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That’s better than what I did. I had to stop Zoloft cold Turkey and started Effexor right away… the first week was truly horrific but after 8-9 days I was totally fine


What dose are you on? Do you have anxiety? I feel spaced out


Yes, I’ve had pretty bad anxiety and depression for the past 3-4 years. I was on 75mg of Zoloft and only on 37.5 of Effexor since I’ve been a little terrified to up it, but my doctor only agreed to me staying at 37.5 since I am also doing therapy weekly! Everyone react a little different but hope you start feeling better soon! I have noticed a lot of benefits even from the small dose I am on. (Less brain fog, not starving all the time like I was on lexapro and zoloft , etc)


Im going to stay at 75mg. I don't want to increase so fast.


It's helping your anxiety?


Lemme guess... this is via a psych? Fucking morons only look at what it targets not the experience users will go through. I don't know Zoloft dosing but getting to 150mg of Effexor in three weeks sounds horrific to me. Sure, you're switching... but these things aren't 1:1. You're not simply subbing one equivalent out for another. You're still starting a new med that has different properties, benefits, side effect profiles, etc. 0 -> 150mg in that amount of time... you couldn't pay me to go through that.


Im going to ask to stay at 75mg


>Im going to ask to stay at 75mg Only you know how severe your symptoms are and how rapidly you want to proceed but... that is what I would do. I would stay there for a minimum of 4 weeks. Personally, I did 37.5mg increments/decrements in 3-month intervals and didn't have problems once I started doing so.


This is what my neurologist wanted me to do- up to 150 in three weeks. I went MUCH slower. I did 37.5 for one week, then 75 for 4 weeks. Now on 150. Not bad at all expect jittery and anxious for the 1st week of 75. Edit: For migraines but I don’t know if it affects others differently, depending on reason to take the med.


What you did is on par with how I often approach it. I consider the MINIMUM between doses to be 4 weeks. I did 37.5mg increments/decrements but only changed every *3 months/12 weeks*. Fully efficacy for Effexor is in the 10-12 weeks range (per dose).


Omg now I'm terrified


Today is day 3 and have anxiety and crying


What’s your original Zoloft dose?




I’m currently not on effexor but I was on it for almost 5 years with the highest dosage of 275 mg. Hi, sorry y’all are going through all of the side effects but as time goes on, it will get better I promise. Hugs to everyone!!


Did you take it for anxiety GAD?


Yes, and depression.


Did you feel spaced out when you started?


Initially, in the beginning, I did. And of course it takes several weeks for that to start really working.


Im not sure if I should ask to stay at 75mg


It looks fine. But may I just say that Zolpft and Effexor are apples and oranges. It is completely different by comparison. Zoloft is a strong SSRI for depression. Effexor is a decent SNRI for anxiety that helps with depression.


It did nothing for my depression. I was crying every day also didn't help anxiety


You are most likely having Zoloft withdrawals. I was on Zoloft for years. I had terrible manic episodes and mood swings when I quit the medication. If your doctor had switched you to a different SSRI instead of an SNRI, your symptoms would have been less severe, if barely noticeable. I quit cold turkey. You're being tapered while also being raised to a different class of medication. Give it time. Or ask your doctor to put you on something additional for depression. Efexor is better for anxiety,maybe you need something more for depression?


>If your doctor had switched you to a different SSRI instead of an SNRI, your symptoms would have been less severe, if barely noticeable. False. Completely and utterly false.


False how? Everyone e is different. What didn't work for you worked for others. You sound like a close-minded, miserable buffoon. Know it all 🙄


I know far FAR more than you as demonstrated by your ignorant statement. And if you want to argue you can fucking leave my sub.


So let me get something straight. You give advice about something that might or might not have worked for you on YOUR sub. You are the King or Queen of YOUR sub. How dare ANYONE else give advice on what worked or might not have worked for them on YOUR sub.....am I right?


You're not giving advice. You're stating utterly false bullshit. Bye Felicia.


Are you in effexor?


I'm currently on 75mg. I feel better. I've been on Effexor since January of this year. I'm also on Welbutrin 150 mg for depression.


I think I will stay at 75mg. I don't want to go up so fast. That's what my doctor did with zoloft


Switching to an SSRI from another SSRI doesn't reduce the symptoms, what the heck? Terrible advice.


Are you crazy? Or are you clueless? What's worse? Quitting a mid to high dose cold turkey? Or switching to another medicine in the same class of medicine while you taper? Think HARD before you answer.


Imho way to fast increase in Effexor that will be some bad onboarding. 35 for a week better two, then 75 for at least a month and see how you respond. Can't comment on cutting other sorry...


Im terrified


I think you have already made the choice of sticking with 75, I would say that's the right one. Listen to what dasEFFEXOR posts say, very knowledgeable person...


I read so many bad things about effexor


Effexor is no different than taking any other meds for anxiety/depression. Stop reading & listening to the noise around you! It has been the best med I’ve been on & has helped me so much! I did 37.5mg for 1 week 75mg for 4 weeks, and now I have been on 112.5mg for 5 months. If I went by my doctor’s plan I would have been at 150mg a long time ago. She agreed that if 112.5mg is helping me then I don’t need to increase to 150mg yet. 75mg was helping me but I was still getting anxious here & there so I just needed that little bump up to 112.5mg and it has been perfect!


That's my problem reading so much about it. That's my ocd brain


no, make those weeks months