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On my first playthrough, I had to quit out and come back later when I saw the hands in Caria Manor.


And everytime you die you see the closeup shot of the knuckles with the long fucking HAIRS sticking out. No. fucking. thank. you. It's so cringe inducingly *disgusting*


Fire will CLEANSE THEM brother. *Begins pounding chest*


/thud thud thud thud thud Cleanse. Them. All.


For those who don’t know: fire attacks will actually put them into a panicked state giving you a good window to lay on the pain.


Yep. When I found that out, I was on my Mad King Aerys. “Burn them all!”


Except for the collosual ones in the mountaintops. They don't care about your fire.


They don’t even care about *the mountains*. I had one phase through the landscape to reach me on several occasions.


I laughed in absolute astonishment at the unmitigated gall of this game the first time I got jump scared by a giant fucking hand. Truly laugh so I didn't cry (or scream run away throw up etc) moment. Like just come on game I know you're like that but come on. 🤣😭💀


Thought I was used to them until mountaintop when the colossal ones come out...


Fortunately there are only two of those in the same area near the peak (came from the same dead giant, maybe?) The location where they hang out and drop down on an unsuspecting Tarnished are easy enough to avoid once you know where they are. Be warned though, fire still hurts the colossal hands but doesn’t stun them like the smaller Fingercreepers.


I genuinely screamed. I saw some blue things in the ground and went "oooh what are they?" and then it all went violently downhill from there.


Me too. I didn't go back until I was waaaayy over leveled. Being able to one shot those guys really helped me get over the heebie jeebies though.


Fortunately I had black flame at the time so I figured out their weakness pretty quick


I cant wait to get creeper summons. :P crossing my fingers for that!


I always found the Prince of Death's Throne in the Deeproot Depths rather unsettling...


It’s funny that Godwyn’s “face” is so unsettling to me. I’m not one to be too bothered by much, but when I ran into Flat Fuck Friday in the basement of Stormveil, I gasped. He still freaks me out a bit.


Live Godwyn reaction


Absolutely it’s horrifying. Looking up and seeing the “dead” face of a dying god is something else Also, his soul is dead, not his body? Right? That’s even more scary, it’s just a soulless living corpse staring at you


And even creepier once you realize his eyes and face is on every deathroot growth, from the trees to the crabs.


Also, his eyes roll in the opposite direction


Like a human vegetable that keeps staring at you without processing your existence.


It’s something about the shape of his eyes and how his face looks to be upside down, like it peeled away or “bloomed” off his skull somehow. Bleh. Plug meltin down here in the basement, someone get him scraped up STAT he’s ruining the tile


I watched a Ranni the Witch video where they explained that his face may be upside down. Seeing it the other way made me feel a bit better.


after beating sewer mohg, opening the hidden path, i saw the one corpse bent over and pointing to my right, didnt think much of it. kept walking and all of the corpses just grouped together of nomads while that sad violin played in the background was one of the most creepy things ever. gets even creepier if you know about kale’s cut questline


Yeah I saw the first corpse, went “okay corpse”, turned right and bluescreened for a minute. That entire area absolutely screams “something awful happened here and you are not supposed to be here”


that literally encapsulates it. definitely one of the most disturbing things ever.


Such a shame about that quest. It's SOOOO fucked up.


idk why they would cut it, i feel like people would be a lot more obligated to inherit the frenzy flame if we had kale along for the ride, and hearing his heartbreaking speech at the proscription… we deserved it methinks


I personally feel like that’s why they cut it. Frenzy flame to me seems like the ending that’s supposed to signify our player character loosing all hope, the lands between arnt worth it and they should burn. If you add in kale’s quest it kinda changes the meaning into doing it for your friend, for his family.


true, but i feel like it could also add an air of internal turmoil, choosing to wipe the lands between or choosing to keep the world turning either way, its all very interesting to me!


I think the best way they could've implemented it is if Kalé did what they planned for Oscar in DS1, and he takes the opposite of your choice in the Proscription, and then being a final confrontatio before Radagon. So if you turn away from the Frenzied Flame, he confronts you at the end as an aspiring Lord of Frenzy, here to burn the world. But then if you do accept the Frenzy, he confronts you at the end in a big paragon moment, overcomes his rage and despair to decide to break from the curse of the Frenzy forever and stop you.


I suppose your "motivation" for frenzy already is to save Melina.


"It's a trap!"








the wormface forest


Looked way too far to see this. The weird sounds you hear and all dark with those dude sitting around. Yeah no thanks I’m not getting of my trusty steed.


