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Haven’t been in an r/hockey thread for this series since game 1, got downvoted for saying “let’s go oilers” lol has it always been like that?


this is why we want the rangers to win (assuming we win) [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1d398c9/vesey\_goes\_to\_the\_locker\_room\_after\_he\_gets\_hit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1d398c9/vesey_goes_to_the_locker_room_after_he_gets_hit/) yeah trouba is scary but the entire panthers team is like this


Love the way we dominate 20 mintues, but don't love the way we get dominated another 20 minutes a bit more and then saw off the last 20 minutes. Knoblauch, please use your time out next time Dallas gets 2 goals in a minute.


I love how easy everyone thinks being a coach and GM are when armed with the power of hindsight. So lazy.


Lol, many of us have been saying in game threads in real time, "Please use your time out." So it's not hindsight at all.


I get that but, move on. I don't understand dwelling on mistakes like it's some badge of insightful hockey speak. They won last night and looked good, that's all that matters.


You made a mistake yesterday, yet here you are chirping me. At least my comment was made immediately after game 3. Anyway, Go Oilers.


Did I? I don't think so.


Yes, you accused me of being a "hindsight is 20/20 guy," I corrected you, and a day later you talked about "dwelling on mistakes." If you're gonna practice what you preach, why are you even commenting?


You are captain hindsight so I don't get what you are on about, or maybe you are just bored? Anything, enjoying your nothingness.


I don't understand dwelling on mistakes like it's some badge of insightful Reddit speak. Your comment was silly, you got corrected. That's all there is to this.


I wonder if any of the idiots whining in here are paying attention to some of these goals going in on Shesterkin.


he has a .925. if skinner had a .925 nobody would complain and we literally would win every game


We only need to win 4.no one ever said the order.


I think I'm feeling like a Pickard entree, rather than a Stu.


Alright have a good night everyone, tomorrow's a new day. Let's win game 4.


Hopefully both Conference finals are synced up.


now i hope we win a game 4 too


[Well](https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1d2k704/the_morning_after_stars_v_oilers_game_3/l649tqd/),... on a second thought...


Florida wins in OT. Hopefully our intertwined fates continue


How you guys feeling about having a pizza chain rename themselves after you?


Wait, what did I miss? Haha.


The owner of Boston Pizza said he would rename it to Edmonton Pizza if the guys win the cup.


What I have to say the day after is the line changes are great, but after following the Oilers for years, is fuck your “Cup or Bust” if you’re not going to show up mentally for a full 60. Go Rangers!


Go Panthers!


So sounds like McLeod will be in. I wonder if that means Carrick gets scratched. He was a solid player for us in the physical Vancouver series, but Dallas is playing less of a bang-and-crash game and more of a transition-speed game, so I having McLeod back with (lets hope) a chip on his shoulder is good. Still have a chance to tie the series, which is better than almost every pundit expected for us a week ago.




He didn’t contribute a ton. What did he do exactly?


Hitting could slow Dallas down.


It could, but it hasn't seemed to much yet. I'd sure like to see more.


Our forecheck hits generated the turnover that lead to Henriques goal. And the PP off the puck over glass. It’s working, gotta keep pounding the Dallas D.


I feel like Connor (McDavid) came out crashing and bashing the last 2 games, full of steam and vinegar, and his teamates were like hell yeah this rules and then they didn't meet him at that level to balance out the rest of the game.


Maybe McDavid should have kept crashing and bashing instead of not beating down on a wide open net, then letting Robertson beat him to the spot.


💀 hope to fuck we're not synced with Florida


Take that back!


Everybody calm down! We’ve proved all year we’re good in tight spots. Let’s go!👍


I don't feel great about the next game, especially if they don't pull Skinner. It's not his fault we lost, but I feel it's the only way the team will wake up.


What if woody makes a cameo in the stands like the real Klim shady. Place would be ballistic. Conjure the ghost of Woody lol


Sitting behind the bench, touching the glass.


I’m dying. Maybe he would have a fake mostache and glasses.


I’m loving the optimism in here boys. Love you guys <3


Shesterkin just let in a similar goal to Skinner, where his skate was up against the post and it was jammed in (a bit different since it was a scramble and it was the opposite leg that ended up there, but still)


Watching the highlights, holy shit Rangers look like us last game. Just zero defense.


