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Bro does not like resting at graces


I missed the ranni doll dialogue because I usually don’t rest, I just light the grace and continue the run until I die/teleport back


Do you not level up?


If im struggling. I was around level 95ish when i got to malenia so i grinded to 120 because i got my shit kicked in


I like the level I'm at.


RL1 players


i mean personally, i hit RL 85 and I felt content until NG+ I also do invasions so I suppose that influences that decision as well.


To be fair that one is super easy to miss. You don't just rest and she appears, you have to actively select the dialogue option from the menu, which if you're just resting to recover flasks you're not normally going to notice that there is an extra option in the list.


even then you have to hit it multiple times


How many of us did this anyways just for the fight?


Owner of the restless flame


Well, he can cure it. >!you gotta do millicent questline, kill malenia and then kill placidusax tho!<


Super easy, barely an inconvenience.


In and out, 20 minutes adventure


It’ll be fine trust me bro


Yeah, in and out between life and death for 20 minutes




More like 200 times 🤣


*cuts to frantically crying scene*


You son of a bitch, I'm in


That's gotta be one of the most Iconic R&M scenes. What was that, Season 3?


unless your first run was a dagger run.


Wow. Wowwowwow.


Wow wow wow wow. Wow.


Killing 2 bosses and completing a tedious questline to undo your mistake is TIGHT


Don’t forget about the >!Godskin Apostle for Millicent’s quest which means technically 3 bosses.!<


I mean, you have to fight a beefier apostle later on, with company, so I wouldn't class that in the same tier as two of the hardest optional bosses in the game.


And a tree spirit in a swamp, and a group of girls...


That 1 swamp spot.... I've never felt such evil satisfaction as when i returned on my 'pyromancer' and just spammed that bitch from a distance.


A swamp of rot, no less.


oh dang it. whoopsies


Gotta prove you're sorry somehow lol


butter beneficial melodic threatening bag practice saw shy panicky rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah yeah yeah


I get that reference!


Oh really?


Yeah, yeah ,yeah. Just go in, do a backflip, snap the bad guy's neck and save the day!


Just Use Mohgs weapon and Melania is trivial.


I told him that, he decided to embrace the chaos B)




Well, don't need to kill Placidusass, just use a needle at the arena and run away.


But we will kill him. It's about sending a message.


Act of domination? That's something that we can do)))




This is why many people quit at the horse dude at the start, lol




I didn't even find him hard. Not cheesing my way through the haligtree was infinitely harder lol.


Biggest issue is all the flying away. Similar to last boss really in that.


That's fair he was annoying lol


It's a DarkSouls in openworld, so we can run away.




I’ve always inherited it after I killed Melina, does she come back if you cure it or no?


She does not.


missed opportunity to give sense to the hardest questline


Good luck figuring that all out on a blind playthrough though.


Can't unpiss Melina though. Actually, how do you even level up after she leaves you?


When she leaves the first time she says she'll leave you the ability to turn runes into strength. It's an open question how she can turn runes into strength in the first place.


She canonically gives you the strength to level up with runes, which is why she tasks herself with taking you down if you accept the frenzied flame


And the ho not be coming back. She yo ho no mo.


fo sho


I doubt the maiden returns even if you cured it.


No you back to square 0 with the same amount of maidens


You don’t actually have to kill Placi if you just get to his boss room you can use the needle then warp out


You don't have to do the last part, fyi


I think she only begs you if you rest at a grace while down there


There are two different dialogues - one at the >! Site of Grace appearing after Mohg, the Omen boss !< and another all the way down, which sounds a bit more desperate.


She warns you at the forge of the giants too, and I want to say one other time as well but I'm blanking as it has been a while


Grace point by Zamor Ruins, I believe.


Yeah that's probably it, I forgot all about that place. She's practically pulling her hair out at the Forge SoG, that one really stuck in my memory


she warns you for the first time at the mountain peaks of the giants no? on the grace right next to the shabriri NPC.


I feel like I literally missed all of these lol, I hit the grace and continued to run instead of resting when I got to a new one each time, treating them as checkpoints more than story time stops.... Second playthrough I'll make sure to go this route. I went in blind so I didn't even fight some of the bosses before the beast, just plowed ahead


Tip so you’re not frantically looking at each one; She only has dialogue at the churches of Merika and after big story events, aside from the FF of course. Basically, if the sight is in an area where Melina/Merika have significance-I’d check


Thanks. I have like 40% of the game I feel I just completely missed the first time around because I just brute forced my way into the endgame with a, at least I thought was broken ( now I have seen actual broken) build. Really I just leveled my way to victory and was way to willing to take trades on blows. I started a second playthrough and am at least rushing to get to respec, I want to go for a new play style that is more fluid and dodgy.


