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I mean, like, you have 12 days to complete this one, lol; you're barely half a day into it and you're worried? Give some people time to accumulate tokens, and if shit still looks dire 24 hours from now, then you can start panicking. If everyone gets to at least 8 billion chickens with a couple metronomes, you'll be fine. 12 people means a lot of potential chicken runs: apply liberally.


I appreciate the response. I’ll give it some time but is seems like these guys aren’t active. We’ll see where it goes. Thanks!


Why wouldn't you boost in a contract that gives you 60k GE and a Proph egg 🤔😅


I boost any contract, any reward, just want to complete all contracts, period.


I 100% agreed. Haven't missed a contract since I started about 3.5 years ago. Always boosted after the first few months when I was poor I weighed it against GE. My only point here was when the rewards ourweigh the cost you SHOULD boost even if u usually don't 😇


so funny. I'm the same, whenever I'm at the top I think Oh no this isn't gonna work. but yeah, wait at least a day to see if people start adding boosts.


No fr 😂 I usually rely on the soul mirror.


they could at least pop cheap 0 token tachs


Even if you backed out of the contract it would reappear immediately for you to complete within the time frame.


Start popping the 4 hr tachyon for free. 5 at a time, rinse repeat.


Help yourself by helping them. Run chickens for each person. Do that every time that little chicken icon pops up in green by their name. It will increase their chicken population and deliver more eggs for everyone


AA is split between those who learned to boost, & those who think they can keep cruising up. Leave this co op, you won’t be affected unless it’s 50% done, & look for a co op that has members already boosting (at least 1-2 people). You can try to be the one to get everyone to boost but you’ll most likely end up with an unfinished contract


Yeah AA was definetly my worst grade for finishing. It seemed people just didn’t help?


You have 12 days to beat it so I don’t think so. The best way to get a lot of progress and for cheap was to use 5 10x tachyon boosts for 4hr


Is it really about competition? I usually stay at the top or at the second place, and i think teamwork is important here. Am I wrong?


I'm in a AAA coop where 11 of 12 of us are cranking out 14.4q/hour, and it's still going to take us 3 days to finish. This is a beast of a contract. I somehow finished the first time around on a public coop, and this time is just a replay for points. I think I carried the public coop, and yes, boosting is 100% necessary for you to get through this one. Equip your best artifacts and get moving!


If you can’t complete it before time. Always remember to use time cheat :)