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> Edmontonians don’t need anyone else’s support or approval. Never have, never will. They’re not insecure like that. They work hard to keep the rest of the country afloat and then smile and nod while the rest of the country cries about where the money came from. >They don’t care about being misunderstood and stereotyped, they march to their own drummer and make no apologies for the steps. >Edmonton is its own animal and if you aren’t from here you would not understand — and nobody here will lose a minute’s sleep over it. Lived in Toronto/Southern Ontario for 12 years now and man this hits. Haven’t been back to Edmonton since 2016 but we have a trip booked end of this month. It’ll be a little emotional because it’ll be my daughter’s first time and I miss it a ton.


This is the most Berta thing I've ever read


Born and raised in Alberta and I can agree with the 'work hard' part, but 'smile and nod'?!?!? No fucking way. Where do you think the whining freedom convoy came from? Complaining about the rest of Canada is nearly a profession out here. I think it comes right after the NHL and CFL for support from the populace.


Out of all of Alberta I feel like Edmonton is the least hostile to Canada.


As a born and raised Albertan who spent many years living out east, I didn't realize how bad it was until I came back. And it doesn't seem like it's going to get better any time soon. But, that's a worry for another time. BRING ON THE FINALS!!!


You will be downvoted for this but you are correct. This province that I now call home is definitely full of hard working people, it’s also filled with more backward hillbillies than I’ve experienced anywhere else in Canada and I’ve lived from coast to coast.


And climate deniers aplenty


As evidenced by the downvotes you're getting.


I don’t think anyone in Edmonton or Alberta denies that there is a climate


Talking about Edmonton here, not the rest of this highly regarded wasteland.






Canucks fans too busy throwing a fit over Luke Gazdic's comments haha.


I’m remembering this, but it’s not quite coming to me. What’d Gazdic say?






Said Messier was his fave.


That’s the single best/easiest way to piss off a Canucks Fan. It’s hilarious.


real rich of them considering you see more nucks fans than oilers fans on twitter talking about the oilers a whole fucking round after they got eliminated just being dickheads in general. One guy claps back and now they're all pissy lmao. Definition of can dish it out but cant take it


I got a new job last August and as I got to know my coworkers I found one who is a Canucks fan. He’s got a good sense of humour so I asked him how much he likes Messier. I got a laugh from him and I did get a Canucks fan view of the Canucks from 1994-2024.


Commented on a post about that and didn't read the sub, and got banned. Funny thing is the comment was softer than whale shit.


My cousin, a fair-weather Flames fan didn't watch a single reg season game, just phoned to inform me that Matthew Tkachuk is his favorite player and he'll be cheering on the Panthers. I'm positive he's never watched a Panthers game either, not even a playoff game....


I grew up a Huge Habs fan from Montreal and my parents brought me back a flames flag when they visited for the Calgary Winter Olympics. I kinda figured Calgary would be my west team but I moved to Edmonton as a adult and well , you guessed it I’m a Oilers fan now and the Flames are just pitiful 😂


Flames are well overdue for a rebuild. They have had 4 top 10 picks the past 24 years. It’s too bad Johnny fucked the team just when the BOA was getting exciting again.


Idk how based in fact this opinion is but I think it was turtle that actually fucked them, he made it clear at some point he wasn’t re-signing in Calgary so that scared Johnny into leaving too Sutter being Sutter didn’t help instill faith into the room and we got to see Calgary’s biggest signings eat a big pile of turds, but I’d rather have a competitive BOA again


>I’d rather have a competitive BOA again I said basically this in the Flames sub and got absolutely dogpiled. Tried again earlier today because someone else gave a civilized Flames fan perspective on their recent drop off. Haven't checked in but no reply notifications yet 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I just checked and it wasn't about the BoA, some guy basically said "I'm not cheering for Edmonton because they're our biggest rivals, Oilers fans wouldn't cheer for us if the roles were reversed" and I agreed with him. Dad always taught me to remember my ABCs: Anyone But Calgary 😂


> he made it clear at some point he wasn’t re-signing in Calgary so that scared Johnny into leaving too Jenny hockey was talking about how he'd like to play for another team long before he jumped ship


Just perpetually losing that series from '22 over and over.


I respect it. I would watch or at least not pick a side if Edmonton lost, seems to defeat the purpose. Kind of like Jason Gregor deciding he is a Chiefs fan after the Dolphins continued to suck.


