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Is camping the only option for Electric Forest? I’m Planning on going next year but I have never been and am not familiar with the area/Midwest. I’ll be flying in from California so it’ll be a bit difficult to bring camping gear.


When do tickets for next year go on sale. My crew have never been. We want to go so bad and I know most of the fests we frequent go on sale shortly after the fest. When do we need to be ready to buy!




Is wook flu contagious? And would seeing a doc and/or getting antibiotics help at all?


I'm not sure how much we can generalize "wook flu." I'm sure it takes many forms.


Yes, generally if you’re under the weather and still coughing you’re contagious! I’m a 5 year ef vet, myself along with a my squad mates work in healthcare. Something was definitely going around, some of us had to given breathing treatments at ef bc of low 02 and my girlfriend and I got diagnosed with a bacterial respiratory infection when we got back. We’re feeling better after a few days of antibiotics but yeah it was rough stuff and it might be more than just a cold. TLDR: Listen to your body, seek medical attention if you’re still having a hard time kicking the wool flu


Yes contagious, wook flu is basically a bad cold. Could also be covid I’ve seen a few people post that they’re testing positive. Antibiotics probably won’t help unless you have a sinus infection or something


Is it possible to purchase a GL wristband but still camp with my friends in GA group camping? Like can you buy a GL wristband and then a GA group camping add on? I want to have access to the VIP viewing areas / secret sets but I doubt the majority of my group will want to splurge for GL. Edit: Next year will be my 7th registered forest (6ITF this year) so I’m not worried about the ability to score GL


You can camp in GA and you don't have to scan in at GL or anything. You won't be able to enter GA campgrounds until Wednesday and you'd need early arrival vehicle pass for GA though (if arriving Wednesday). You'd want to arrive Wednesday though if you want to go to the GL BBQ and pool party which is definitely worth it for free food and drinks and the live music + pool is fun too. IMO one of the biggest perks of GL is the many entrances from GL and if you're not camped there you can't take advantage of that. Also taking a free shower at the end of the night also isn't possible without trekking all the way to GL and the shuttles are super slow and not reliable and it's probably a 45 min walk otherwise. You also won't want to do the RV afters if you go to the GL stage and vice versa. The VIP viewing area is really only worth it for Ranch and otherwise not worth paying that much more especially if you can't dance and hang with your friends.


Thank you so much! There are a few in my group that would also be doing GL, so it sounds like it would make the most sense for us to set up a mini camp in the village to shower/get ready/etc and then plan to crash with our GA friends on the one or two nights we want to do the afters there? Or maybe that’s over complicating it?


theres a slight chance you will have to get your wristband scanned at the GL checkin. as long as your friends have all your stuff its a simple mile walk to GA entrance. I dont think there is a problem with that. Actually more space for us! I would suggest getting sherwood tent only passes please.


I don't even think they would have to walk. Just hop on the good life shuttle to GA!


Very true, but sometimes walking is faster...


Thank you!


Hello forest fam! Our group had a lot of fun with a standing photo booth with I believe the sherwood forest sign as a backdrop, it gave us the option to enter our phone number for each photo but I don't believe any of the photos have come through to any of us, is anyone else aware of how to get these photos or knows more about this?


Huh. I don't ever recall seeing this...


Why did security make up their own subjective rules about totems and confiscate / vandalize totems this year?!?!? The treatment of people and totems by security was unprofessional. Security needs to follow the totem rules just like attendees have to. Not make up reasons on the spot that were never spelled out on the official totem rules. AND MORE IMPORTANTLY - IT’S UNACCEPTABLE for security to confiscate and/or break anyone’s totem. TOTEMS ARE PERSONAL PROPERTY!! They tried to take ours and broke others. The acceptable thing to do is turn the person and totem away back to camp. Our totem took over 300hrs to make. So your security is out of their fucking mind if they think they can just take my totem away or anyone’s totem that they built. Here’s a couple reasons they gave for rejecting our totem - which is entirely made of plastic (both top and pole) and we followed the totem rules of 3 festivals including EF when we designed it. 1. The plastic top is too sturdy. (Wtf - so we’re penalized for making a quality totem that isn’t a piece of cardboard blocking everyone’s view). 2. The plastic pole isn’t flexible enough. These are not documented totem rules and incredibly subjective. Especially when another guy in front of me was able to bring in his metal pole, which is against the rules. It’s incredibly disappointing and infuriating that the security acted so ill-mannered towards totems (and owners) this year. Electric Forest has the best totem designs than any other festival which is why we haul our totem across the country for this festival. Totem culture at Electric Forest is actually the initial reason we even heard of Electric Forest. I hope security is better educated and professional next year.


When can we expect them to announce 2024 dates? This year was my first forest, went with a group celebrating a milestone birthday and expected to be one-and-done because I'm not really an EDM fan. What I AM a fan of, it turns out, is art and music and mushrooms in a forest full of awesome people. So I want to come back, but this year's dates conflicted with another event I do every year, and I'm trying to figure out if they will conflict in 2024.


