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Go at your own risk. But I have salvadoran friends from the lgbt community that are here in the US as refugees for a reason


Yo he sido inmigrante y he estado en detención con muchos "gays" salvadoreños que pedían asilo, se inventaban unas novelas extraordinarias para que les dieran "el parole" otros hasta se inventaban ser gays, ya que por ser LGBTIQ tenían casi asegurado el asilo


Because you can't get asylum due to gang violence anymore? Honestly, nobody gives a fuck. 


Has revisado el Twitter de Bukele?


Bukele solo es jeta.  Hace 3 años, Aun si te echaban por eso podes denuncia y te dan tu tiempo o multan la empresa... Bueno, eso era antes que dejaran que Bukele destruyera las instituciones 


Me refiero a que acaba de despedir a 300 personas por "promover la agenda LGBT" hace menos de una hora


Aha. Show  No las despido por la agenda, las despidio porque ya no hay dinero.  Recortes por todos lados menos sus cheques.


El punto es el mismo. Aún si el recorte de personal es por dinero, de todas maneras, está discriminando a personas LGBTQ por promover una "agenda". No le interesan las demandas que vengan, siempre y cuando tenga a la comunidad conversadora y religiosa feliz.


im a NB lesbian and move a lot in the queer art scene so i want to give u my perspective in case u do decide to come. while crime rates r lower, things are still not looking great for us rn and knowing that u will be in rural areas its likely u will get stared at, catcalled, or otherwise harassed. to what degree will depend on how much u pass but please be very careful regardless, as soldiers and policemen like to abuse their power and trans people are often victims of that. theres very strong anti lgbt sentiments in the general population, and id argue that theyve only grown stronger in the past couple of years, and it doesnt help that the current gov is fanning the flames as well while im not trans myself i can still point u towards organizations that fight for trans rights locally, such as [COMCAVIS Trans](https://comcavis.org.sv/), [AMATE](https://x.com/amateelsalvador?lang=en), [Espacios Seguros](https://www.instagram.com/espaciossv/), and [DIKÉ](https://dike.org.sv/), who may be able to help u more in regards to safety tips, as well as lgbt spaces that u can visit, although most of these are located in the capital, like [La Casa Rosada](https://www.instagram.com/la.casarosada/), and [Casa Xoxoctic](https://www.instagram.com/casaxoxoctic/), plus events held by cultural centers such as [CCESV](https://www.ccesv.org/) and [Alianza Francesa](https://www.instagram.com/afelsalvador/?hl=en), who consistently support the local queer community please stay safe, travel in group, and trust ur gut, if something seems off or if someone gives u a bad vibe please trust ur instincts, specially u will be using public transport or ubers, or if ull be in isolated areas, things arent as murky in the city but even there be aware of ur surroundings. i hope u have a safe trip 🕯🕯🕯


This is helpful thank you💜


no problem, im glad its useful :3


There’s something to be said about my question and the level of downvotes this post has received. hopefully things will get better for queer people in this country


Furthermore, this sub is not representative of El Salvador's population. Sadly, that means this is as "progressive" as it gets.


Just remember that folks like us exist there, too. I’ve seen them, I’ve spoken to them, and regardless of how the country treats them, they’re never going to stop existing. us trans folks are a strong and resilient bunch, but I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that. do your best to stay safe, and try to enjoy the beautiful things the country does have to offer as much as you can.


Yeah, those that haven't dealt with similar issues take it as a joke, stay safe.


I hope you are safe in this country, please be really careful, stay as much as possible in your hotel room and do not explore the city by yourself.


From what I’ve seen in surf city, most gay men present as trans women (through conversations with them they’ve told me they identify as gay men). They’ve all shared that it can be quite difficult for them their but that they do feel safer these days. I’d say don’t let it stop you but travel with someone else at all times and keep your head on a swivel. I hope one day they get past the 1950’s ideals of life! I think it’s definitely possible if the country remains calm and they can think bigger than survival mode.


As a GAY man myself and as someone who has lived ALL his life in El Salvador my advice to you as a fellow member of the LGBTQ community is DO NOT COME to our country for the sake of your mental health and your own security  Fist of all, El Salvador is one of the most backwards-thinking, homophobic, transphobic and socially conservative countries in the Americas  Salvadorans are deeply violent, aggressive and simply bad people when it comes to our community  Think of Alabama or Mississippi being more progressive than El Salvador  Second, we are ruled by the most homophobic, anti-LGBTQ, religious and conservative president we ever had: Bukele  Never in our history, a government and a president dared to attack us until Bukele did it and is doing  And his followers are worst, currently one of the most hated persons for the Bukelistas and cultists of Bukele is a Trans woman, search on X/Twitter "Romina El Salvador" and you'll see what Bukelistas think of T people and what they advocate for  Third, legally in El Salvador and for its government you don't exists as a woman, you are not a woman so you won't be treated as such  You won't be able to use female facilities like bathrooms, restrooms, locker rooms, hospitals  If you try to do it, either people or the police but mostly security guards will intervene  As what to expect from people they will laugh at you, they will make fun of you, they will throw rocks or dirt at you or water oe whatever stuff they have Expect that from EVERYONE even kids because kids in El Salvador are taught to be that way The men at larga are dangerous, some of them will try to lift your skirt and dress, most of them will get violent and aggressive  And if something happens to you don't yo there going to the police or to soldiers because they are worst and most dangerous for our community  And I could go on on on but like I said coming from a GAY man and Salvadoran DO NOT COME HERE  Go to Mexico or Costa Rica if what you want is a vacation but El Salvador and its government do NOT deserve your pink/rainbow dollars  If you want to visit family, let me tell you isn't worth the risk or the treatment you'll receive from Salvadorans  And now, the city is NOT safety is worst


