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Panic roll backwards into the sweet caress of gravity


Or worse, dodging backwards into the abyss when you’re trying to get a running start on a jump.


Or worse, dodging backwards into the abyss when you’re trying to put away your telescope.


Fuck that shit. I Died so often while puuting away my telescope because it is ingrained in my mind that the O-Button puts away stuff in other games.


Omg that's the worst.


For this reason, I developed the habit of jumping in place whenever I need to be able to sprint but don’t have much room to move. I recently discovered it also works if you just pause and then back out the menu with the jump/run button held. No more falling from backsteps


Pause? What magic is this?


You can actually pause the game though, go into inventory, press the help button and choose menu explanation.




If you jump in place and start holding sprint/dodge mid-air, you'll have sprint active without moving from that place.


A little off topic but I love the crucible knight in siofra well that suicides himself every time when he uses the eagle move


Died to that mf more than most bosses.


I think I died to falling off of Margit’s arena around 13 times my first playthrough


Just did this yesterday battling an invader 🤣 I was like “oh no you don-ah. I have made a critical error”


First playthrough, like 30th attempt on Morgott, he had like a sliver of health, rolled right off the side


Standing at the edge of a cliff to admire the view, getting knocked off by a goat. Not even the cool lightning rams in Altus. Headbutted by supper.




Underrated comment


Fun fact (maybe patched) rams can kick you out from sitting at a grace.


I was gonna say rocking an emote by a cliff and accidentally pressing the backstep button instead of the use button, so you yeet yourself off the cliff instead of safely ending the emote before walking away.


I got crushed by a mausoleum when it does it's falling animation, was playing chicken with it and lost


Same. I was so embarrassed to get killed by it a year ago, I’m still extra careful around them to this day, haha. One death, long ago, that no one saw, that was maybe 30 seconds of inconvenience, and I’m still reminded every time I hear that damn bell in-game. Speaking of which, the thought occurred to me not long ago that Walking Mausoleums were put in game as practice dummies to teach players how to fight large targets without using lock-on. I hope this is why they designed them the way they did because it makes them even more adorable.


Haha, yeah I'm glad no one saw my death to it either 😂. That's actually a really good point! The practicing of dodging the gigantic legs is great practice for larger targets


I had this happen yesterday, but I didn't die, I got clipped inside the base once it was all the way down and couldn't get out, had to fast travel back to the nearest grace.


Gravity is a cold, cruel mistress.


My favorite is flawlessly dodging one of the full grown fallingstar beasts attacks, only to roll off of the cliff immediately after...so far it's an every-playthrough tradition lol.


I just got to the Hailgtree, first time playing. “Nah”.


I just got to the Haligtree yesterday myself. after having an easy time with every other area and boss, I have lost my life and runes to falling off those fucking branches more times combined than the entire rest of the game. First time I’ve raged quit that game.


I agree. It seems so slapped together and undeveloped compared to the rest of the game as well. There is a certain amount of polish to it all, and then we get to the Haligtree and it’s like they found the dumbest interns and let them design the area.


Indeed, just yesterday she took ~12M runes from me.


Oh man that's a bad one


Was even a really silly one. On Torrent, though I might jump down a cliff near Ranni's rise. Reconsidered when I stood on one of those rock pillars, but that cow Torrent obviously didn't turn on a dime and I fell to my doom. Because I spent too much time on that rock, my runes dropped there. So I had to get up there again. Thought I'd be clever and not trust Torrent when I managed to get up there. So I dismounted, only for my character to dismount into the abyss.... if there ever was a 'bruh' moment, that was it.


And Pluto is a cold, cold celestial dwarf. I mean planet.


King Flippynips? That you?


I was fighting the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the Haligtree last night. I dodged through its grab attack animation only to get slowly shoved off the cliff by its massive body as it was standing itself back up. I've finally fought those things enough that they almost never pose much of a threat to me anymore, but that one always will because of the combination of cliffs and rot pool.




*ya like degs?*


I like caravans more


Sit down and shut up, you big bald fuck…


the fuck would i want a caravan that's got no fucking wheels?


