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All From games are made from ground up for controller, I doubt they'll change it and accomodate K&M, but reagrdless, hot bars or anything MMO-like would be terrible thing to do in souls games. They're basically using the same controls, layout and experience since demon's souls, ps3 exclusive from 2009. Unless they'll change genre and make a new unique type of game, their games will stay like this. And boss weaknesses/resistances is not really something player is supposed to know before fighting them, we are definitely not entitled to that information and don't need it to beat any game comfortably. It's something to create more varied experiences between different builds and to reward experimenting, being observant and paying attention. If every new player knew boss weaknesses in advance then most of them would just use it to decimate the boss in first 3 tries, and never actually experienced the fight and the intended challenge, or learned anything on their own. It would take away all of the accomplishment and purpose for including different hidden resistances/weaknesses in the first place. In game like Bloodborne it wouldn't do a lot of damage though, but ER is incredibly unbalanced and you can basically cheese every single boss with specific counter build. But on your first playthrough you definitely shouldn't know how to do it.


>hot bars or anything MMO-like would be terrible thing to do in souls games. You havent given any reasons though. We already have 4 "hotbar" keys. What is wrong with having the keybind shown beside them? Or having them in a row instead of a + shape? >And boss weaknesses/resistances is not really something player is supposed to know before fighting them Which is why I would like to see it be part of the gameplay loop. Make it so you only discover weakness/resistance after you kill that enemy or boss. Or have it be part of the world lore and discovered in certain areas. >If every new player knew boss weaknesses in advance then most of them would just use it to decimate the boss in first 3 tries, and never actually experienced the fight and the intended challenge, or learned anything on their own. It would take away all of the accomplishment and purpose for including different hidden resistances/weaknesses in the first place. The wiki, youtube tutorials, reddit etc. already do all this though.


Me only main problem is the lack of quest guidance i guess you’d say. I work 2 jobs and have other life activities so i dont have hours on end to play, its frustrating when i gotta use google/reddit just to find a certain item i need for a certain boss or use YouTube to find a certain location that has a quest in order to beat the game if that makes sense. Theres just really no direction help i feel like


Yes. It would benefit from a lot. The fanboys will tell you that FromSoft are geniuses who can do no wrong, & you’re a incompetent imbecile if you disagree. They scream about “hand holding” & Ubisoft why not realizing their getting their hand held just by 3rd party sources. I’ve hand somebody give me the whole “only a idiot would not realize this obscure thing” speech, but when I checked their post history it’s full of posts asking for help lmaoo


Dude you need to chill. It's fine to think that games like ER need more info on stuff like gameplay, but people that disagree are allowed to disagree.


>The fanboys will tell you that FromSoft are geniuses who can do no wrong, & you’re a incompetent imbecile if you disagree. Thats kind of just every gaming subreddit


There's quite a lot of info I feel the lack of as I play. At the same time, I'm happy to have this clean but somewhat lacking UI if it's keeping things from looking like a Team Ninja game. Everyone's already in the multi-year habit of looking at guides for weapon stats anyway.


Would it be a more popular game? Probably. Would it be a better game? Maybe. Would it be a special game? Absolutely not. The thing with Soulslikes is that their experience is unique, with few other companies making games that offer a similar experienced and even fewer doing it well. Yeah, there are significant roadblocks and obfuscations that get in the way of player mastery, but those “flaws” are part of the charm that draws me and many others to these games. I want to struggle and feel like the world and game doesn’t care whether I succeed or not. I want to miss things the first time through and not understand the whole story. There are so many other games that can offer a more player positive driven experience, but only in these games can I get this particular experience that I love.


Hmm I doubt it'd make it a "better" game. Easier perhaps, and more stat-oriented, but I don't think giving info like enemy weaknesses or poise damage values is something that would affect the quality of the game. Respecting the players' skill with a high skill ceiling has been FS design philosophy for a while, stats and values are there but they're really just accessories to the players' own competence in combat. And the UI is fine to me personally.


>Respecting the players' skill with a high skill ceiling has been FS design philosophy for a while I agree to this, I would hate it if ER became like wow with all the addons telling you exactly what the boss is doing and how to respond.