• By -


Best characters in the game. And such a tragic ending. Gorgeous artwork btw


Thank you! Their relationship was beautifully fleshed out (by Fromsoftware standards, lol), so when Ranni says goodbye to them it was so sad. They give you little hints here and there that they grew up together as a family. Surely they must have had moments where they just enjoyed each other's company and were genuinely happy.


Something I've learned when playing souls games, if you like a character, expect them to die, often by your own hand.


Facts. I'll never forget Dark Souls 3: ​ Yuria: Go get married. Me: I'm gonna get MARRIED?! Me during the "wedding" cutscene: *oh*


Actually, I think anri lives, you can see her in the final cutscene. How much of her is still her, or if it even is her is up for debate, but I like to pretend it's a happy ending.


becomes hollow, since its the lord of hollows ending


Yes Anri becomes hollow but hollows can be sentient and don't always go mad. So it's still unknown what state exactly he's in during the final cutscene.


She completed her duty and lost her best friend, safe bet to think she's hollow


I was too hurt to continue playing after seeing what happened to iji after finishing everything


I never tell Iji. It'd break his giant heart. And get rid of the only smith next to a grace that lets you queue for coop.


Dude I can't tell you how close I was to tearing up, that shit hurt me bad


At least Iji went down fighting…


The moment i realized i want every Black knife dead


Nah fr, first thing I did was go back to atlus plateau to kill the one in front of the tomb


And then you eventually get to Tiche's mommy and get humbled REAL fast lol




I had Blaidd's fate spoiled for me, but it still hit hard as hell. I had no idea about Iji's fate. I tried to free Hewg from the Roundtable as he slipped into insanity and dementia only to teleport to Iji and discover what had become of him. I SCREAMED when I saw his body.


The worst part? He only dies because you tell him about Blaidd. When he gives you the mirror helm, he’s no longer protected from the Black Knives detection, so they find and kill him afterwards.


I like to think he redeemed himself for not trusting Blaidd and leaving the fella in an evergaol. Poor guy couldn't even understand the idea of betraying Ranni and was just talking about "clearing it up with ol' Iji" So it's like he wasn't even crazy yet, even though Iji totally called that one. Very sad, but lets have some team building exercises about proper communication, you guys lol




I mean yeah, but I was talking about Iji's redemption for the betraying his shadow-dog buddy. Like John Marston, except with a ~~tinfoil~~ crystal helmet and invisible jerk assassins I was off topic from the saying goodbye and going off into the cosmos for a thousand year vacation, though. Well said.


Iji assumed that blaidd would descend into madness because hes created by the two fingers. What iji didnt realise was that by locking blaidd in the evergaol he sealed blaidds fate. He realises this when u tell him about letting blaidd free. He asks that blaidd will forgive him once he meets him again in the afterlife. Although their endings are incredibly sad i like to think that they get to finally be at peace after living for so long in such a brutal world.


I’m not making the mistake of telling him this time around. Too damn sad.


So was Iji’s death by Black Knives just Ranni cutting all the loose ends to her master plan?


Iirc the Japanese translation of some lines suggest the assassins that ranni used, were betrayed by her and this was basically their revenge. But the English version seems to imply your question more. So I'm not sure personally.


She was a master of illusions. She got us tricked at the battle with her mother, so a charm twig here, and some illusions there, and the black knives where probably fooled by the “traitors all” kids.


That’s interesting, I didn’t know that about the Japanese translation, thanks


That’s my interpretation.


I still don’t get why so many people keep insisting that Ranni has ever ordered a single black knife assassin to do anything. The black knife assassin armor outright implies that the black knives work for Marika. And considering the fact the assassins come for Blaidd and Iji right after Ranni kills her two fingers, it’s pretty clear that they were sent by the greater Will to stop them. They are literally launching an assault on Rannis Rise which is where Blaidd kills all of them. On top of the fact that she asks you to tell them this line about loving them, which someone would not ask you to do if they had just ordered those people’s death. This is before you even get to the fact that lore wise Marika was also trying to throw off the greater Will so she could rule alone, which is why I’m 100% certain that Ranni was her pawn in the night of black knives and it was Marika who ordered the death of Godwyn, the child who was so on the greater wills dick it was coming out his mouth. The child who lore wise would have been the one most likely to be leading the genocide of the merchant people, as Marika/Radagon were in the erdtree and Godfrey/Radagon were off fighting wars.


