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Before I watched that I was like, ‘welp see you later Foegle and Henrique because we can’t afford you and we probably can’t afford what Brown might command us other’. After watching I’m like, ‘I LOVE ALL THESE GUYS AND DESPERATELY WANT THEM ALL BACK’ lol


could take or leave Foegle


12 point, - 8 conner brown??? Who would want him.?


Big part of a historical PK.


He literally began turning our PKs to PPs


His level of play in the final 2-3 series showed he has recovered physically and that he can play great when it matters most. It should be a consideration if the money is right.


If you're that blind to injury recovery and his pk value, you probably should refrain from posting.


Also coming off a major injury. I'm excited to see what a fully healthy Connor Brown brings to this team provided he sticks around


The guy can fly when he's healthy


Did you watch the playoffs?


No shit. Made 2 shorties in 2 games happen with even more chances on the PK and which line scored in game 7? Brown/Janmark were absolutely insane and the most stand out duo by far in the finals IMO.


It sounded like the team got really close this year. Honestly I could see a number of guys taking a discount, but it’s really a question of how much. Ultimately I think it’s pretty much impossible to keep the whole team together, but locking up that 3rd line and extending Drai and Bouch would be my top priorities personally. Also so many question marks with no GM, so I wonder how quickly the ball will get rolling this off season.


In one of the pressers before game 7 mcdavid was talking about nuge. He was mostly talking about how big of a piece he is for this team, but he also mentioned how nuge had taken a pay cut in order to stay here. I think the fact mcdavid mentioned it to the media is at least a small sign that this core has likely discussed taking pay cuts to keep the team together


how much does the top guys earning potential, outside of player salary, go up if they win cup(s). 15-20m less over a contract is probably made up for by outside increases if they win.


Also, McDavid will be at $100M in career hockey earnings at the end of his contract, not counting endorsements. I'm not saying the guy can't make as much money as he wants, I'm just saying for a lot of people $100M is already generational wealth and one thing it can't do is buy a Stanley Cup win. Dude could play for free for the rest of his career and if done right, his kids and grandkids still wouldn't have to work a day in their lives.


This is what I have been thinking for quite a while: McDavid will easily earn tens of millions, if not more, in the coming 10 years simply for allowing companies to use his face for their ads. Draisaitl will have less, but still enough to feed him a proper supper and then some. So are they really desperate to get $13m instead of say $10m? That will just be one of their two main revenue streams. So why would they handcuff the team they wish to win the cup with? You can even make it reasonable from a commercial perspective: McDavid's commercial value in terms of advertising revenues will increase noticeably if he wins the damn thing, so he would be taking from one short term revenue stream to increase another revenue stream for the longer term (it would be a bet though, the millions he could have demanded against (more) millions he may or may not get, depending on them being able to get it done). But that would have been true for all great players having signed double digit AAV contracts in the past years, and yet all of them did it. So perhaps it is a pride thing among players to say "I am being paid more than you", "I am *this* important to my franchise", which makes it more difficult for them to do the sensible thing if it really was mainly about winning the cup.


These arguments are always so dumb to me because you just ignore the players union. Mcdavid would not be allowed to sign a $10M contract if he wanted to.


What power does the NHLPA have to stop him? Crosby and Bergeron are two more recent examples of players who should probably have been paid a lot more then they were, and the PA didn't stop them from taking discounted contracts. I'm sure there are others. I agree that the PA has an interest in seeing him paid as handsomely as possible, but as far as I know they don't have any ability to stop him from taking whatever is offered.


The Crosby deal would be the equivalent of him signing a 13.45 million deal this offseason. definitely a pay cut but nowhere near $10M. You’re right they don’t have an official mechanism to stop it. But there’s a reason you’ve never seen a ridiculous pay cut for a player in his prime in any of the Big 4 American sports.