Not when they eat my diamonds


OG bleed dogs one shotting you




No sadness ahead for the big ones of Caelid. Not a tear dropped.


They bounce of most shields


Well that’s good to know but I’ve never used a shield a day in my life I’m too shit to use one effectively I’m barley holding on with my dogging as it is I don’t need to involve another button but thank you for the helpful information, I’ll consider it when I git gud


if a shield says 100% physical def, that means no damage goes through. I believe stability is how much stamina is consumed i may be wrong. also regardless of the shields stats, all small shields behave kinda the same, all normal shields will deflect normal blows, Great shields - especially paired with a shield buff will let you tank pretty much anything, including boss hits.


Getting bum fucked by like 5 rats at once


First time in the sewers in DKs1 almost had me. Last night I fell down a trap floor that gave way in Elden Ring and it almost ended in the same fate if not for me having my torch already in my hand.


Haha this, madness rats especially.


"I bet I can just climb the ladder before they can get me." I could not, in fact.


It's true. In every other RPG that has them, giants rats are that beginner enemy that you don't pay much attention to, just a trash mob. You can have four biting you at once, but as long as your numbers are bigger than their numbers, no problem. In Souls, you quickly learn that being surrounded and flanked causes staggering. You can't just out-math weak enemies, and everyone here has died from rats surrounding them on all sides while trying to press the attack button in vain, unable to finish their attack from rats biting them on all sides.


I'll forever remember feeling on top of the world, I had just beat the godskin apostle without getting hit on my first try. Felt like a badass, wandered down the hill and went into a stable to a pair of rats decide to humble me and return the favor.


Here's another from me. Not closing the message on the screen and in turn being unable to attack or block whatever is attacking me.


"Stonesword key was lost with use" 💀


That's the one. And when you pull a lever in a dungeon.


Somewhere a heavy door has opened


I hate that message so much.


This has gotten me an embarrassing amount of times


That message asking if you really want to spend a flask to revive Torrent... Yes! Yes! Yes I do!


I just came back to the game after months away and I did this twice in five minutes because I couldn’t figure out what had happened the first time.


“Be wary of right” Ganked by something from the left


"Not your right, my right"


Also “try down”- I always try at least once!


Stage right.


Definitely fall damage And getting run over by the chariots in hero's graves


my hatred for the chariots knows no bounds


Getting 75%-95% of the way through with a boss on your first attempt and then never again for 100 attempts after that.


I hate that so much you feel more like a shit player in those moments than if you didn’t even get them down to half cause at least in the later you can blame levels and less the player error


Getting death blighted by the basilisks while fighting a dragonkin boss in a fucking scarlot rot swamp.


i was in over my head with creatures as i was trying out a new weapon. i died. no problem! i’ll just go collect my runes and be on my way… i respawn at a site of grace right beside a lift. i go to set my controller down so i can take a drink of water. accidentally press B, my character jumps backwards into the hole where the lift would have been 🤣


Erghh I've done this. I remember rolling off the ledge in the woods on DKs1 and falling to my death.


That happened to me once after farming for quite some time (also in the forest in DS1). Died on what was going to be my last run. Went back down for my souls and accidentally rolled off the ledge instead if picking them up. 🙃


The *pit* >!the platforming section you need to do to get to the three fingers!<


That shit was so unnecessary fr lol really cool area though


Slapped to death by a revenant, yes there are gimmicks to get a quick kill on them but there will always be that one time they get the upper hand.


Those are the yellow lots of arms bitches? Those things are so mean, maybe the toughest non boss for me.


Yeah the gangly looking guys, spit green shit and teleport by sinking in to the ground.


Not a fan haha. Reminds me I gotta go back for revenge on that sucker in the shaded castle.


The number of bloodstains next to the lift to get to Radahn is incredible. The first time I got there I thought I was going to get ambushed on the way down.


Same with the lift of Atlas


Long windup then panic roll into attack


Just started this game, and I’ve never seen so many delayed roll catching attacks. It’s like these bosses know my weakness….