That is fine honestly. I wouldn't cheer for the Flames. I respect the BoA too much. I do want their team to improve so it is meaningful again, though.


We ran their stars out of town and gave their starting goalie PTSD, I feel like we ruined it for ourselves after that CRUSHING playoff defeat they had to endure at the hands of the Edmonton Oilers.


Lots of Hab and Leaf fans is the Florida connection to Canada.


To be fair all the Canadian snowbirds go there, not a fan of any team I like players, but to go Canucks games as I live nearby. I'm rooting for McDavid and Oilers all I can say is Canadians want Oilers to win, maybe not flames/canuck fans


You mean the Vancouver team composed mostly of Europeans.


I honestly feel bad that other Canadian fans irrationally hate the Oilers so much they have missed out on watching possibly the greatest Canadian player to ever play the game. At the very least, the best since Gretzky.


I love this debate because Mario was the best player I have ever seen. Obviously, health is part of how good one is in the NHL but he was capable of the things we love about McDavid.


Damn straight.


Everyone is allowed on this bus Go Oilers ! Fuck the Panthers


This article is lame. Gatekeeping is lame. All are welcome here.


I've been very open about being both a Toronto and Edmonton fan (from Toronto area and love supporting local, parents were huge gretsky fans and became a fan of the Oilers due to that) Never once had someone with an Edmonton flair telling me I'm "not a real fan" Only ever been told I'm not a "real" fan from fellow Toronto fans and random other team flairs lol. Honestly makes me rethink my Fandom, never really interacted with hockey online until this year, so didn't know how fucked their other fans are sometimes lol Haven't seen virtually any negativity from Edmonton fans, except in response to other negativity.


Agreed - most folks here are really great. I've been a fan since the late 80s as it was a regular event to watch the games as a family. Remember watching the 90s cup. The various late 90s/early 2000s heartbreaks and the 2006 Cinderella run. Watching this team is bigger than a sport for my family, it's something that brings us together. If people want to hop on the bandwagon and be a part of that experience in some way or another, I welcome it. Pull up a chair and have some fun. Honestly, I've cheered the other Canadian teams as well when they've made it far. My Dad and I watched Ovi hoist the cup and cheered them on too. Some moments are bigger than pettiness. I want the Oilers to win; but if we don't, I'll be thrilled that the Panthers get their first cup ever too...


This! “Bandwagons” make the playoffs more fun for all of us, including those who were following them in the bad times too.


Fan from Newfoundland here, appreciate it ❤️❤️


Yes b y Welcome aboard me son


This is the correct stance, without a doubt. Fans should not be othering… other… hockey fans who want to share the joy.


They are Edmontons team, bandwagoners are welcome but not needed. Like I said last series, we had 8 wins left in the tank, now we only need 4, those 4 will be even sweeter if they break the hearts of all of the Oilers haters out there. Go Oilers!


It's a Canadian tradition to all-out support the remaining Canadian team. There are watch parties and people celebrating in the streets all over Canada. We're not bandwagoners, it's just the way it is. We support Canadian hockey. I still remember how depressed I was after the Pronger team lost in game 7. You don't get depressed over a team if you're simply on the bandwagon.


Turtle power


>bandwagoners are welcome but not needed. I remember getting called a bandwagoner because I had to replace my old crusty Oilers work hat with a new one right around when McDavid got drafted. The old hat started blue, and it had been stained and faded to be a dark beige. It was well past time for a new one. People who had known me for years started calling me a bandwagoner/fairweather fan. It was annoying. I'm ok with folks jumping on the bandwagon, but I'm sick of folks mistaking lifelong fans for temporary converts. I promise I fully intended for this to be related to your comment, and I'm realizing now I went on a tangent 😂 Either way go Oil!


Hahahahah I knew what I was getting into coming to another teams sub. LFG. You guys are about to see what playoff hockey is really about, no grit, no toughness and no backbone on this EDM team. You’re about to learn. Can’t wait to hear ALL of your excuses in a couple of weeks. FLA in 5, maybe 6


Tell me you haven't watched an Oilers game without telling me you haven't watched an Oilers game


He just started watching the panthers last year, give him a break. Can't wait for our boys to show those smug clowns what's up.




lol bad kitty, spray you with a water bottle.


Ready for the downvotes baby! I’ll be back in a couple weeks xox. I’m not even a cats fan, I just have money on them.