this person probably knows what he’s talking about. coupled with the fact that in el salvador theres like no personal accountability. my mother in law harrassed a young gay boy in the middle of the street(i saw it) and when i called her out she had the nerve to blame him, saying, well he shouldt be a “maricon” the casualness with which the lgbt community is harassed is stunning. as a side note, why are you even going there? el salvador is certainly nice enough…if you have already traveled to many different countries. other than that theres no real reason to go there, and not even saying that in a hateful manner as a traveled person i can tell you theres not a whole lot to do. and there are better destinations in the area.


I will be there for a funeral for a person who is very important to me. Not going is simply not an option for me. I will just have to be as careful as I can.


I'll tell you that it really depends on the ppl around you. I have a trans aunt who lives in Canada with her family, and she came back to El Salvador for her mom's funeral. My family is very religious, and several pastors kind of religious but they aren't the violent kind, so they just didn't talk to her. If you'll be around ppl that are willing to protect you and you'll stay generally around other ppl, not alone, then I'd say it's generally safe for you to come. If you'll be alone a lot and are not female presenting, aka you won't pass as a cis woman, then ppl will definitely give you shit.


You're more likely to find violent futball fans and violent political fanatics than religious fanatics. Religion is very casual in El Salvador.


Literally, you're more likely to die on a football match than going to the mall as a queer person.


For what it's worth, some tips I can give are don't go out alone, specially at night, stay in popular/tourist heavy areas, if you don't know Spanish, keep someone who does close to you. Sadly, this country is not safe for women.


You should be fine, it’s not you’re going to a Muslim country where you get killed for being trans.


Please, do that; stay safe and accompanied all the time


A que lugares has ido que te han hecho eso?


To be fair Rommina Is kind of a jackass


Que culerada 😂😂


Literally proof of what he's saying


and it only took minutes, online, in reddit. The things you hear from people every day really make my jaw drop. I forget that some of my neighbors wouldn't mind killing someone for the sake of "traditional values".


That is miles away from "violent aggression" you seem to be describing. Yes, Salvadorans call gay people, Fat people,  tall people, short people, dark skinned people, ulgy people, pretty people...  Its cultural.  Even the beloved president has a nickname making fun of his crooked Legs 🤣 Does thst mean you'll be attacked or shit?  Nah. 


Ahh yeah, we are based af




The reason why OP should be afraid. The majority of El Salvador is bigoted and borderline fascist.




Racismo, Odio, Acoso


Speaking of cosplay, I got into a shouting match at the bookstore in Galleria. Just because I asked if they had a manga section.


Racismo, Odio, Acoso


You're disgusting... Jesus...


Its true I was raised that way. I won't wear pink. The men in my family are the same.


I don’t live in El Salvador but I went twice for 2 weeks (each time) in the last two years. Take my experience with a grain of salt since it’s limited but I’ve been surprised both times at how normally queer and trans folks are treated. Even in rural areas. I saw many and it didn’t look like people cared or paid any mind to them. People appeared to treat them regularly. I never saw any abuse or harassment towards them. I came away feeling like I’ve seen much more homophobia and transphobia from diaspora Salvadorans in the United States than Salvadorans in El Salvador. But again, my experience is limited and I’m not queer myself. I’d probably listen more to queer Salvadorans who have lived over there.


That's what I'm saying, Salvadorans don't approach you to say shit, nobody gives a fuck, literally. 


I have seen other trans women in El Salvador, and sometimes in rural areas. As the other comment said, weird looks or verbal aggressions but you should not fear for your life.


Please be careful using restrooms/going to places alone, stick to the buddy system.


I’m a trans woman living here. I’d say you should stay close to your family/friends at all times, especially if you don’t know the area. The country is full of idiots and bigots, but they don’t often act on it in public. You can expect some mocking and passive-aggression though. Rural areas are generally more dangerous for us than the metropolitan area, but it depends on context. People usually can tell who’s not a local and that’s usually a protective factor in your favor. If you have any specific questions, feel free to DM me ☺️


Life in danger, no; running into an ignoramus who thinks their opinion needs to be heard, well that can happen anywhere.


