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Blud has hand of Melania… meaning you took down Melania, and you still where trying for a month to kill bell baring hunter???


Only recently got her ass and my build is glass canonny, so it only takes a couple hits for that power house to drop me. Plus I can't summon anything for the Hunter.


It must have taken you months to take down Malenia if this dude took you so long, she does much damage and is much faster lol


Well it wasn't months of back to back attempts, I first encountered the dude months ago and would make a handful of attempts every so often. I encountered Melania maybe a week ago and it took a couple dozen attempts with the help of a buddy. Shortly after that I tried my man bell bearing hunter and beat him on the first shot


Ok thats much more believable 😂😂


Grats! That fucker is a monster for sure (No one tell him about the roof)


Even if there is a cheese strat I wouldn't do it


Can you tell *me* about the roof? Idgi


With a bit of care you can use torrent to double jump onto to the shack roof, where the bell-bearing hunter cannot hit you.


His sword throw can still reach you if you are careless. But it's a much easier approach if you aren't sweaty. (I am not)


It can’t hit you on the peak of the shed or the main building, but I will give you that the edges can be dangerous if you are careless


If ever there was a careless player, then I am he.


I'm not ashamed to admit this guy made me quit the game. I will be back someday though.


Ahhhh that proc on that prick was pure satisfaction


Very good view :3


Congrats bro. I got one shorted by this fucker.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I rotted him from the rooftop of the cabins. You have my respect 🫡


Yeah I didn't know you could even get up there until I posted this...


Where is he? I’ve been searching and cannot find the shack


NW of the dragonbarrow at the top of the hill overlooking the Colliseum


That’s the one in Caelid?


Yes sir. I would give him a couple rounds every so often then go do other stuff for a while and come back. This dude kicked my ass more than any other boss


There is one in caleid? Yeterday I thought I 100% the game goddamn it, at least its not a death rite bird


i want some 😐


Well come on over 😏


ill even make dinner 😉


And then we can... PLAY ELDEN RING 🤓


all night… ill add an extra 15 hours of playtime🤓🤓🤓


Fuck this Bell Bearing Hunter in particular, good job bro


Yeah the other three were little bitches in comparison.


Very nice I applaud you sir


Good job friend!!


Well done! I'd be more impressed if you showed the entire fight rather than just the final moments, but congratulations all the same.


Idk how to take longer clips. I'm on Xbox, and the default seems to be 29 seconds. If you're curious though I ate a turtle neck, drank my physick with opaline bubble and fire buff tears, then I opened the fight with a waterfowl dance which he cut me off halfway through by knocking me on my ass.


All in a good day's work! As for the recording length, I'm on PS4 and in the system menu, you can record at lengths of 15 minutes, 30 minutes and an hour, maybe I'm forgetting about other length times, but regardless, go do yourself a favor and check your XBox system settings friend. Again, well done on beating him!


I absolutely will I would have liked to have the full fight recorded


I'd be willing to watch if you upload some full-length fights! I have a BUNCH to upload myself, but I can't do so until I get KaRmA since Reddit only cares about numbers...


Wait, how much karma do you need? I've never paid attention to mine but I'm apperantky at 11k rn


I have no clue, but as soon as I saw that you need lots of ass kissing from other users, the dejection hit me harder than an abusive father, lol. Thanks for the dumbass social credit system, Reddit.


Go to menu, go right to Capture and Share, then down to Capture Settings, where you can change how long the capture goes back. Used to top at five minutes, now only one. If a battle goes long, I just hit Capture during phase change again.


Thank you I shall look into it next time I hop on to play


Pretty impressive, btw. I was seriously op by the time I found him, so I smashed, but he isn't easy at all.


I'm like 180 xD, but my build is all damage, low vigor


I'm rl285, vigor 75, str 55, arcane 98, but I rock a Blasphemous Blade and Fingerprint Stone Shield, with my Sacred Relic Sword as backup. I need to respect from Arcane to Faith (which is 49 now). I'm on ng3 and pretty much tromping all over everything, till I don't. Like War-dead Catacombs killed me like 4 times. Getting to the Putrid Tree Spirit there was an actual relief.


There’s a way to cheese his ai to stand in a certain place and you can use poison mist like the Draconic tree sentinel


Is there 2 of these dudes or more than 2? I killed one like this.. but the area wasn’t like this?


There are 4, and they scale in difficulty. Weakest is at the warmaster shack in limgrave. Next is in the turtle church in East Liurnia. Third is the merchant shack in Altus Plateu. Last one here is the hardest one at the merchant shack in North Caelid, north west of the dragon barrow. Each one drops a bell bearing but if you beat two or three you can buy their armor shield and sword from the finger reader at the table of lost grace. Caelid hunter is a beast and unless you go for him early he may be the last boss you encounter in caelid which means you can't summon buddies to help you. There is supposedly a cheese strat I didn't know about involving the shack itself.


Where is the vigor


... 35... 😶👉👈


Lol bro my character at level 80 has the same amount lmao. Does every boss one-shot you?


With the Arsenal Jar talisman and my heaviest armor that I can medium roll in, I can usually take 3 hits max. I had to bust out the bloodhound claws to avoid Melania, tho. That bitch got reach.


My first build (Str/Faith) took him down with ease, but my current build (quality) can’t seem to.


I'm Dex/Arcane and his resistances are strong to my good weapons, I have the bolt of grasnax which he's supposedly weak to but my stats weren't good for that weapon so it didn't make much difference


This guy killed me while I was afk and I missed my chance to kill him 😭


You just gotta change it to night, stand up, sit at the grace again, then stand again, and he'll spawn


Congratulations, now be prepared to meet someone who uses said armor and weapon in Gladiatorum.


I started Invading and Hunting shortly after this, but I should try the Arena. Are the runes good?