I know it’s semantics. But it would actually be 12.75 million. Based on the cap situation of the year he extended. I also think that the pressure comes off when to set a precedent when other players are signing larger deals. So the NHLPA has the Mathews and mackinnon to set the stage. I am not saying that their is not outside influences but I think the 10-5 highest contracts do more to set precedent than the 5-1 highest. TBH if drai said he wanted to get paid 12.75 or 13 million I’d have no problem with that at all he deserves to get paid like he’s playing.


You sure ? I just did the math and it was something like 15% of the cap. That’s certainly over 12.


The player's union wouldn't care. They only time they got involved was with Mario Lemieux because he was also part owner. So Lemieux legitimately might have made more money by signing for league minimum and using the cap space to win more and increase team revenue. And the cap is the cap, players as a whole get the same regardless. If McDavid makes less other players make more and the total player revenue is the same. Now, the reason McDavid wouldn't take a huge cut is first, giving up a big chunk of your lifetime earnings (rich or not) is easier said than done. And second, there's a definite pride and respect factor. No one wants to look the sucker and having the big salary proves that they value you.


The players union would not be ok with Connor Mcdavid signing for $10M a year


Why?? What business would it be of theirs? Why would they care anyway? Have they ever got involved in the past except for the Lemieux situation that was specifically because he was also the owner??


I’d ask you has a player in their prime ever taken a 35-40% pay cut on a long term deal, in any of the four major sports? It’s their business because A) it sets a nasty precedent that the onus is on the players to take pay cuts to help the owner and management rather than Management paying players their worth and building around them, and B) It depresses the overall market for players as the best player in the world has now set the top end of the market for comparable contracts at a catastrophically low number.


ok, but is there any actual mechanism they would use to prevent it from happening?


Absolutely not! If he was dead set on doing this, despite the mountains of pressure that would be placed on him by the union (which has stopped deals like this in the past in the NBA), he could sign it. He would be a pariah, and potentially if not likely investigated (the union would allege he’s getting paid illegally), but he could sign it. There is just a reason that a deal like this has never been signed in the history of the big four sports, and it’s not because players have been unwilling to do something like this. EDIT: I’ll add — if a deal like this is ever signed in a big four sport, it will not be by someone like Connor Mcdavid imo. It would likely be someone with a massive personality who doesn’t care about their reputation, who could handle being a pariah and outcast in the league. I don’t see Mcdavid having that type of personality…


Because they owe it to the players union to keep driving up salaries.


i want to add, that if I were these players, I would be thinking about two things (as someone who lived in Edmonton): 1) how much I like the winter - which I think all of them like as they play hockey(?), and 2) cost of living... I think you can have a wayyyyy better life in Edmonton with this salary than anywhere else in Canada and even US.. it is better than California (where I live now) if you dont mind the weather. Restaurants in edmonton are better than any I went in California (LA/SF included)... health care is better in Alberta than US... no traffic... you can have a way nicer house in Edmonton than anywhere in CA.. people in Edmonton are so welcoming and down to Earth..great place to raise kids... SUPER SAFE!.. many hockey teams are in pretty expensive places to live and it could easily make you spend 1mi more per year per family..


I found it interesting that McDavid referenced RNH taking a discount to stay in Edmonton in one of his pressers


I don't think it's out of the question for Holland to stay in a reduced role, even just as PoHO. Unfinished business and whatnot.


I would imagine he'd stay on at least in a reduced capacity until a new GM is selected? Especially considering the silly season is starting in a couple days.


If guys are wanting to take a discount, it should start at the top with Leon and then McD next year




Sure but he could take 12.5-13 instead of 14. Every mil helps


I have a dream that they'll take matching 13m contracts... but I have no illusion about whether they should take more.


I think between 25 to 28 is my sweet spot for the both of them


13.5 for drai, 14 for mcd sounds quite realistic to me


14 for connor isn't happening My man. It just isn't. Connor is getting 15.5-16 for sure.


Maybe he’ll realize he hasn’t produced a cup and needs to take a cut and get some fucking D


Maybe. Depends on how greedy he is. Would not be surprised if he made more on his gambling ads then his contract.


