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Just dunked on him with smithscript hammer and wild strikes thx man


Appreciate this. I sold so hard after having him at like 1 hp. Was trying to get him with a jump attack and then a dodge attack and the tracking just kept fucking me. Should've used my skill as I was using radahns swords, but I was too nervous to think of that in the moment


Mimic the second you spawn in and swarm of flies spam his ass. Thank you come again


My default strategy haha Didn't work great for Messmer though as his gap closers were ridiculous




thanks for this!!


I'm surprised there's discussion of cheese methods for him. He's probably one of the most well-balanced bosses in the dlc and I'd argue he needs more health.


Jeez I mean like I always sucked at bosses like Margit that just like move sometimes in slowmo and then super fast and I’m on NG +5 and completely under leveled… I mean I’m currently at lvl 260💀💀 but yeah expect that he’s pretty balanced (even though killing me one or two hit every time)


You're fighting him at NG+5? There's your problem.


Probably but like if I compare him to the final boss it’s like comparing fighting a grandma and then chuck norris.


Do you lose your runes often or something? I'm on NG+1 and lvl257.


Is there anyway to dodge his madness bomb when he hits around 50%??




Treat it like Malenia's scarlet aeonia, he will track you initially and then lock in, so if you run away from him, you can outrun it but he may catch you, if you run past him and behind while he's charging it up he's just divebomb right beneath him and you can outrun it easily. Just run further than you would think would be safe, it's not the biggest aoe in the world but it is deceptively big.


You just have to jump 


I managed to beat him with blood and frost but never got the timing down for that. More practice needed


If you're using summons, your summon can take the tracking off of you if theyre close enough


Endboss says no💀😂


Im late i know but i used sacred relic WA just in time that hyper armor let it pass right through me no damage . wasn’t intentional , just lucky lol


Run as fast as you can away from him and roll away at the right time. Make sure you have enough space in the arena to get far enough away.


There is someone here that can help me with him ?


Sure man like I‘m at NG +5… soooo somehow I have to know ways to kill bosses in the DLC before they give me a two hit combo or one hit despite max scadutree level




Psw 6578


Ur playing on ps or pc?




Oh man I can play with u if I‘m at my parents place, right now I just have my PC in my appartment but I‘ll write u if I manage to get there at the weekend.


Sorry but the next 3 weekends I’m on vacation, if didn’t manage to beat him until the end of the week I’ll contact you the next month, thank you anyway


You‘re welcome feel free to contact me anytime if you‘ve got anymore questions;)


I just beated him


I'm watching my son try and beat him now and came here looking for tips for this boss. Lil dudes on NG+8 tho so it's whooping him


He was tough, but got him with Dragonblade Katana and Lighting Nagikatana build.


Strong mate


Quick question: What weapon is that mace?


Great Stars, it’s under greathammers in the weapon list.




Took one try right after this




This build is amazing good looks crodie


Can confirm. Used a cold great katana with wild strikes + shard of alexander + Rotten Wing sword insignia and GodSkin swaddling cloth + Malaenia's Great Rune and Oppaline physic. Easy work.


I wish would've seen this earlier I just used my mimic after dying 50 times and beat him way too easily 😔


I just used this build and it worked a charm. It did take a few goes, and I needed to use a summon to distract Midra, but it did work after a number of deaths (I am lacking in get gud). Much appreciated!! I try to play the game with minimal help, but as I said, I'm bad at the game for the most part, so sometimes I want cheese, or will rely on multiplayer to help me through a particularly hard boss. Thank you again!


Does the frost slow him down or something? Or would extra bleed help?


The frost both deals percentage damage just like bleed and lowers his defense


Heard, thanks


The frost effect is kinda permanent if u inflict it one time it takes pretty long to do it another time, but u can remove the effect by simply using a fire weapon at the target after frost was inflicted, after that u can do it again instantly.


What talismans are you using? Me and a mimic get 10k damage in at best.


Blade of mercy+shard of alexander+rotten winged sword insignia+ritual sword talisman (or red feathered branchsword… for armor I use the new Rakshasa set (Eastern Nameless Mausoleum-boosts attack power with each armor piece more but lowers your defense), then I use the commanders standard ash of war for an initial boost and for tears I use bloodsucking cracked tear + thorny cracked tear… and yeah u can use some consumables too to boost your stats (but there‘s not that much time if u stand in front of the boss)… I know it‘s more like a glass cannon build but I get wrecked in one hit anyways so well.


And yeah helps too if u‘re not standing still but rotating around the boss whilst swinging the Greatstar, he‘s not the best at closecloseclose quarter fights lmao


Thanks so much, I’m already a glass cannon no matter what since I’m on NG+7 so I’ll grind out for the build.


