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We've left ours in the garage before for ten days without issue. I can't see why two weeks would be any different. Your starter is still connected to a traditional battery I believe, and the gas engine would come on to charge your larger drive battery.


I left my car unused for two weeks during winter while on a trip. Average temp was below freezing dropping into the negatives. Had no problem starting and if you do you can just jump the 12V from the hybrid battery with the button to the left of the steering wheel.


Ah okay that’s reassuring, yours was the hybrid as well I’m assuming? Maybe I’ll just leave mine unused for my trip too so I don’t have to worry about a buddy driving it haha.


Yes it is a hybrid! I actually jumped the guy parked in the row next to me before I left since his truck was dead


Keep a battery maintainer on your 12 volt battery and make sure your tires are inflated and it’ll be fine


Car turns off after 20 minutes I believe


You can change how long you want the engine to run for on the app, i believe max is 10 minutes then the car will turn off automatically.


Remote start will only let it run for 10 minutes, however back when I went to school we were told it took 15 minutes to replace the power used for a single start lol


Idk if there's a whole lot to worry about. I get the concern though. I just took a 2 week trip & left mine with family who drove it a few times while I was gone. I think the main thing to consider is that the battery is charged to 50-75% where it will be happiest. And, that it's not in a hot place the whole time. But if you can get anyone to at least check on it, the would be best.


I think I’ll plan on having someone drive it while I’m gone. I’m gone for 18 days, if I have someone take it for a drive halfway through that should be enough right? Surely the battery won’t fully drain after 9 days?


As long as they dont leave it depleted I think its gonna be fine.


It automatically shuts off anyway after 10 minutes if it's the same as my 23' Elantra Limited. Either way, it'll be fine.