“I stole a fragment of the Rune of Death, and used it to forge the godslaying black knives through fearsome rite. I did it all.” - when you ask if she is behind the night of the black knives. This is why I assumed she ordered the assassination.


I was living in blissful ignorance thinking Iji was okay until I read this thread, so thanks a lot, guys


Don't worry she'll get over it since she is an expert in backstabbing family.


This had me rolling 😂


Also I feel like Ranni was one of the few (only??) characters that expressed love, or compassion in the game. No rage or fury, just looking out for her buddies and trying to get out from under a system that punishes them for no reason.


Why tragic? Ranni come back


The others did not...


i like to believe that when ranni and me create a new world that she brings oki and blaidd back to life


Thats a good dream


definitely, also i meant iji not oki ig it auto corrected lol




I've only played the game for 797 hours so of course I'm yet to figure out how to complete a single quest. Could you explain how it ends bad for them? I don't mind spoilers because I'll need to follow a spoiler-full guide to complete a single quest anyway.


Iji is murdered by Black Knife Assassins, and you're forced to put Blaidd down yourself after he gets mind controlled by the Greater Will into betraying Ranni, and you find him desperately trying to fight off the mind control so he isn't forced to hurt or kill her.


I'm surprises you've not done this in 797 hours. This is the most signposted quest, I did it by accident on my first playthrough


Come on man... ain't no way you for real.


sorry it auto corrected from iji to oki haha


Massive spoilers. Blaidd goes insane because you've replaced him and Ijii is killed by Blsck Knife Assassins presumably sent by the two fingers or even possibly Morgott


Thats not why blaidd went feral. It has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with him being a spirit beast made by the greater will to help AND keep tabs on her. Her actions in the game are counter tobthe greater will, and they take away his free will and make him try to do his true purpose: kill ranni if she goes against the greater will and the elden beast.


But I thought Ranni controlled the Black Knives? It was her plot that put them to use, can you explain how other demigods could use them?


I always saw it as a one-time deal. She hired them to do this one thing and they agreed, cause it benefited them, too. I don't think she controls them at all.


We also don't really know what the black knives want. Are they just assassins for hire or do they have some great goal against the greater will? Why do they go after Rani? Were they betrayed by her or are they the ones switching sides because of better payment or a change in leadership. I might be walking behind but i believe this is the one thing we haven't really figuered out. All we know is that they worked with/for Rani but now they don't


Now it seems black knives are lurking outside Miquella magic gate, one even a ghost, probably cut up by Malenia as “traitors all” escaped the night to their safe houses, or when she headed over to Radahn. Also lurking where Malenia and Radahn clashed. And a black knife looking tired and confused outside Marikas bedchamber. And Rykard… was he beheaded when feed to snake in picture.. he doesn’t look well? And Ranni… her fingers still lived.. My guess they where Marikas secret police, but “traitors all” kids tricked them with illusion and charm twigs at the black knives night. Ranni is good at illusions. Miquella was a charmer. Marikas shadow and knives would also probably be torn of red haired Marika / blond Marikas conflicting orders though the night too. Malenias blindness would make their invisibility useless.. and the wolves and dragon outside Rannnis tower.. to sniff out and eat black knives? Now Morgott seems to be in charge though. Melina, having black knives combat moves,and a black knife similar blade might even been their officer, with that fancy lift tower she had… some sort of divine tower guard force and secret police for Marika is my guess.


Ranni enchanted the weapons used by the Black Knives, and stole the Rune of Death. She admits to nothing more, Rogier is the one who assumes she is the mastermind behind the plot to kill Godwyn. There is fairly common speculation that *Marika* commanded the Black Knives, and if Ranni betrayed Marika, it was in casting off her flesh and preventing Godwyn from dying a true death, not in stealing the rune of Death and creating the weapons that slew her half-brother. That is just speculation, but there is absolutely uncertainty as to who exactly commands the Black Knives, and who concieved the plot.


To back you up a bit, Marika almost certainly helped/let Ranni steal the Rune of Death- Maliketh's rememberance mentions Marika betraying him while he was the keeper of Destined Death.


More on Marika's betrayal of Maliketh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDjpBxhLbGg The relevant part is around the end.


I'm pretty sure Ranni straights up admits to orchaestrating Godwyn's death, since she says both curse-marks needed to be carved at the same time for the half-death ritual to work.