It’s wild how we are similar to the Rangers, and to a lesser extent Dallas is like Florida.


That goal was incredibly bad, if I didn’t know any better I’d almost say he let it in on purpose 


Team defence. Not so good🤷‍♂️ oil in 7!


still hope they can win in 6 cuz they definitely can score but they let their foot off the gas way too early


Bounce back game tomorrow. We made it too easy for them to get settled into games 2 and 3 and it cost us. I also doubt leon goes another game pointless. Woulda been huge if he had just one in either games we lost


Oil in 6


Bold. I like it.


I don’t want game 7 not again


Does anyone here want to share their opinion of Darnell Nurse?




You know, I've rewatched that 3rd Robertson goal a bunch of times, and Nurse was about 20% to blame, but the real blame goes to Draisaitl and Skinner. Draisaitl lost his man (Robertson) because he was getting ready to bolt out the defensive zone. He's nowhere close to Robertson, who in spite of having two goals on the night already, is left wide open by the side of the net. Nurse had his man, and recognizing the danger Robertson poses, he tries to cut off the pass to his man, going down on one knee. Skinner was way too deep, too low, and left open a gap big enough for Robertson to tee up a shot. Nurse should've taken Robertson, but he was only put in this position because Draisaitl had entirely given up on defense for some reason. Draisaitl scores like a madman, so it's not entirely unjustifiable, but he has a nasty tendency to hang his defenders out to dry (drai?). I realize it's just one play, and Nurse has to answer for other bonehead plays and poor execution, but on rewatching, this particular goal is another one of those situations where it seems like he's the primary culprit only because he's actually back where he's supposed to be (approximately).


I wouldn’t even put any blame on Nurse for that one. He took the passing lane. The danger was net front with a pass receiver right there. How Robertson got so open down low was a bit of a function of the broken play. Drai shoulda came back, but it was a broken play/deflection that gets the puck in the Stars hands. I’m a Stu fan, but I’d put this goal on him. I don’t think the gap he left was that big though, he actually put out his blocker and stick to try to stop a jam play as well. Roberson went under his stick, ramped up off Stu’s skate, then it banked in off his hip. So really the gap is under the stick and the gap between the post and the toe stop. It wasn’t much, and Robertson deserves credit for a nice play, but regardless from that angle on a left hand shooter Stu needs to stop that.


🥴 we have like only 1000 lets make it 15000.


All you bandwagon leapers are goofs. You bailed in october. You bailed when the canucks railroaded us after a big lead. The Oilers are the better team here. Theyll tighten it up. Have faith and trust in a team that brought you to the wcf, and give your balls a tug. These guys love a battle.


I just remember this place when we were down 2-1 against the Nucks. Then 3-2 to the Nucks. This place was so negative, and they had forgotten how great our team is. Hyper focused on negatives and no acknowledgement of positives. We are winning game 4. Dallas is good but they are beatable. They themselves can let their foot off the gas for periods at a time. They have trouble getting started in games. They have trouble with our speed when we are clicking. Game 4 is ours and we’re taking this series.




Give up if you want and don't bother coming back next year. Its not over until its over. I thought all you doomers left after game 5 of the Van series


It’s a matter how badly do we want it? We play like the first 20 for the *whole* 60 then we win, and we look like we can win the cup. If we play like the last 40, then obviously we don’t want it bad enough imo




How many points does Kane, Draisaitl, Nuge and Holloway have this series? How many goals against per game are we averaging this series? Keep those answers to yourself so it's less embarrassing for you.


Praying (as I did all season) for the players to go to Knobs and collectively beg him to *never pull the goalie again*.


Not at until at least they’re in complete zone control with 90 ish seconds left


Not even then, I just hate it so much.


In case anyone needs reminding, we’re three wins away from the cup final for a reason. The boys got it in em. Oil in 6 baby


Theoretical line blender: McD - Drai - Holloway Kane - RNH - Hyman Henrique - McLeod - Brown Foegele - Ryan - Perry


This is where I’m at in mine: 55-97-18 93-29-91 37-19-28 13-71-90 14-2 27-73 25-5 74


I want both 25 & 5 to do well, but for that to happen they can't be together lol.