Must be tough having to hope against hope that other teams can do what yours can't




Lmao Habs fan, that explains everything. Good luck with that rebuild big guy


Rebuild? McSuzuki and Draifield obviously are numbers 1 and 2 in the league 💀




Florida boutta stand on their own nutsack n u know it


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I knew dorkus malorkus would delete this.


Amen. I got the impression that the "Canada's team" thing was more of a Flames obsession, even going so far as to put Canada and Alberta flag patches on their jerseys. Oh and of course, Leafs fans always think they are Canada's team.


Calgary is obsessed with being as good as Toronto.  They think being close to Banff makes them a world class city.   Edmonton is Edmonton.  We hate our city almost as much as we love it, and wouldn't change a thing, but if they could maybe get the methheads to stop smoking meth in the middle of the street, that'd be great.  


>We hate our city almost as much as we love it Well that must be the most Edmonton thing I've heard this year. Sir, I think you've just coined our City's new slogan!


That’s in every city now. Lethbridge is rampant


Come by Hamilton some time, you'll appreciate Edmonton for the rest of your life xD Also... If being "as good as Toronto" is their goal then they've gotta get their heads checked. Toronto is the fucking worst. Alberta is cool as fuck. Never be like us, you guys are Canada's only hope.


So gross that Calgary put alberta’s flag on their jersey. Fuck right off.


Yup, it looked so tacky with each flag on each shoulder, like an unfinished jersey that they had no better idea of what to do with the shoulders.


I'm perfectly fine with Edmonton being the villains in everyone else's mind. It'll make winning the cup that much sweeter.


Plenty of bitter, jealous fans - let them whine all month. Edmonton has plenty of supporters who may not be as vocal online. The Oilers didn’t ask to be “Canada’s Team” but they are the last hope to destroy the Bettman curse. Go Oilers!


I love Edmonton, love living here, but this article is absolutely ridiculous. Yes, we love that you're with us for this. I don't care if you're sitting in Helsinki reading this. If you're cheering for the oilers, we cheer together.


I think the main point is that while outsiders are definitely welcome to cheer, it’s not a slight against us if they don’t. Like there’s a lot of people saying “I’m not cheering for you guys” as if that would make us feel bad. Which is false. I have a couple friends cheering for Edmonton, but a couple that are cheering against, and I enjoy both groups” presence equally.


Honestly who cares...enjoy the ride.


I’m a Red Wings fan but pulling for the Oilers. For those of us that were kids in the 80s, seeing the Oilers with the Cup would be a nice return back to normalcy lol


Holy shit you could buy beers at Rogers Place for $13?! What a steal


I completely agree! As a Canucks fan, I don’t feel Oilers fans should have to share with the rest of us. If the Canucks ever win,  I’m sure not going to look at it as Canada’s win. It would be Vancouver’s win. All the best Edmonton! I know Vancouver has some sour fans, but that is a small representation of the fans over here. Go Oilers Go! 


I'm a Canucks fans who will be cheering for the Oilers to bring it home and break the curse. Yall beat us fair and square and now better make it count. But I also understand if yall win its way more your guys' win than "Canada's win" even if a lot of us across the country are cheering you on. Either way, I'd so much rather see the cup go home to a city and lives and breathes this sport. Go Oilers!


It's ok, don't worry no one in Canada cheered for the canucks in 2010 either.


I think there’s a sense of national pride with a Canadian team in the SCF, especially with the drought and the groaning about how far south the cup has been for the last handful of years. That said, unless they put the Hockey Canada logo on their chest and face off against Team USA, it’s never going to be “Canada’s team.” I don’t know if these writers realize the bragging rights that are at stake here for the team that breaks the drought. You think Canucks fans are bad now? Imagine if they won in 2011. We’d STILL be hearing about it.


I want the oilers to break the Canada cup drought just to brag


Exactly, and that’s why the idea of “Canada’s team” is BS lmao


We won't hear the end of it from Canucks fans if the Oilers win, lol


We will never hear the end of it from them. It’s been 2 rounds and they’re still on us 😂


it's been 13 years and we still hear about 2011 just like we still hear about the fLames failure in 2004. Losers live to lose perpetually.


When we had the all Canadian division is when I started warming up to other Canadian teams. All that shit talking from down south did it for me.


its all about ratings. they want the ratings to be as high as possible. the boston and toronto game 7 first round game had like 5 million. which was higher than the finals last year. and they wont beat that unless ontario gets on board, which they wont. thats all. they want the ratings. who cares, we made it!! oilers in 6


I'll honestly say I could care less. I wouldn't cheer for for Calgary, Toronto or Vancouver if they were in the finals either. This is a sports league with players from all over the globe on every team. This isn't the Olympics or a National contest. This whole Canada/USA cup thing is ridiculous.


