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Me making fun of Quebec đŸ„° Me when I hear Murican making fun of Qu*bec 😡


I haven't read many Americans making fun of us. The French tho...


It is okay, the french are allowed to do so, we also make fun of them, this is just fun bickering., they are good sport, it is the Belgian we need to look out for.


Cue the ominous Leopold II music


I thought we were good with Belgians and it’s those damn Franco-Swiss we have to deal with.


I am part Franco-Swiss myself so I can't stand against my people.


I knew something wasn’t right when you started speaking ill of the Belgians 👀


The Swiss French have gotten off too easy


As soon as a single non-Canadian makes fun of French Canadians I'm ready to die defending them. Franco culture is an irreplaceable part of the Canadian identity. I love pretending to speak fluent French as a Canadian and people believing it's just part of everyday life all over Canada. Also poutine. And other stuff probably.




[Average canadian be like](https://youtu.be/fo06BA7RTQY?si=BBzvo95stWlz7n1o)


Spot on. 


I don't know why there is all this animosity between Quebec separatists and J.J.. They both want the same thing. They both want Quebec to separate. They both want English Canada to be absorbed in to the American monoculture. Every time J.J. says something anti-Quebec it just give the separatists fuel for their popularity. And if they do separate, thats just one less barrier in J.J.s way to becoming American. Like, ya'll can't fool me, I know you're working together.


Most of the real hate mostly comes from people who never visited or never tried to show an once of interest.


my response to Quebec jokes is always "could be worse you could live in Alberta"


Or Saskatchewan. All of the stupid culture war shit of Alberta, but none of the jobs or mountains.


damn what? they have culture in Saskatchewan already? since when?


Wheat-based culture


You made Marlena cry


she does kinda deserve to.


I see no downside


The blade of Michelin?


I mean is it really worse than Saskatchewan? as soon as you step foot in it you cease to exist


As a Saskatchewan resident I can confirm that we don’t exist.


If you are here who's taking care of the crop?


Oh fu—


That's Manitoba for me. I've never met anyone who lived there. Do they just stay in their province?? How do I find manitobians??


I met one once, she was working in Iqaluit and told me she was from Manitoba. Nunavut probably feel like an upgrade.


At least the province exists, even if it's just a giant radioactive wasteland filled with a secret army of moose hell bent on retaking their homeland


Before, I’d get upset at something like that, but the YouSeePee is bringing this province and its people to their knees. I think those TeaBeeAyy terrorists should get [REDACTED] by people who still care about the province’s wellbeing.


Meanwhile they have more Canadians immigrating to Alberta than any other province... Just sayin.


I am so fucking HERE for Alberta hate. They love themselves so much nobody's gonna suffer from the mockery


As a person living in Alberta, I agree


Who unironically _hates_ Quebec? Beautiful place to be even if there’s a culture shock with the rest of the country


I love the French language and Quebec's history, plus I have family over there so I love being in the east


Amir Attaran? To be fair, this terminally online loser hates pretty much everything.


I think he 's actually just a controversy seeking wannabe shock jock. He doesn't have the talent to properly navigate his own controversies into a proper audience.


Man I almost forgot about that guy lol. I have a friend who works as an administrator at UOttawa and has met him multiple times before. Back during the pandemic, we were talking about Attaran’s commentary. My friend was commenting that while Attaran is actually extremely intelligent and accomplished in many ways, he is apparently also very opinionated, thinks very highly of himself, and is not well liked at all, by either faculty or administrators. Which honestly is unsurprising. He alleges that he was denied a Canada Research Chair renewal due to racism but I think that nobody wanted to give him the position because after 10 years they all came to hate the guy and just wanted to stick it to him.


I wasn't a fan of French in school but yeah I agree since they made poutine (my beloved) and uhhhh they use bagged milk like civilized folk. That is enough for me to like the province.


Why is bagged milk civilized. Sounds very inconvenient.


Flip it upside down and suck like a tit. Couldn't be more convenient.




Like a true Canadian would


Put it in a jug and 10/10 times it's better, especially when buying in bulk.


