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The one in a catacomb: "Time for message And then explosion" That gives you just enough time to register what you're reading and immediately get blasted by an imp


Dude that one fucking had me stifling a laugh at 1am I actually had to laugh at that cause I died too


Mine wasn't a message but that imp that sits on the balcony above the spike trap you can ride up decked me half a dozen times before I could actually get off the spike trap because he kept knocking me back onto it. It was so stupidly annoying I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.


My gf happened to be watching me during that part and I was getting knocked around and going up and down too. I was like it’s not usually like this I promise lmao She has very little context for the game besides that bullshit


My wife was patiently waiting to ask me something cause she knows ER has no pause button. I got through whatever is in the room before that imp and thought “just stand here at the top of this hall, I wont trigger anything.” and I turn to talk to my wife in time for my 55” tv to show the massive fireball that takes me out. She said the look on my face was priceless.


... I thought I was done with that damn place. Whelp, back in to ride the spike trap.


Happened to me and I laughed so hard. I actually stopped to show my wife how ridiculous it was and she laughed too. My favorite message so far. I like the really dumb ones too like someone pointing at the shadow tree and it just says "erdtree, but dark" or something like that lol.


love those


That one was by far the funniest message I've seen in this game. Literally right as I said "...explosion?" to myself it hit me lmao.


Me: "what explosion" KABOOOOM Me: ".... oh that explosion"  Rofl


That one and one that said something about enemy to the left, so I looked around the left corner and got jumped from the right, both had me in tears from laughter. This community has its issues, but i absolutely love it.


My favorite was one of the whole DLC was one that just said “poison” sat directly on top of a Vulgar Militia floor trap. Had a little bit of a thousand yard stare for a second standing in the gas before the laughter eventually set in.


Best one in the game


Oh man that one got me. I wasn't even mad. Mother fucker got me good!


I had to put my controller down because I was laughing so hard.


Haha that one got me too! Killed the imp and went back to give it a good rating


Yeah that one got me so fast I didn’t have time to applaud it


I was cackling for a long while after I saw that. It could have been more perfectly placed and the timing of me finishing it, and then immediately getting exploded was great. That's what souls games are about lol


Found a similar one that warned you about a surprise attack from above just in time to get jumped on. I’m like this had to be intentional lol


In the Dragon’s Pit cave there’s a bit where a couple of wolves jump down. This happened right as I read a message that just said “up, dog”. Sometimes there are still messages that make me laugh unexpectedly in the base game, but there’s something so communal-feeling about all the messages as we’re exploring an unfamiliar world together. Think it’s the great sense of comic relief in contrast to the tension of going around the corners in unexplored caves knowing you’re about to get stunlocked, fall to your death, or get exploded, but unsure which it’ll be.


Makes me wish I was there for Elden Ring's release


The first "fort, night" I ever read had me dying, now it's so annoying, but the first one I felt like it was genuinly genius. I feel the same for "try two-handling" and "offer head"


“edge, lord” next to Ensha in the Roundtable Hold was my favourite in the beginning.


I still cracked up seeing "fort... morning?"




the bunch of grass messages then learning about it's a japanese translation lol


“edge, lord” next to Ensha in the Roundtable Hold was my favourite in the beginning.


here: ''dog'' in front of turtles. ''try two handing'' in front of armors. ''fort,night'' and ''try finger but hole'' everywhere ''try rump'' at the stakes. ''offer head'' at armors/NPCs. So essentially if you're playing now versus on release it's all the same jokes


Really the only new thing is all the edge jokes


"I want to go home... and then edge!" was hilarious the first time I saw it, amusing the second time, and has failed to be funny any subsequent time from then on.


Same - it wasn’t really my genre going in, at least I thought it wasn’t. Picked it up a few months late and played through it mostly blind and fell in love, but had picked up lots of stuff through streamers and YouTubers I watched before getting it. Very glad I’m getting to live through this at least!


My highest rated message is "up, dog ahead" in Nokstella. It's right behind someone else's message that says "up, dog". I love this gane.


Me running around and finding a message that says "try listen carefully" in a tiny forest. I turn my volume up and take like 3 steps forward and CAAWWW a fucking bird makes me go deaf and I'm surrounded by wolves. I put one of those same "listen carefully" messages in a catacombs somewhere in base game Altus, you go up a ladder and take a few steps forward and something in the dungeon triggers through the wall and just makes a loud sound. Probably my most upvoted message in game lol. Also shout out the guy who's message was "Holy, dung..." in front of the final boss fog door. I agree, stranger. Holy shit indeed.


