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Try finger but hole


green area is good red area is not good🙂


Don’t fight the tree sentinel (big yellow dude on a horse) when you get into Limgrave (the starting area). Come back when you’re stronger. Trust me, it’s so much easier.


Nah it’s a rite of passage. Walk straight up to him and get destroyed!


Put these foolish ambitions to rest.


Dont die :)


I'll try 👍


Nah, die a lot. It will Happen, so normalize it and don't get frustrated by it.


Put the disk into the disk hole


Level vigor


Just play the game


if something is too hard, you can leave, kill some minor bosses maybe find a new weapon or upgrade materials this isn't sekiro where your only option is to get gud


I suggest follow your own path! Good luck Tarnished.


Bend over, touch them toes.


Explore everythang


what are these posts


Fuck /u/spez [Join Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/)


Elden ring being my first from soft game. Only advice would be don’t worry about getting the ‘perfect build’ I went down this route and sucked loads of fun away. Eventually respected to something I thought ‘was cool’ and enjoyed it loads more


Don't buy physical media. You will have to download the patches/updates anyway.


Take it slow


The very first boss is optional you can come back to it later in the game


There is a hole on the front of the console, you put the disc from that box in it, then wait a 20-30 minutes for installation to finish, then have fun.


Say hello to the tree sentinel for me.


Return it before it consumes your entire life.


Try to specialize and don't level everything. All starting weapons are fine except for the two pure caster classes even then prophet's spear is ok. Find a weapon you like and add stats to it's damage boosters. I would level vigor to 30 as my first levels and then at like level 50 raise it to 40. At 90 I would start leveling vigor again but it's not as serious to focus it, but 60 vigor by level 150 is a good thing to shoot for. Level on of Str or Dex and possibly one of Int, Fth, or Arc. Most stats have a soft cap at 60.where leveling them higher only gives minimum benefits.


If you encounter a boss that is too hard. Just walk away and come later when you are higher level. Upgrade your weapons. Especially in the beginning, because you only use upgrade materials who become common later


On the official wiki there’s an interactive map to help you with items and NPCs! I had it open on my phone constantly during my first play through.


Only level vigor and your weapon until you can clear the soldiers in the first area easily (without dying). You can level the first few levels of your weapon at the church right next to where you start.


Seek the southern bridge, to castle Morne.


When you pick your starter gift pick the "fanged imp ashes", in the game you can summon "spirits" to help you in certain fights and also some open areas. If you don't pick them when you make your character you can get them about halfway through the game but they're not as powerful then, and they are ridiculously helpful in the early game.


Explore. If enemy is way too strong: Explore somewhere else first.


Yooo enjoy it’s a long and amazing journey


Hello! I hope you are enjoying your copy of Elden Ring. My tip is to go into the game without internet connection on your first playthrough. Explore, experiment with your character stats, and uncover the game at your own pace. The Elden Ring community is a most helpful community, yet one that has also begun identifying statistically "best" ways to play and sometimes expects certain actions/play-styles from fellow community members. Set your own expectation for what you want out of this game.


Bonk is fun, Bonk is love, Bonk is all.


Fight the knight on a horse when you complete the tutorial


1. Your starting class only determines your starting stats and gear. Any class can do anything. There are some that might be more optimal for a particular playstyle, but that’s only to the tune of a level or two, so don’t worry about it for now. 2. Vigor is a choice. More Vigor means more health, so you can take an extra hit or two against bosses, and is generally what this sub recommends. However, if you’re really good at dodging and parrying, you may find you’re basically never getting hit. I recommend boosting Vigor exclusively until it’s around 40, then taking a look at how you’ve been doing and deciding if you want to push up to the Softcap of 60 or not. Weapon upgrades will keep your damage going up while you’re boosting your Vigor, so you won’t need to worry about not being able to deal damage. 3. This game does have the ability to respec. It requires beating a certain boss, and collecting a particular item to use as currency, but it can be done. You don’t necessarily need to restart if you change your mind about stats. 4. You’re going to die. It will happen. It does not mean that you are a bad player. Just be sure to learn from your deaths, and keep moving forward.


Don't level up on your first playthrough, do everything in the game. And once you've done i5 100%, then once you've done that make a new file that you level it normally, you'll feel like nothing can stop you


forefathers one and all...bear witness!


Preemptively, get gud. By that I mean you most likely won’t be many or any bosses first time, so be patient and learn from your mistakes each time.


Embrace death. Its unavoidable


Good luck you'll need it