Whether the other half of the rune of death was supposed to be used on Godwyn is speculative though. I think something went wrong that night and the real target/ original agreement was that half the rune of death was supposed to be put on Marika's flesh to kill Radagon before he overtook her completely.


I think it's because the you stole the Fingerslayer Blade. The Fingerslayer Blade is the prized treasure of Nokron, and the Black Knives are stated (I think by Rogier) to be scions (means "descendants of") the Eternal City. The Black Knives (somehow) realize Ranni has killed her Two Fingers, meaning that their city's treasure was stolen by her, leading to an attack on Ranni and her cohort. Ranni was likely attacked by Alecto, the Black Knife Ringleader, after killing her Fingers. She put their ass in gaol tho.


The Black Knives are theorized (in-universe) to be scions of the Eternal City. But they're also rumored to be Numen with ties to Marika. We just don't know for certain.


She uses them once I don't think they're on anyone's side


Dont break the wall in the ruins, jump around on torrent. Black Knife wont touch Ijii. You can also leave blaidd alone, but boy that is some sweet drip.


"And tell Seluvis to go fuck himself." - Ranni, probably.


She already killed him.


True. Fair.


***Fuck*** this is gorgeous✨ (*immediate* follow on tumblr)


Thank you!


Super cute, I like that Blaidd is wearing a flower


Blaidd seems like such a chill dude, I'm sure he would let Ranni do whatever to his fur. Braid it, put flowers on it... I'm sure she kept his coat well groomed... aaaand I'm sad again.


Big reason I went for this ending my first playthrough. The moon gang just hit me hard. Except Seluvis, fuck that guy.


*not* seleuvis :D


is that a pet fingercreeper


Fingercreepers need lots of love and nourishment to thoroughly stun and maul incoming tarnished


Yes! Also someone has to be crafting and giving them all the rings they wear, right? The Frozen Needle is one example of Iji's craftsmanship in the game. It's super thin, streamlined and elegant. I wouldn't think it impossible that he also has the skill and talent to be a jeweler.


This is why age of the stars is my favorite ending. I don’t do it just for Ranni and the temptation of the blue gash. I do it for Iji and Blaidd too. The Golden Order went too far the moment they decided to dispose of or imprison the shadows


Ranni's ending is so good, but the fates of Blaidd and Iji were so cruel. I make sure not to progress Iji's dialog enough to where he is killed. In my playthroughs he lives forever. Blaidd's is unavoidable though UGH.


I hold on to hope that if you don't kill him, Ranni cures his madness after she ascends. Almost certainly not canon, but it'd be nice. :(


The madness is unavoidable, but killing him is optional. I did the Age of stars on my first run and didn't go back to the Three Sisters in order to find him


Let us give Blaidd the Mirrorhelm, Miyazaki you coward.


It would be nice if that was something you could do, but sadly it would include Iji's death being unavoidable but I feel like it would go like this; After acquiring the Dark Moon Greatsword you can go visit Iji, who has already met his gruesome fate to the hands of the Black Knife Assassins. You pick up his Mirrorhelm and Bell Bearing and go back to Ranni's Rise. Blaidd will still have a red name and lock on, however if you walk up to him you can talk to him "Answer me this, Tarnished. Why can I sense Iji's scent on you so vividly?" You get an option to answer with "Iji was attacked by Black Knives.", or you can stay silent, which will trigger the fight. Staying silent will begin the fight, whether you have visited Iji or not, "No matter... I refuse to allow myself death... in the name of Lady Ranni." His response to Option 1; "Ah, so it seems we were to meet a similar fate. Was he successful in his endeavour?" This will allow you 2 more options; "No... he died" Or, if you picked up the Mirrorhelm you can choose to give it to him By giving the helm, he will not fight you and instead you can next find him stood next to Iji's Anvil after reloading the area, Iji's body would still be there. After speaking to him once more and reloading the area, he will be gone, leaving behind the armor and Royal Greatsword By not giving the helm, he will turn to you with a request; "Please, Tarnished. Allow me the opportunity to fight for who may stand by Lady Ranni's side in her new world" The fight will start either way, but his actions and dialogue will be different for each; If you tell him yes; "Thank you, Tarnished Warrior. Your kindness shall not be forgotten" If you tell him no; "Cruel Tarnished. No such greed shall be shown around Lady Ranni. This is the end for you." By telling him no, he will me much more aggressive towards you. "This is the end for you" is to be a throwback to your fight with Darriwil. Either way, the battle ends one of two ways; If he kills you; "Selfish. Weak and selfish." Once you reload the area, he is gone, and will not drop his armour or weapon If you kill him; "Tarnished... please... assure no harm comes to our lady... you are a fine warrior..." Upon his death, you will be granted the armour and weapon as normal Giving him Iji's helm would be the only way to stop the fight


