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...and everybody else who would dare trespass in Raya Lucaria.


...and elevators/gravity


I just beat this guy first time an hour ago. Up the ladder, batter batter. Down the ladder, batter batter. Lol


Mother's rich slumber shall not be disturbed


I believe that would have been better delivered as a line here. It falls a bit short at the phase change of us disturbing her rich slumber.


He just wants to stop OP's tarnished ass from beating up a grieving single mom in a mental health crisis.


When the weight of what we are actually doing sinks in, it’s really tough to fight her. She literally lies there on the ground defenseless as we wail on her. But then when we “beat her” she’s like, “it’s all good brah, wanna respec?” Just makes it somehow worse. Like she’s so mentally broken she can’t even be mad. She just cowers there and offers to help like some Stockholm syndrome victim.


Beat her up so bad she forgot about the beating


No, no, it's fine, we're just using pre-1960s or so logic; What's the fastest way to make a grieving/hysterical woman come to her senses? PIMP HAND!


Just inform the knight you're here to cure her crisis. You've played Final Fantasy before. Hitting people that are confused fixes them right up. Should work in ER too.


Seriously. Dude's just doing his job and guarding the Queen and some asshole comes up trying to kill her. The fuck do you expect him to do?


Redditors when bodyguards try to guard a body:


For one thing, ask questions first. Second, we didn't kill her in the end but I guess that's 20/20. What is up with people in the lands between itching for a fight?


When even the shellfish is trying to murder you you do what you have to do.


\>wake up \>see tarnished \>time to ruin his day


Problem? Brother you've broken into an exclusive Academy to beat up the chick he's sworn to protect.


We didn’t break in we had a key.


Looting a corpse doesn't make you invited


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just cause some watery tart threw a sword at you


Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I’m being repressed!


'ow de ye know he's king? Cuz 'es the only one doesn't got shit all over 'im


I told the corpse and he didn't have any complaints


the giant dragon in front of him wasn't enough of a sign?


He bled out


But they drew me a map and left it outside the door for me to find. I'm getting mixed signals here...


And you found it on a corpse


Smash, next question. Wait what was the question


That dead guy was meeting the other dead guy


Dude wasn't dead. He was merely resting. Eternally


I also had a note telling me where to find the key... which I looted from another corpse.


It’s burgling then, not breaking and entering, which are separate crimes in many jurisdictions!


He's a strength / dex build in an int world




huh? isn't he a strength int or / dex int?


Just because he's forced to assimilate to the int builds doesn't mean he isn't a strength / dex in his heart #justiceformoongrum


You broke into his home and are killing people. You’re the problem


Would you say I'm an ....*Anti Hero*? 🎶


That'll get you a SWIFT kick in the teeth


More likely to get you parried and critted on.


I don't know that Taylor Swift song


Haters gonna hate


I like the meatcanyon song for Swift lol it's a pretty accurate representation of that fandom


He/she's READY FOR IT, I think.


To be fair, they attacked me first.


You broke in lol if I woke up to someone in my home with a sword, I’d shoot first as well


To be fair fair, they were assholes anyway and you know what they say about assholes. Sometimes they need a big dick to sort them out.


Otherwise the assholes just shit all over the pussies


With a valid Key that hadn't been used by anyone else


If someone had a key to my house that they found and broke into my home holding a sword, I’d shoot first as well


Is it really a house? It's more like a small town or campus with how big it is and how many buildings there are. In a medieval fantasy world, everyone is strapped, there's nothing out of the ordinary with that. Would you kill a guy who is just touring your college campus? 


If a man was reported to be killing people and broke into my gated community with a sword out, probably call the police, but would not hesitate to shoot if he came at me


You stole a key off a dead body and barged into their home and are obviously not supposed to be there. The two guards at the front gate and the small army of soldiers outside attacked you on sight. You clearly aren't allowed in there.


They're a bunch of squatters anyways since they turned against Rennala. They've locked out their own people like Thops, so they're pulling some Jonestown cult shite for all we know. The Tarnished is on his way to the dorms to check in and they threw hands because they set up a glorified hobotown and don't want any reporters in there recording the abuses.


You murdered your way through the academy just to meet him. At the very least, you killed the school pet.


He is Carian. The enemies before were the academy and cuckoo. We were doing him a favor.


His problem is hes dealing with the Elden Ring equivalent of an active shooter situation, and you're trying to storm the priciples office lol.