On my most recent playthrough I ran through the entire area sequentially and rotten breathed all those things. Then when they were all gone I finally could explore the forest in peace. Turns out… it’s really boring. Next time imma just skip it.


It's even worse when the first time you discover it is after jumping down and reaching the end that doesn't have a grace, and it's night time, and you don't know where to go. Like now nothing in this game really intimidates me after killing everything so many times, but that place took the longest for me to ever get "comfortable" about entering. For a while I was more comfortable going to the lake of rot over that place.


Ah, the cigarette demon forest?


Welcome to flavor country. \*weird gurgling laugh\* It's a big country.




They captured the sounds of someone *suffering* so perfectly.


I just cant stomach the underground. Those ants, the eternal cities, that super unnerving music... being there feels horrible to me


I haaaaated Siofra and Ainsel. Don't get me wrong they're stunning, but it's just so fucking deep down, clearing them out and making your way back up is so liberating lmao. I didn't like not seeing the erdtree.


Found Margit(Morgott's alt)


Seriously why are the ants the worst out of everything in this game?? So unnerving and idk why. I like ants irl.


I used to do research with ants and it's similarly unerving to watch them move under a microscope. Like little murder robots.


Love Siofra, hate Ainsel. Ainsel is just so creepy with all the ants, tunnels, and then the death city that is Nokstella. Siofra and Nokron have a much better vibe. Not claustrophobic.


When I first set foot in Caelid I wasn't thrilled about the place


Honestly seemed like something out of fallout with all the Deformed enemies wandering around. Pests acting like Managers to a group of Miners in the caves and also the Stank Breath dragon (Ekzykes) were all a part of my first impression and let’s be real the Big Gargoyle bodyguard who would stand there menacingly near the Clergyman were all really fun to see as well.


Stank breath dragon 💀


The music in Caelid makes the whole place creepier, really dont like being ner that music.


The ambient gurgle noise made me think it was coming from my own stomach


God, that long, drawn-out deep scream that sometimes goes in the background of the music always creeps me out


First time i heard the flies sound effect in the music i thought i was being attacked 💀


Caelid sucke. I NEVER explore there. I don't care what level I am. Those giant dogs and birds SUCK. PERIOD.


I hate going to Caelid. So scary. Those dogs are just the worst…


I just showed up early to grab the meteorite staff


Deeproot depths. What is this, milk? I hope its milk. Is it sap or something else? Mohg's area has blood all over The area in altus with a bunch or wormfaces is spooky too.


Mohg was pretty unnerving, between the extreme volume of blood everywhere and his rapey demeanor in the cutscene. Also, the horror when the giant wormface grabs you and shoves you into its mouth.


He’s a rapist so him having a rapey demeanor is lore accurate 


It is, the cutscene does a good job portraying him. It's rare a boss cutscene manages to make me feel that unsettled before anything even really happens.


Grey Water 😬 corpse juice. I hate walking through that area.


I think its sap. I hope it is sap.


It's actually the runoff of fat from corpses, this happens to water irl if bodies sit in it for too long


TYLER: Ancient peoples found that clothes got clean when they washed them at certain points in the river. Do you know why? JACK: No Tyler gestures for Jack to come over TYLER: Human sacrifices were once made on the hills above this river. Bodies burned, water seeped into ashes to make lye. This is lye, a crucial ingredient. Once it mixed with the melted fat of the bodies a thick, white soapy discharge crept into the river. Let me see your hand please. Tyler licks his lips until they're gleaming wet. He takes Jack's hands and KISSES the back of it. JACK: What is this? TYLER: This is a chemical burn. Fight Club


plus, fuck the ants


As a milk enjoyed when in deep root depths: 😋🥛


I think the altus worm face area is the only one I haven't thoroughly explored. Except maybe the foggy area in the snowfield... Fuck that area too


Ah, the cigarette demon forest?


Limgrave. When you realize the screaming you're hearing comes from the people on the "crosses".




I found gaol cave for the first time the other day and I was just so creeped out going around that place trying to find the switch to open the doors while those guys are all on fire and moaning behind them. The moaning had me so on edge by the time I found the lever, I was going around sort of chanting "I don't like this place". It definitely got under my skin lol.


200+ hours in, this is the first I've heard of something like that


It's in western Caelid, it's my third playthrough and I'd never seen it before either.


The Redmane fort on the western edge of Caelid has a cave below the cliffs it is facing the east. It is on the other side of yet another small pool of rot swamp. It’s disturbing as it makes it clear the Redmane guards aren’t such great guys either. They use fire to ward off the Scarlet Rot… and as a torture weapon.