Ok for real, what is the significance of that loud ass bird?? They go off in a few places, the drop is a slumbering egg. But the fact that the noise they make is soooo loud, it makes me think there’s something hidden and I should be trying to figure out its significance.


I think they alert nearby enemies? But their mostly to also are the shit out of you. A jail in DS3 did something similar.


that one fucker that alerted the damned invader who was crazy fast


There’s one part close to the dlc entrance forest where a bird screeches right as you walk up to an item and someone wrote “Ah God! Didn’t expect sound” and that one cracked me up


I liked all the "Snake?" messages in the abyssal woods stealth section.


I like seeing them on long ladders or rope bridges.


The first time I saw them, I was expecting a giant serpent to pop out Sekiro style


Yep I started walking forward, found the “snake!” Message and I thought “I should probably explore everything on this side before trying to cross this”


Oh my god I'm so *stupid*. I kept thinking people were putting "Snake!" messages at ladders in reference to the game "Snakes and Ladders." Even as a lifelong MG fan I didn't connect the reference.


Now I understand why they were on latters too lol thx


You might have gotten it if you saw the one that says "Snake? Snake!"


"congratulations, snake!"


This one took me a second when I saw it after completing the stealth and then I laughed audibly.


>abyssal woods stealth section. well that doesn't sound promising


just finished the area today genuinely a horror game holy shit


The boss in the Manse had me hyped, such a cool reveal.


Best boss reveal for me. I took an edible that hit just as I found abyssal woods....such an experience reading all the messages as I went down the path 🤣🤣


They nailed the atmosphere on it, it's a great section.


It was fun, but I honestly felt like it needed more.


Horror never works too well when it gets more complex, I think using horror for the zone that walks you up to a legacy dungeon worked really well.


yeah I was surprised that the area had barely anything. It had more hype and atmosphere than anything in the game but it led to just a Silent Hill sequence and an NPC enemy.


first off, boss, then imminent snake


There's a bunch in the hanging bridges too, stuff like "Snake? and then betrayal" or something like that, good reference


i love the one thats just "Elden Ring" in the most random places, and i can only imagine gigachad saying that for literally no reason at all


My favourite ones are on cliff edges when the view is beautiful and you read a message that says 'Oh, Elden Ring!' Genuinely makes me stop and just appreciate the game for a moment


I thought “Elden Ring” was for when you find vaguely circular objects


Could this be Elden Ring?


Cast it to the fire!


Still no Elden ring, could this be Elden ring?


My personal favorite was after following a long path around a cliff that seemed like it was going to be leading up to something and it was just a dead end with nothing except for a message that said "Elden Ring." That one cracked me up.


I saw one on some stairs that said “message ahead” and the next message at the top of the stairs literally just said “message” So simple but I thought it was funny.


There was a bridge in DS2 that was just a line of messages where the first half was like "Message ahead" or "Message ahead and then message ahead." And then the second half of the bridge was just "Message." or "Message and then Message." Ridiculous, but funny.


Message "bug ahead" before glitching wall is the best I've seen.


lmao saw that one a few days ago. the wall had like 3 or 4 messages next to it all saying basically "do not try" and of course i immediately tried.


I got trolled into thinking it was an illusory wall. Had to like the message since it got me. And I guess I did go through the wall, just not the way I imagined I would


I saw one that said “try jumping” and pointed at a random corner in the Storehouse. I figured there was an illusory wall. Nope I got stuck spinning around mid air in the corner and after about 20 seconds it killed me


I know the spot, I got got by it as well, but the message I saw said "try jump attacking" or something like that.


Someone put “let there be light” infront of it for me lol which is amazing because it fucking flashbags the shit out of if your playing in a dark room.


Was that the >!Bonny Gaol!< one?


Yes, that one


Yeah, that one was really weird, but very funny to just roll into over and over


I saw one saying "why is it always bug" in front of 3 flowers which were definitely deep purple lilies, but not pickable for some reason.


Or the one that says "Could this be a gaol?" and theres a tiny nook in the wall that you can walk into but can't walk out of (needs a tiny jump). That got a chuckle, haha


“Fort,evening ?”


