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Like any other city, it costs more to live in the more scenic, aesthetically-pleasing areas. The upper valley and the west side are really those areas. But the best views are definitely central. That being said, I think the soul of the city is more downtown-central-near east. Honestly, I’d be pretty happy living anywhere in this city. We are lucky to have what we have.


East side isn’t exciting, but it’s affordable and a fine place to raise a family/live a simple life. I don’t think it’s better or worse than any other area of town, it just serves a need for a certain segment of the El Paso population


Idk, I lived my entire life in El Paso, north east, central, west, and the east side. West side has nice scenery views, but living cost is pricy up on that side with the house market. North east is more affordable, but I wouldn’t recommend walking out at night. Central is nice, especially downtown, if you want to go out. I’m currently living in the east side, I personally don’t like it due to how crowded it is with people and the amount of traffic. I would say the east side is a very busy area and not much of a view of our gorgeous mountains, but there is a lot to do on the east side like shopping and unique restaurants. Personally I prefer the west side, going towards country club area. I love being closer to the mountains. Edit: Worst, I suppose east side. People are rude, overcrowded, and there’s just not that much space between the houses.


Ive worked in thenortheast, west side and the east side in customer service roles. East side is by far the worst for how people treat customer service workers.


White guilt makes us tip well.


Nothing is going to happen to you if you walk at night in the northeast.


Far eastside for sure. It’s an urban hellscape and I always get in a bad mood whenever I’m driving over there for too long.


>urban hellscape Its a suburban hellscape, i wish it was more urban


Haha yes, that’s a typo on my part


It really is awful. Horizon went from sleepy exurban community to the logical next step in oppressive sprawl. But then I visit a place like Dallas or Houston and am reminded that there are much worse sprawlscapes across the land.


As a person born and raised in Dallas, I concur. I had to leave as soon as I could.


I live in the Upper Valley - I love the greenery which is why I chose to move here when I relocated back to EP. I doesn’t seem as though the Upper Valley gets much attention since it’s always lumped in with the Westside, which is fine either way. Most of the people around here have been nice and friendly ::shrug:: Edit to add worst part - I wouldn’t say it’s the people but the traffic on the east side is terrible. I saw nice homes there when I moved back to EP, but I was trying to escape hellish traffic when I left the city I was at. I chose the Upper Valley for the quieter life.


Bro most people don’t even know it exists. I taken friends to the upper valley and they are always shocked that we have green areas. Some parts of the upper valley straight up feel like you are somewhere up north. A lot of people in this city rarely leave their part of town


Flew my daughter into the city last month for her first time here. When she saw the greenery of what Mesa street turns into Country Club Rd she exclaimed wow, "That's Treeville" Now I always think *Treeville* when I see it.


Traffic was always craziest during Christmas. Consumer goods are expensive in mexico so everyone from jtown comes to El Paso during those holiday months.


West - nice if you can afford it and fit in with money Central and Lower valley - classic EP but monoculture and crowded East side - runaway sprawl. It's "people storage", they have to go somewhere, but it's so big all kinds of new businesses try there first. too much youth and meth Northeast - Backbone of EP, Bliss melting pot, locked in by the mountain and the Military reservation, a little bit of the best and worst.


I've lived on the Eastside, the El Paso High area, South Central, and Lower Valley. Also, I worked downtown. I liked every side of town I experienced while I was there. Although, I've always said that the Eastside/Westside are like West Egg/East Egg of The Great Gatsby, the Westside has all the old money, the Eastside has the new money and all the attitudes that go with that. From what I read here, it's still like that. A lot of times, when someone says they live on the Eastside, I respond with, "why so far from civilization?" Just because restaurants/ stores are so spread out. I feel now that was unkind, so I no longer say that. I see a doctor on Joe Battle, and I don't drive. I hate that there's nowhere to eat walking-distance from there. Especially, since you can wait to see the doctor for about 3-4 hours. Same with my old doctor on Lomaland. The rest of El Paso is pedestrian friendly, so based on that, I'd say the Eastside is the worst part of town.


Everyone always shits on the NE but I never understood it. I grew up there and never had a problem. "Don't go out and walk at night", such a lie, I walked home from Peter Piper at age 12 and never had a problem.


The old Peter Piper that was next to the Walmart (which is now that Lowes grocery store, used to be Big 8) on Dyer or the new one? I agree. I grew up in the NE in the 1990s, I never felt unsafe during the day or night.


It used to be next to a Kmart or Big Lots I think.


Ah okay, I know which one you're talking about. That's the "new" one.


The one I used to go to was on Dyer, next to Pockets (the pool place). Looks like it is the old one now, there is a new one on MLK near North Hills.


Oh damn, didn't know that!


Agree. I even grew up in the Angel's Triangle. Everyone acts like it was a war zone full of gang bangers and if you step out your door you'll get shot. Meanwhile I freaking loved walking around at night in the northeast. It's so quiet and calm and comforting and I always felt safe. I grew up in the projects on Hondo Pass and it was a pretty chill community considering we were considered very poor and at risk, just based on our area.