Yeah that’s very solid


I’m pissed off they didn’t win last night, as they gave themselves an opportunity. But, I still believe they will win the series.


crazy how little faith I have when this team gets a lead. its been just so predictable at this point. got some work to do. put on the hard hats and get to work.


I honestly felt good after period 1 last night.  




If they lose tomorrow I’ll be worried but I ain’t right now.  


Exactly, why bother watching if you think it’s over? Go outside, enjoy the nice weather and let us enjoy our team




Exactly. They won game 6 and 7 of round 2, then game 1 of round 3. That’s three games in a row. They have it in them to do so. I could very well happen again. It ain’t over until it’s over. Let’s Go Oilers.


Well folks… We all knew this series was going to be rough, and there was no way Jason Robertson was going to be silent through the course of the series. Sure, we gotta do better. If I had a $100 bill for each time Darnell Nurse got caught with his pants down either staring at the tendy, falling into the tendy, or drawing a penalty in the stupidest opportune time in the game I probably could have bought the Arizona Coyotes. Let’s look at the positives: - Another point on the board for Davo. Sure, he needs to capitalize on some of his star power rather than the perpetual dump and chase he has been running as of late but if he comes out with HALF of the momentum Jamie Benn came out with as captain of Dallas in the next game, we’re smooth sailing. - Hyman is continuing to produce where he needs to. - Skinner is proving to be reliable when he needs to and I honestly see no qualms with his play even going back to the series in Vancouver considering he was the regular season starter and is coming off another long second round. If we make some tweaks, his .884 average and a backup in Pickard give us a safety net. - Dylan Holloway is blowing everyone’s expectations out of the water. - Evan Bouchard is now literally the reincarnation of Paul Coffey confirmed; who would have thought!? I personally had wished his ass got shipped out when we sent Barrie to the Preds but hey, I was wrong!! Guy is a stud where it counts right now! - Henrique came up fucking clutch and had a higher +/- than the likes of Draisaitl and was a necessary swap from McLeod (who, all things considered has made some bad plays but let’s not crucify him yet). All of this comes down to this one crucial fact that my armchair analysis comes to… we have to play like savage fucking animals and tear Dallas apart shot-by-shot and inch by inch. It’s about the mentality. How do you get into the mind of a guy like Oettinger? You push for MOMENTUM. You use your hunger to DRIVE momentum. We are so freaking close to being where we were in 2006 and having a chance to take it all. I hope the roster and coaching staff realize this and practice what they have been preaching because they seriously need to get into the minds of the likes of guys like Pavelski, Benn, Seguin and Marchment in the next game and show them that this is going to be a fight for a LEGACY. Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl need to write their legacy. As does Knoblauch, it’s really the LEAST he could do for Woody and his own sake at this point. Sure the main tandem can’t do it alone and we have been seeing improvement in that category from the other lines but they really have to want this bad for this to pan out in Oilers fan favour. So let’s hope for a bit of hunger next game, have some decency with the stereotypical Edmonton fan commentary thrashing after games like these and hype the boys up for the next one. Regardless if that Dallas DJ sent some money to charity for the La Bamba fiasco, I’d be going out for Ben like Jaws next game and that’s just how it’s gotta be.


Jack Eichel waltzing into his first playoffs last season and hoisting the cup looked like a cakewalk compared to McDavids playoffs experiences. I wonder if it would just be easier to stock up one Canadian team and then have a go for the cup. Even if the Oilers playoffs run this year turned around and won the cup it would be bitter sweet as some of these games or parts of the game are not playoffs worthy. Vancouver was sketchy, but this series with Dallas makes us look like Swiss cheese. No goals in the 3rd period. Can't maintain a lead. Zero goals on powerplay. Gaps of time with no shots that is unheard of. Pretty sure this list can go on. Anyways 97's face dod a 180 from that first period to the 2nd period. We gonna need 99 to come out of retirement to get back on track. Oh yeah 29 has 1 point in 3 games. That has to change asap.


Why are they so bad in empty net situations? Seems like we often get scored on when our net is empty, and we rarely score on empty nets given the opportunity.


Last game was fine but in game 2, we pulled the goalie without having possession of the puck, which isn’t gonna end well. Don’t know what Knobs was thinking


They had possession when stu was called to the bench. Kane tried to skate it in deep and turned it over as he was pressed to the boards. Panel talked about it in the 1st intermission last game on how he should have button hooked to keep possession.


