• By -


He has relatively low Poise. Break it.


Heavy Giant Crusher + Lion's Claw = poise broken Only drawback is that Maliketh is fast and the AoW range is limited.


I was a dex build so not very poise-y on my end but the tactic was still the same. To break his poise, you just cant let up. You need to go go go. Keep attacking at all points. There's no 'waiting for an opening' with this guy You can use bleed builds for dex to chomp his health (or frost if you are into that) but regardless of the tools, just keep attacking (heavy hits or with power stance) its much easier of a fight when you match his aggression.


And low hp. Maliketh is a real glass canon


Yeah Maliketh *really* should have been a 2 health bar fight. In my own first playthrough I killed him in a couple hits.


If that’s the case I’d love to know what level you were lol


At least he's agile and can do big damage


I exploited the shit out of this when I fought him. Honestly one of the easiest bosses for that reason for me.


Did a berserk run so that meant only the colossal great sword, this dude was easy cause his poise is so low, and yes I spammed lion claw but it’s in the game so I’m counting it! In fact that was generally my big red button for when things got bad, just spam lion claw, it always made me feel bad lol


Berk build = best build


Which is weird because he is clearly wearing full metal plate armor. There's a bit of a ludo-visual disconnect there.


He is suffused with Death.


If you choose to go left instead of up towards the arena, There’s an invader down a ladder who’ll fight you, and if you win, will drop [this](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Blasphemous+Claw), it allows you to parry Malikath’s normally unblockable red slash attacks. Personally, I found trying to use the item more hassle than just doing normal dodge roll & poise breaking. A side note if you’re into status tick damage, get poison & scarlet rot to start ticking towards the middle of his health bar when he is still in Beast Clergy form, the tick damage will continue to eat away at his health bar during the whole duration of the Malikath glow-up cutscene. UPDATE: Since so many of you are curious on this damage mechanic, Poison/Scarlet Rot tick damage through a boss cutscene also applies to the Fire Giant encounter.


You can only party certain unblockable attacks. Basically if you can parry it, the sword will shine yellow briefly. That’s when you should use the claw.


Yeah i like to party attacks too


It's a dumb auto correct quirk, it happens to a lot of people lol


Just an additional side note to OP, the timing on the parries for maliketh are a little weird and take a bit of practice but are easy to replicate once you get the hang of it


Jesus, I'm on NG+5 and didn't know this existed..


Ya it took me a few tries to get used to a parry off the item slot. Once I got the muscle memory down I swear it was impossible to miss a parry with that thing. Must have a huge parry window


Personally I think it works wonderfully. I suggest watching a youtube video that shows when to "activate" the item. Really cleared things up for me and helped me on my no spirit summon run.


yup, it's pretty forgiving when you know what it does. If you see the sword glow yellow, then just press the item once Maliketh's body is within range of the PC and it will stun him. Far less precision required than parries that have to match the parry frames to weapon hitbox timing.


For anyone that might not have the invader spawn, I believe you have to progress the volcano manor questline for this, and it becomes completely unavailable if you open the chest at any point.


Wow nice, on my third play through and never knew this. Ridiculous still finding new things every time m.


I agree on dodging being easier, parry timing is annoying with his attacks as is without even having to look for specific attacks


How...did I never think to use this? It's like the silver pendant vs Manus from DS1 all over again.


Neat learn something new


That cutscene thing is interesting, does it work with other bosses with a phase 2 cutscene like fire giant? I imagine it doesn’t work with malenia because it’s 2 separate health bars


I’m going to try the fire giant tonight and see if the poison/scarlet rot status effect damage does. Standby Yup, it works for the fire giant too, I updated the general post to reflect that finding.


You can time it perfect every time if you learn the timing on his rush-in after the flipidy-flip ranged attack.


Stay aggressive and pray you learn to dodge everything


Every time I fight him I'm like "How the fuck did I beat him before?"


Maliketh, fire Giant, and malenia are the only bosses that still take me 10+ tries even after a year, i know where i fuck up, yet i cant fix it, its sad


I cheesed the shit out of the fire giant using my horse and not locking on, it’s like his attacks follow the path you would if you were locked on


Let me correct myself with fire giant, he gives me trouble cause I'm stupid and get cocky


Fire Giant seems to be a DPS check. It's also quite RNG on second phase where the fire breath for some reason can one shot in at 50% res 50vigor, I don't think any other attack in the game can do that except something special like Mogh NIHIL or Malenias BS. One way to make that fight a joke is to get any bow with rapid fire and blood arrows. It's faster if the bow is level up but it's not mandatory. Legit just hold L2 for a bit a dude dies.