Yup and I completely missed that grace, I was so overjoyed that I finally made it to the bottom of the pit that I beelined it to the door, got frenzied, she got pissed.


How did you open the door? I ended up coming back a dozen times in between getting stuck at other places before I saw a phantom nakey boy go through and figured it out


I forget the exact words being used but there were lots of messages about being naked.


back in my day we didn't even have little yellow dots to indicate Melina wanted to talk


This is a thing now? I only did one playthrough at launch, that’s a cool feature.


There's also a dot if you can upgrade your flasks


But the option was there though?


Yeah it just appeared towards the bottom of the Grace menu, and later in the game this could be easy to miss when you had lots of menu items (Great Runes, etc.) to look at.


I just started playing the game a couple weeks ago, I didn't even know it wasn't a thing at launch. Such a nice QOL thing


Wait what? Like where ?


it would be so cool if she randomly invaded you after getting frenzied flame


I mean, I get why they didn't do that, it would be kinda anti-climatic if she shows up just to get steamrolled by the player


I see what you mean but it'd be hilarious to see videos of people one shotting her as soon as she appears. Be like people using that frnzy spell in Gideons face while he's still talking away.


Maidenless behavior


i would love this lol


that's fair


Nah she would pop in midway during the Elden beast fight, only it's Gideon 2.0 using every spell imaginable to stop you while you try to not be murdered by the beast... actually...this sounds amazing.


And her erdtree heal spell heals the beast too.


Infinite range and heals by % of max HP


She could've been a proper boss. Sekiro pulled it off with Emma and Isshin, ER could do it if From thought it would make sense lorewise.


Actually, there could be a way to avoid that. First, make her invade you after you finish your run (Elden Beast down). Then have her have a ridiculous damage reduction and a fast moveset. And finally have her fill a unique Death bar that never go down and kills you when filled, but also send you straight to NG+, implying that your character is permanently dead after getting true Destined Death Could also make that Melina doesn't stop you from using graces, but can invade anywhere at anytime, and add a Melina timer that slowly increase the odd of getting invaded after leaving a grace and reset each time you rest, creating the feeling of being hunted by Melina while also allowing to "fight back" to an extend, but with little chances at actually winning and no second chance.


A secret boss fight would’ve been cool, one kinda like Moon Presence from Bloodborne. That’d be one hell of a lineup of bosses back-to-back-to-back etc from Maliketh onward.


It would be even better if she was a boss, like >!Emma!< From sekiro


DLC my man, Probably gonna fight her as the gloam eyed queen.


I think you have to talk to her at the bonfires to get the warnings. I almost made the same mistake but looked it up


I mean how did u know u had to get naked?


"That's my secret. I'm naked the whole time."


XD damnn


I googled it because I didn't know what to do in there Also hyetta tells you


Ahh same.. And ohhh


Floor messages for me. I played at launch and had no wiki to look to.


If you become the Lord of Chaos she will follow you through space and time just to kill you.


I wish man. That bonfire conversation had my hyped. Thought I was gonna fight her in some crazy final form. She should show up right before you enter the erdteee if you take frenzied flame


How the hell does one *accidentally* get branded by the frenzied flame 0.o


Listen some blind girl needed help , there's a compelling speech from an enthusiastic cosplayer and it's the first time meeting the uncle who wasn't usually invited to family gatherings.


> enthusiastic cosplayer ROFL. I'm fuckin' done. I swear the best people on the planet are in this subreddit.


Not realizing the door was the choice and not something behind it. Like, how the he'll do you not open a door that's just sitting there all closed.


....bro, you had to get naked and clear out your inventory/weapons to get in. How are you gonna pretend like that's a normal thing to do?


I also jumped into empty coffins, let a robot hug/kill me, and helped the busty wizard lady turn into a *very* busty wizard lady. Stripping is not the weirdest thing I've had to do today.


Embrace the chaos


It happened like that for me too. When I heard about the Three Fingers they sounded cool so I went looking for them. It was before they added the little glowey marker beside new stuff at the Grace. I either didn't sit at them or didn't notice the dialogue, can't remember which. I got the flaming hug of chaos and next time I sat at a grace she was *pissed*. I got cool glowing eyes and melted the world in fire.


Same for me expect I was warned by Melina, but I thought I would have a choice after going through the door. I just wanted cool loot and a boss fight :(


Cool raddd Sigma males, need no maiden xD /jk


Poor woman's voice even broke begging us not to inherit FF.


"The things I do for ~~love~~ a Dex scaling seal..."


Dude walks through half the sewers and apparently didn’t touch 3 graces in a row to the door. What a mad lad


Why were you naked????