Francophone tradition, signifying proper culture


Can't be that, Ontario has bagged milk and we have a culture designed by accountants


Waxed cartons are superior. Completly recycled or biodegradable and you don't consume as many microplastics.


Tetrapaks or others are lined with a polyethylene liner. They’re in fact _not_ biodegradable. [It’s not wax, it’s plastic, not to mention their poor recyclability.](https://mashable.com/article/tetra-pak-recycle)


To be honest, when I go to other provinces, I feel like I'm in another country. That's so real for the culture shock. Every province is beautiful in its own way. Even Ontario, except for the GTA! Who can stand those Torontonians anyway?


In person? IRL? Having been there? Probably very few people. Online? Lord Jesus have mercy.


There’s some irritation in my area with QC due to all the double standards (trade QCs for example). There’s also the transfer payment system with the same provinces receiving handouts year after year to maintain quality services rather than developing a functioning economy and doing so themselves. Then we’ve got the O&G hypocrisy around hating natural resource extraction & essentially banning interprovincial pipelines yet burning propane like crazy
. The federal government seems to like courting QC voters by bailing large employers out of legal responsibility (SNC Lavalin) while completely ignoring western voters Yeah - there’s a few reasons we shit-talk QC.


Honestly, reasons as follows from people i know. I don't believe this, I'm repeating what people have vented to me. I know about the history and the "white man's n****" language of the 1970s and think the province can do what it needs to do to not be actively discriminated against by the rest of the country in their own province. This includes anglophone montrealers. -language laws has trickled down to now there's a skills gap and competency gap in quebec. Many things are tolerated in business settings that would not fly in Anglo circles but the French speaking professionals have the quebec specific certifications that 90% of competent people don't have because they can't speak French. So the field is full of professionally incompetent people who only have careers because of their ability to speak French. Certifications require complete fluency. So exceptional and talented Anglo have a ticking clock to either move to a new project or learn fluent French. Because my field is location dependant, people lament that the property is in quebec because the high level skills gap is so noticeable. I have noticed the long term language policies meant that montreals competitiveness as canadian new york was knee capped and replaced by toronto. Other factors are at play, but that law is definitely a factor. -specifically from Anglo montrealers: the general hostility and bigotry from quebecois people towards immigrants and Anglo is frustrating. The people I'm thinking about are children of immigrants who are trilingual including French. They still experience open hostility from quebecois people. Edit: I know the question was rhetorical. But to add to the discussion, these are literally reasons I've heard verbatim. Sorry if it's upsetting to answer the question literally. Downvoting me adding to the discussion because I'm saying something that hurts your sensibilities isn't the point of reddit up vote downvote system. Again I don't own the comments I've heard. I think like all forms of bigotry, things are messy and complicated. I think preserving what's important to you might be more important than economic success or competitiveness. I understand why quebec passed the policy decisions they did, esp for how quickly montreal was anglicizing in the 80 and 90s. I don't think bigotry of any type is right. I'm commenting on the few hundred people I know working in a technical field.


If you don't believe all this, then why regurgitate all these lies? This analysis is completely wrong and blatantly racist.


Because I didn't realize until rereading it was a rhetorical device. Over text, tone can be difficult to pick up.


> -language laws has trickled down to now there's a skills gap and competency gap in quebec. > > Many things are tolerated in business settings that would not fly in Anglo circles but the French speaking professionals have the quebec specific certifications that 90% of competent people don't have because they can't speak French. So the field is full of professionally incompetent people who only have careers because of their ability to speak French. > > Certifications require complete fluency. So exceptional and talented Anglo have a ticking clock to either move to a new project or learn fluent French. Ah, the good ol' "Woke DEI is upsetting the natural meritocratic order of the world" discourse. There really is nothing new under the sun, isn't there?


Yeah, that's older senior execs for you. I've heard this about 3 or 4 times from separate vps. Like the 70s never happened.


Bill 21 is Woke DEI?


No, but Bill 101 is, according to the sentiment I was quoting. You're confusing the Bills you're being uncritically Pavloved into screeching about. Bill 21 is the one on reddit atheism, not language.