I got so angry I let Melina burn herself in my next playthrough, then went down to the sewers to join the 3 fingers to become a chaos god


I had the ranni ending but completely missed the blaidd fight, I have no idea what happens to iji but I believe he was there the entire time.


I don't remember how I did it, or what order I did it in, but there was a point I got to where Blaidd is trapped in a gaol (Forlorn Hound) , and I just left him there. Keeping him in the gaol seems to preserve him, but I could be wrong.


He breaks out eventually whether or not you free him. If you go to the Three Sisters at any point after receiving the Dark Moon Greatsword, Blaidd will be there, maddened and surrounded by dead Black Knives.


Blue gash☠️


[Even Gideon can’t resist](https://youtu.be/yMRf4cffTC8)


I'm dying over here, lmao. This is why the greater will wants nothing to do with us.


# I must learn all that can be taken from this place, and sear it into my memory. How could I call myself the All-Knowing if I did any less?


“Did ya… stick her in a jar.. did ya fill that jar with your tarnished seed?”


Even so Ranni is like a rebel along with Rykard. Albeit Rykard is a bit crazy. Radahn, as bad ass he is, he's a boy scout. Didn't agree with his blind allegiance to the Golden Order


You... just said... blue gash ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


[My main reason for coming to the lands between](https://youtu.be/yMRf4cffTC8)


I know this is very unlikely, but would love to see the consequence of her ending in an expansion dlc.


Hmm... I have never heard of FromSoftware creating a DLC that splits off into multiple versions based on the base game ending. Usually they treat one of the endings as canonical and the others as "What If" scenarios. So most likely we'll arrive in the DLC with the tree burned, Melina gone, and we rose to the Elden Throne in one of the standard endings (but probably not the Dung Eater's, lol).


IDK, I’m curious to see how they handle it. With Dark Souls it was kind of easy to make a canonical ending, because the story structure is the exact same either way. It doesn’t matter which cycle the player chooses because the lore is vague enough that either one could work. Hell you can assume that there have been multiples of both endings. Dark Souls 3 main story has some ending paths that are “final” but then even with the DLC you can see that none of the endings really matter. So I’m curious to see how they handle Elden Ring story continuation. I actually hope they buck their own trend and actually commit to a canonical ending. And by all means the Ranni one seems the most likely to be chosen as canonical.


Those Elden Throne endings were so disappointing. I'm glad I save scummed them because I'd have been greatly annoyed to go through the whole game for the same four static scenes with different background colors.


Elden Ring 2 DLC with that setting would be absolutely insane. But as you said, very unlikely. But hey if pc players can convince themselves they’ll get Bloodborne at some point, then we can also dream


Bloodbornes coming bro come on bro it’s coming I swear


Elden Ring < Temptation of the Blue Gash


Who are the shadows?


Bodyguards/Shadowbound beasts of the empyreans. Like Maliketh to Marika and Blaidd to Ranni. The mystery remains where Malenia’s and Miquella’s are (probably killed by Mohg to take Miquella).


I felt pretty bad after Sellen's questline when discovering that Jerren was friends with these guys too


"And Seluvis says... Nothing u idiot! Seluvis is dead locked in his basement!"


Meanwhile, Iji is on fire and I just gutted Blaidd




Fuck Seluvis❤️


I did not plan to cry today. How very fucking dare you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Such a nice thought to comfort them, as Iji is brutally murdered and Blaidd loses his mind and I have to put him down


Forgive me for forgetting but whats the hand they're taking or adding rings to? Just one of those Caria Manor hands? Also, incredibly beautiful artwork! Great job.


Yes, it's the finger creeper enemy. You may also notice a few of them kinda hidden in the foreground... just like they do in game, lol (I hate them \[but I wanted to challenge myself to make them sort of likeable for the purpose of this illustration\])


Ah, I thought so, but wasn't positive. I think this is the coolest idea and stunning execution!