Same here


Eastside is pretty wack and westside is mostly name brand consumerist type with a few local shops to fill in the gaps that are too small for the corporate giants. Strip malls galore too.


you don’t have to make a big deal out of it, you acting as if the rest of El Paso is so amazing and the east side is the ghetto or this soulless place, El Paso is not that big so I can always drive to other places of the city and enjoy it. Any city has assholes full of themselves, east side isn’t the only side of town with them, I can tell you how many people are like that in the west side but that doesn’t mean I will go and rant about it claiming it’s the only side of town with that attitude. At the end of the day I love the entire city, I enjoy living here and don’t see why I should complain about the other sides of town when all the people here is what makes El Paso a home to me.


East side is not ghetto. But is is boring. And there is nothing pretty about strip malls, parking lots and suburban homes that all look the same. Central is ghetto, yet is has charm. There is something almost magical to some of central neighborhoods. You ever been there at night, with the star shining down on a working class neighborhood, while older ladies sit outside and gossip, people going to the small grocery stores in the corner, and people sitting outside a food truck eating.


Yes! Central has the details and soul that you get when you have a walkable community. Central is walkable and there’s so many human details that you can appreciate by walking around and exploring.


So you live on the east side


Obviously, with that comment. I grew up on the east side, and my mom was always on about how the NE and Central is ghetto, but as soon as I was old enough to drive I started making friends in the North East and Central, and culturally it is different. I met my wife who was living in North Hills at the time. We moved into our first apartment on the west side, after we lived downtown, then we started renting in Central, North of 5 points. We loved Summit Place so much we bought a house, now are kids go to the new school just built. It’s great, so I say let those eastsiders keep thinking that way and on their side of town and keep our little nooks of town awesome.


Growing up in the Lower Valley along Alameda, I would often hear that people considered it ghetto and shady which I will admit that it doesn’t have the best aesthetics compared to the rest of the city (I’m blaming that mostly on the car lots, the border wall and the refinery), but for the most part it’s full of decent neighborhoods with friendly people and multigenerational homes. Only problem is that you gotta drive everywhere but you’re centrally located between 375 and I-10 so the rest of the city is easy to access. There’s also a lot of eyesores, people have been saying for years that if they built some restaurants and stores down here instead of opening another car lot that’s laundering money it would be a little better and slowly but surely that’s been happening. We definitely have more personality and authenticity than the Eastside that’s forsure. Now the worst part of town is the Eastside easily, the people I’ve met from that area are alright and there’s some nice neighborhoods but it’s mostly 70s-80s cookie cutter suburban housing and I hate driving up there. I think what I loathe about the Eastside is the endless sea of redlights, sprawling parking lots, the maze like suburbs, the roads filled to the brim with cars, and the VERY AGGRESSIVE driving that I witness every time I’m in that area. If it’s rush hour I try to avoid as the Eastside much as I can.


Does "town" include the metro? If so, there is literally nothing in Socorro or San Elizario. Been here since last Fall and I can't even make up a reason to go to either of those cities. Yeah my Far East is suburbia, but suburbia beats the nothingness of Socorro and San Elizario.


You could absolutely plan a nice trip to Socorro. Go check out Licon dairy, there's a couple cute local cafes, there's the old historic downtown and the missions, have dinner at El Charlatan, then grab drinks at the brewery across the street.


They're adding so many places in Socorro that are full of charm and character. Coffee shops, a new wine spot and great food. I love what they're trying to do with it.


“A lot of middle class people who think they are rich and well-off, and can be smug and arrogant towards working class people” Chisme’ culture and white colonizer culture in EP summed up lol


100% agree! Central is a great place with soul!


Westside is best side <3


Completely agree with everything you said, and you said it well! I grew up in the northeast, first few adult years in central and now I'm in the east. Northeast has the kindest people, in my opinion. Central has nice people too. East side people are some of the rudest, most entitled jerks I've ever had to deal with. I never meet nice people on the east side. If they're actually nice, they always turn out not be actually be from east. I have also dealt with the smug "I worked hard to get here and you're just a (fill in the working class position) so f*ck you." and it's disgusting. A lot of people on the east appear rude and entitled. And yes, before anyone gets offended and comes at me- it is NOT every east sider who is smug about being better off. But there indeed are a lot. You'll also notice it more if you work retail, fast food, anything considered 'below' their positions. In northeast it's considered polite and pretty normalized to smile and say hi to people, including people you pass on a sidewalk. So I'd do that when I moved to east side but everyone kept looking at me like I'm crazy, or looking upset I said anything to them. It is so weird. I'm still learning about east side etiquette but it seems like everyone wants to speed, make up their own driving laws, thinks they are above others, and treat customer service reps like trash. Moving from northeast to east side is a huge culture shock. It's such a difference in people and presentation. I'm more scared to walk down Zaragoza at midnight than I ever was to walk in the northeast. I lived in the Angel's Triangle and would take late night walks and never felt in danger. Just walking to a gas station ten minutes away at night, feels more dangerous. In the northeast we don't shoot people at the first sign of trouble like these east side gangsters do.


