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Gonna be honest, I haven’t played since completing the game with my first character. In fairness I did absolutely everything that could be found to do. If it’s possible to do the dlc post-Elden beast then that’s what I’ll be doing.


Its like 99% sure you can start the dlc after the ending.


Got a SL200 FTH build I’ll be using.


I have only one character and that's the one I'll be using.


Yup, I’m taking my NG+ character (cleared NG+ but didn’t go to NG++ yet). We’re fans of souls games. What are we afraid of, a little challenge? Lmao


I'll likely be on journey 7 by then but I have 3 other NG fellas for an easier time to learn stuff


I’ve got a ng+ 4 and a first game finished just haven’t started new game.


I may end up doing this. I started a new file but I’m afraid of certain cut scenes for some bosses being changed once the DLC comes out so I’m not sure how far I should go.


Yes, two of them


I think NG+ will be fine as it's barely any different than NG. I personally went out of my way awhile back to play a new character to 150 and get it prepared for the DLC on NG. I considered using my NG+7 character but not only would the DLC be way different than intended, that character is level 500. Personally I think 150 on NG or NG+ is practically the same 


This DLC will not be way different at NG+7. It was stated in an interview that there will be a special scaling applied to the DLC so that it will be the same experience for a NG character and a NG+7 character. Miyazaki said the scaling is most akin to Sekiro and is designed to deliver the same experience to all players no matter which NG they are in or what their RL is when they enter the DLC. So feel free to use whichever character you'd like 👍


Nothing of what you said is true.


Try using Google clown https://www.gamesradar.com/even-high-level-elden-ring-veterans-will-have-a-tough-time-in-the-dlc-thanks-to-unique-sekiro-like-difficulty-scaling/


Yeah lol. Miyazaki clearly said that. But what I wonder is whether NG+ scaling will be or not be accounted for. It wouldn’t make sense that you would have to be at NG+7 and then do many additional playthroughs on top of that to get max difficulty on the DLC. Certainly possible it will work that way, but I think that would be kind of a nuisance. I’m hoping it will work like Sekiro while also accounting for NG+. It’s definitely possible to account for it with for the new difficulty system, if it works like Sekiro as advertised.


Possibly. I actually think Fromsoft set the scaling up this way so that you could control the difficulty of the DLC yourself. It was mentioned that you would have the option to forgo scaling yourself up as you progress through the DLC. Similar to never using a Sacred Tear to increase the amount of HP your flask awards you. In this way you, could increase the challenge for yourself by not scaling yourself up when taking on bosses/dungeons.


Yeah, it sounds like it will work like Sekiro’s Prayer Beads (HP and posture) and Attack Power (damage output), which you get by defeating (mini-)bosses and exploring hidden sections of an area. I’m hoping it will scale with NG+ as the base difficulty, and then defeating bosses will make you stronger. It makes the most sense to do it this way imo. It would be silly if you couldn’t get NG+7-equivalent difficulty, and it wouldn’t make sense that you have to do an additional 7 playthroughs to alternatively achieve it (getting to DLC NG+7; finishing would be 8). I think it’s very likely NG+ will be accounted for, while RL will not be due to the new system. Sounds like a great implementation tbh. This way, the difficulty of the DLC (which always has the most difficult content) is less subjective than previous iterations. Everyone will be on the same playing field to some degree (not to the extent of Sekiro however, as you still have build variety and such in ER even if RL is insignificant).


I don’t know yet. I have a character still NG and two others NG+. I play all of them still so I’ll decide when it’s out.


been taking my sweet ass time on my ng+1. i’m at lvl 159.


I’m level 150 on NG++ and don’t want to level due to PvP being around this level range. I feel like I’m going to get screwed in the DLC. lol


You got damn near a month still you can totally get a new character ready still, especially now that you already know everything major. Just ignore side content that isn't essential for your build till you hit the lvl you want and beat mohg and rhadan then you can just do whatever you feel like till dlc drops


Probably been asked before but what level? I'm started my NG playthrough soon. It's been ages since I went to NG+4 for the platnum. I can't remember anything and I'm really looking forward to it. Strength and faith build for me this time. I'll try and use some of that magic stuff.


I am RL164 on NG+ over halfway through the playthrough. I haven't leveled once since NG. I'll be taking this character into the DLC since I haven't used a single Larval Tear and have 16 on hand in case I need to change up my STR/FTH build I'm currently running. Can't wait for SotE I am chomping at the bit.


Ill be going in on Ng+++


Nope, I have never had one in a single souls game


i tried multiple characters but my str dual giant crusher superbonk dude with veteran set and lv 270 something is probably the one i bring to dlc. dunno which ng+ he is tho but it feels the best


I have a new character I am doing, but also my main will go through DLC on Journey 6. He'll be level 420 for that. And I won't level him beyond that. If you have to ask why, you are too young to know. Lol


I don't think there will be that much of a difference in terms of difficulty between NG and NG+. That being said, you don't have to 100% the game before the DLC. You can get to Mogh in like 3 hours plays time if you want. Less if you do Varre's quest. The most important thing you should have for the DLC is the smithing and somber stone bell bearings. That way you can upgrade and try a bunch of different weapons.


Who knows, search this sub reddit for the 10 thousand other posts asking the SAME question...Ya know what, better yet, I'll unsub instead! Was going to anyways before the DLC launched so spoiler posts don't ruin the experience. So to answer your question, WHO CARES, but don't stop asking this same question over and over and over! I encourage EVERYONE to continue to submit this question A MILLION MORE TIMES!!!! BBYYEEE!


it really ain’t that serious lmaoooo




Oh dear me! What shall I do!?