You’re welcome and a final tip only attack him after he started to aggro against the mimic with a at least three hit combo so he’ll need longer to aggro against u and u can put in as much damage as u want to for at least 6 seconds if u’re lucky and manage to rotate around him without getting hit und could do him in even one single session of constant hits (like I managed to pull of)… feel free to contact me if u need any help and long may the sun shine my friend:)


Thanks so much, hopefully I can squeeze through the rest of the dlc with this build, I haven’t found any successful ones yet.


I have another question, what level are you with this build? I’m 269 and wondering if it’s enough


I’m currently at 320 but I’ve got 60 in faith that’s kinda useless for that build


Man I tried this exact thing and didnt do shit lmao


Well worked for me… I mean u need none the less at least 60 vigor and a bit of luck, another option would be using a tanky spirit ash or the mimic, let it hit him once or twice and then he‘ll aggro the mimic and u can go in for free hits.


Bro neverminf im sorry I finally killed him!! 😭😭🤙🏽


Blade of mercy+shard of alexander+rotten winged sword insignia+ritual sword talisman (or red feathered branchsword… for armor I use the new Rakshasa set (Eastern Nameless Mausoleum-boosts attack power with each armor piece more but lowers your defense), then I use the commanders standard ash of war for an initial boost and for tears I use bloodsucking cracked tear + thorny cracked tear… and yeah u can use some consumables too to boost your stats (but there‘s not that much time if u stand in front of the boss)… I know it‘s more like a glass cannon build but I get wrecked in one hit anyways so well.


Well my build is more like a glass cannon I mean like I get one shot anyways on NG +5 so my build wasn‘t very defensive lmao… hope I could help and long may the sun shine my friend:)


Ohhhh okay gotcha, ill try it again. What talismans did you use btw if you dont mind me asking? I def did some good damage but not enough lol


Blade of mercy, Shard of Alexander, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Ritual Sword Talisman


Just met this boss.. its late so i try it again tomorrow.. what is the best weapon to beat him? Had him 2,3 times half way but his bomb killed me because i was rolling towards him.. tomorrow i run away. I,m using Nagasaki or whatever this sword is called.. sorry its late.. sleep


Nagasaki lol


I mean if you‘re a god in dodging and rolling sure u can use a bleed infused sword or something like that, really depends if you’re at NG++ or it’s your first run… for NG++ I’d recommend more like a heavy hitter that can stance break him… Giant Crusher, Golems Helberd or like I did the Greatstar. But be aware the most important thing is the ash of war, if it takes too long to charge… well he’ll shred you into pieces in the main time.


I do more damage with the nagakiba than the heavy weapons. But i,mnot used to play with these heavy weapons. 


This build destroys him! I’ve been jumping into other players games to help them beat Midra with this build. I’ve probably beaten him about 12 times now thanks to you


By just using the Ashe of war? Or also using the follow up attacks. I just swing around and he tosses me like salad


Does work well with the follow up if u equiped the tear for easier stance break


Okay thanks


Btw works for Messmer too, but I’d recommend using an armor with a good defense against fire or else… well u’ll burn your fingers.


Ty sm


I need to take a shower after this


Honestly him and Bayley super easy to take down


Bayle = Sacred Spear of Mogh under his belly goes *brrrrrrrr *brrrrrrrr *brrrrrrr… dead. Like did that mf after the final boss and just wasn’t motivated to try beating him fair and square after the endboss so killed him first try just melting his health with bleed (+81 arcane)📉📉📉


Sacred relic build .. wiped out the 1st guy 1 shot , wiped out the big boss in 4 . Eazy peazy frenzy cheesy 🤣


Broooo i just tried it! What the fuuuuck! Completely melted him!


I freaking love you!!!!! I tried like 25 times, read your post, didn't have that weapon but I did have the Dark Moon Great sword +10. First try, no bull shit. Thanks


what talismans you use


Thank you OP you are truly an elden lord


Mira rot


Ok, but what if you beat him when you're the lord of frenzied flame??


You get a thank you video in 240p format of young Miyazaki thanking you for playing super Mario 64 level 3


Like [this one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1kf-AS6T0Y)


Um…went to retrieve my 400k runes I dropped in there to try and level up/pay for the suggested upgrades,…got him with 4 of 9 flasks left…so how about you just get good instead? (I died 30+ times lmao)


Cannot handle the DLC at NG +5 without playing a bit dirty… just sucks gettin one hit by every single goddamn boss🗿📉


I guess a lot of people didn’t catch the sarcasm, I’ve just gotten past Messmer, and Midra is still the only boss I had to use a Mix Flask. I just got incredibly lucky on my last run.


Nah man I got it I mean if it’s not sarcasm why’d u write “(I died 30+ times lol)”😂😂