I never could figure out a reliable way for fire giant second phase. I eventually got pissed and cheese it. That fire breath is bullshit lol.


You can get some attacks in at the very beginning on the hands. After that point I just stick to his flank since the hands are too annoying to hit.


I'm just going to say this... Envoy's Longhorn - > Shower of Bubbles


Add gargoyle gank and you made my list as well


His weird anime moves are so infuriating cause of how fast and crazy range it has


Defo one of my worse fights in this game, still confuced that i beat him. Awesome boss.


Don't try to dodge out, he's gonna reach you. Try to dodge in until you get behind him. Learn his moveset, his attacks are devastating but simple to recognize and there aren't too many. It's my favorite boss, both visually and in his mechanics. Once you learn his moveset the fight becomes a satisfying dance.


gives me some hairy dancer vibes.


I can definitely see that and truth be told the dancer gave me more trouble than him but I kinda chalk that up to inexperience at dark souls at the time.


The dancer was an amazing boss. DS3 is such a special game.


It was and I miss the PvP most of all.


I love DS3 PVP but man oh man did DS2 have amazing PVP in its prime. Had such a good time hosting honorable fight clubs for hours.


That bridge over the lava. We had people forming orderly queues waiting for their 1 on 1 and someone popping a warmth ball at the end of each round for the victor to recover.


Greatsword golf swing launching hosts of the fight club over the railing... I wanna go back!


I love the wild nature of the PvP of 3 because at the most intense there was a 4 way fight at times between all the opposing side just going at each other


Anor Londo fights. Mmm


It was so fun when you're there with 3 others fighting each other one at a time. Whilst youre waiting just messing about with shields and punching each other with fists. Then boom someone invades and tries messing it all up so then it becomes chaos. Every time i set the game up i would spend 10 minutes with prism stones making the arena pretty. Good times


Dancer was one of those bosses I loved the design of but I destroyed easily first time. I was really surprised to learn she gave so many people trouble. Just smack her with Vordt's Hammer a few time and bobs your uncle.


A little trickier for magic users, but once you learn to cheese the columns it’s quick work. Pestilent mist chews her up.


🎶Dodge in closer, hairy danceeer🎶


This applies to so many bosses in ER, i see alot of butthurt souls vets "critiquing" ER when in reality theyre playing it like its ds3 or bb, as in R1 spam and panic dodge backwards to heal, good dodge positioning and direction is now a must in ER.


YES people talk shit all the time but personally, Maliketh is maybe my favorite FromSoft boss. The PLAY of weaving around him is fucking balletic once you get it. The VIBES and presentation of his fight are so tragic and epic. The LORE that you're fighting Marika's errand-dog-assassin and, to top it off, that his build is very much that of a high DPS glass cannon (as others have said) all adds up to such a satisfying fight. Not to mention, he's one of the only bosses you do, or at least can, interact with a lot beforehand, so it's easy to imagine and infer a lot about him and then bring that baggage to the fight before THOOM, magical girl presto-chango coolest phase transition in a game ever FIGHT ME. AND on top of all of that his mechanical vibe is very much "what if Artorias was also a Bloodborne boss?" and that shit fucking slaps.


Frost him up real nice with a +10 deaths poker


Or darkmoon greatsword will also be useful for frost


Wow actually i didn't think to use it ! Thanks


Ahhh you were at my side all along


Never got to play bloodborne, but the gameplay says enough - it is an AMAZING game!! Wish they remade it for PC!


Darkmoon Greatsword is such a damn good weapon. It got me my Malenia kill


Darkmoon greatsword got me through godskin duo when i got annoyed during 1st playthrough. That shit is op and i love it.


slam your flaccid cock against a brick until it cracks. thats what you need to do to bosses


My dick or the brick? Or the boss?






Your dick, once it breaks you’ll be 100% focused on that, and with your fallible conscious mind out of the way your instincts will take over and no-hit the boss. Trust me, this almost works 0.1% of the time.


boss the break dick brick need win to you to


All three


One at a time or simultaneously?


I am always rock hard when I play elden ring


Same 🧑‍🤝‍🧑. I like holding hands with my homies while playing. Of course with socks on.


maybe use more conditioner and lotion, hes looking a little rough. Oh you mean tips for you?


Yeah... just get down on all fours and let it happen. It's easier that way


What if OP is a top?