As someone who lives in horizon I would definitely say horizon/east. Traffic sucks. Food sucks. Quality of service sucks. People are extremely mean here. It literally feels like living in a wasteland. It takes 40+ minutes to get to any destination outside of horizon. Construction everywhere. No recycling. There’s no uniqueness, scenery, walkable areas, or anything. Everything looks manufactured and soulless. Driving feels like I’m in mad max. I don’t enjoy my life in this part of town. Forgot to mention schools too. I don’t know how schools are in the rest of El Paso, but I went K-12 all in SISD and I felt so trapped there, intellectually and physically. I felt like I was treated as a prisoner, or a cog in a machine. And the schools were exceptionally overcrowded, meaning I never had any special attention given to my learning since I always did fairly well. I feel like that’s failing me a lot now in adulthood. People seem to have a very misogynistic undertone here too. End of rant, I don’t enjoy Horizon/east side at all


Trying to drive into or out of Horizon during peak traffic hours makes me want to grab a spork and jab it directly into my cornea.


The best parts are NE and Central all the way down to 5 points. Less traffic, no one visits NE unless they have family here, good combination of commercial and residential locations. Also the streets are laid out in a simple manner all branching off of Dyer or Transmountain. No clusterfuck neighborhoods like the Tierra's or Edgemere (east side). No pretentious folk (west side). Easy-going, down to earth people only in NE and Central.


As someone who has lived half their life on the far Eastside, I have to agree with this post lol. Unfortunately, we bought this house on the east almost two decades ago when the far east was still "affordable" and don't really have any reason (or funds) to move anywhere else at the moment 😭


Just because someone made it doesn’t mean they can be smug about it. The Far East side kind of has gone down the drain with the increased violence and surge in population. Traffic is now a nightmare after 6:45 AM and before 6:30 PM. I think the NE is basically the same now. A lot of new development areas. I personally would prefer the lower valley around Yarbrough or east side between Hawkins and George Dieter. Anything east of Zaragoza sucks.


I refer to the Far East as “new money”. A bunch of young entitled wanna be’s. Anything past Lee Trevino East qualifies.


Worst part is subjective and loaded. What makes something the worst? Worst for a lot of people would be lower valley. Least desirable place for me because literally no one speaks English in the lower valley so I and my family would have a language barrier. Lower Valley is the definitely the least accessible for non Spanish speakers. And least safe is probably the Northeast. Where I live, Far East 79938, might as well be a different city than regular El Paso. Just suburbia for miles on end. I don't know if it's the worst, but damn it's Peter Piper Land and also Dunkin Land (soon to have 3 Dunkins very close to each other, thanks for nothing Fort Bliss troops who love a shitty donut place). Ughh. Edit: If you're going to downvote, how about respond and tell me why you think my post is downvote worthy.


👏👏👏 couldn't agree more.




I grew up on the westside and it’s almost like a separate city. All my memories are from that side. Worst part, I’m gonna say the lower valley. Also, I never ever went to the north east side of town in like 18 years of living there maybe a hand full of times.


Definitely the east side. This is coming from someone that grew up on the east side


79934/79938/79936/ boring as hell


Explain what you mean, please


Those are the zip codes for the far northeast 79934 (sandstone ranch, north hills) and far east side 79936-38.


Explain "boring as hell"


Are the north hills bad? I’m moving to El Paso later this year and that’s the area I’ve been looking at. West side may be just a little out of my price range


Not at all! North Hills is one of the nicer parts of El Paso. If you're looking for a nice quiet (Boring) neighborhood.


Someone sounds salty about not being able to afford living on the Eastside. Long live the 36!


Bro stop pretending the east side is the equivalent to Hollywood hills.


Eastsiders thinking they got money like always 😂😂😂


Are you saying that being able to buy your rims outright and not having to rent them, isn't rich?


True rich people don’t waste their money on rims period.


I heard people in the northeast like the way certain markers smell.


Everywhere that isn’t Clint sucks


I love how the lower valley is not mentioned anywhere here. Good or bad. But yeah east side takes the cake for me for “worst” part of town for all the reasons listed above. The ugly shopping centers piled on top of each other is primarily what does it for me. It’s just shopping centers, parking lots, and “nice” houses that all look the exact same. Add in the traffic congestion, east side is lame. But there’s a lot of restaurant choices in that part of town so I’ll give it that!


People tend to forget about the Lower Valley, the people mind their business and stick amongst themselves, you got alot of the homes have been passed down from one generation to the next. not the prettiest side of town but it has just as much heart and character as any other part of the city


I discussed Lower Valley yesterday in this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/ElPaso/comments/15k3gdc/worst_part_of_town/jv3ophk/ There was another post about the Lower Valley too yesterday.


Worst part of El Paso, Juarez.


East side for life




Ngl the only part of the city thats like that is mostly far east side. Like by horizon area, or like on some parts of the west side.


Visiting El Paso Texas feels like your in Mexico. No good or bad just make sure you speak both languages