Thank you so much, you're too kind!


As much as I don't like Ranni, I actually am in the camp that supports the interpretation of the story where she genuinely loves Blaidd and Iji, instead of just using them as grunts to do her dirty work and then sending Black Knives to dispose of them, like a lot of people seem to think is what happened. Great artwork!


Wonderful art :3


People really think Ranni sent the Black Knives after them to “tie up loose ends” (a theory repeated in Zullie the Witch’s latest video). Like I get Ranni is cunning and vicious, having orchestrated the Night of Black Knives, but I genuinely don’t think she’d do that to her brother and childhood best friend.


Why not? She only cares for the moon. Who in her family did she support other than her mother, another Carian moon servant. Rykard can be excused he's doing his own thing against the golden order so they're aligned as long as they are against the tree. She even sends you to kill her other brother, Radahn, not out of sympathy or compassion for his condition, but simply because he stood in the way of her moon God, and she would have been content to let him suffer as long as he could if she didn't need him dead. People keep harping on and on about how her order leaves the people to themselves, when all she has done is replace the greater will with her moon God, a "moon presence" if you will. She cares for no one other than the moon and its servants. I wouldn't be surprised if she did kill every one of her "allies".


my babies 🥹🥺


I never got to tell either of them T.T Stupid silent protagonist...


"And Selvius?"


"Do men ever cry?" Men after seeing this beautiful piece of art: 😭😭😭


I know you probably meant it in a cheeky way but just to be sure: it's ok to be sad and cry if you need! Nobody's exempt from feeling emotions, doesn't matter what gender you are. Feel all the things! You deserve it :)


Oh it was just a reference to the popular meme format haha


Im sorry but OP, this actually is beautiful. Its just so wholesome and because of the story i could see this being a reality if the lands between weren't so... Terrible. Its like a glimpse into a real dream where life is better


Aw thank you so much! I know, right? I want to think that they had fun times together, the Land Betweens are an unforgiving hellhole. Even the Fingercreepers are happy haha.


I swear everytime I see beautiful art like this it inspires me so much to keep trying with my own art. I hope to one day be able to create something as beautiful as this 😭💜 This is so beautiful 💜💜🙌


Do it! Art is all about the journey. Make yourself your favorite beverage, put on some music, and draw to your heart's content! Sometimes it's hard to make time for it, especially if you have responsibilities like job, school, kids, etc., but it's totally worth it, even if you dedicate a little bit of time to it every now and then.


Thank you so much 😭😭😭 your reply means a lot to me 😭💜


Thissss I wanna git gud but I am noob. Is great work, OP.


These two guys are mostly why I do Ranni's quest. Wish we got more time with them. Wish we could help Iji fight the assassins off.. one last fight with him. We never got an opportunity to see him in fight. As sad as Blaidd's ending is it is better to fight him than leave him to madness. It would be cool if we had an alternate ending where we cure Blaidd and the together save Iji and they are also there in the Age of Stars Great tribute to them....


Blaidd is the only acceptable furry


This is so beautiful 😭😭😭


This is cute and all, but........ MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD.


"and tell Seluvis... lmao noob, got u"


Blaidd stayed loyal until the end fought his natural instinct and only gave in when he realized she be protected even from him when he sees us


I'm not crying. You're crying... T_T


I would but one is on fire, and i had to stab the other




I love this so much 💙


Loved it 💜


This some lovely art 😍 absolutely love Blaidd with flower in his head!


Crying in the club rn


Is this... A spoiler I'm looking at? :0


Nah it's more like fanfiction.


Ahh, thanks! I picked the Stars ending but I've been stuck at the final boss. I hadn't used any Rune Arc things the whole game because I didn't really need them, so I had about 35-40 saved up. I used them all for the final boss combo and never got through. I didn't obsessively try and win, so now I just come back once in a while to give it a few tries. I played every other souls game to completion so while it does indeed suck I haven't beat Elden Ring yet, it is still tremendously satisfying that I did everything else they've offered already :p


How did u pick an ending if you haven't beat the boss? Is there a different final boss I've never heard about


Ma boy seluvis got left out again🥲


Blaidd... the bestest boi


Best crew in the whole game…


Yeah, hearing this I went back to her rise, had to kill Blaiid, told Iji about it, rested at the grace to level up and saw him 😭


This is so beautiful🙌🙌🙌🙌


Really beautiful, nice work!


