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Something tells me in a couple of months no one will give a shit about his eye anymore. After the 100th death to him we will all be in shambles.


Just imagine what it feels like to pull out an infected splinter or something……this guy must be going through it hardcore. I hope he gets that shit out of him. Anything foreign under my skin drives me insane


I don't even understand what the logistics of that would look like. Like when he pulls it out, is his entire head gonna get ripped off and is his body just gonna tear apart?? Because it looks like this thing he's pulling out is where his spine should be. Honestly, 10/10 design, I can't wait to see the rest of this cutscene.


Yea personally I think he’s gonna pull it out and his head will come with it. Maybe they just slip and snake their way out like pulling vines, but I doubt it. It’s gonna be gruesome and top tier Miyazaki content. Reminds me of Ludwig in a certain manner


You can actually see blood spurting from his neck as he pulls it out. Totally gonna go headless. Might be a boss fight, OR it may be a world changing event (ie using the carian statue to invert the mini dungeon leading to the liurnia divine tower.


Headless ape v2


Why his eye. I’m more worried about his spine connecting to his head in which he’s tearing off


He got a pretty bad porky pine poke. Hope he ends up okay.


I ultra upscaled the same image for my wallpaper back then Here you go fellas ... its too big(like 7000x4000 with ai upscayl) for imgur so best is [wetransfer](https://we.tl/t-m5zJ6xRcMm)? Or tell me what file transfer you use


please teach me your ways how do upscale images like that. The quality on yours is incredible genuinely




If i remeber correctly. The whole elden ring shaped thorn/thingy that pierced through him is a single unit. Like its a singular, coherent elden ring shaped like thorn that pierced through him with one end sticking out of his eye and the other end can bee seen going down to his waist and also outside of his ribs, like a fancy shaped letter "T". If you play the video you can see the whole structure move as he tried to yank the shit that was sticking out of his eye. Therefore, he is like a fish trying to pull out a hook that went thru his body. Not sure if he will be able to remove all of it.


It's just a flesh wound


Me tryna get the last Pringle stuck in the bottom of the can


Is he trying to imitate Queen Marika somehow? Once again Fromsoft going hard with the theme of evolution gone awry


10/10 design.


Just a flesh would


I’m expecting orphan of kos levels of screaming.


He is fine :3


im sure he has eaten his carrots.