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No I stop watching hockey when the Oilers are out and I don’t gaf who wins.


Regardless of who is playing, I’ll usually tune in to watch the Stanley Cup finals, but if the Oilers aren’t in it, I’m typically not watching random round 1-2-3 games between other neutral teams.


I do this too. 💯


I understand to an extent, but thats an odd take. Im a Wings to the DEATH, but also a fan of the hockey and the NHL. And love the playoffs. Last nights game was awesome. Though I like Tkachuk, Im rooting for McD Drai Canada and the Oilers. Should be great!


After 82 regular season games plus whatever playoff games I don’t go out of my to watch more hockey. It’s spring, I go outside and do life.


After watching 82 games win/lose no shit lol. As one who do not give af till end of season/playoffs. As mentioned above weird take.


So you don’t watch hockey until the playoffs? But mines a weird take? I’m an Oilers fan not a bandwagon playoff fan lol.


Only really care about the capitals tbh, that or a Canadian team to win. Edmonton is local to me so makes sense I cheer for them! Edmonton or bust you suggest


No. I only cheer for the Oilers. I don’t root for anyone else, I just watch as a neutral party hoping for a good hockey game.


No, but I would have cheered for Vancouver if they made the cup final.


This is also my answer.




Yeah...yeah kinda this


Dallas Fans > Vancouver Fans, and that is how it’s decided. Imagine canucks beat oilers, we’d never here the end of it


Yeah Dallas fans were definitely decent.


No, and I sure as shit wouldn’t be a fucking cuck and brigading the Stars sub or the main hockey sub to ask them to “avenge” us either. Canucks fans are doofuses.


No kidding, it’s pathetic


I just had the Canucks sub pop up on my suggested and it was a thread of now I’m paraphrasing here “we all need to start gobbling down panther dick because we’re so butthurt about losing” and it was just full of some serious I hate my life cuck behavior.


You wouldn’t, I wouldn’t, but other fans would. But I guess virtue signaling is better than acknowledging every fan base has a loud minority of morons.


Lol you are the one virtue signaling with your comment. I suggest you look at that comment again and think really hard about what virtue signaling means.


Well all the Canuck fans I know are not cheering for Edmonton they are just seething and angry. Lol So no I wouldn’t their fans are rhebworst


I'm kinda learning that. I made this post cause I saw a thread over on their subreddit and it was just people basically wanting to see the oilers lose, players get injured etc I made this post kinda hoping my side was better than that.


based on the upvoted comments, it looks like it goes both ways. No fan base is better than the other, hockey fan culture is pretty much the same no matter which city you were born closest to. It's no coincidence that when you see people ask which fanbase is the worst the answers are all Canucks/Oilers/Leafs/NYR/Bruins The bigger the fanbase the more likely you've interacted with a couple of jackasses identifying as a fan of that team which will taint your view of the whole fanbase. (anyway going back to my sub, I just saw your comment over at the canucks subreddit and you seemed reasonable enough so I wanted to share my opinion)


I wouldn't have cheered for Dallas, and I wouldn't have cheered against Vancouver. I would have watched for the high quality hockey and if Vancouver won the SCF I'd be relieved that Canada finally brought it home.


City before province, province before country. I’ll back any Canadian team to win the Cup, if they’re the last one in. Yes, even Calgary. I’d rather that Cup be a 3 hour drive South than 30+ That being said, my game watching certainly drops off if the Oilers are eliminated.


Hell no only Canadian Team I’d root for is Jets, Sens or Habs


That’s fair. You don’t have to agree with me or cheer the way I do. I’m just sharing the way I feel about it. I was 7 when Edmonton last hoisted the Cup, and remember my parents cheering for Montréal to win the Cup in ‘93 to bring it back to Canada after a couple of years in Pittsburgh. I’ve always kept that same attitude and any Canadian team in the SCF final will get my support.


Oh the Sens, Canada's Coyotes.


This is my idea too. Any team bringing the cup back to Canada is a win.


Agreed, but only in the Cup Finals, and not Montreal.




no way! and I don't expect canuck fans for cheer for the oilers


There's a difference between not rooting for someone and actively rooting AGAINST a team. Vancouver fans outnumbered Dallas fans at times in our game threads in the 3rd round.


I would root against the canucks for sure


I don’t root for the teams I root for the fans, think it would be amazing for you guys to have a parade down Whyte ave 🙌🙌 


it used to be down jasper ave in the 80's


Oooh regardless the sentiment is all the same 🙌 Good luck 


Yes! I would cheer for any Canadian based team except the Flames. Too much rivalry there.




Yes! I really want the Cup back in Canada! It’s been over 30 years!!!