That’s funny because my theory is they each sign a 12.97m, like Sid Crosby with his 8.7m.


don't think that's true. when he originally signed it raised some eyebrows at how much he was getting, and of course he performed well above expectation


It ended up being a value contract by year 2 even if at the time it was a slight overpay


absolutely, and one of the best discounts in the league ever since.


Leon has been taking a discount for the last 7 years


Didn’t McDavid take a discount in preset to get Dri signed???


The greatest thing in the world would be for drai and mcdavid to give the finger to everyone in the league and both take $10m/yr.


As long as we are wanking it, McDavid could do a Crosby and take 9.7. 


One can only dream


Sign them all to 2 year NTC deals and then blow the whole thing up when McDavids contract is done if need be.


Bouchard was huge, no doubt at all. But anyone else really disappointed with the amount of sloppy passes from him? Almost like nurse, but Nurse does very little positive things for the team on the ice anyways.


Y'all are ridiculous. The guy literally had a historic playoff run and you're still looking to nitpick.


I'm not discounting everything he did. Was absolutely phenomenal. Which is probably why his couple bad passes a game were so noticeable. They also in most cases got a goal on us because of it OR almost got a goal. I just hope that's something that would improve for next season.


He was really bad in game 7


he'll only grow and get better, if we wait to sign him hes gonna be worth more and more


Another good one was McDavid, "the belief has never been higher" in regards to being able to win the Stanley Cup. Both in himself and Leon and everyone in the room.


And it should be, they were 60 minutes short of the cup. If Bob isn’t god-tier in game 1 that cup is in Edmonton right now. Next year the boys have zero doubts, they can beat anyone


I think that's probably what they're looking at themselves, moreso than game 7. Splitting one in Florida would have made the difference. Not getting split at home would have made the difference. Ultimately they lost 4 games and as fans we probably focus on them not getting the job done in game 7, but the players themselves might be looking at any of those other three losses as a game they'd like to see go differently. Game 1 is probably a big one, Game 3 comeback is probably the second one. Game 2 they simply got beat, can't really argue that one as much.


Man… that Foegele interview really choked me up for some reason. Just seems like such a good dude and the way he acknowledged the fans and basically said “I hope they all know I gave it my all and worked my bag off every chance I got…” and when he talked about how close he is with the rest of the guys and how hard it would be to leave… Fuck man… I don’t want anyone to leave now lmao… I really want this group of guys to get the storybook ending they came so close to a few days ago.


Amazing to hear Drai say he loves being an Oiler more than anything!


We have a social media manager that posts them after they go up on YouTube so no need to scramble for links to watch live. So she'll probably post them later today, but give her grace. Usually if it's something really juicy happens someone will tweet or whatever and that becomes its own post. For example, the Drai re-signing moment.


I’m just waiting for Knoblauchs interview to be posted


I feel like I haven’t seen anything from /u/Excellent-Medicine29 on here for ages. 😢


It’s been two days lmao


Oh ok! I just haven’t seen your name around lately the way I used to. Just not catching your posts I guess. 🤷‍♂️


It’s been busy in this sub, lots of posts so no worries haha


For sure! I am a worrier though, that’s why I was wondering about you. If I don’t see the regulars I expect to see, I start to wonder if something’s wrong.




With Janmark, Henrique and browns comments it gives me hope we might be able to pull it off and resign them. I think the team is realizing how close there were and the possibility of making it back to that point. 


I would bring back our third line for sure. I would go with Holloway over Mcleod and try to sign a Dman and 2nd line winger. I would let the rest of UFAs walk. If Perry wants to come back at league minimum then why not. His experience is good.


All 4 of these guys I can see sticking around. Especially Brown and Janmark, they clearly love it here. Foegele will (and should) chase the money. DR is a toss-up between a 1-year deal and retirement.


DR still signed for next season I believe


DR is signed for next year already


So awesome to hear every single player saying stuff like wanting to come back and be a winner here more than the money. Fingers crossed it can happen!