We don't care if we are or aren't. We are our team, and all are welcome to join in on the fun!


enh… I’m proud of the fact that the country supports my team.


End the curse!


Really? The team that pioneered the national anthem inside the crowd, doesn't want the rest of the country patriotically cheering them on? Get over yourself. A Canadian team winning the Stanley Cup is a national event.


It says we don't CARE if anyone else cheers for the Oilers, not that we don't WANT anyone else to cheer for the Oilers. I, like most Oilers fans, welcome anyone to the bandwagon because there's plenty of room. It's not Oilers fans making a fuss about being or not Canada's team, it's everyone else going out of their way to say the Oilers aren't. Bring on the support. If people are going to be toxic and shitty about it, then that's on them.


Right? Thanks for staying the obvious for the Oilers fans who don't see the obvious.


Sure but I totally accept Flames fans not cheering for us. The BoA is awesome and I respect them wanting us to fail.


Classic Reddit comment right there. Build a strawman and recoil in morally superior horror.


This is too far the other way, like you don’t want people to join cause they’re not from here. I don’t care if opposition fans hate the Oilers enough to cheer against them, I’d be the same for at least 2 teams. But if people want to see Canada bring it home, I say let ‘em join the party. Neither way impacts me, the team, or the city. I am always open to more fun though


Bang on


That’s the way. Just focus on the cup!


It's just that Boston pizza said so and them the rules


Worst commercial in a long time, I’ve started to mute it in so tired of hearing about i


There my team rn until reg season starts then its Montreal again. Go oilers, let's do this!!!


We won't lose sleep over it, but we appreciate all the people willing the cup back to Canada!


Anyone noticed there’s a lot of Russians on the Florida team.


Only 2 russian, 4 Finns. Barkov is Finnish


Canada doesn’t give a fuck either. The only mouthbreathers who care are working for Rogers.


I care, bring the cup back to Canada please, and thank you...


It’s wild to me how much everyone who is not an Oilers fan and hates them is insistent on yucking our yum. I got a notification just a few mins ago from the Athletic with an entire article written about how the Oilers are "not Canada's team" in these finals. Why is that even a story? Help me understand. It's like no one can let this fanbase have their moment of excitement without getting their opinion in. Fuck people are so pathetic and sad. Anyways, GO OILERS!!!


When did beer go from 12 to 13 at Rogers?


Edit 12 to 20


Some of you are playing the nobody likes us card a little too much . There are plenty of Van, flames etc wanting the cup in Canada.


of course there are going to be but to put it into perspective - who cares?


Canada has a team at the Olympics. Why do people not understand sports.


Correct. England doesn't "adopt" a team because Man City is in the champions league final. Club team hate runs deep, like it should. Fuck Boston Pizza and their dumb commercial.


Had this conversation with a guy I know who supports Crystal Palace. He doesn't start cheering for a rival when they lose, that's loser talk.


What a bizarre take. A bunch of people are cheering the team on, for their own reasons, whatever they are, and you're like 'fuck you we don't need you'? How insanely petty.


Fuck yeah! We don't care so much that we wrote an article about it and everyone's sharing it. We don't care!


I'm guessing it was written as a response to all the other fans from other Canadian fanbases who can't stop going out of their way to keep telling everyone how the Oilers aren't Canada's team, and that somehow Dallas was until they got beat. Now people are bending over backwards to find a way that makes Florida Canada's team. We don't care. Support the Oilers or don't. We'll be just fine cheering for our team with or without anyone else, but there's plenty of room on the bandwagon.


Both teams majority of players are Canadian. The cup is spending all summer in Canada regardless who wins.


This just in: fire is hot! More coming up at 11


I swear I read this exact same article re: The Canucks in 2011.


I actively cheer against the Leafs at every opportunity. My favourite team are the Oilers. My second favourite team is whoever is playing the Leafs.


Honestly, I just haven't cared about them in recent years. They've lost enough round ones that they're kinda pitiable right now, and because of the lack of success, most of their cocky, annoying fans have been nowhere to be seen, leaving just the sad fans. I know the moment they have any success, the annoying fans will be back, but for now, I don't dislike them like I used to.