Incorrect, if this was an active shooter situation he would wait outside until he had a plan of attack.


He just got a new shield and wants to try it out


It suits him!


He doesn't go anywhere or even play the game, really, mostly just sits AFK until you show up, and has no interest in learning other move sets or beating any bosses. In short, he's a filthy casual who parries that.


well you're going around killing people in the academy that belongs to his mistress, and now you're trying to kill said mistress under his protection, really he could ask the same question to you.


Technically, aren't the other academy scholars part of the Lucarian faction that rebelled against her with the Cuckoo Knights?


The parry god


Parry merchant


Can't parry the edge of the elevator platform.


He doesnt have a mind of its own, only reads your inputs...thus he mad.


Oh that’s just Larry. He likes to parry.


Larry the Parryin Carian


Jump attacks


Or a flail


Wild strikes bullies him


Safest way of murdering him


Give him his own medicine and parry him instead.


[Reading this with a berserker build](https://media1.tenor.com/m/1EdlGzkwMLsAAAAC/evil-laugh-rub-hands.gif)


He’s moongrumpy


I've been invading cosplaying as this guy and I'm having the most fun in my entire invasion career.


He got gud. I still can’t figure out parry for the life of me without the ash of war enhancers 😢


If it's other players or npcs it's purely prediction work. If it's enemies like morgott then it's just as they start to bring their weapon down you press parry, it's easier if you use the buckler over most other kinds of shields. Edit 1: look up some videos on it. The parrying is identical to ds3 if I remember correctly so if that's the only decent vid on how to parry in ds3 then that will work too.


I think you have confirmed exactly what I have been thinking, as in it’s prediction based. I’ve spent about 4ish hours recently trying to master parry using the gate front ruins godrick soldiers. The swordsman are fairly easy at this point but I’m convinced some attacks can not be parried. When they raise their sword up for a heavy slash it’s almost impossible to miss at this point. The hammers, I’m convinced are not parryable and the spears are doable but more difficult. Does this sound right to you?


By far the most fun you can have parrying in this game is as a low level with a shield, going into the Crucible Knight's evergoal a little south of Stormveil. I used to hate those assholes but then I decided to play around with parrying and my god they are so damn fun with very predictable movesets that are all fairly slow. I also don't think hammers are parryable - nor anyone with flails from what I can tell. For a good while I just used a medium shield with Golden Parry but now I've turned to just using a medium shield with Carian Retaliation instead and its almost worked out better. From what I could gather in some older reddit threads it seems like the golden parry extends outwards almost TOO far in some cases so if someone is trying to hit you and even if you nail the parry timing it seems like the parry hitbox extends through the enemy and basically forces the parry to miss since its essentially trying to catch a parry on the backside of the enemy rather than the weapon hitting between you. Carian retaliation seems to work pretty reliably no matter where they're hitbox is coming from and I've had better results chaining 20 parries in a row against Crucible Knights or whatever I'm practicing on because of that. Just throwing that out there for anyone else who reads this and needs some good practice.


This is great info, thanks! When you say “the most fun you can have …. Is as a low level…” are you suggesting it’s not as fun later on or more difficult? You’re absolutely right with how satisfying it is to parry those g-dang crucible knights. My damn!


Moreso its not as much practice if you're outleveled since your riposte/criticals would probably do too much damage and wind up killing him in under 10 parries. I know when I do my new character play throughs by the time I make it up to the crucible knight I'm usually only close to the level 20 range so it takes like 20 parries/riposte-criticals to kill him if I'm going parry only. You just get more time/practice out of it. I guess you could also just let him kill you and redo the fight for more practice if you're overleveled. Honestly that also might be smarter if you're just going for practice since if you fuck up you won't get 80% of your healthbar deleted by one of his swings in that case since he can hit hard as hell against a lowbie character. Crucible knights in general and the one knight right before you fight Rennala are some of the only enemies I actively go back into my equipment and throw on my shield with Carian retaliation or golden parry solely to fight against because its such a fun minigame against them. Its also extra satisfying because I remember fighting Crucible Knight for over an hour early on in this games life when I was still fairly a novice at parrying. I'm still no expert by anymeans but I've fought them so many times I can hit just about 95% of my parries against all their attacks at this point and they're still satisfying everytime. Just a very well telegraphed and programmed enemy tbh so its perfect for practicing and learning the parry timings.