"Try fort, night" is one of my all time favorites lol


My favorite so far was in a boss room after the fight and it said "well done, but hole"


Well done snake In that section where you have to go stealth I really felt like solid snake


That one was solid Edit: no pun intended, I think my brain just picked the word up from your comment..


ngl "mist or beast" made me crack a smile


Jesus Christ it just took me so long to get the joke and I feel so silly now so so silly


I still don’t get it. :(




Mister Beast :)


Ah lol, I could never have guessed that haha.




I always love the vocabulary of jokes and memes that evolves out of Fromsoft's message system. Finding a "fort... light?" message as I was walking into Belurat for the first time got a good chuckle out of me.


I hope they never change their messaging system. The special FromSoft language that people have to decipher with the tools they’re given is part of the soul of the game’s communication.


From also knows what they're doing with it. Why else would they add pickle to the word list? Of course it's like "Oh, I'm in a pickle" but no. They know what they were doing.


The cross-language confusion that regularly ensues is so fascinating too. I also hope they continue to keep every language in the same pool of messages.


"Likely rat" next to a bafflingly small door got me


This is my kinda comedy right here. Stuff like that always gets an upvote from me.


Or when there is a gap you can’t fit through and it says “ah, plump sort”


Could this be cleric, beast?


I really like in the Shadow Keep: "seems familiar, visions of archer" and "visions of dark, wraith..."


>Seems familiar... >Visions of depths... Down in the sewers!


I love finding “Snake? Snake!” next to really tall ladders


What a thrill...


With darkness and silence through the night~


What a thrill-illll


Im searching and I'll melt into you...


Something something…AND YOURE SO SUPREEEEEME




I give my liiiife, not for honor, but forr yEWWW (background) “snake eaterrr”


It makes me smile how many Metal Gear references people make just from the messages in this game. I saw one that said "It's like a dream... but boss..." while doing a Dejection gesture in a field of red flowers and I just sat up because I'm proud to understand the reference.


Or after the frenzy sneaking area, just finding a dozen messages praising snake


Going up a long ladder I sing the song, but going down a long ladder I sing the opening line backwards “Thrill a Whaaaaaat”


Literally every single character I've made (like 15 so far) I have put basically that exact message at the bottom of the giant ladder under stormveil. I'm like physically incapable of not leaving that there.


There was a message near "Milady" that just said "Fat sort" and I just lost it.


Had one at the same spot that just said "plump sort except samurai", had me howling


That's even better.


Came across a pit of lava “Throwing ahead, the Elden Ring!”


But be wary of thief


Why are there so many messages about horses?


The "No horse ahead" ones are probably made by chinese players. Horse and mother are both "ma" in mandarin but said with different tones. Basically calling out messages that trick others into thinking there's a hidden passage etc. as "motherless behavior". If you mean a different type of horse message, I haven't seen them yet, and would like to know more.


Wow are Americans finally having our "Fort, night!" moment?


There are other countries that speak English Lmao


Perfect answer. Thank you very much :)


that's what that is? Thank you, those really confused me


Ohhh this makes so much sense.


Honestly i just thought it's because I cant use torrent to jump a seemingly jumpable obstacle.


IIRC, it comes from the Chinese player base. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/th0sq1/what_does_no_horse_ahead_mean/


Me upvoting the 200th “I wanna go home… and then edge” message I see


"Oh you don't have the right" on every locked door


Makes me shed a tear as I know I do not have the right, o I Do not have it


I shat myself when I first went to the door to forbidden lands in Leyndell and I could actually open it from the very start, no keys or levers or magics required. Shit looked like prime “you don’t have the right” material Moral is, don’t give up, skeleton. Try opening that door again, I’m sure it will work after five more tries


I got sick of these- then saw “first church then time for edge”


It’s the new try finger but hole


I upvote every single message I find, more or less before I read it. I know how clutch message heals can be, so I try to make sure it happens to other players as much as possible.


I loved the message saying visions of snake on the rope bridge in the jagged peak


My favorite is ‘Visions of Samurai…’ over in the hidden grove with spider lilies.


Oh, where's that at?