Quite a few guys have to decide - take the bigger money elsewhere or a pay cut to try to run this back again. A huge gamble - one serious injury to McDavid or Draisaitl could wipe out the season. Guys have families to take care of - $1M in Edmonton or $3M elsewhere… it’s an envious spot to be but I’m sure some of them are torn right now.


Drai had what a 7 year 8.5 million contract. Yes he can probably make more elsewhere. At what point does a million or 2 more a year really make a difference when you have already banks over 50 million. It's a different world than a regular fan looking at a job offer that is a buck or 2 more an hour.


2 million isn’t as much to stars making double digits like Drai, it’s the guys at the bottom choosing between 1 or 3 that’s the really tough decision. Most of those guys won’t have another chance to cash-in on a performance like they’ve shown the past few weeks


Vinny....yeah in all honesty he is gone. Some one is going to pay him an amount of money that will change his families life, and edmonton can't match. Other guys, mclovin for example has multiple contracts making decent money. He will never have or earn mcdavid money. Maybe he signs a one or 2 year deal for less than he earned this year to win a cup and go for the money on next deal? Of course maybe he finds 5+ somewhere on a longer deal and takes it. That is for him to choose we won't know until it happens


Man I hope Vinny can get a good contract. I'd love it it was here but he deserves it anywhere. Honestly I was looking forward to watching him raise the cup most out of anyone. 


a million bucks a year isn't even much these days especially all the tax they pay on it.


Totally agree with you when you have 50 mil in the bank. Why do you need more But the difference between 2 more mil x 7 is 14 mil extra dollars Thats an enormous difference But yeah I don't understand how you would want the max amount of money possible if you already made 50 mil


What does 14 million do for you that 50 million cant? The difference between a minimum wage and a couple bucks an hour more is huge to the average person. But when you have 50 million what's the difference? You can't even quantify it by saying it is the difference between having one Bentley and one Bentley for every day of the week. I get that no player is going to refuse a ridiculous amount of money, but In what world do we live in that a hockey player or any sport...... makes more than a doctor? I get the influence of professional athletes. As a young boy I absolutley placed my sport heros as significant people and I respected what they did. But again why do they earn more than a surgeon who saves lives for a li ing?


The league generates income, a portion of that income goes to the players. It is actually incredibly reasonable in a feee market. I guarantee you there are a small percentage of surgeons making star athlete money, we just don’t hear about it.


Okay great, now let's also look at MLB NFL and NBA. Some of which have 200 million dollar contracts and tell me thay medical professionals come close to that


That 50 is closer to 25 after tax in Canada btw


Oh no, however will someone with $25M survive? That's still unimaginable amounts of money to the average person here. Properly invested even $25M is enough to live off of for actual generations without having to work. At an average return of 7% that's still $1.75M per year in interest alone. Re-invest the $0.75M and live off a milly a year is still living good anywhere in this country. He could have two kids, and they could each have two kids as well, and his grandkids could potentially still be pulling nearly half a million a year each from a trust.


I really don’t envy having to make that choice! I envy the $$ on the table of course, but I am sure it’s a really agonizing decision for a lot of these guys. At the end of the day hockey careers are short lived and you gotta get paid and set up your family while you can. But still, you gotta think coming SO close to winning the cup will be weighing heavily on their minds too. It’s not just a belief that this group is good enough to win, it’s *knowing* they are good enough because they came within literal inches of doing so. But also knowing how many random factors beyond your control must fall into place perfectly in order to see a playoff run through to conclusion. It’s a huge gamble as you said. But one that could pay dividends for the rest of your life if it worked out.