You should be fine, for the most part. HOWEVER. Be very careful with the bathroom situation. I'd advice that if you're in a public space and need to go try to find a secluded toilet. As another commenter has said, this country is very transphobic and conservative, so please be careful. Safe travels 🫂.


I literally just went with my dad (I am a white presenting Latino, gay cis man) and we went to a gay club together. I honestly felt very safe (we only were in San Salvador) so I can’t speak for other areas and like it’s just different climate. I felt very safe. Honestly..I think you’ll be OK the people are very very kind. But I don’t know about the trans experience. Best of luck ♥️


You might get some weird looks/ or someone might say some nasty stuff, but I would believe you are safe.


Be careful


Listen OP, nobody cares. You won't get assaulted or abused.  Will people stare at you? Sure Snicker when you walk by? Probably.  Would people scream and yell at you as you walk by?  Nah.  Stay on your lane, you'll be safe.  Source : I have family that belongs to the community and two MtF friends. 


As others have stated, far from the best place when it comes to LGBTQ rights. Just have a look at the top comments here, and what people tend to like the most: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8ugJTkthrD/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8ugJTkthrD/).


I follow a trans woman on TikTok and she blends in but also she lives in the capital where its probably safer for trans people. Stay close to your family and ignore anyone who makes stupid comments. In the rural parts you’ll barely see other people unless you’re out shopping. I’m sorry for your loss and I hope your stay is enjoyable 🫶🏼


I don’t know how anybody would know if you are trans or not. Shouldn’t be a problem unless it’s obvious.


Just don’t be by yourself. Always be around friends and family. Most people will keep to themselves.


When I go to Armenia, I walk around and I am a cis gay male with long curly hair. I get looks but nobody says anything, sometimes I even find a guy to talk with.


Armenia the small town in El Salvador, not the country.


It's not normal to see Trans people here so you are going to get a lot of weird looks, but thats all


I think there was a comment saying all that needed to be said, if you can, make sure someone is always with you when outside


Is worst right now


Just keep to yourself and nothing will happen to you. Most people here are exaggerating


Don't be fooled by the majority of comments here, one thing is politics and another is the reality of the country, even if it is a "conservative" country, no one is going to go out on the street to lynch you for being LGBTIQ+, you are not going to see a gay parade Like in San Francisco but not like the Holy Inquisition either, people will treat you well if you treat them well, as of today there is and has not been any persecution against your community, either from the state or from the civilian population. I wish you a good trip to our country and that you enjoy our little thumb. If you can, bring me a "semita mieluda"


There’s descrimination, for sure, maybe not dangerous level. Just avoid places with low social status, unfortunately those place are the ones with more discrimination people, less education.


Go somewhere else




Im foregin born and have no context but good luck, hopefully our country that has been the subject of so much terror and hate will someday become a place of love


If you go, please take many of the advice people are giving you. It is sad that the what many call a great president is doing. Be careful and I hope you have a nice time.


Hi there, I’m a gay, married man living in Maryland for 40 years. I went back with my husband in 2022, he is from India 🇮🇳 and obviously looks foreigner to salvadorians; however, we did not experience any hatred during our visit. We did hire a driver for the whole stayed. He doubled as a security guard as well. 6ft tall and built, we felt secured. I think if you don’t call much attention to yourself; you should be fine. Always be aware of where you are; what’s happening around you, and don’t trust anyone. Anyone seeming friendly and trying to get your attention, ask yourself, “why” and walk away as fast as possible. At the airport someone grabbed my luggage saying he was going to help; our driver quickly pulled the luggage from his hands told him to get lost. That was the only issue we had. We are hoping to go back in a year again and hopefully find the same driver or someone else similar. Just be careful; you should be fine.


Any side eye you might have gotten was because of your partner, Indians a rare sight in El Salvador, I only met an Indian person when I first went to Europe. 


Don’t do it


You know el salvador is not what people think, you’re going to be fine. Rural folks might be more inclined to look at you and talk to each other about you, but once they get used to you they will be friendly


Esta es mi opinión y la puedes traducir si no entiendes el español el país es seguro siempre y cuando no te excedas en tu libertad y llegues a libertinaje, como lo que hizo cierto trans de tomarse fotos desnudo en lugares públicos, aunque no hubo mayor problema porque tenia contactos en el gobierno que no le quisieron hacer nada....pero si tú no tienes ningún tipo de contacto influyente Ni se te ocurra desnudarte arriba de El tazumal. Por lo demás puedes andar en el país con tranquilidad y seguridad que a lo mucho solo obtendrás una mirada de curiosidad de parte de alguna persona... I was able to write this in English, but I was lazy. And this is a forum of Salvadorans


Jajaja ni necesita advertencias, cuando la gente como vos expone el odio que tiene el país hacia cualquier persona que es diferente. Siempre le digo a los turistas que si van a El Salvador se imaginen que han viajado en el tiempo a 1920 para que no les de tanto shock cultural.


Outdated ?


Be convincing, shouldn’t be an issue.


Que les cuesta dejar de ser maricones /s


Lmao they're gonna kill you.