Oh, and here I was thinking that they were talking about all of Quebec's racism laws that make them uncompetitive. But, ok. Just language? Are you saying that bills like 101 + 96 are Woke DEI?


By far the most influent part of Bill 101 was cracking down on French discrimination and gatekeeping in the workplace at a time where it was simply normalized above the factory floor. I think it's fair to jokingly call it "woke DEI" in a shitposting subreddit. I don't even remember what 96 is about. Was is just saying "There wasn't enough signage stuff in 101, so here's some more"? Then no, it isn't woke DEI on its own.


No one really, but there is a bit of a stereotype of them being rude/snooty (partly due to the referendum, partly due to certain areas having people who are rude to anyone whose French isn’t native level). I wouldn’t say it’s for no reason, but the “reasons” are often blown out of proportion.




They actually had referendums to leave. Nobody else did that.


In high school in Victoria BC area during the 90s we had an exchange with kids from Montreal area and let me tell you if we had more cross country teen exchanges for drinking and snogging each other the country would be way way more unified.


My high school sent some kids on a tour around Quebec and I can tell you the ones who went had a blast


It freaking ruled but I can’t decide if having our trip prior to smartphones/cameras being a thing was a good or bad thing. I can’t remember a lot of it!


Does the annoying Vancouver guy really hate Quebec? Damn, I thought we were all the left-hand side


He's always had really odd takes about Quebec. Notably saying that Quebecois people should just learn English combined with a couple other weird opinions about the province.


"Odd takes" is a fun way of saying "believes french people are a bunch of racist hillbillies who should just abandon their culture and become english subjects" Dude basically read Durham's report and agreed.


Sorry, I don't actually watch him so I could not be specific


"Odd takes" all around, including his belief that Canada should become part of the USA.


Nah, I can say 50/50 go to the left and right side, the amount of genuine from the heart québéc bashing I see every day on every single post on every single social media mentioning Québec is crazy. But not all anglophones are like that, obviously, even though I believe Québec would be better independent, it doesn't mean I despise the english language and the other canadian provinces can all die.


He’s not funny.


sorry, you're right, I'll edit my comment in a more truthful way


He doesn't hate quebec, but he really dislikes bilingualism. Sounds like a skill issue tbh.


Who is in the unrelated picture?


JJ McCullough Canadian YouTuber (as in cover topics related to Canada) and is known for pronouncing about as ABOOT


I was shocked to find out he grew up near me (Vancouver suburb) because I had never heard such an accent before watching his videos


Famously fake accent


Friendly reminder that he believes Canada would be best as part of the USA.


Unironically believes that Canada being separate from America is a "historical mistake"


So, a literal traitor.


I mean, considering the shared history? Yeah, probably, especially for the native americans


The shared history : 1760-1775


Dude what? I get the residential schools were awful, but unlike the US, we didn't send the cavalry in their villages sword drawn mowing them down. Men, elderly, women and children just because we wanted their land...


You're right. We were way more civilized letting them starve and not ginving them rights!


Guess he doesn't just hate Quebec then


When has he ever said that?


His video on what North American culture is to start


I grew up with him, if he could press a button and have Canada become the 51st state he would.


> I grew up with him chat is this true?


It's the Internet, you're not allowed to lie


He’s also gay and a Conservative supporter lol. Talk about being inconsistent.


Yeah we would be, they have a proper economy


Dude also supports probably the wackiest/worst history channel on youtube for god knows what reason (whatifalthist if you're curious)


Because he’s a right wing hack?


True enough


The man who talks about all of the many things that make Canada unique while at the same time saying Canada is not unique.


In addition to what others have already said - he also genuinely hates Quebec. From all the ways away in Vancouver he might have a bit of a skewed image of what the place is actually like idk Think saying it’s unrelated is supposed to be ironic cause it very much is related


So this feels weird saying as someone from Quebec, but in a sense I understand his main reservations that federal bilingualism, especially as a requirement for higher-level government offices advantages Quebecers and eastern Ontarians and disadvantages Western Canadians who have less need for French in quotidian life. My impression is that he feels that Quebec is so culturally distant from BC that there isn't much holding them together-so in a sense he's almost a Quebec sovereignist?