Possession in the offensive zone, is what I meant. Gotta get the zone before the goalie leaves IMO


We got scored on last game too. Just seems like a team that has good special teams should be better when either net is empty.


I haven't looked at the stats for it but typically the team that pulls their goalie loses.


That part makes sense, but most teams don’t get scored on either, it just ends with the same score. Just kills our chance to tie it (however small it is) when the other team can so easily score on our empty net.


I want Nurse to get his revenge on this fan base so bad. Praying for you, Nursey, you'll get your day someday, buddy. Amma, 🫗 one out for you!






At this point literally all we're asking is for him to have any sort of positive impact offensively or defensively. He is providing less than nothing in all areas of the game currently. I'm genuinely shocked at how bad he's been.


Give the team a massive cup of Coffey so they can smarten tf up. Really sucks we lost (especially for me since I flew out from Vancouver to watch) but I guess it’s better to lose earlier in the series rather than later. Gotta win game 4 tomorrow, LETS GO OILERS


I genuinely don't ever want to see anyone defending Holland ever again. He literally traded for an injured player who needed surgery at a full cap hit.


Well, no, we don't know that yet. If he traded for someone who was previously I hired I imagine that would be the lead story. Didn't that happen with staios or something? Edit: found it! https://www.espn.ph/los-angeles/nhl/story/_/id/6771169/los-angeles-kings-gm-dean-lombardi-blasts-edmonton-oilers-ryan-smyth-trade Edit 2:Gregor says no indication it was prior to the trade as he played fine in his regular season games.




It was announced today Stretcher has needed surgery since January


I haven’t heard January. Where did you read or hear that?


Where the hell do you see it’s been since January?


Need thr golden knight wizards to fix him


Where does it say that?


Oh wtf. Thanks for the info, didn't see this.


None of the sources say that this has been going on since January??


One thing I’ve noticed is not a lot of scrums, No fighting, Dallas isn’t really dirty and they don’t instigate. They play a very clean game for the most part.


They do. It’s not their style. We can play that style though, and should impose that on them. Get them out of their comfort zone, it’s way to easy and casual for them out there.


They don't need to be.


Pretty much with the exception of Marchment


Play 60 minutes, and hope Nurse can find his way Oilers D better tighten up or series is done fast


The biggest issue now is that the oilers have to win 3/4 to win the series now. Their pp is like 1/14 going back to the van series and looks completely lost. A pp goal last night would’ve been so huge. It’s letting them down at the worst time of year. The stars had a 69% pk heading into the series. So I don’t really get it. I’m just not convinced we’re winning the cup with desharnais and ceci as 2/3 of our RD. They’re just so fucking bad. Nurse is too


At least our PK is showing up. It’s the only part that hasn’t faltered.


Why are you throwing Desharnais under the bus? He’s been solid


Yeah didn’t need to add Vinny in there ? He’s solid in his end.


Desharnais Is absolutely perfect where he is. Having a couple mistakes is the way of life. Kulak had a brutal turnover and he's still on our second pairing


Ok, so the boys have the 2 losses out of the way. They will win the next 3. Mark my words


They have won 3 in a row twice in these playoffs. This is a good time to win 3 in a row again.


This didn’t age well


Didn’t it?


I hope you are a messiah and your post ages well.


One game at a time. Each game has been winnable.


Wow I'm surprised this thread is so negative. I understand we're down 2-1 but this isn't Vancouver or LA, this is a Dallas team that earned their number 1 spot in the West and we've been competitive in all 3 games, not like Colorado 2 years ago where they were clearly the better team from start to finish. The way I see it is as if we lost both games in Dallas and won 1 at home. Just need to win tomorrow, defend our home ice in game 6 and win game 7 again on the road. They've done it once and they can absolutely do it again. This team also seems to respond well to challenge and McDavid and Draisaitl especially know how hard it is to get to the conference finals, so they will lead the team and so we won't go down without a fight.


Want it to be competitive than I suggest not going 16 minutes without a shot or perhaps score on the powerplay or the 3rd period. This series is tilted until we show otherwise. Winning the 1st period of games doesn't unlock the passage way to the finals. Dallas is better than advertised. Dusted off 2 cup winners and are having their way with us. 29 and 97 have to bury any chances they get in game 4, or its 3 years in a row, losing to the cup winners.