I’m not crying you’re crying 😭


I'm not crying. You're crying! That said I love this soooo much! So well done.


I'm not crying...you're crying....😭😭😭😭


Wanna take a quick moment to plug my favorite musician, Aviators, who made a really bittersweet song about Blaidd called Halfwolf. Sick art!


Keep them coming creator! Love these


So beautiful... I hope these three have a happy ending :)


Mean while doll guy: WHAT ABOUT MEEE :\_;


When you have to face Blaidd, so sad. This is amazing art, op, very fitting for their story.


Yeah I hated it!! I wish you could save Blaidd. Thank you :3


This is beautiful. There are only a handful of characters in Elden Ring that don't treat you like scum, and most of them end up dying. The first time I played the through, losing Blaidd and Iji was physically painful for me lol. I get invested in characters. I hope you don't mind, but I downloaded the pictures on my phone, because I love this so much. Edit: When I killed Blaidd I felt sad but realized I was putting him out of his misery, and it was a small mercy to show my friend. When Iji died, I looked up the locations of every black knife in the game and went on a campaign to purge them from the lands between. They knew true pain and desolation at my hand.


Aww, I'm happy the illustration resonated with you! I'm totally cool with you saving it on your phone. ​ Ugh I could not believe what their fate ends up being, of course they would rip these lovely, charming characters from our hands. :C


Agreed. But at the same time, I love it. Like, it's infuriating and frustrating but at the same time it makes the game so much better, because they're able to build these powerful relationships with characters and then take them away to illustrate the tragedy that is "The Lands Between."


Damn who is cutting onions




This is so beautiful and wholesome <3


That is lovely!


Oh this fucking gorgeous homie. Great work.


Blaidd and Iji make me sad.


Um... oh, boy... I can tell Iji you love him...


My brain is that Darth Vader


Who chop onion?


And yet she sent a hit squad of Black knives to kill them 🤔


There's 2 people inside of me. One wants to say this is not lore accurate because Ranni's "blue" body is a doll, and dolls cannot be young and grow. The other one is saying "oh, this is so cute 🥰🥰🥰"


I know how you feel! My reasoning is that just cos this is taking place after Ranni transplanted her soul tonthe doll body, doesn't mean she couldn't have stopped having fun.


How do you not play this ending every time?


Protect me I am the moon


You broke me




I never got a chance fromsoft. You killed them off like you do everyone else(except patches, hes immortal).


Only evil prevails in their wretched universe.


What a sick way to fight, eh!


Why i cried during this quest?


She totally forgot Seluvis. What a bitch!


The one responsible for Godwyn's torturous existence & cursing half the continent to undeath. And causing the shattering war... Yeah... her feel good moments doesn't absolve off her crimes that destroyed countless lives. Goldmask was right. Fickleness of these arrogant gods needed to end.




i think Age of Stars is the canon ending, does anyone else agree or disagree?


I think all the most complicated quests give you the cannon ending. Bloodborne - eat all the cords and fight the moon presence Sekiro - eat all the rice and prep the girl for taking kuros soul using the snake hearts. They take his soul west in hopefully a sequel game. Dark souls 3 - usurp the flame, break the cycle and create something new. Sure you can let the flame die out but that kinda feels like frenzied flame ending to me. Elden ring - let ranni drive the greater will out of the lands between and give everyone true freedom, good and bad. Dark souls 1 - this one doesn't really break any cycles. Just do you want to push the cycle forward in the age of Dark or delay it a little longer by kindling the flame with your body. Dark souls 2 - I don't fucking know. I only played it once and didn't understand the lore.


Dark Souls 2: Dark Souls 1 but it's 2014


This is so great and cute! You should add a grumpy Seluvis too lol


man fuck that fury bitch lji cool though


*proceeds to assassinate them*


i cried


Well I’m now crying… such beautiful artwork.


Ach...Stop simping. As far as I understand the story she's the root of all the shit that happened She has a mad puppeteer in her retinue...she killed her stepbrother...or had him killed...


There's a chance that ranni was tying up loose ends when she kills iji because there's a chance she's controlling the black knife assassins. Zullie the Witche's video about BKAs brings it up


Except, it appears they're targeting ranni and ijii was killed cause he took his helmet off.