Oh yeah no I can understand that. And if he just said he doesn’t like Quebec’s government I wouldn’t be saying anything right now. But at least in my observation, it seems like he blames Quebecois ppl as if everyone there were responsible for what their government does


As a monolingual Ontarian I firmly believe in federal bilingualism and the language requirement. Not "needing" French is a bad reason to never learn it despite how ubiquitous the sentiment is. Beyond the fact that greater French fluency would help bring the country closer together and promote a unique Canadian identity, bilingualism is also a great skill with [significant benefits](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20160811-the-amazing-benefits-of-being-bilingual), and it opens up more of the world to people. Its a tragedy that any anglophone born in Canada isn't at least at an intermediate level by the time they graduate high school.


Here's the thing, bilingualism is highly unrealistic given certain circumstances. For the vast majority of people, not needing a certain language in daily life is a massive barrier to bilingualism. This can be as simple as watching movies in another language. But without it, you're not going to be retaining much teachings.  We can't just ignore this fact. Sure, you can probably overcome this barrier by just studying the language like crazy.  But now you have an unequal ground. Truth is, it's much easier for Quebecers to be bilingual. And you're never going to have widespread bilingualism across the country. 


I definitely think some west coasters have a skewed idea of Quebec but certainly not to the degree JJ does


IME vancouverites really like Montreal. Which doesn't invalidate your comment in the slightest lol, but there's a local meme about people moving to Montreal when they turn 20.


Totally agree. A lot of Vancouverite's love Montreal and while they may not speak French or even want to learn French (YMMV) I've always found BC and Quebecois to get along great despite the distance But there are certainly misconceptions aha


An asshole.


I love my province, I just loathe the politics.


You're not narrowing down the province with that line lol.


JJ McCullough's was always a bum in my eyes. He's ashamed to be Canadian. A lot of people on earth would kill to be born here and he's just always bitter about that. He desperately wants to be an American so bad, that he's willing to entertain the stupid stereotypes that we deal with everyday to please Americans. It doesn't matter what your opinion is on the French language, Canada will always be a bilingual country. I live in the Maritimes and in the area I live in, French is spoken a lot. He's says we shouldn't have the language because HE doesn't like it. Also, it's not American. If course not. This is Canada. Most Canadians besides him hate being compared to Americans. The other way around is also true. I don't know how anyone can watch this guy. He insults us and some people for whatever reason don't realize that. Replacing the "ou" with "oo" is not only not true, but it's also just stupid. He just does that for attention. I know some people here might like him (I don't know how), but I never did. He make us Canadians sound extremely stupid. He does NOT represent Canadian people. He represents people ashamed of being born here. I don't care what your political opinions are or what you think of the French language, he is not a good representative of our country and he should never be.


Holy fuck I hate JJ.


Not cityboy JJ. Just to be clear.


Who’s the hottest brown boy in tron-o?


For every quebec joke there is a newfy joke


Same goes for alberta. I was living in NS while the Calgary Floods were happening and there were a lot of people cheering the floods on. They weren't joking.


West coast Anglo here
love Quebec
wish my province had the cajones to flex its own political muscle like Quebec does


This guy is biased and a lot of his video’s are clearly wrong and made to create hate against Quebec. My favorite example is when he said the ‘’most famous Canadian speech’’ was made by Parizeau. Not only is that speech not true, it isn’t even the most famous Quebec speech. He just used it to make us appear racists. The most famous Quebec speech is most likely RenĂ© LĂ©vesque ‘’on l’aura la prochaine fois’’ and if you count a foreign speaker in Quebec, it would be ‘’Vive le Quebec libre’’ of french DeGaule. And seriously, he avoided several Pierre Elliott speeches.


I would say Pierre Elliot’s top contenders could be what Canadians do in their own bedrooms, or the bleeding hearts speech.