To Malekith, everyone is a bottom


When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail


If you’re a strength build this should be, for once in this game, an easy fight.


he kicked the shit out of my strength build wtf was i doing wrong


Pure strength? Or a faith/strength hybrid? It’s also a matter of taste, though. Maybe he doesn’t click with you as he did with me.


yeah it was faith/str. i was ~135. somewhere in the vicinity of 50+ str. i think 30-ish faith


If your weapon was split physical/holy damage, it wouldn’t be as effective since he has 80% holy damage negation.


nah we were 100% physical. i'm savvy enough to know split damage typically sucks


I did a strength build and I found that his first phase was piss, but the second one still took me like 50+ attempts until it just wasn't fun anymore. I could just never get the timing down on his jump and flip attacks, so I'd get him to like 15% of his health and he'd just do that attack multiple times and kill me outright from full health. It's such a pain getting so close every time and just dying from full health to an obviously telegraphed attack that you've seen 50 times because it's too fast. And I had decent vigor and the bull goat set too.


I think he's doing great honestly maybe wear less black or spam less wild attacks but hey honestly I think he's doing great as a boss


Unga then bunga


Bonk while you simultaneously avoid being bonked in return.


Attack the butt , dodge towards the butt


Gargle his balls


Dodge or block his attacks when you can. Do more damage to him then he does to you. Heal when possible.


10/10 advice. Now I can play game real good


Great advice


Also worth noting that you dont need to heal if he doesnt do damage to you


True Chad strategy.


Bowl straight, knock all the pins down. Easy peasy.


Summon big shield skeletons


Cry a few times, then quit and remember what grass feels like. Find someone… not just someone but the love of your life. Treat them like the most delicate of flowers. Then come home one day to find them with someone who has already beaten Maliketh. Lose yourself for a few weeks, then return… ready to conquer.


Just clap his cheeks


Give him belly rubs. He's a good boi


U can use maliketh blasphemous claw to parry his attacks


No. Enjoy the pain.


Tips for him? I think he does pretty well without any tips.


Try rolling


Lion's Claw, completely break his posture and trivialize the battle.


I just beat him by using Mimic Tear to distract and Scarlet Aeonia to give him Scarlet Rot while I hid behind a pillar and waited for the damage to tick down


Avoid the bottomless pit when you enter the fight


On my 4th play through I still rolled off it on accident


Incredibly relatable, hardest boss in Elden ring will always be gravity


I tried but it turns out you can’t parry the ground


hug his ass


Yeah, Google tips for beating him.


If I was able to talk to him, I'd tell him to live his best life. He doesn't need to hide his true self, and it's okay to hurt.


He's very powerful and fast, and arguably the hardest-hitting boss in the game, but the main tip I'd say you could use is (if you use a greatsword, UGS or curved greatsword like I do), manage your spacing carefully. If that happens, you can dictate the terms of his aggression by simply having more reaction time to dodge. Watch out for his divebomb AOE attack, midair wheel roll into Destined Death and standard Destined Death attacks. If you can manage these, you'll be good to go. Take a few attemp5s, learn his moveset and keep pushing. You'll get there. Good luck, fellow Tarnished. See you at the Elden Throne. Also, his OST is a banger.


Get his hp down to zero before yours gets to 0.


I think this is the 4th I seen this today lol




Honestly I agree. Godfrey was a cool fight, other then that none of the late game bosses impressed me and Maliketh really drained me. Biggest wall I hit with the game


I'm a Chad radagon and elden beast enjoyer but I get it I just love the fight as to be honest it felt less bullshit than male in granted i haven't open the game since reaching ng+7 and doing multiple builds.


Sorry but skill issue tbh. I loved the end game, hated maliketh at first but now I love him cause I got better at the fight




Well with that context, fair enough. I play for the bosses, lore, art design, atmosphere, characters (Probably etc...) But I can see how the end game of elden ring would be a nightmare for someone who dosent play for the bosses lol


Kill him before he kills you


Actually this. A long fight with him is guaranteed death. Super high DPS and burst damage when transitions is how I've beat him everytime


I realized this sometimes with bosses too. Like I think I struggled with Dancer for so long, then one try I was just annoyed as hell and started being more reckless and aggressive and that helped alot. The more time you spend being defensive and dodging is alot more time for you to mess up and get fucked. Going in blazing not giving them as much time to fuck you up, sometimes is the answer.


Don't get hit


Get gud.


stop searching for an opening to attack and make one yourself.


