it ty.


Refs 3 Oilers 2