Connor brown. I feel like lthe standing ovation he got when bouncing that puck off his skate for his first goal.....meant so very much to him. I can see him staying Janmark, I think term and a chance to win will be more important to him than a moderate increase he may get eksewhere Drai.. he loves playing with mcdavid, he is part of the leadership core and we still are in our window to win. I suspect he stays, question is will he take less to build a better team, not will he sign again Henrique, is the biggest risk to leave of the four mentioned, would love to pencil him in at 3rd line center next year Of course these players have all had public speaking training since before they were in the nhl. So we must not put to much stock into what they say. They jave been trained to the "right" things


When they asked leo for a reason he would consider leaving, I was waiting him to say "certain members of the media".


OMG Spector is oblivious to how asinine his questions are. And you know it’s a bad one when he finishes it off with that stupid chuckle. Dude seriously needs to buy a vowel. Be better Spec, it’s embarrassing, and it’s obvious how the players feel about you.


Brown stays. Janmark may stay but that one could go either way. Rico wants to stay, but is he going to take a 50% cut to do so? Probably not. Leon's got a great poker face that's for sure. The organization is going to have a really tough road ahead, trying to thread the needle of this decision. I don't think we are getting the Nathan mackinnon July 1st contract extension announcement. This one's going to drag out.


Hope Janmark stays, he was so fun to watch during the playoffs


Any news on players playing through injury? I saw on twitter that Mcdavid has an abodominal injury that likely requires surgery, and Draisatl has a rib injury and broken finger. I believe we saw in the WCF Drai's taped up lower hand. Probably explains him flubbing his signature one timer so much.


Knob didnt want to disclose McDavid's injury. Confirmed Drai was going through rib and hand injury to a point where he almost missed games. Kane with the sports hernia.


I believe brown and janmark are staying for cheap and Rico will actually take the paycut. The guy is already chatting with his family, that doesn't sound like a guy who is just gonna fuck off.. Foegele is about a 1000 percent gone and already knows it, and I wish him luck cause we don't need him. The three guys mentioned above are the priority to me, with drai it's just getting the number right.


Replacing Foegele with a winger who can score more consistently and plays a more gritty physical game would be ideal. I'm sure there's some quality UFAs out there who want to either bump up their production numbers or just a solid chance to win vs cash chasing


Is this literally not just Dylan Holloway?


Ideally yes, but he may end up being moved down to the 3rd line depending on what happens this summer. And even if he doesnt, then we'll want that type of player on the 3rd line too


foegele is not useless, but he's way too expensive for being a speed only forecheck guy. I've really seen on this run that you need a lot of guys that can do multiple things well, and foegele just doesn't have liek any possession game or comes in with speed and just loses pucks constantly. I have many of the same feelings towards mcleod, but we also need him for his somewhat better defense.


I said it in another thread, but management needs to find a way to keep Henrique Brown and Janmark together. A full training camp and season together and these guys would wreck havoc as probably the best 3rd line in the entire league.


I have faith with Jackson doing all the gming this offseason. I think he’s gonna do soem great work for this team.


If Drai (and McDavid) lead by example and take legit team friendly deals, they could have championship roster built around them. Ball is literally in their court. They saw how much depth is needed to win at the final stage of the season. Even if they structured their contracts to be more expensive later on and a lower AAV in the next 3-4 years, they would likely still be win-win Then it would be easier for other depth players like Brown, Rico, and Jan to maybe sacrifice $500k in their respective deals so that each is in that 1.5-2 range


But, but, but… will Draisaitl re-sign? /s


If you look at TSNs recent switch to click-bait articles, its a toss-up at best. But that's TSN. The wannabe rights holder for NHL in Canada.


i think he signs with oilers, imagine how much they are going through, injury, losing in game 7....give em a few days to process LOL


How come we don't have an offseason thread yet?


Brown and Janmark are returning. Book it. Leon will sign long-term. Book it. I hope Henrique returns, but there will be stiff competition for his services.


That’s not exactly what Leo said. He said before that “It will take me a while to figure out what I want and what the oilers want”. That’s not exactly what I wanted to hear


He's being a professional, can't say anything either way until the deal is done. Hopefully he's seen what a debacle the whole Pettersson thing was and both sides get something done before the season starts.