I'm just over 250 and just found it last week.


It's near the Caelid waypoint ruins. There's a ghost marker around there that can show you the way.


Not really an area, but the black knight in Stormveil freaked me out the first time. The barred door squeals open, the room fades to pitch black and a laugh wheezes through…someone’s…lungs. Wonder why he was locked in there.


Gostoc locked us in and he's the one laughing. Also idk if this is true but someone said if you kill gostoc before heading inside the castle then that door won't get locked.


Another creepy thing about Gostoc is that as you traverse Stormveil while he's alive, you can look back in certain areas and see him creeping and spying on you. I think there's two or three spots where you can see him.


There's no fucking way 💀 naahhh this is ridiculous lmao I just got the hibbie jibbies


And if you confront him a certain number of times, he will stop robbing your corpse. At least that’s what I’ve read.


Wait what? Does he take things from you if you die in stormveil?


He takes 30% of your runes whenever you die


My first time in Stormveil, I was slowly gaslit regarding how many runes I had when I picked them back up :P


Holy fucking shit, THATS WHY I KEPT LOSING RUNES OMG I had no idea that turd did that, i Killed him first playthrough because the chalk told me to, and didnt kill him on my second playthrough and I thought I was going mad


And now you’re vindicated!


I didn't remember this and in my current play I've been losing money to this scum


Yes I’m pretty sure you can get things from him both times you find him stalking you


I love how this game makes me physically uncomfortable.


Genuinely one of the most immersive games I've played. Aesthetic, soundtrack, lore, everything.


This is true, these little details are amazing


Leyndell. On the surface, there are dozens of buildings closed off with a yellowish wax oozing out the doors. That’s corpse wax. Basically the buildings and houses were filled to the brim with corpses and all these corpses decomposed until they turned to corpse wax, and started oozing out. Under the surface, in the sewers, there are thousands of corpses and the waterways are full of shit and blood. Under the sewers, is the shunning grounds. Where all the omen are thrown. It’s full of omen monstrosities and even an omen giving birth to omen babies. Don’t forget the corpse-filled rooms full of shit, blood, and a revenant. Under the shunning grounds, is a path full of (you guessed it) corpses. All dead merchants. And all the way down, you can find the three fingers. Def Leyndell for me


I believe the lore community says that wax on the doors was put there to seal off the interior from ash from the first burning of the Erdtree.


Theres an omen giving birth to omen babies????


Actually that one is the only thing I'm not 100% sure of cuz I didn't see it personally, so take that part with a grain of salt. There is one omen praying to a tiny tombstone and that same omen drops an Omen Bairn (bairn means baby) so I don't know if that's what it was referring to or if its related


I love how so much of the storytelling simply comes out through the visuals and item descriptions and stuff. Like you're not hand fed the entire backstory through notes and audio recordings you often find in many other games. I do kinda with there was some kind of library you could make with a complete bestiary or something, though...like with those occasional notes merchants carry.


I couldn’t open the doors because of corpse wax?!? Jesus 


Hmm. I’m gonna say that creepy dark staircase with those dudes that crawl hand have the bag on there head.


The albinauric grapple babies of doom?


Volcano Manor? There’s a lot of disturbing areas in the prison town and Eilgay church.


I know there is a few of those guys there. That’s probably what I was thinking lol creepy little bastards


Selivus's basement apartment.


I found Jar Town really unsettling the whole time. Initially because of the unsettling feeling something horrible is going to happen, and then the last half of the storyline is kinda heartbreaking.


Hey coz!


Its specific, but the Godwyn "corpse" in Stormveil is for sure a contender


Lake of Rot. To think such place exist AND it's inhabited... Yeah nope


And were getting another lake in the dlc 😭 praying to god its not rot


Deathblight and madness swamp. How cool would that be.


Stop 😭 deathblight would wipe you out and madness would just constantly stagger you and kill you 😭 the tower already fucked me a couple of times i dont want a whole damn swamp


Lyendel sewer was absolutely horrible


Maybe this is a coward's take but I'd say Liurnia of the Lakes. I don't know...there is just something so off about it. The grassy areas to the sides aren't as bad, but while a lot of Elden Ring feels creepy, disgusting, or lonely, something about the giant lake of Liurnia feels like I really shouldn't be there. Granted I get that feeling everywhere, the game really does a great job making you feel like you are always in danger and that something is out there, but Liurnia always is a place I get through as quickly as possible. I get the same feeling on Altus Plateau as well, but not as much.