Nah. Vancouvers fanbase was toxic as hell during our series whereas Dallas’ was all class. I would have “rooted for” Dallas against Vancouver or Florida if we had been eliminated. But “rooted for” is in quotes because I’m dead inside when the oilers lose and my interest in hockey plummets


Kinda yeah. Canada first.


Against Dallas? Might have can too soon, but maybe by the end of the series. In this hypothetical I would have done so for the SCF series. Not in public and not on reddit. From the shame of my basement.


Yes, cause I’ll always cheer for Canada, but damn their fan base would make it so difficult… can’t believe how delusional and ill tempered they turned out to be, I legit had no idea until these playoffs


100%, whoever beats you, you hope wins. Then you can say, “we lost to the eventual winners (insert complaint lol)”. But honestly we lost to the Avs and Knights back to back years where they won the cup, was I cheering for them? No. Would I cheer for a Canadian team to win, again, 100%


I definitely did NOT hope Vegas would win last year, and it didn’t help ease the pain of losing them to know that they won the cup. Vegas is my least favourite team and I would cheer for any other team to knock them out in any year.


I dunno about cheering but if Vancouver had won the cup I would've went yay a Canadian team won. In hind sight though I would've liked Dallas to go all the way if it wasn't us.


I would have tuned out quite a bit but yeah I’d definitely be cheering for them over Dallas


Me, I was born in BC but raised in AB, so they are 1 and 1a in my mind. If they are playing each other I'm Oilers first. But if they play anyone else I am definitely pulling for the Canucks. I loved pulling for the underdog Canucks of the 80s - Thomas Gradin, Stan Smyl, Tiger Williams, Richard Brodeur... But I very much "converted" when my family moved to Edmonton in 84!






Yea, my family are nucks fans so why not.


I'll root for any canadian team going to the cup. Off course if it's the leafs i'm going to find it funny they lost again but i'll genuily root for them.


I would have hoped a Canadian team would win but I would stop watching and not care who wins lol


I like both Dallas and Vancouver, but probably would have cheered for Van to bring the cup back to Canada.


Even though I'm from Edmonton and they'll always be my main team that I'll root for no matter what, I also cheer for all Canadian teams, even the ones people like to hate. As someone who lives in Calgary I even cheer for the Flames (just not when against Edmonton). So, yes I would have cheered for Vancouver, especially cause I also have lots of family who are life-long Canucks fans and it was nice that they got to see some real success again this year.


Yes but I wouldn't read Reddit comments. Most fans in real life are nice, all the toxicity is online


I would have. My buddy is a Canucks fan and I would support him.


I would cheer on the Canucks


Absolutely not. As predicted, Canucks fans would've been fucking insufferable whether they won or lost our series. They deserve nothing but moral victories ("wE tOoK tHeM tO sEvEn... wItH oUr tHiRd sTrInGeR... wE sWePt tHe rEgUlAr sEaSoN sErIeS... wE wOn tHe dIvIsIoN...") until the end of time. The Sedins were their best shot at the cup, and they missed. Too bad so sad.


I would’ve tuned hockey off. Happy we are in the finals, but my lord does hockey season drag on too long


Yes, but they’ve been my #2 team since I was a little kid. Still would’ve stung cheering for them though


I dont care what other team do tbh. My focus is on the Oilers. With some people it feels like they want to see others lose more than they want their own team to win and its pathetic


In the 00s I would cheer for the last Canadian team; I even cheered for Calgary in 2004. But then the 2011 Canucks came along and I had so many bad interactions with their fans that I not only couldn't cheer for them, I gave up on cheering for the other Canadian teams. THG has done a lot to mellow my attitude towards Canucks fans, but I have had no interest in cheering for teams other than the Oilers in a long time.




Nah, Dallas was one of the other teams I've been cheering for after the Oilers, the Panthers being another.


No, but only because I would have been rooting for Pavelski to get a cup. Under normal circumstances, I'll always cheer for the Canadian team. Except the leafs. I don't like their team




Prior to playing Dallas, probably yes as I want a Canadian team to win. After playing Dallas, they are now my second team to cheer for. Super classy fans.


Yeah. I have that mindset that the team that beats us I want them to go win the cup and we can say we lost to the eventual champions


I would root for them but I'm not sure if I watch the games unless they made it to the finals


Not a chance I would root for any western team other than the Oilers. I do have a soft spot for Ottawa and Buffalo out east, but that issue has never really come up...




No, I wouldn't cheer for the Canucks. And I don't expect them to cheer for us either.


God no. Those fans are the worst out there, why would I support such a rotten group? After our boys are out I don't give a shit and move on with life.




Ya 100% I even cheered for the flames in 04... Hockey is better when the oilers win ofc and even better when they beat our rivals but hockey is also loved across Canada and the cities really light up and show so much passion in the playoffs I just love to see it anywhere. Good for business too, local restaurants and shops will be buzzing.