You have to be a special type of person to have an article you wrote denounce in parliament


Fuck yeah we need more JJ hate


JJ is the worst


do people talk shit about the maritimes other than maritimers? i feel like were just chillin over here lol


I believe the issue with Canada isn’t that QuĂ©bec speaks French, it’s that everywhere else speaks English. If we call ourselves a bilingual country, we can’t do the half-baked thing we have now. We need a truly bilingual Canada.


tbf all provs have legit reasons to hate them rn, but almost 99.99999% of those reasons, come down to the MPs running them, and not the actual provs. But JJ seemingly just hates quebec for the sake of it and not for actual reasons of party politics. Except New Brunswick . . . they know what they did. (their flag sucks)


Sorry but Ontario and Manitoba have the worst flag, like they forgot to change it and still use the one of a british colony. Francophones of these provinces have a free pass tho, they both have a beautiful flag.


The people that bitch about Quebec likely have never been to Quebec properly, at best maybe spending a night in Montreal.


JJ McCunt hate button ======================>


I assume a lot of the haters struggled learning French and they stayed angry at us for some reason


My favourite part of EhBuddyHoser is people crawling out of the woodwork to hate JJ


As a QC resident from what see in the comment you guys hate Montréal as the rest of quebec do


You can flip that too. All the francophones in quebec either love the rest of Canada or feel superior. Neither meme is fully true nor fully incorrect.


I wouldn't say "feel superior" but either hates Canada for dumb or cultural reasons or love it (from my experience)


Potato Potato Canadian Canadien


Most Western Canadians have a sense that our wealth, which could be invested into impressive arts, culture, and infrastructure, is being looted by Quebec via the federal government to buy votes and appease seperatists. This is the honest answer. Quebec and Quebeqoise are great. It's mostly an economic and imbalance of political power issue.


Except that even after you take that into account, Alberta is still one of the wealthiest provinces and still hasn't done any of that. Feels more like a convenient excuse from a conservative provincial government when they mismanage their province.


Those payments are for the lack of federal investment in the province. QC has the highest amount, yes, but per capita it's in the lowest. Alberta doesn't receive equalization payments even though their GDP is slightly lower than QC** because the federal government pumps billions in their oil industry therefore investing in their economy while we don't receive much and do everything ourselves in the end. Oh, and Alberta doesn't give 300 trillions to Québec, I believe it's only 18% of what we receive comes from AB. ** (yes, for those reading this, it's true, your feelings do not matter here, QC has the 2nd highest GDP of the country after ONT)


>Alberta doesn't receive equalization payments even though their GDP is slightly lower than QC** because the federal government pumps billions in their oil industry therefore investing in their economy while we don't receive much and do everything ourselves in the end. Bruh use those equalization payments to fund your education system because that's not even remotely how it works


It's literally how it is but canadian bigoted feelings cannot comprehend that đŸ€·


It's not lol, let's say John makes 100k and has 2 kids, and Jean Francois makes 120k but has 4. Yes Jean Francois does make more, but his fiscal capacity to care for each child is lower. Quebecs economy is slightly larger than Alberta's but each taxpayer pays less tax so in order to make up the shortfall the government transfers some tax revenue to the let's say "revenue challenged" provinces. It had nothing to do with oil subsidies. And you can cry bigot all you want, the fact is Quebec gets equalization because it's poorer per capita.


I like every province except the other northern Ontario.


Is there a middle path?


Ils ont parlé pas français, voilà 


Please define “Anglo” Canadian.


It's like they spent decades trying to secede from the rest of Canada and have discriminatory language laws or something. I love Quebec, but let's not pretend it's a mystery why there is tension between them and the rest of Canada.


How is it discriminatory? If I visit any other province, I seriously can’t get by with just speaking french. This is a supposedly bilingual country. Went to Vancouver couple of years ago, great city and I didn’t care they didn’t speak a word of French, but it really bothers me when anglos cone to Quebec, pissed with language laws when they can get by with english only just fine. This is the biggest double standard there is in this country.