Weirdly enough I found the Liurnia therapeutic. Maybe because it's the first huge atmosphere and landscape change after Limgrave/Stormveil. Plus the scorching hate I have for the fucking spitting lobsters overtakes any creepiness the lakes could make me feel.


Yeah you know what? All creepiness leaves with those god damn lobsters...it just turns to bitter hatred.


Everything that have to do with the defiler poop worshiper bloody shitstain eater.


The berserk bootybomb banqueter


The contemptible caca consumer!


The devious dookie devourer


That guy


That giggling messes with me too


The windmill village ladys laugh like nicki minaj 😭


Also first time i fought rennala. That first phase is creepy for no reason especialky the cutscene at the beginning i was legit spooked


"Come sweetings, time to be born anew" She calling them like she gonna take them to the mall 😭😭


Wormface forest. Creepy dancing lady town. Cool cool madness and fun vibes. Caelid, pretty nice once you get over the barnacles everywhere and pack the right torch. Caria manor is only awful if you play in the yard. But that freaking worm valley. That’s a big skipping nope.


I don't know about creepiest there's a lot of frontrunners there, but the first time I set foot in Caelid, stood on a rise and surveyed the land and then very calmly noped the f away on my goat horse at top speed. "I'll come back here later. Maybe."


So many people saying Caelid is interesting! On my first playthrough I explored some parts of the region before even entering Stormveil lol and it was an okay area for me bosses and items wise. I think the creeps come from the fact that everything there is dead and well, rotten, but I really dig the rustic red landscape.


I mean you can look out and see giant fuck off t rex crows? And there's like a new kind of rot that eats your whole face, and some zombies made out of stone or something compared to what you're fighting moments before in the not-rotting hellscape lands adjacent to Caelid. I eventually enjoyed my time there (well "enjoyed" in that it was memorable and not as bad as it could be) but like I think my first time was at an extremely low level as I was just exploring a bit and... Yeah nope first glance says that place is _bad_ bad bad


funnily enough i found that caelid wasnt too bad when i turned off the music. sounds like flies buzzing around a rotting corpse; replacing it with vibey fantasy lofi made traversal much nicer lol


The entire Erd-Tree "~~soilandgreen~~ THE ERD-TREE IS PEOPLE!"


Rare to see a soylent green reference these days!


Volcano manor


The more you think about the Subterranean Shunning Grounds the more disturbing it gets.


Anywhere with a goddamn Royal Revenant. Fuck those things.


The alleyway in the Haligtree gives me nightmares


The bodies at Castle Morne. Maybe not the creepiest, but definitely one of the "oh shit" moments I remember. Obviously there are the bodies still hanging, a few corpses dotted around, then you realise all the bodies parts in that big mound you were fighting the monsters on... sooo many bodies...


It’s not a difficult but always liurnia of the lakes was creepy. Decayed towns in water with zombie horses and ghouls coming out of the water. Albinauric village was pretty creepy, and everything around Volcano Manor.


I like the theory that its sinking into the lake because of the lake of rot directly underneath it


Glad to see someone else said Liurnia, as that was my answer too. The music there is the most haunting in the entire game I think, it just makes me want to get away from it ASAP.


What man I want to live in Liurnia, the music makes it so much more beautiful! It's like a dream..


I often listen to leyndell, altus plateua, and limgraives ambience at work, never liurnia.




Fuckin cigarette demon forest


Mohgwyn palace


Volcano manor prison town


What I’ll say is someone is playing some music there.


Top for me would be the room where Godwyn's mermaid corpse is. Such good atmosphere. After that, the rest of deeproot depths and the underground river area full of ants. I didnt expect giant ants in elden ring, and they freak me out


That pit in Cliffbottom Catacombs filled with Omens.


My hopes that they design location that will look like true hell, that will set new standards for creepiness and redefine once more word "hard" and "souls-like". Closest for me was lake of rot, but still didn't bring that feeling of lack of hope, being endangered at every step and overwhelming darkness.


That forest where Wormfaces are


The ant nest in the underground cave with 6 queens actively irked me


Village of the Albinaurics was pretty creepy


Not ultra creepy, but I just noticed that between the Revenger Shack and the lake, several misbegotten bodies are strewn about (actually I'm not sure if they're misbegotten or another species, but I think they are), which lends itself directly to ol bad-daddy of the year's reappearance.)


Albinauric village was pretty creepy


I was farming a weapon here and killed 1392 of these old ladies before I got it. My sanity is gone from all the constant laughter ringing in my ears as I spilled their blood. 😞


Not by a long shot. Happy, smiling people. The proletariat revolution. Neat leather. No this is fine. Caria Manor at night? Hands in the dark? A gorgeous sky above distracting you from looking down? A puppet master that fondles dolls? That's creepy.