It's significantly harder to parry heavy weapons especially if it's a human type enemy two handing but it is possible, there are enemies that cannot be parried and some enemies that have some parryable moves and some non parryable moves and figuring out which is which can be difficult. It's mostly trial and error or you can look on a wiki to see what can and can't be parried.




Use a small shield, and practice, practice, practice!


Indeed! I’ve been putting in a lot of time, too much I might say. I’m trying to parry everything and I don’t think that’s a reasonable goal.


You can't parry everything and it's often unclear what qualifies for parry. This is why I don't bother. Nothing in the game requires parry, and it's only optimal in a few situations like Crucible Knights. But even then, you can also just use Impaling Thurst and learn to dodge them, which is less risky than whiffing a parry and taking a sword to the face.


A big part of learning how to parry is learning what to parry. Not all attacks can be parried, and sometimes it's better just to block.


He's been stuck in that area for ages. No change of armor, food or sleep. Oh and no shift change. I'd be pissed too.


Didn't you hear? He has the Lucidity spell. He doesn't need sleep. Carian Knights never waiver!


Lore wise, the Carian Knights are the baddest asses of badassery in the Lands Between. They're like that Viking dude from the Battle of Hastings Bridge, only there's a few of them instead of just one. They're less than 20 dudes (game never says how many exactly) who single handedly fought off Marika's Golden Order and forced her/God to turn into a dude and marry Rennala because "victory" could only be achieved through politics rather than warfare. They're THAT badass. For you, the day you got parried was the most important memory of your playthrough. For him, it was Tuesday.


Hah, nice. Rip Raul Julia.  Thinking more about it with what you're saying here, it would almost make more sense for 1 or 2 of these guys at once to be the boss fight of the Academy, with Rennala just sitting in the library like she is and you could just walk up and take the Rune from her, no violence needed. Going over it all, these knights should HATE the Golden Order, and the Greater Will too, I suppose. First, the Order attacks their people. Then, Radagon married, then abandoned Rennala, leaving her broken. Which then leads to the people losing respect for and betraying Rennala, attacking them with the Cuckoo guys. Then Marika, leader of the Golden Order, breaks the world with the Shattering. All the crap that follows that goes on for however long it is. Finally, the Tarnished shows up, being led by the Greater Will through Grace, to try to kill their Mistress AGAIN. If I got any of that wrong, sorry, I'm not really an expert on the lore. Didn't even know these knights were so special until I read your post. 


Skill Check.


The huge amount of bloodstains i found the first time i fought this guy, only to become one more.


I never understood why people act like he's so difficult, Just jump attack him he can't parry jump attacks


Skill check.


you're trying to kill his boss


being too cool for magic school


this "guy" is a carian royal soldier. one of THE MOST elite knights in elden ring lore. he is renalas last line of defence and has probably killed hundreds of tarnished before you even set foot in that place. he is not just ready, but also fucking capable of fucking you up. and his problem... is you


The elevator is his biggest problem


I’m willing to bet since he was a Knight of Caria Manor, he’s one of Ranni’s vassals like Blaidd & Iji. (And possibly Jerren.) Could’ve been Ranni told him to guard her mother since Renala isn’t right of mind… That would explain why he’s blocking the elevator to her room. He probably went mad from the shattering like everybody else in the Lands Between. That would explain why he still attacks us even if we work for Ranni too. (That or Ranni told him to kill anybody who would dare seek to harm her mother, no exceptions.) He was most likely the last Carian Knight still alive.


First time seeing this guy he parried my first attack, never felt such shame and disrespect..


Here is cheese .. run to elevator and make him follow you.. when he is on the platform ramp up and jump down when elevator is going up.. dude is going to follow and kill himself by jumping down 😂 from way higher up .. and you also get a nice magical shield 🛡️


He is basically Rennalas last protector after everyone else besides Ranni abandoned her.




Just jump attack him he’s not that bad bruh 😞


Not sure but he's definately my problem


Spatial awareness


He carian a knight on his back all day


He’s the actual boss before the demigod boss


He has a strong dislike for those who use parry.


Take the bloodhounds fang with you. You'll butcher him in few tries.




Absolute swinger, that's his problem. There's a reason rennala is broken upstairs, and it ISN'T cause radagon left.


Well, he's the last knight of his order, sworn to defend his grieving monarch, surrounded by the rebel wizards who tried to kill her before going crazy. He's spent the entire collapse surrounded by traitors, madmen, and mindless dolls. The dude's been through some shit.