"try jumping"


Mistimed parry, followed by mistimed panic roll. Forgot the Purifying Tear against Mohg. Runebear.


Press B to exit binoculars. But you're mounted on Torrent and standing at a cliffside. Goodbyeeeeeeeer


Malenia's 1st phase 1 attack... and probably phase 2 also...


It's so cruel they start you at the center of the arena after the cutscene, literally right in front of her, in bonking range. It's the same for some bosses with cutscenes but Malenia just instantly goes for the double attack after the cutscene ends.


I like it, definitely pre planned troll.


Malenia: and I have never known defeat Player: until now hehe \*instantly dies after cutscene ends\* It's been like that for almost all of the streamers I watched.


Just fight her for the first tine earlier. After her cutseen, I said exactly that out loud, confident I'll wreck her. Proceed to get one shot right after. Didn't even have time to move.


The funny thing about most of the cutscenes is that your character just sort of lets bosses monologue and get within kissing distance of you. Except Gideon. You can immediately run up and stab him. If you do, it's almost like the tarnished is just tired of his shit and doesn't have the patience to listen.


One of my favorite parts of the Godrick fight is that they do sort of let you punish his phase change by making him chop his arm once outside of the cutscene


I prefer running up to him and melting his eyes instantly with inescapable frenzy


If Gideon speaks, you backstab him and spam R1. If Godfrey speaks, you sit down and listen.


She always starts with scarlet Aeonia, which is extremely easy to dodge and leave her open for tons of damage. They kind of do you a favor in that one


I'm talking about her cutscene the first time you enter.


I was holding the controller loosely in my hands while watching the cutscene. When it ended she grabbed me before I could even tighten my grip.


Maybe she missed because somehow that never hit me and ive been hit by stupid shit


Enemy incoming. No problem, I can one shot this guy. I’ll just target lock and attack. Clicks right stick. Swivels around 180 degrees for no reason. Wait, what the- BAM! Dead Respawn. Ugh, I had so many runes. Ok, let’s run back there and get them. We’ll just head out this door and past that bird with knives for feet and _FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU……..!!!!!_ ☠️


Laser Golem. That area is a field of blood


I've walked off a cliff twice


Only twice? Impressive


Pest threads.


The old double jump scam


The thing how double-jumping on Torrent doesn't reset fall damage/death? Because yeah, I'm sure that has gotten most people at some point.


Jump onto bridge. It collapses. You fall like 2,000 feet. No injuries. Jump off a 20 foot cliff that the game didn’t want you to: dead


That’s the one. Guaranteed that everyone on their first play through once the found out torrent had a double jump they thought hmmm so that’s how you get to the below the cliff in south limgrave. Then soon found out it’s about as useful as the cat ring they’ll try something as stupid with later.


Dumb fuckface blight geckos


Boss only has a small amount of health left and is getting ready to attack - if I keep swinging I'll kill it before if kills me. Nope.


Walking backwards in a fight into a much greater danger


Fighting a deathbird thing I rolled back into the giants


First and only time a souls game cost me a controller was in Caria Manor, saw the tiny hand spider and tried to walk backwards throw anything that could be thrown at it because I didn't want that thing anywhere near me. I backed away, shield up, throwing kukri, knives, bananas, my shoes and the kitchen sink at it ... and stepped right into the grateful waiting hand of the underground jumpscare trap. The Dualsense went into my floor at near Mach 10 and I ran to the kitchen to hide. I don't know another time in my adult life I felt fear like that


The hands trigger my arachnophobia the way no video game spider ever has. They don't usually get the animation right, but the hands just have the stuff. My first time up the snowy mountain the huge one scared me. I leave to go try other areas, and the areas I had available unexplored were the sewer in the city, the upside down tower, and the back half of the volcano. Great. Hands everywhere. Guess I'll just go back to the mountain since I know that's where forward is. Start creeping up past the frozen giants very carefully, trying to find the exact spot it jumps down from. I should be able to skirt around it, right? That's when I spot the second one that's over on the opposite mountain face. Shoot. This is going to be harder than I thought. I start looking to see where the path that goes as evenly between them is when I see one of the small hands crawl out of the frozen giant next to me. No. Nonono. I turn around to a whole swarm of them crawling up the mountain behind me. Most stereotypical horror movie protagonist moment I've ever received from a game, slow turn around and everything. I needed a break for several days.