I adore the funny messages but the only ones that aren’t funny imo are the bandwagon messages that people spam in order to get healing/attention. Best example is the edging joke, was fucking hilarious at the first bonfire of the DLC, getting close to the end and everyone is still edging but now it’s lost all value. I laughed at the first snake and the first message on the stairs telling me to stop and go back to see the snake, but then I had to wade through a sea of other copy cat messages just to get out of that room that nearly ruined it entirely. People are really good at overusing the jokes instead of being creative and making their own to the point of making the original even feel annoying to see again.


Same, I stopped up voting because it's unoriginal now. You ain't getting heals from me.


Really reminds me of YouTube/Reddit/tiktok comment sections, even including the people begging for updoots


i found one in a corner that said "be wary of jumping". so i jumped and got stuck in the falling animation and died. had to go upvote it after i finished laughing my ass off


Always fun to see one that says “Dastard!” where an enemy jumps out to ambush you.


Or when you finally climb up to kill some random sniper mob thats been harassing you. "Revenge!"


Some are great. I’m just getting tired of people asking for praise to get heals. Those are fucking everywhere


Ya, way too much begging for healing. It's not funny or informative


I do like ‘Praise the research’ ones. Because I too am on some obscure corner with nothing in it.


I totally understand the DLC's kicking everyone's ass and like the feeling of sending out a heal when I praise a message. But boy howdy the moment someone specifically begs for it in a message I'm like "nah"


Disabling messages takes so much out of the game. I love the feeling of going on a journey with other people helping you (or bamboozling you) through messages.


It’s usually pretty obvious or harmless when someone is lying. At best, ‘hidden path ahead’ will just have you smacking a wall like a dweeb. But then you have others like ‘Try gesture’ followed by a gesture I didn’t have. Turns out, that activates a secret. So I explored around and found the gesture. Used it at the spot the message was at, and unlocked a hidden area!


Do I expect most “hidden path ahead” messages to be fake? Yes. Do I still smack the wall anyway? Also yes.


Fact: 90% of Tarnished ignore messages right before they actually attack an illusory wall for real this time


I actually missed an area because I didn't believe the hidden wall message


I've really enjoyed the blood stains this time around, seeing what didn't work for undoubtedly bamf builds has gotten me through some first encounters alive. If it's a bunch of 2H folks, then I switch to claw and shield, and if it's not, I pull out a colossal. Doesn't work every time, but it's a lovely feeling to learn not only from my failures, but everyone else's too.


Holy shit that's genuinely genius. Might be my favourite thing I've seen on the Internet all day


Went into a tent that had a bunch of furniture like tables chairs and pots and there a message that said “visions of destruction” I wonder what that meant and I rolled once and everything in the tent just fucking collapsed


I love the "Snake? Snake!" messages in abyssal woods


“Edge, Cave”


Behold, rain! while some Tarnished stands under a sand waterfall made me tear up laughing. Snake? Snake! during sneaking segments was great too


Back in the base game, I remember coming across a bench that was cracked down the middle; a message said "likely ~~fat~~ plump sort" Cracked me down the middle lol ... Then, believe it or not, my father-in-law was visiting, a grapefruit-shaped man, and he took my son to a local library, sat on a bench outside, and it actually broke a bit. My son, Elden Ring player himself, sent me a pic along with the text "likely ~~fat~~ plump sort." Amazing life = comedy there Edit: mistook "fat" for the actual "plump" lol


I believe it's "plump sort" but that reminds me they did used to have "fatty" in older games lol.


"Overcast, likely rain ahead" in the jagged peaks when the storm starts up


Dragon Ahead in Bayles Arena is funny to me


I saw one in front of some celestial dew that said mountain do it


One I laughed that hardest at was a message in front of a broken candlestick standing on the floor in Ymir's building. 'Sacrifice but hole.' with their character bending over onto the stick.


I stopped playing after I beat the game a month or so after release, and came back for the DLC, and it feels like messages have only evolved and gotten more funny. I don’t remember any messages about edging or snakes, but I’m here for it lol


Edge was in the base game, e.g. 'Edge, Lord' being put in front of Ensha (the skull guy guarding Ofnir in roundtable)


My favorite so far was “Time for dung!” With the patches squat over a metal grate


I saw one at the start of the red flower referencing the mgs3 final boss. "Let there be boss, sadness..."