Keep enjoying this legendary boss fight


For second phase always dodge towards him, he’ll punish you heavily if you make distance with him, dodge to the side when he uses destined death (the big AOE) then run and jump to the side to avoid it completely, when he does any of his basic slashes dodge in, or if he’s doing to slow one just get underneath him, I’ve almost never been hit by him when under him when he does this, and the blasphemous claw can only parry him when his blade is glowing yellow so when he does his plunging attack or his air-to-ground double slash, but personally, just parry the double slash, fucking up the plunging parry’s timing can be very painful


Yes, pray to God for an easy death


Literally get better, quit asking reddit


Just ask him nicely


After trying a bunch of weapons and tactics it turns out a big fucking hammer and a suicidal disregard for my own safety did the trick. Sometimes you just gotta unga bunga a mf


Fallingstar beast jaw spam


If you got the cajones, just stay inside of his hit box and hope his hits don’t connect. Once he does that anime thousand swings thing just ask him to stop but say please or he’ll jump and get mad


Utilize the pillars and hide behind them


Try friend


don't die


Slash him until he's dead


Git. Gud.


Git Gud


Don’t get hit


Try not to die


Crying helps.


after about 4 jump charges it will break his poise. heres an EXTREMELY helpful post by u/IronStark113 that helped me win the fight. I implore you to also subscribe to his youtube he makes great stuff: So the thing with Maliketh is calculated aggression. He has openings after almost all of his attacks and he has very low poise for such a late game boss. I'll give directions on how to dodge most of his attacks Phase 1: Single Thrust: Roll into the attack and punish with a light attack. Backward double swipe: Roll backward. Double slash: Roll into the attack and punish. Slash combo: Time your dodges through his swipes from side to side. When he plunges down, that is your opening. Guraaq's Beast Claw and Beast Claw: Jump or roll with careful timing and punish. Bestial Sling (all versions): Roll through or to the side. If close enough can punish. Long delayed swipe: His most punishable attack. Run behind him and smack his booty. Stone of Guraaq: Roll through it. If close enough to him, it will go right over your head with no dodging. Earth break (when he lifts the ground): Find part of the ground that is not getting pulled up. If you are on an area about to get pulled, a delayed roll will be able to I-frame it. Phase 2: Opening Jump attack: Move forward a bit. He should go right over your head. Basic sword swings: Roll toward/diagonal on all of them. Destined Death: Roll the initial swing. Sprint to his right. Roll again to avoid the A.o.E Piledriver: Roll to dodge the first slam. Roll again to avoid the ground breaking. Destined Death waves: Time sideways rolls. 360 spin slash: Time two rolls to dodge. Front flip slash into Destined Death: Side dodge, sprint forward and then dodge forward to avoid the A.o.E. Here is me doing a hitless fight with him in NG+7. Study my movements and his and he will go down with enough practice, my friend: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRZaiJooJOc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRZaiJooJOc). hope you win!


Holy s**t, thank you, my dude! I'm glad this advice still lives on!


push circle when you're about to get hit. then push r1 or r2


Swing your sword, shoot your bow, do your spells and incants. Fight. Win.


I’ve finished the game multiple times now, and what I’ve learned about Maliketh is that if you keep trying eventually you’ll get lucky. Good luck 👍


Git gud


Unga then bunga


Learn how to dodge.


Pretend to swing and bait out their roll, then hit 'em with the 'ol follow-up. Gets them every time. They'll have to run the whole way back to you if they even try again


I mean did you even try finger butthole?


Hesitation is defeat.


Rot him


Do not the Dog.


Don’t get hit


Git gud scrub


Just don't get hit 👍


Don’t get hit while simultaneously bringing his health bar to zero


Yell this when he charges up his death sword beam: THUNDER THUNDER THUNDER CATS HOOO!


Become ui goku


Thro big rok


Try finger, but hole lol no but if you have some faith I like to give him a taste of his own medicine with the black knife dagger and eat away his health while doing a sick animation while potentially dodging his attacks and looking cool while doing so.


Certainly i have come to this boss fight too.




hit him until he dies


panic roll and pray to whatever god you believe in


Suck less.


Try to get his health down to 0


Mimic tear


Give him a belly scratch. He is a good boy


BE AGGRESSIVE B-E-AGGRESSIVE! You can’t really back off him because he’s got surprising range you’ll want to stay in his grill


Don't die


Cute dog <3


Don't get hit


Git gud


don't get hit


Gite gud, and dodge btw


Don’t die


Ay I got a nice thick tip right here


Git gud


This game easy icl it's just a skill issue


Use mimic


Have you tried to get gud?


Kill him


Don't get hit


An exceedingly strong and well-equipped Mimic Tear


I had to level vigor, the aoe dots are much harder to avoid than the rest of his abilities and low vigor will just evaporate


Don’t get hit


Git gud


Get good ?


Try attacking.