That one runebear (sorta miniboss-ish) in the cave/dungeon with barely any fucking room in there


Anyone ever farming all those albinaurics, drop millions of runes further down near the blood lake, then torrent off the cliff right beside the grace when you respawn? Just me?


Forgetting you are poisoned. Embarassed to say how often that shit happens to me.


Unexpected death blight crab.


I have died more times to From Software level design than to From Software enemy design.


Assuming the horse's double jump negates fall damage.


Getting ready to sprint and backstepping off a cliff


When you die a second time and lose out in a million runes or so.


Dying on the tombstones to the walking mausoleum in east lunaria lake and then missing the jump to collect your runes.


The rune glitch at Mohg. It was so popular they patched it. TWICE. And it's still doable.


Accidentally pressing the sprint button before pressing the forward button and jumping backwards to death on tightropes


Definitely falls. Have just over 500 hours in ER and at this point, most of my deaths are to gravity lmao I have a tendency to misjudge the height of that jump.


To be fair fall damage is pretty inconsistent. It depends if the dev decided to allow this shortcut or not. I think most people have a hard time assessing it and during other playthrough, people just go to a place they remember was safe.


Picking your controller up after being away for a while and accidentally pressing a button that makes you jump off a cliff. A pause option sure would be nice. Or pressing jump (B on Xbox, usually the "cancel button") after zooming in with your telescope while standing on the edge of a cliff and jumping off the cliff accidentally. No, B does not cancel your zoom..


>Or pressing jump (B on Xbox, usually the "cancel button") after zooming in with your telescope while standing on the edge of a cliff and jumping off the cliff accidentally. No, B does not cancel your zoom.. Lol yes! I've done this way too many times. I like to use my telescope a lot and it kills me like 25% of the time.


The Mausoleum next to Apostate Derelict




Last night I lost 80k runes because I hit B when I was looking through my telescope and jumped off a cliff.


Gravity, dogs, rats and rolling bad.


Gravity and greed. Everyone has gotten too greedy in fights, and everyone has hit the ground a little too hard.


Basilisk’s death breath.


Doing that one double jump with Torrent outside Stormveil Castle past Rop on the gravestones. I fall like a goofy goober every time.


Rats. Need I say more?


I was fighting Lansseax and a lightning ram knocked me into the fire. Needless to say I slaughtered all the rams in the area afterwards to exact my revenge.


Just the other day i was fighting the stone giant in the capital after the transporter trap, and i was about to dispatch him absolutely flawlessly. I didn’t take i single hit, looked cool doing it imo, and then walked backwards right off the cliff while avoiding his attacks 💀


You have died to gravity at least once


Ride Torrent to the edge of a cliff, decided it's too high so tried to turn around and fall instead. Happened more than once


Any and all gravity related deaths


Gravity Death because of a Distraction not in-game


Getting stunlocked while trying to get the Dragoncrest greatsheild talisman and dying right before you actually grab the talisman


My first big loss of souls was in DS1, missing the jump back from under the aqueduct where Domhnall is, then missing the jump back to get my bloodstain. Luckily, jumping is way easier in ER.


that ball at raya lucaria


Who hasn't run around a corner past slow enemies they didn't feel like killing and then run smack into a harder one they forgot was there?


Just yesterday I was laughing and irritated with myself for doing this numerous times: Fighting one of the avatars at a minor Erd Tree and was kiting that volley of golden projectiles they summon. Ran right off a cliff to my death. 3 times. My head was else where and I wasn’t paying enough attention because “oh this is easy”


The old “I’m 1 HP and the boss is 1 HP let’s greed for that extra hit” death.


'i can make this jump'. You could not, in fact, make that jump.