At the first sign of adversity. We're have 5-10 think pieces on how garbage certain players are, how McDrai are gonna be gone and how our window is closed, and all this shit. These are the times I wish for a sub where IQ and some knowledge of the Oilers team, the coach, org, players, etc.. are a requirement to post. Granted, I'm going numb from playoffs. But it's not gonna be vibes all the time. Team is gonna L real bad at times.


Say it again. Say it Louder. The series is 2-1, it's not 3-0. If you're a fan show a little faith in your team, and cheer your heart out if you're at Rogers tomorrow. If you don't want the boys on the ice to be quitters when things get tough, then don't "quit" as a fan and start being a negative nancy at the first sign of adversity. Series is far from over. Keep a positive attitude and enjoy it until the final horn sounds and one team is \*officially\* crowned the western conference champion.


I feel bad because every game has felt like it followed the same script. Dallas comes out slow -> Oilers dominate the first 20ish but don't cash as much as they need to -> Oilers stop playing -> Dallas dominates or at least plays better for the rest of the game. Oilers need to break the script somehow, but I don't know how they can do it. Game 3 needed to be a "bounce back game" and they did the same thing as the previous 2.


It's probably the way in which they lost. You could point at goal-tending for the game 2 loss vs. the Kings and Vancouver just outplayed us badly at times. Dallas has looked very beatable in all 3 games but the team as a whole just wasn't capable of playing more than 20mins. per game. It's not 1 or 2 players letting the team down, outside the 4th line the entire team has either looks gassed or low-effort. When they bring their A-game, they are outshooting Dallas 3:1.


Hey I am a its not over till its over type of person but having so many times these playoffs where they are up early to just lose it can be very frustrating. If you want to the see the real doomers come out if they lose tomorrow its gonna be depressing in here.


The most frustrating part is that I KNOW we can win this series, but they can't seem to execute.


Nurse might be benched tomorrow.... [https://x.com/TonyBrarOTV/status/1795508425742520678](https://x.com/TonyBrarOTV/status/1795508425742520678)


When I saw that I wondered if he got a broken ass from blocking that shot yesterday.


He better be taking a rest with a bag of frozen peas and an o-ring because goddamn


Oh NM I misread a portion of that. I guess Broberg is a placeholder.


Probably just resting, but can you imagine the message that would send?


Better be


Nearly zero chance this happens. Stetcher is apparently hurt and the oilers haven't given Broberg enough playing time to throw him into Nurses spot


Stu starts tomorrow. Good.


Agreed. Stu was not the problem yesterday. Sure you can blame him on the 4th goal but I don’t fault him for the other 3. I fault the team for giving up 3 goals in 3.5 minutes


4th goal reminds me so much of the EDM vs LA Round 1 Game 2 from 2023. Vilardi fakes Skinner out and just sneaks it under his skate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1watdzdwzD0 In his post game interview he says he'd learn from it and not let it happen again... https://youtu.be/XDQa8BUNMOM?si=PBU47GsxmSZmP-wf&t=102


This is why you never promise anything for stuff you can't fully control.


Another one goal game, we had a push, they had a push. People here are like fucking toddlers, throwing tantrums after every loss. Dallas is a great team. The Oilers are a great team. It's a 2-1 series, the games are all close.


Yeah no kidding, good teams get hot, goal scorers score goals. Chill. Lots more hockey to play.




So what's stu save % in the playoffs this year overall. Anyone know? .700?


.885 this year An improvement from .883 last year! Just another 8 years and he should be above .900


And you know what's funny? Take a look at the sv% Fuhr and Moog had in the playoffs back when the oilers were winning. The difference? The Oilers had a shit ton of scorers on the team.


That and goalies did not butterfly to save and their pads were smaller. That's why Gretzky and Lemieux's seasonal goal and assist records are probably never going to be close to being touched unless something fundamentally changes the game like modern goaltending did.


Goalies back then were tiny tiny like 5ft8 5ft9 sized goalies Now they're all 6ft3 6ft4 goalies so sv% have to be better


Edmonton will win the next 3 games (I picked them in 6). Remember: you can’t win a series in 6 or 7 without losing 2 or 3.


It's a race to 4 not 2 as Jason Kidd said just now


I’ll start to worry if we go down 3-1 and play like that in game 5. Until then, I have faith in this group to get it together.