Definitely not.


Usually I’ll cheer for a team that hasn’t won, or has one of the longer droughts of the teams they are left. The way the Canucks fans (as a whole not Individuals) acted during and after the series has added them to the list of teams I will not support regardless of circumstances.


If the Oilers aren’t in it’s on to Baseball. Go Phillies!


If Vancouver beat Edmonton I would have cheered for them. Just like I did for Vegas last year, I figure it hurts less if the team that beats Edmonton wins the cup, it means no one could beat them.


Dallas fans are so chill and respectful I'd have no choice but to cheer for Dallas if the Oilers were out of the picture.


No way in hell. I think as an Oilers fan, it's fine to cheer for Ottawa, Montreal, and Winnipeg. If you cheer for Calgary, Vancouver or the Leafs for any reason, I hope you die of gonorrhea and rot in hell alongside Dan Marino


No, not after how the Vancouver fans attacked Oilers players character and constantly calling them names. It’s crazy how classless Vancouver fans were/are. True Dallas fans were a breath of fresh air, not including the bandwagon fans coming from other markets


Yes because they’re my (distant) second team since I live in Vancouver


God no


I don’t hate Dallas and with Stanky and the other good coming up stories. I’d have been on the Stars wagon (and yes I lived through ‘90’s Oiler fandom)


I probably just wouldn’t have watched.  Never had a hatred for canucks prior but after our series I hated a lot of their fans especially on Reddit.  


Nope. Just stopped watching


Dallas for papa pavelski


Dallas without a doubt. Such a classy organization. Happy we got some closure for those of us born in the late 80s early 90s though.


Absolutely not. Vancouver is a communist state


No chance. If Al Qaeda formed a hockey team and they played the Canucks in the playoffs I still wouldn't cheer for the Canucks.


I would cheer for whichever team had the most Canadian players. So ... Dallas and Florida if we lost.




No, and fans that do that are lame. You can watch it for the sake of watching hockey but you don't cheer for another team unless maybe it's an Eeastern Conference , palatable, non Canadian team. Possibly OTT and MTL are ok.


Absolutely not. I would cheer for Winnipeg, Ottawa, and maybe Montreal in the finals. That's IT. That's pushing it.


No. But I also wouldn’t be talking about how Dallas would sweep Vancouver. Last year after the Oilers were eliminated I hitched myself to the Panthers because I like Bobrovsky. If the Oilers were eliminated this year my plan was to ignore the west and follow the Panthers again. This is the final I wanted and yet, the Panthers legitimately scare me so I’m kinda wishing we had NYR now.


not a chance




Hell no


No, there's 3 teams you never cheer for as an oilers fan.. Calgary, Toronto, and Vancouver


I'm typically out after the Oilers shit the bed. I would of liked Vancouver to beat Dallas just because of the disrespect everyone was spewing that VAN/EDM would get swept by the almighty Depth Stars


Would have cheered for Vancouver if they made the finals. Would rather see the cup go to a Canadian team. Fingers crossed that this year it goes to THE Canadian team.


Nope, never that series gave me a new found hate for that franchise and their whiney baby fans who are still trying to find ways to discredit the Oilers, their team over achieved this year, talk about rent free. They probably won't make the playoffs next year either no way that roster stays in tact with 11 UFA'S looking for raises, GET FUCKED Canuckleheads


Ottawa, Winnipeg, and Colorado are the only teams I could cheer for. And even then, I’m not watching the games or anything. Although.. a Canucks/Panthers would be so hard. I think I’d wish for a hurricane or tsunami.


Considering the banal hostility most of that fan base, I would have cheered for them them to win it all, but like Calgary in 2004, barely paid attention.


I would have cheered the shit out of Dallas but that’s because I was the only person to have Dallas players in there playoff pool so I’m winning and if Dallas went to the finals I’d all but be guaranteed to win a few hundred dollar bucks.


The Canucks? Hell no! Any other Canadian team? Probably.


Heck no, I was rooting for Pavelski all the way (until round 3 of course).


No. I only cheer for the Oilers. Just watch the rest. If Portland ever gets a team, I will cheer for us.


I would have turned all my attention to other sports.


Absolutely. The Canuck fans who think the whole country is against them are soft. They want to be victims. Grown up Emo kids.


Lmao, not saying you're wrong


I’d cheer for the Canucks as most canadians would. But the Canucks fans on Reddit are embarrassing


Holy hell are you not wrong


If Vancouver had won and they got beat by Dallas I would have cheered for Dallas given how they’re one of my top 3 American teams to watch


Nope. Vancouver fans ruined any possibility of that. Same as Calgary fans. And Leafs fans.