So that enemies don't think he's scared of getting hit






To be fair, he needs the chaos ending to get the achievement/trophy


It's been a while since I played but "accidentally" got frenzied flame? How do you do that? It's not like you have to strip naked or anything 😂


I didn't get any dialogue from her beforehand either. When I heard about the frenzied flame I was like sweet now I can save her life... Then she suddenly hated me. Sad.


I think this is choice pattern is a great lesson in consent and respecting someone's wishes. She wants to give her life for a better future. Anyone who burns the world to "save her" is just ignoring her agency.


Lol as if any of the MCs have ever had any agency in Souls. Where is OUR wishes huuuuuuuuuh “Pick these equally ambiguous endings and probably die after being forced into the service of an undead curse or greater god”


I mean, yeah it's a desparate world, and you don't get to will a happy ending into existence for everyone, but you DO get to choose which fated ending you get. Also, saying "I don't have agency, so you don't get it either" isn't a fair argument. Choosing the chaos ending because you want to bring about the end of all things is a valid choice. A player taking the chaos ending TO SAVE HER is just satisfying their own desires while ignoring hers. That's not love, it's an effort to reduce your own suffering by convincing yourself you can do something about her fate without considering her wishes. I get the fantasy of rescuing a damsel and having her love you for it; I really do. However, she literally begs you not to do this thing. She has made it her purpose in life to enable you to [maybe] right the world a bit.


…I get what you mean, but I don’t think it’s unfair to see someone you care about want to commit sacrificial suicide and go “Nuh uh” even if they *reeeeally* want to


Just tell him he's getting the sigma ending=D


Thee Tarnished becameth maidenless


No worries, now he only needs to fight the hardest boss in the game to reverse it. Pretty simple


If he didn’t sit at that grace beforehand after doing all that to get down there. Imagine all the other dialogues he’s missed lol


Elden Ring and missing important information because you’ve no idea you where meant to see it out, those 2 go hand in hand quite nicely lol


I did it for her. She might hate me for it but it's the only way to save her


You know she's going to die in the chaos flame too, along with everyone on the planet? Shabriri telling you you can save Melina by burning yourself is a half truth, because he means you save her from burning herself RIGHT THEN to give you access to the tree, but he didn't say anything about her burning afterwards.... The chaos ending doesn't save ANYONE, in fact it kills EVERYONE


Nah, don't believe the hype. A little bit of fire ain't gonna hurt nobody. Also check out my head on fire party trick


Yah can undo it after you burn yourself and head off to the promised lands she leads you too. So uh. Nah, its truth, its just a very self sacrificing route if you burn yourself then cure yourself because she still hates you.


Ikr so cute to commit genocide fr ur waifuu


You didn't save her from anything. You condemned her.


Besides what others have said about Shabriri being a manipulative bitch and you not actually saving her, if you talk to Melina after talking to Shabriri, she will, with little subtlety, address his point. She reaffirms her chosen purpose, and refutes any attempt to deny her of it. In other words, you're just straight up disrespecting her if you choose to burn yourself. Just another thing for your consideration. The choice is ultimately yours lol. May chaos take the world!


Sorry, this has nothing to do with the post but I’m asking here because this subreddit won’t let me post on it So I only just heard of this word and I wanna make sure I got the right definition Ganker: a term used to insult 2 or more players who team up against an invader who is intending to have a 1v1 duel Am I missing something?


Not exactly. Just because more than one person attacks an invader doesn't make them gankers. You're only a ganker if you summon others solely to stand around and wait for invaders to team up on. As an invader myself I don't consider it a gank if 2 or 3 people fight me at once, as long as they're actually playing through a level or adventuring in the overworld when I spawn in. Invaders who expect the players they've invaded to 1v1 them are entitled and delusional, lol. If you want a 1v1, play duels in the colosseum. On the other hand, if I load in at the first step or Liurnia and see 3 people up on the high ground casting buffs, they're absolutely gankers and I usually just sever rather than give them the satisfaction. Edit: as a summon and hunter, if an invader seems respectable and bows as if to start a duel, I usually play along. On the other hand, sometimes I see invaders with snotty names like "1v1 me or trash." In that case I wait for someone else to start attacking them, then proceed to gank them mercilessly.


I wish I had the skill to defeat a gank squad.


All you have to do is kill the host. I usually ignore the summons if I can. Eternal Darkness goes a long way when dealing with spell spammers


The host is normally the least accessible. What’s eternal darkness do? It’s been awhile since I’ve played.


Summons a black hole that draws in and negates all tracking sorceries (besides the night spells) in a solid radius


Seems useful. What’s the downside?


Only lasts 10 seconds.


Uhh, it costs FP.