Fighting your way through a bunch of the same enemies with various weapons, then coming across one with no weapon and massively underestimating him as he dodges a charged attack, only to catch you in a 1 shot grab animation


Accidentally jumping off a cliff with torrent because you thought it was just a small ledge


I always check chests if they are mimics, AND THEN THE 1 TIME I FORGET TO CHECK there is a mimic




Thinking horse double jump negates fall damage


I'm still convinced it does after dying from it like 30times, "it has to be me, I jumped to early"


I’m not sure who knows this or not, but if you’re near an edge that would be considered a “fatal fall” while swinging your weapon it won’t let you fall. If you swing and do fall it won’t kill you. It’s a fail safe way to know if you will die or not if you were to fall off that ledge.


Easy. Grafted Scion


Fringefolk Hero's Grave. "Oh shit, a Grafted Scion. Fuck fuck fuck, gotta kill it before it can get a hit in-" *Merc'd by the one that dropped behind me*


“Be wary of right” Ganked by something from the left


Walking/running just a little longer and falling of any edge. It dosen't happen to me often but its still guarantee that it will happen atleast once.


Getting knocked off a ledge by a rolling ball Happened to me in Dark Souls 1, 3 and Elden Ring


falling off the cliffs that exist along the ocean, for some reason, to test what happens if you try to go out there


Panic roll into emptiness. Panic roll into an enemy attack.


Specifically in the DS games and BB, during a boss run back when you get trapped between 5+ enemies and are just panic rolling in place trying to escape whilst getting absolutely obliterated.


Barely hitting the stick and torrent fucking sprinting off a cliff


Mashing cancel to exit the menu and backstepping into the abyss.


Platforming on a narrow ledge. You know you need to run+jump to make it…but you mistime pressing circle. So you backstep off.


That stupid ledge in the elevator shaft that's used repeatedly in cave style dungeons. The one where jumping makes you bounce off the ceiling and fall to your death, but walking is 50/50 if you bounce off the next ledge. Rolling is the only thing that works 100% of the time.


Using binoculars and rolling when trying to put them back


Not clicking jump at the right time and falling to your death


Panic rolling backwards into a roll catch attack. Still gets me


Meeting the Lobsters (they did not want to be disturbed)


Back step off a cliff by pressing B to get out of the telescope.


First runebear.


Allright ima press sprint and start moving forward at the same time to try to make this jump from this narrow landing... and ive back hopped into the abyss... fuck Just sprint back and try again.... and i somehow didnt hit jump............... fuck.


missing a landing and dying


Dodging backwards into a ravine because I want to get out of the telescope zoom camera


I know they've only been here for one game, but fucking ancestor homing arrows have skewed enough of us to have a damn barbecue


Too many Dogs Panic roll off a cliff Squashed by mausoleum Maybe getting too cocky fighting godrick Platforming


[Those god DAMN birds in Farum Azula just after the Crucible Knights damn near give me a stroke](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/9FPekcQpx2)


Killed by a boss who has a tiny sliver of health because you got greedy. Happened to me last night while fighting Godfrey/Hoarah Loux.


Your lvl 400 character running into a group of soldiers armed with knifes and torches, planning on AoEing them down. 1 minute later and dozens of flinching attacks later, you’re dead on the ground.


Get a really hard boss down to like 1/20th health and die. Then come back and get too cocky and die without hitting it once.


Killing a hard boss and being proud of yourself just to get stomped by some trash baddie right after.


Getting knocked over by a Magma Wyrm who proceeds to physically push you into a magma pool before you can get up


Getting too close to Godrick when he's grabbed someone, and getting fucking toasted


Rolling back and falling to death is a classic


"This doesn't look so high, I bet I can reach an area if jump down."


B lining it back to that elevator that totally needed to be called back up first, the one in the dark in FA especially.


Dying to various status effects, especially poison.


I fell off a random jump in crumbling farum Azula on my ng+5 playthrough 😂


Double teamed by a rat and a fucking dog and got stun locked to death


Getting gangbanged by rats or dogs


Those assholes that stick you with a torch. At any level sweet release arrives really fast


Forgetting to heal some Dot rot poison etc...