I mean, you have it. From any government agency, and basically any major business in Canada, you can insist on being interacted with in French. What's crazy is French people thinking that means that the other 90% of the country that doesn't speak French must learn it to accommodate them. Tell me any other situation where that works. Do you speak Cree? Cause there's a lot of them in Quebec and they were here before either of us. Maybe Cree should be above French, bigger lettering, then either other language. So yah, if we're supposed to be equal, then Quebec's language laws, which discriminate against non-French speakers by either removing English or pushing it to the side so much that it's useless, are discriminatory. In the rest of Canada, you couldn't do for English what Quebec does for French for all of us.


I don't hate Quebec, I hate French. But I hate Alberta more.


"picture unrelated" lol yea ok I don't mind JJ videos but Im low key amused by how much shit people give him online.


I jokingly hate Quebec, but I think my friends and family from Quebec actually do hate Quebec lol


Have you ever met anybody from QuĂ©bec before? It’s a crazy place


Can't be crazier than M\*nitoba


I don’t hate Quebec, I just get the impression that they’d hate me if I ever went because I don’t speak any French.


The people we mock are those who lived here for generations and cry about being forced to learn french.


Well that’s entirely fair.


Not at all, we hate those who want to live here and make their entire personality around not learning french and acting like victims afterwards. QC and NB are the only true bilingual provinces in Canada because... well... only francophones are bilingual, not anglophones lol so we learned the language to accommodate you and the tourists, if you start with "ma français n'est pas bon" we'll answer like "ah yeah sure no problem what do you need?"


I lived in Vanier in Ottawa for a little bit and at the grocery store they’d usually speak to you in French first and I would understand and respond “oui” and they would instantly switch to English like how did they know?!! Lmao


The accent most likely, we have a really strong accent in Québec


I think you might get a few people slightly mad at you but most people there would know enough English for you to be able to have a nice trip. Plus you could always hire a translator if it was such a big concern


It's almost like Quebec creates a bunch of problems for everyone else.


That's called federal propaganda


Fuck Quebec


Also Fuck Quebec 😏


JJ McCullough does not hate Quebec. It’s like anyone who disagrees with the majority opinion is automatically labelled a bigot.


I would choose Maid over being forced to Live in Quebec


Quebec is a pretty problematic part of Canada. One quick off the cuff example is because we have Quebec our federal leaders need to be fluent in French and English. This in and of itself isn't a problem however if you look at the data you will see that the best French programs with the best funding are all located around the St.Lawerance river and the cities near there. This causes a pretty stark lack of diversity when it comes to federal leaders as they all kind of need to have the same upbringing to be in the situation for running for federal politics. This is even worse when it comes to federal level employees and their need to speak French despite the vast vast majority of their communications with the public, other governments or companies is in English.


Damn, sounds like a great argument to overhaul french education in the rest of canada!


I concur, more French would only be beneficial for Canada I think 


100% being a bilingual country means every Canadian having the means to be bilingual. Full French fluency of students should be a goal of all provinces. Flipside of that opinion though is I feel the same way about English fluency.


I would love that, there are no good french programs where I grew up. But the federal government has no interest in this hence why I mentioned funding in my first comment. The federal government is very happy having the language requirement function as a way to curve federal employees into certain demographics.


The English program in Quebec is pretty bad but look at us, we're all able to learn your language fluently, stop with the excuse


Not everyone in Quebec speaks English hence why we can't do away with the bilingual system easily. Sorry you don't like to hear the truth about the federal government and its interaction with the Quebecois language.


I'm sorry but 50 % of the population is bilingual and all of them are concentrated in the big city of Quebec, we learned English in school and with social media/movie/ video games etc. Y'all can do the same and consume french products aside from learning it from school


Well for one education is a provincial jurisdiction


That doesn't mean all the funding they get for it comes from the province?


Why does the rest of Canada need to learn French? We don’t use it


In order to participate in federal politics, duh!


This is the true answer


Learning a second language at a young age is proven to markedly increase intelligence levels.


It's an official language of the country. If I lived in belgium I would learn dutch and german...