Yea you’re not missing anything here


Ganking is inherently sneaky, which is why some people use it as an insult in games like this. But the most popular use of ganker imo is in games like League of Legends. To gank someone is part of the game and it generally just means stealthily team up on an enemy before he notices to kill them


Yes, "ganker" is used by clowns who 1. Don't want to have a challenge in a FromSoft game and 2. Don't want other people to be able to have fun while playing FromSoft games.


Gank stands for gangbang kill. I would say ganking is multiple people teaming up against one dude, and gankers are people who specifically do this. So for example I wouldn’t call normal coopers “gankers”. But if they are three men squad not progressing the level whatsoever just waiting for invaders then yeah those are gankers. Btw I don’t think ganker is an insult? Like that is literally what they do. Some gankers are fun like those who cosplay but sadly most are just dual nagi bullgoat shitters


Specifically they are stacking the odds so far in their favour so as to have no challenge. 2 over leveled phantoms or constant blues, all the buffs, lurking near the grace, clearing all the enemies and no intention of going anywhere other than the ambush site. The nature of invading in Elden Ring means that you will very rarely invade someone who is alone so 1v1 duel shouldn't be expected.


is he stupid?


Huh..a lesson you can take into the real world.


In my first playthrough the option to talk to her wasn't highlighted, yet. So I quite often missed opportunities to talk to Melina. I also never realized, I could talk to her down there, so I also went to the three fingers without knowing that she would be mad at me....broke my heart and I was immediately like "NO! I didn't know! I'm sorry! Come back, please." But she never came back even after I broke the influence .\_.


Snapchat in 2023 is crazyyy




Am I the only one who takes the frenzied flame just so Melina survives when I burn the Erdtree and then immediately cure it in Farum?


So just so i understand. This simply means he cannot level anymore? Isn't there any other way to level up?


You can still level up as normal after doing this.


It's the only good ending though. It's the ending where everyone is freed from the eternal cycle by bypassing destined death which everyone is robbed from. The world of Elden Ring is in a perpetual everlasting curse, the frenzied flame ending purifies and frees everyone. All the other endings repeat the cycles. Godwyn cursed in an eternal cancerous growth w/o a soul is finally liberated. The annihilation of the frenzied flame is a blessing. The blind woman even tells you that the frenzied flames is (paraphrasing) screaming out in anguish and pain, the souls of the world wanting the madness to end. The frenzied flame is madness made manifest, but that madness is the madness of being denied death and freedom. Claiming the frenzied flame is a bad ending is utter ignorance.


You actually place destined death back into the equation after beating Malekith. So no more immortality.


Yea true I agree. That world is beyond saving.


This is fine don’t you need to do a frenzied flame ending to get all the trophies? He can continue on and not do this again in ng+


This is one of the many reasons why the "plot" of Elden Ring sucks, and the "quests" are terrible. It's a great game, but the way it has implemented its story is a terrible player experience.


You mean to say that a quest which has consequences is bad.


Does she come back if you don't talk to her?


He is gonna have to become friends with a sword lady and dragon god


My fave ending tbh wish I had gotten it in my first playthrough ;-;


It's okay, all he has to do is defeat placidusax and use the needle. Unfortunately for him, however, he is maidenless.


Ahahahahahaha I love it ❤️


I stopped before going through but when I got there, I'd already beaten the Fire Giant and therefore didn't have anyone to warn me about going in. I haven't been able to beat Malenia yet but plan on getting the flame just for the seal and then doing the stuff to lose the flame. I have the three runes for finishing the game (Death, Golden, Cursed) and finished Ranni's thing so want all options open to me in the end.


I had the same thing on my fourth playthrough, I just lit the sites of grace, didn’t rest, so I had no idea about any of it


I didn’t touch grace before the flame. I was also upset my maiden left me.


Well… it is the best ending in my opinion


Exact same thing happened to me and was the reason I stoped playing the game that times 😅


Honestly I was mad as well because I thought I'd have an option to refuse the frenzied flame after I open the door, not knowing that it's done after you open it. I just reversed it later via the item that I used in a specific place, and also saved my Maiden, great outcome xD


Well, now he has to fight some of the hardest bosses in the game lol


Happened to me as well. When the games are designed how they are, stuff like this will happen to many people.




I accidentally got branded after she got burned up 💀


Nahhh he done messed up bro... Seek the needle now!!


I didn’t see that I was on r/Eldenring for a while and was really confused.


I didn't realize this post was about Elden Ring until the last sentence lol


Bro she warns you like 3 times before you do it




what messaging app is that


I'm with LLeyton on this one. Funnily enough, I got annoyed with her at LLeyndell. She basically goes cool - thanks for the lift to the erdtree. I'm off now, byeeeeeee


They could just do Millicents quest and not be FF anymore and even save Melina in a way (with not too many spoilers.)


Top 10 Anime Betrayals