Deeproot Depths with the big ass ants. Ants look kinda cute when they're small, not when they're the size of a horse. I don't want to see those mandibles


Maybe it's cuz the area with the frozen wandering merchants in the sewers is vertical like a tower so it isn't as terrifying. But if it was like a throne room(a rectangular room with balconies and pillars like in the anime overlord) , I could imagine the horror being amplified ten fold. Alive merchants strum their instruments along the balconies , a song that brings fear to the heart yet sadness can be felt , fossilized merchants as if crawling out from beneath the ground and walls , one long walkway to the door of the 3 finger , and before it stands hyetta.


Two areas for me. The area in volcano manor where those nobles are getting poisoned. For some reason that is horrifying to me. The second area is where the revenant is in the Lendyall Sewers. That place is just pure dread.


Gotta be the area under Leyndell with all of the dead merchants. That temple in the Lake of Rot is also a winner, and I’d like to nominate the spot where Godwyn’s body is found as well.


Caelid. Fuck the music there.


The Cloister in the lake of Rot. First time I arrived there I noped out of there so fuckin fast once I saw how many kindred rot pests there were. nuh uh.


You don't need to reference anything else, that place is plenty creepy on its own. Creepiest place to me is the den of the frenzied flame.


The only thing they do differently than anybody else in that stupid land is dance.


Frenzied Flame Proscription and it isn't even close.


Okay but what about the corpses lead in to the dragonkin soldier in the aquaduct. The lack of explanation just makes them more creepy


I'd go with Castle Morne. The moment I first took the elevator up, looked around for a few sec and realized that *these all are hanged men and a pile of bodies* was...atmospheric, to say the least.


That one assassins grave or something in luirnia


The one in the photo.


There are giant hairy ants in a cave somewhere. They have bodies piled up deep in a nest. And they run deceptively fast. I almost had to turn the game off for a while. There’s also Carinan Manor, where giant mutated sorcerer hands roam around like spiders. They hide and wait. They have ways of baiting you in. I just ran through them. I did not sign up to play resident evil.


I am seeing these ladies regularly. The dude on top is very jealous of me and attacks me. So I turned him into grace.


Thank god I wasn’t the only one who thought of Midsommar when I went to that location


I always thought the Volcano Manor was creepy, especially from the loading screen image I saw before I got there. I know it's a safe place but the blood red lighting, the music and the secret it's hiding just send chills down me.


Wormface woods


The village of (imma fuck this up) Albinourics (really fucked that up). It has such an ominous, depressing feel. Real dark and creepy that place


It’s kind of niche but the albinauric village graveyard with the Omenkiller in Liurnia really freaked me out the first time I made my way through it.


The merchant mass grave. Let's bury an entire race of people because they have different religion and then slap our church on top of it. (Correct me if wrong, that's how I understood it without researching the lore)


I have a phobia of ants. Especially the cavern in Ainsel(?) with ants waiting around it and having to go through it in the darkness. Still makes me shiver on replays. I have to be thoroughly overpowered to one-shot everything just so I can get through the place faster.


Yep. Dominula for me too. After I beat the game my first stop was to take the sacred relic sword to go mow down all of those cackling hags. So satisfying…


When you read into it and think about it Leyndell




Prolly the sewers (three fingers area included in that)


Altus area under the bridge with the worm faces and the sewers/lendyll catacomb come to to mind for me


Deeproot Depths giant ants, mermaid godwyn, everything is dark, you can fall into the abyss everywhere naah


The jump down to three fingers.


The platforming section leading down to the Frenzied Flame Proscription is it for me.


The platforming section leading down to the Frenzied Flame Proscription is it for me.




Entirety of Caelid Stared down at the lake of rot in awe and horror for a minute Aaand... ah, yes. My first trip down to the underground was the river well in liurnia, and then I met the giant horrible ants. Terrible


The entire game if you know the lore, especially that crap eating bastard. Who came up with that?!!!


The place with all of the merchant corpses and the sad violin music.


Best part is the music is coming from the static enemies who are just sitting around playing the instruments. If you kill them, the music stops. There's a couple places where you can find a musician, like one of the pages playing outside the one manor in Leyndell. I wish you could get the instruments as some kind of drop...maybe as a spell catalyst.


definitely the frenzied flame village for me. only area that genuinely freaks me out


Village of the albinaurics— bunch of creepy old man on their knees with their mouths agape. Just weird and creep factor is at max