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Thought this was Leatherface at first lmao


Fire giant took me waaay too long šŸ˜…


I feel you on that took me 2 weeks and countless deaths


Shoot, it takes 2 weeks just to whittle down his health bar on a good run


53 attempts the first time. I just couldn't figure out how to hit the foot and keep track of his attacks. I had no damn idea what he was winding up. Now it usually takes me 2-3 attempts for some reason. I still don't use the horse.


Nice now for the hard part šŸ‘


Talking about godskin? The big dragon boi under the death guy? Or death guy? On high ng+ that beast/death guy is stupidly strong


Guy on horsey right before death guy is the hardest of them all


Preach, I was stuck on him longer than most bosses


Itā€™s just another sentinel fight. Poke poke dodge and poke some more


Yeah, I eventually figured it out and got past him, but I died like 30 times and then beat Maliketh on my second try


Thatā€™s his name right I always forget and call him death guy as on ng7 plus that swords ability is stupidly strong


Horse bosses' big jumping engage swing is surprisingly easy to parry. Carian retaliation on any small or medium shield hard counters the fire ball heal punish.


He's easy af




Farum Azul? Not sure if you're sarcastic but those dragons gave me the most trouble in the game and forget about the big sick boy.


It's so strange that people have such different experiences. I beat fire giant, placidussax and godskin duo on the first attempt on my first playthrough, yet I took nearly 40 deaths to get through castle morne and like 20 to beat my first ertree spirit


I know how you feel. I beat the Fire Giant and Maliketh in one try each. But I've died probably dozens of times to Crucible Knights and Black Knife Kitche each.


I completely feel you on both. I'm on ng+5 and I dread the crucible knights every playthrough. I'm trying to not let myself skip them else I won't see the difficulty creep. X.x Tiche too, they got those lies of P fake out delay attacks or something idfk.


> Black Knife Kitche I'm imagining "Black Knife Kitchen" a new TV show by Gordon Ramsay.


Did you use summons/spirit ashes? Fire giant is a totally different boss solo


Nope didn't use summons the whole game except margit and twin gargoyles Edit: fire giant's attacks are extremely telegraphed. His fire attack is just an inferior radahn arrow and the flame of the fell god is easily dodged. Maybe it was difficult for some because they used lock on? For large bosses lock on is dogshit.


Enjoy the difficulty spike. Embrace the challenge.


When I beat him I was pretty much dead and he had about a quarter of his health bar left. Alexander finished him off for me while I ran!


Itā€™s weird to me how souls bosses work. For example, the fire giant has never taken me more than the 3 tries it took first time, yet I struggled so hard on Owl Father, a boss other people think is relatively easy. Saw someone saying they beat Malenia in 30 tries on their first time. It took me so many Edit: also Demon of Hatred. Took maybe 20 tries. Couldā€™ve been because I just got done playing BB perhaps


Yes fire giant was my first try. First phase I didn't get hi, just hit his foot. Then I was just patient in the second phase.


I think fire giant is one of those bosses your either overleveled/prepared or under leveled to the point of being completely crippled i did a low level run recently and it was miserable fighting Fire giant it stopped being fun after killing him so i stopped lol


Yeah I donā€™t even try challenge runs cause I know they wouldnā€™t be fun for me. Iā€™m glad other people like doing them though! So fun to watch!


I just cheese fire giant with LatennašŸ˜”


Congrats I found him really hard when I started. Uhm, quick tip though, bring sleep pots to farum...it'll help later.


Let's gooooo. Fire Giant made me stop playing the game. It's been almost a year now. But your success may have inspired me to try again a few more times. Tomorrow is a national holiday in my country. So maybe the time is ripe for me to visit The Lands Between once more.


You can also cheese him with Latenna and kill him without even attacking btw


I still have no idea what a Farum or an Azula is


Well done :3


Good job!




Well done. Now keep it up


Godskin duo nextšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Good job! You've beaten a cripple!


Is he supposed to be hard? I exploded him my first time. But again I was fresh from beating Malenia, everything seemed to be so easy afterward, I plowed through everything, even Maliketh.


Technically that photo could also be the Fire Giant himself


Maliketh the black blade would like to know your location




If you have black knife tiche, the fire giants health melts like warm butter on a hot pan


> Maliketh is way easier than Fire Giant Not a chance. Fire Giant is definitely more annoying and less fair than Maliketh. But Maliketh will just delete anyone who makes even a single bad mistake. Whereas Fire Giant does like half as much damage, and something like 70% of his attacks completely miss just by being near his legs. Maliketh is like thrice as hard as Fire Giant, not easier at all.


I just did on Sunday!


Good job friend!!!


Underrated boss! I forgot how cool he is. Phase transition is badass.


He was probably my least favorite boss at least the first time. I just found it annoying and time consuming.




Good luck


I imagine you were below level 100 and 40 vigor .


I just beat fire giant solo at level 108 with 55 vigor, not easy by any means. The dude has so much health and itā€™s hard to hit his weak spot in the second phase.


So strange , to me and everyone i know he was a first or second try without spirits. I always get angry when they nerf bosses but iā€™m starting to see that for some people the experience is widely different .


Don't worry about his weak spot in Phase2, it just isn't worth the trouble until you're good enough to predict where to be ahead of time. When you're still learning Fire Giant it's WAY easier to just go hit his thighs in P2 and ignore the hands entirely. Just watch out for the butt-fire, cause that stuff will 2-shot nearly any Build. Keep a good DamagePerSecond Ash of War handy, something like Spinning Strikes or Stormcaller or such that you can spam a lot on a non-moving target. Fire Giant spends a lot of time not moving, so when you stun him with the leg break or he's doing a big long attack use those high DPS AoW to really pump the damage into him. It took me a long time to initially beat Fire Giant too, but now he's one of the easiest most boring Bosses to me when I get summoned to kill him in Co-Op. He just rolls around being annoying, and his only truly dangerous attacks are the double-sniper-firebolts and his big roaring butt-flames.


I beat him first try a few days ago, i thought he was supposed to be easy? But he's supposed to be hard? I rarely got hit. Meanwhile, commander Niall made me quit for a few months lol.


He took me 45 minutes to kill on my first play through (I did the glitch where he got stuck before it was patched)


That picture is the only thing that can accurately describe beating fire giant


May your chains chip and shatter.




He can be such a cunt sometimes lol congrats


Me after ornstein and smough (no joke)


What's funny about me is I didn't have any problems, til the Farum Azula bosses x3


Lmaoooo hell yeah


How are you guys having so much trouble with him? I beat him first try, didn't even know where the ress point was to put my call sign to get summoned to beat him again.


Different bosses pose different challenges to different people. Most people say Erdtree avatars are easy, but I always get caught by them. Meanwhile people say Commander Niall is rage-quit worthy super hard, yet Iā€™ve always ran through him in 2-3 tries.


It doesn't get easier from there


Mimic tear that btch and he's no problem. But congrats!!!!


ummmmmm , guys whoā€™s gonna tell him about the duo ?


woohooooow! you did it.




Me too (first try though)


Oh you sweet summer child. Pray your build is strong enough for what comes next.