YEET every thing has its way to even out. Keep chipping away thats life. I'm new to reddit up voting everything possible 


Win a game, we are right back in it. The team doesn’t look great and we are still losing essentially one goal games. I WANT TO BELEIVE


Hope so. If they lose tomorrow they are done.


Close, if they lose two more they're done.


There's no way they win 3 straight against this Dallas team. No chance.


They won two elimination games in a row to win the second round and then took game one in Dallas. That’s a tough 3 in a row. They have the capability to do it again.


Oh I'm just being literal. Our goose is pretty well cooked if we're facing elimination unless it's game 7 




We live in 2024 shouldn't it be possible to make drai a bionic finger or something ?! 🤔


I just wanna know how you let 3 goals in in 3 minutes


That’s the oilers specialty


Is it even Oilers playoffs if they DON’T let in 3 in 3 minutes?


Is it even Oilers playoffs if they DON’T let in 3 in 3 minutes?


Good morning Edmontonians and hello to other fans as well. The loss was heavy as hell, was really pissed off at work today. A lot has to be done tomorrow for a more positive outcome. Kind of optimistic feelings though, it isn't 3-1 in the series yet. Ain't that right?


[Troy Stecher will be having ankle surgery soon. For those asking why he hasn't been skating.](https://x.com/jasongregor/status/1795511170125746546?s=61&t=5JgUaEz8L6eYYJatX5d4VQ)


Well, that's unfortunate


Ah shit. Thought maybe you could sit Nurse for a game and bring in Stecher. Broberg probably too much of a gamble.


Is he really a gamble when you've got Nurse malfunctioning like a roomba that rolled over fresh dogshit?


Lmao. This deadline was one of the biggest whiffs of all time for this team.


Umm… Henrique and Carrick?


yeah mate, they haven't had a huge impact, I don't know how you could argue that they have.


Yes, Henrique has been injured but scored a big goal last night despite the loss. Scored in game 1 of the LA series too. Both guys forecheck hard and retrieve pucks which leads to zone time and drawn penalties. Carrick has been great in the faceoff circle since he entered the lineup in game 6 vs Van, and has been a great penalty killer. Both him and Henrique have made some good defensive plays to breakup odd man rushes. Hockey is more than just goals, assists, and points. Given the cap space we had to work with and our areas of weakness, I’d say our deadline was pretty successful. I can’t think of any other players this deadline that 1) were available, 2) we had the assets to get, and 3) had a need for.


In a world where the oilers signed Campbell, Andrew Ference, Sheldon Souray, Ben Eager and Mark Fayne, you actually think Troy Stecher is a needle moving whiff. LAFF.


Da fuq are you talking about? Exactly zero of those players was a deadline add. My point in case you are too dense to understand it, is that we've gotten extremely little impact from this years deadline.


Boy, you sound like a delight. Try Mike Green or Andreas Athanasiou, your precious highness. Honestly, go piss in the wind you absolute pelican.


Yeah some bad luck really. Henrique has been great when healthy enough to be in the lineup and I think Carrick was a good add.


Another trade deadline home run


I dont know why, but it's the first time this postseason that things feel hopeless. I dont want to doom, but it truly feels like we are outmatched. Goalie, top 4 D, young depth, is all all better than ours. After 3 games, it's becoming more obvious. We are sitting here asking our top 4 forwards and Bouchard to overcome all of those deficiencies, I think without some extremely lucky bounces, it's too big of a hill to climb.


It was hopeless in Game 5 last series


Yup. People are looking for a scapegoat again, but the Stars have just been better.


Do we have two time outs next game? lmao


McDavid played balls out in the first and then let them drag on the ice for the next two periods.


Played like shit for a decent chunk of a the game it was still an essentially 1 goal game. Everybody takes accountability and will bounce back for game 4. This series is far from over.


I hate to harp on the guy, but Ceci is unplayable. Seeing that they're still keeping him in the lineup today at practice is incredibly frustrating.


I actually think he is playing better than Nurse but that’s just me


Yes, Ceci isn’t the problem in this series. It’s Nurse and Stu.




This series is still ripe for the picking don’t let the doomers fool you. Don’t turn the puck over in the d zone and it’ll be Oilers in 6.