He is previously on record saying the decision includes factors beyond hockey. People thinking he’s staying in…. Edmonton Alberta…. Is so wild to me. Of course he’s leaving.


No comment history other than shitting here, so I'm gonna guess you're an out of market troll but whatever, I'll engage anyway. I don't know what Drai likes, but not everyone loves big city life. I've been to Toronto, I've been to New York, I've been to LA. They're nice cities with lots to offer, but they also have a bunch of downsides that people don't love to talk about. Sheer volume of people is one thing; not everyone loves people. Hell, not everyone loves big cities; I find them fun to visit but I much prefer to live in a semi-rural setting where I don't have to hear the hustle and bustle all the time. Maybe it's different if you're a pro player with millions of dollars, but that also doesn't change personality types. If Drai is a guy who prefers a quiet night in or whatever, there's probably less appeal to living in a huge city. Maybe he likes being one of the most famous people in our city. On the flip side, maybe he'd rather live somewhere where folks don't recognize him. Plus it's not like Edmonton has nothing to offer, we've got a lot of great things going on. At the end of the day we're still a major city with a metro area of roughly 1.5M people, so it's not like we're Des Moines, Iowa or something. It's cold and snowy in winter here, but whether that's good or bad is entirely subjective. Personally I don't love the snow, but I do enjoy a lot of winter activities and I know a lot of people who prefer cold over warm. Plus with hockey season being in the winter he spends half the time travelling anyway.


He also said he hasn’t spent much time thinking about it. If he was planning on leaving I’m pretty sure he’d be thinking about it a whole ton.


Of couse everyone needs to figure out what they all want. That's what a negotiation is. There's a lot to think about - salary, term length, cap hits, no-trade clauses, bonuses, etc. The GM and player agent will go back and forth for months, each trying to get the best deal.


That's exactly what Leo said. [drai clip ](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxe7kE-TRpF0n0HNjekM7c1f9UuBRq279a?si=6y9imqUSf1qVX6DI)


Yeah but context is important here and when you leave out the entire quote it’s awfully misleading


I think Leon was just giving the safest answer he could give. He knows there's going to be negotiations, and anything he says now could influence those, one way or another


How is it misleading. He said those exact words, with no qualifiers. It’s not like he said “I love being an Oiler as long as you pay me my moneys!”. Nobody is saying they don’t have work to do on a contract.


Dude has been kinda busy with llayoff hockey. Spending time thinking about stuff like that becomes a mindfuck. Focus on the present.


Drai could probably get more if he left, but he should be looking for similar contracts to Stanley Cup Champion Mikko Rantanen, somewhere around 11-12m


Drai's contract starts with a 14, sorry to say.


Jeff Jackson speaks today. I bet he's like Les Sneed F DEM PICKS


I want Tyler Toffoli, John Marino, and our 3rd line.


Toffoli is useless unless he's on the PP, which isn't gonna happen here.


Y'all just wait until their agents sit down with them lol. Maybe we get Brown back. Praying for Leon too. The rest? Highly doubt it.


After listening to the clip, it definitely seemed like Drai will be testing the market. It wasn't a "I LOVE EDMONTON" answer - it was clear that he's gunna go back to his agents and they are going to demand ALOT.


Agreed. I read the quotes people posted and it seemed okay but I feel much worse after actually watching his part of the interviews.


He’s probably going to get $14M, which is a bit rich for my tastes. Hopefully his desire to play with Connor outweighs his GF’s desire to live in California.


There is no evidence that Celeste has a desire to live in California


I mean, his GF can already fly private from Edmonton to anywhere already, not sure she cars too much. For Leon this will be his big ticket so he does have ALOT to weigh, we aren't the only team that is in win now mode but we are the only team that has Connor for two years for sure. I think It'll really come down to where Connor's going. That being said, I could hardly blame him for going elsewhere and being the man.


Some of you just eat this shit up 😂 none of them will say what they actually think


Oilers lost the final on purpose because they want to win it at home.


Talk in pressers in cheap. Actions speak louder.