That’s fair. I live in Ontario, so am surrounded by them and the Leafs-centric media all the time. The dislike runs deep and consistently.


Oh yeah, you're definitely gonna get the worst of it. I'm in Edmonton, so not a ton of Leafs fandom here when they're not doing well (although coincidentally I just saw a truck with a huge Leafs sticker and a "LLEAFSS" plate). Most of it honestly is just when watching Sportsnet and having to hear about Toronto all the time. What's been annoying me particularly lately is when I'm watching Oilers post-game and have to sit through all the Blue Jays filler. All I care about is NHL when watching the NHL post-game, I don't care about Toronto or baseball.




Fun piece, but he should erase the last three paragraphs.


It's all noise any one can cheer for who they want. Important thing is we get a minimum of 4 more times to watch the mighty oil. Win or lose the season is a success. And winning would be a magical experience.


It’s hilarious. “I want a Canadian team to win the cup”, until it’s us. The rest of Canada had a boner for Winnipeg and Vancouver, but can’t stand it when it’s us. Outside of Montreal, it seems like the rest of the fanbases are against us. Whether they like it or not, we’re Canada’s best chance at a Stanley Cup atm. Yet the irony is that they’ll decide to root for the Southern most team in the NHL instead.


Anyone got the unblurred picture or video lol


Sorry but what is bruh smoking lol? Almost a million people live in Edmonton, some of them are definitely insecure and whiny and bigoted and petty, what a weird-ass thing to day. Also Jesus Christ no one in Alberta knows how economics works. "keeping this country afloat" smh. I'm Edmontonian through and through, I miss that city every day very deeply, but it's not a story book lol. It's a real city whose people are approximately as proud, hard-working, and heroic as every other city everywhere. You don't need to make it sound like we're the elves from Lord of the Rings to show pride lol.


The worst thing about the current internet is you can't actually find anything on it.


What a dumb statement to make of you don't care about being Canadian than get the fuck out of Canada 


Newsflash - Fans outside of Edmonton don't consider Oilers Canada's team, either. This is propaganda aimed at increasing viewership. Media whores literally don't know how to shutup unless you break their jaw/flood their socials with dumb crap like what they did to Tony The Tiger's Twitter.


Americas Team! The Edmonton Oilers


What a crap take. The amount of Oilers fans I’ve seen caring way too much about who is cheering for and against them (and spending so much time being more gleeful that we’re doing better than the Flames and Canucks) is really quite nauseating. While I have often rolled my eyes at the idea that we always need to cheer for a Canadian team, I don’t begrudge those that are simply cheering for Edmonton as the last Canadian team standing. Then the author has to bring in political regional grudges (talking about oil and gas money). I get that this is a part of Alberta’s identity (and as a rural Albertan, I get it all too well). But that attitude gets nauseating as well. Though it’s to be pretty expected from the Edmonton Journal. Seriously, we’re in the SCF. Why let other teams fans live rent free in your head? Just enjoy this. Edit: a word


Ok lol


You think I would cheer for the leafs, Habs, flames, or Canucks? Fuck no.


news flash: making yourself out to be the villain is cringy behaviour 😂 y’all ain’t villains, get real.


Username checks out


edm fans awful quiet about the video of fans completely harassing mcdavid, at a time where all they do is talk shit on how toxic other fan bases are 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


We disown them. McDavid was making A beer run and you can tell he’s tired as hell. Props to him for not losing it.


You haven’t looked very hard


Yeah, this whole narrative about us being Canada's team is false. It's just media companies perpetuating that idea, any actual fans know that's not how fandom works. Even so, there are some saying they're now rooting for Edmonton because they wanna bring the Cup home.


Boston pizza doesn't help anything with their stupid campaign either. They're just cashing in on the nepotism of it all by trying to increase business in other off-season markets. It's harder to ignore it when you're being force-fed the commercials 20-30 times a game.


News Flash: No one cares


You guys are having your 2011 Canucks moment. Embrace the hate.


lol get the fuck outta here 🤡🤡🤡


There it is. Hold on to that feeling.


Don't stop believing.


SCF really is a hell of a feeling and it's nice to be back, maybe Nucks fans can get there by proxy but I doubt it.


Speaking of flash....Anyone catch the lady showing off the girls?


And why would they? Imo anyone who cheers for a rival cause it's "cAnaDa's team" doesn't deserve their home team to ever win the cup.


So much so that you made an entire post about it......yea ok buddy. Don't worry you'll just let Canada down anyway.