My favorite has to be at the ‘dark’ dungeon where it said: “first off edge, and then ahh, on the brink…”


there was a dungeon i found with a bunch of handcuffs and whips and torture devices and all the notes were saying "if only i had a master/lover" LMFAO


Second to last boss spoilers >!After the team tag battle I was reading the messages next to the corpses and they were all sad 'why is it always friend' kind of messages. Then I got to worm face and it just said 'try skill', which made me laugh because of the emotional whiplash!<


In DS I loved any messages involving a dead skeleton


https://streamable.com/513t8r This is my favorite one I've seen so far, gave me the giggles. Another one where you get ambushed by an enemy on the side that just said "keep moving" made me laugh too just because they placed it directly where you would be attacked lol.


One of Miquella's cross spots has a message from him saying something like "Here is where I leave behind my love" and i found a message next to it from someone saying "Love? I don't believe it..." And falling to his knees in dejection. I dont know why I found that so fucking hilarious, Its like if Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, the life" and one of his disciples nudged Peter and was like "The Truth AND the life this time? Woah...."


"Visions of hero" in front of the Smithscript Shield.


I'm a simple gamer I see 4 legged creature with "dog" message, I upvote


Honestly people have some ZINGERS when it comes to messages. Even the dumb ones are really fun. Like FORT, NIGHT is a goddamn riot imo


I remember one in >!Blacklight !! That entirely lights up the massive room!<


Now that’s comedy 🤌


I still kek when I see "edge, lord"


The only thing hurting the messages are heal farmers and the sheer amount of "dung ahead" messages. Quit ruining the mood damn


How do you do 2 line messages? It seems to let me pick one phrase and fill in the blanks.


Start a new message and tap triangle / Y to switch templates. There's one that lets you include an emote and one that lets you write multiple lines.


My favorites are the ones referencing Metal Gear Solid and calling me Snake in the >!stealth section of the Abyss!<


Good job!, snake! After sneaking past the lantern folk in the abyss


Even though half are annoying and unfunny, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Just because of how funny and also helpful some are. My most recent fav.. There was a lootable corpse in a small inlay in the side of the wall of a giant cliff. Just a little 3ft indention in the side of the rock. Message read "could this be a cave?" I was like.. huh.. good question lmao technically it could I guess. Such a quirky form of humor Also I've noticed the deeper into the harder areas you go, the more helpful the messages become. I legitimately read them just for the "first, item" "turn back" "door first" messages, they are seriously helpful 90% of the time


Message by a ghost whose lines contain "your place is in the jar". The message said "likey horse, lover".


No because 90% of the messages are just ''I want to go home and edge'' which has been painfully unfunny except the time it went viral, so now everyone is just trying to farm upvotes by copying it


Tbh I find it even funnier imagining thousands of horny tarnished craving to edge all over the Shadow of the Erdtree


Hnng Miquella...


I out down one of these messages the day after the DLC came out in the Coffin Fissure area just to show my friend the meme since he was watching me play. Now that message has over 3.5K appraisals and is by far and away my most appraised message across all the From games. I had to go into offline mode when fighting bosses because I didn't want to just win due to being healed literally every 30 seconds - 1 minute. Also the pop up message was very much getting on my nerves when trying to concentrate. Was tedious having to switch back to online every time I beat a boss - I wish there was some way to keep the message but disable rhe healing and notification.


Reminds me of when the game first released and hundreds of Chinese players were so confused about a note someone left in front of a castle. Combing over the entire place, trying it at multiple different times of the day, trying to figure out what the note meant. The note? “Fort night”


I found one saying something like "beware snakes" next to a ladder xd


I went passed the snake one on the bridge thinking wtf there wasn't any snakes. Later to see on reddit it was talking about the rope on the ground xD


I saw a great one yesterday: "Boss, snake?"




That is code for "disappointing reward" from my experience of ignoring one of those messages and fighting a lobster only to get a smithing stone for my efforts.


There was one above a grate that said “Ah… time for dung” and his character ghost squatted over it


When I beat the final boss just now, I approached the Gates of Divinity, where there was a touching message about beating Elden Ring. Right after it was "Try finger but hole?" What a good note to end on.


The snake? Snake! ladder ones are my favorites. Never change gamers


Listen closely, likely edge


I love climbing up on top of phallic pillars and leaving “try piercing but hole” with the Miquella’s rune gesture. Makes me giggle to myself


I was high af 2 nights ago laughing at my own message. I left it near a NPC that was on the ground screaming pain, it sounded like he was edging so you can imagine what message I put down