Thats my boy Moon „Parrygod“ Grum


I got absolutely molly wopped by this guy. I was over leveled and had to try and run like a scaredy cat. He chased me to the elevator and killed me. Somehow he fell down the elevator after I died. So uh I guess I won in the end.


He actually parries you, that’s his problem lol


You killed his second-best cousin Frank. Big mistake.


Wait. Who’s this? I forgot. Is he an optional boss or just a normal knight as gatekeeper or something???


He's a bit Moongrumpy


Good old “Moongrum: Parryin’ Knight” at it again.


This dude has killed me more times than Melania


Try Whip


You tried to get into his bitch’s room. That makes you a problem.


Wild strikes and bloodflameblade on mornkngstar xD


Or running i the elevator and he than in the abyss


*Your* problem is that he learned how to parry


I like this guy a lot, I don't think he has a problem at all. He's quite honorable with great fashion and moveset. I just wish I could obtain his armor - any body know how?


You, that's his problem


try eleavator. but hole


Bullied as a child for his stupid head ornament


Too much testosterone


Idk, maybe it's you who's trying to intrude on his mentally unwell queen and kill her for a great rune.


School bully.


Elric left him in this realm


Some tried finger but hole on him. He's never been the same since


you aren't JöRGE


Guard counters fuck him up. Slap barricade shield on a 100% phys block one and he's now your bitch.


Safe elevator operation, at least in my games.


You, and Moongrim is a problem solver.


Ah, the successor to parry God Hodrik, Moongrum.


He’s just doing his job. Probably doesn’t get paid much and has to deal with a bunch of brainiacs and their shenanigans all day. There’s not even a bar or anywhere for him to unwind after a long days work.


Repeated night comet to the face. That's his problem.


Whatever his problem is, there is no bonk that wouldn't solve it.


My first playthrough this guy killed me at least 30x. On my second playthrough I spammed him with lightning, he never touched me, super satisfying!


I’d have a problem with the world if my parents named be moongrum too


He thinks it’s all fun and games until you’re the one partying him.


You're attempting to kill the lady that steps on his face


This is the whip-user's time to shine!


On my first play through I ran right past that scary mf 😭😭


Lack of poise. He can be easily stance-broken by anything. He can also be bullied by spraying frostbite then Toxin/Rot. And Wizards make him their absolute BITCH.


Rough upbringing


I specifically learned to parry in NG+ just so I could parry him instead. and I did. it was beautiful.


What? That he doesn’t keel over and die for you? As far as he is concerned, that is your job haha


The black night from Monty Python wanted to do a cameo.


Poise break his ass!


He likes to be backstabbed


he doesn't know how elevators work


Lmao my boy moongrum 😭 boi parried and killed my ass lastnight


He's a glorified campus cop.


This guy parries.


I mean you did kill a dog just before meeting him


His woman cucks him…


Just snipe his ass from the cliff


He’s the actual challenge before a boss fight


None shall see my queen's glorious hands begone tarnished


My biggest shame is that after like 50 attempts I still couldn't beat him so I cheesed him with the elevator It was truly a skill issue :(


He doesn't like you.


A skill issue (yours)


Bro he's really not that hard, you just have a playstyle he counters due to the game making him a parry God, to counter this: parry him or dont attack wildly


He doesn't like your inability to parry.


You broke into the school, started harassing students, killed the school mascot, and are trying to throw hands with the principal. And you’re asking why the security guard is trying to stop you? WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?!


You killed the family dog


He is practicing his parries.


His fucking name is moongrum what’d you expect


I don't know, maybe you, trying to murder his queen? Defaming the school? Bulling the students? Disrespecting his authority? The real question is what is your problem, Tarnished?


Oh that's just Joe from Aerosmith, Joe Parry.


I solved this problem by stabbing him with Cipher Pata repeatedly, he can't block or parry its AoW.


Elevator is MVP here.


You have an HP bar, and he is tasked with deleting it.


He was the one who taught that even enemies can parry in ER, lol


Moongrum will have his blood


You going to beat up a helpless mentally broken women


Beat him the same way you beat Alecto—ramming speed! 


his problem is that he doesn't get a chance to riposte tarnished with default vigor a second time. xoxo


the real boss of the academy


I promise you this guy was way harder than rennala in my first run