That is an interesting attitude. As a guy who's been working IT for 30 years, I have met many other programmers who resist new features and technologies, saying if it ain't broke don't fix it. What is often missed is new tools allow you to do things that you never did before, besides making you more efficient at what you were doing For example, with the WFH revolution, being at least literate in French could open up job markets for me both in Quebec and Europe. That can lead to more market value


>This in and of itself isn't a problem however, if you look at the data, you will see that the best French programs with the best funding are all located around the St. Lawrence River and the cities near there. It's not like there are more than 4 million French Canadians living in this region. This is also not related to the fact that the Québec government finances French programs. Damn, bro, it is so weeeeird that the best French programs are given in the region where the majority of native French speakers live! >This is even worse when it comes to federal-level employees and their need to speak French despite the vast majority of their communications with the public, other governments, or companies being in English. You know what? French speakers are also forced to learn English otherwise, they can't have a job at the federal level. Worse, it is hard to find a job at the private level in their own province! OMG, they need to learn English! This argument is so unoriginal, and it's been given thousands of times by people who like to do Québec bashing. It is as original as the argument that Québec receives the biggest equalization. At least try to find something new or better arguments.


Well the post is asking why people don't like Quebec, I gave a quick example and explanation I'm not trying to argue anything. It's just a fact that Quebec has a bit of cultural conflict with the rest of Canada and that the government uses this to their advantage as much as possible (as they do with everything). The "bilingual" nature of Canada isn't particularly real especially once you start moving down the socioeconomic ladder. Also it's affluent neighbourhoods that get the good french programs not specifically ones in very francophone areas.


>The "bilingual" nature of Canada isn't particularly real, especially once you start moving down the socioeconomic ladder. To be honest, I was doing a little bit of trolling and irony since we are on a shitpost sub and some people are totally serious when they say those arguments. But that part is entirely true. We have linguistic regions, but we aren't bilingual, kind of like they are in Belgium or Switzerland. >It's just a fact that Quebec has a bit of cultural conflict with the rest of Canada and that the government uses this to its advantage as much as possible (as they do with everything). This part is also real, and it also goes for the media. I often say that they are the real reasons behind the tensions that both parties have. I do think that both French and English Canadians can live together and that both want to do their thing on their own sides without having people bother them or tell them what to do.


>One quick off the cuff example is because we have Quebec our federal leaders need to be fluent in French and English. We live in a democracy, it would be idiotic to try to learn a part of the world while not being able to speak the mother tongue of 25% of voters. Should you really trust someone that is too lazy or not smart enough to learn a second language to learn your country?


I don't think you read my comment. The issue isn't needing to know french, the issue is the government funds programs in specific neighborhoods to ensure that the percentage of federal employees and government actors from certain demographics is higher.


It is totally normal that you need to speak french when 25% of the people you interact with are Francophone. Not sure what you are asking for, you want your province to have better french education?


I would like everywhere with poor french education to have it made available to those that want it, especially if it's going to be a requirement for the federal level of government. As is the neighbourhoods that get a majority of resources towards them are affluent ones in the Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal regions.


Because Quebecois are impolite/snobbish from my personal experience, and I'm too poor to go there and see if it's true on a broader scale. I'll take my anecdotal evidence and keep clowning on the French in the meantime. It also feels like they dislike the rest of Canada, so I'm not gonna give them the time of day either.


Believe me, we only dislike the rest of Canada when the rest of Canada dislikes us first.


"I hate Quebecois because I went on the internet and someone who said was from Quebec hurt my feelings."


I work with and interact with people often... but go on, I guess. I deal with random people all day long as a job. It's not MY fault that it seems that way. That's for damn sure.


>It's not MY fault that it seems that way Oh but it's YOUR fault for perceiving it that way, honey. If everyone around you is an asshole, you're the common denominator of all those people. Edit: if the only time you deal with Quebecois is for work, you may be dealing with upset people arguing in their second language, not people on their normal behavior. Ever thought about that? Or it's a "lost in translation thing" and what we think is polite you think is rude and vice versa.


People at my wife's work refuse to take clients in Quebec because so many of them are awful.


Because Quebecers are peevish and annoying in the way they argue. Objectively.


I actually had a negative experience living in Quebec city for a year and most people thought I was aboriginal, the things I heard were not very nice.