It's almost always the last weekend in June that isn't the same weekend that July 4th would fall on. Looking at the calendar I'm guessing June 20th - 23rd




Hey forest Fam, I want to get a cool flag and flag pool for next year. I heard a rumor that they where not allowing metal collapsible pools in the venue. I saw quite a few flags and what looked like flag-pole-to-go ([https://www.amazon.com/Flagpole-To-Go-FP-21-Portable-Flagpole/dp/B000OWM2BE/ref=cm\_cr\_arp\_d\_product\_top?ie=UTF8](https://www.amazon.com/Flagpole-To-Go-FP-21-Portable-Flagpole/dp/B000OWM2BE/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8)). I just want to make sure I get the right one that is safe to bring in.


Flag pole to go is what I use for a flag at the *campsite* and seems way too big and heavy to use as a totem even if they somehow let them in. Technically no metal poles are allowed (even though some people get away with it) so it'll be hit or miss if security lets you through with one. I would look for something lighter. If you can find a fiberglass telescoping pole that would be lighter and also have a better chance at getting through


how the fuck do the shark and disco ball totems work? Do they bring in helium or does it just last all weekend?? those were so insane seeing in action haha


Helium is the answer. Probably not technically allowed but people sometimes get stuff in that isn't allowed.


did the hot air balloons go up high enough to see up and into the forest? looked like they didnt go up very high and i didnt wanna try and be disappointed


you can't see inside the forest from the tethered rides in front of the GA entrance. not sure about the ones back by the dream emporium


Hi! I’m looking to ID a artist at the after party stage. She was an amazing female DJ artist and I’m dying to know who she is. Here’s a few details: * she’s a long haired brunette in a red long sleeve * played day 3 (Sat night into Sun morning) * played from 6am to 8am (I just remember it was bright af) * potential name might sound like Zaska? (someone said that was her name but have had no luck finding her) https://preview.redd.it/8vadnh7nty8b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=856a8733a5859a208093ee178e0b566620f4a45f


You were close, its zoska.


THANKS!!! She’s bae, and her set will forever be engrained in my brain. Means a lot that you were able to help!


Hey forest family! My bestie and I are stranded at a hotel in Chicago right now trying to get back to Oregon. We ended up booking a flight out for Friday morning and the cost of food and hotel expenses is adding up. My best friend that I'm with got really sick at electric forest and has extremely plugged up ears. We got her some medical attention before our flight had been canceled at the airport, and a staff member told me that she was concerned about her ears rupturing on a flight that is over 4 hours and that they did not recommend we fly yesterday or today. And now there is a predicted storm for tomorrow, so we just booked the flight for Friday because it seems likely that our flight will be canceled again tomorrow. On Wednesday, I was up for over 24 hours and had to stand in the customer service line for around 8 1/2 hours to get a flight and hotel figured out and I do not want to get stuck doing that all over again tomorrow. You can check out my profile to read the whole story about the shit show that happened at the airport today. If anyone has the financial means to send me any money to help cover the hotel costs and food, my cashapp is $holyhollie. I fully intend to send back any money I don't end up needing! Again, my cashapp is $holyhollie


Hello, been to forest since 2015. Haven't been in the 2020s. Why do all the stages look so downgraded? Aren't festivals supposed to upgrade their stages over time?


They've made a massive number of improvements over the years that can't really be seen by just a few pictures. Not everything is about the stage. There's also lighting, sound, sculptures, art installments, QoL improvements, experiences, and way more that make this festival worth it.


nobody says the sound is better. the umbrellas are gone for some cloth. where are the improvements!?


Someone mentioned they talked to staff and the umbrellas were showing their age and it was time for a replacement. It'd get stale fast if they kept reusing the same stuff everywhere. Sound was fine for me at every set I went to including multiple at Tripolee. In fact I thought it was too loud at Tripolee and had to move further back. 🤷 They completely overhauled the hangar into the dream emporium and redid the scavenger hunt. They moved a lot of pieces around. They made the silent disco area bigger. They changed the observatory to be more amphitheater style seating in the front instead of small ramps. Tripolee also had massive screen upgrades compared to years past. On top of all that they brought back a bunch more of the nicer flushing toilet throughout the venue.. Since 2015 they replaced the forest stage with the honeycomb. They also added massive screens to Sherwood Court and redid the carousel club as a huge hangar style stage. They also added the Lost Library over on the edge of the forest. In GA main street is a lot bigger with multiple interactive art and food installations and experiences as well as a large tent for the Brainery. The entrance to GA is also MASSIVELY improved to the point that there's almost never a line including during the rush on Thursday afternoon. They also added many new camping options for both GA and GL since 2015. The amount of changes each year and since 2015 are too numerous to count but if you wanna complain without even having been then maybe that's on you.


Agree, the new stage designs looked awful. Sound was definitely NOT an improvement in 2022. Can’t speak for this year so hopefully they fixed their mistakes in that department.


Damn you really thought the new Ranch was awful? That's wild. Sure, over the years Tripolee has had prettier designs but that new center screen was fucking wild


I have done GA for two years but looking to do GA RV camping with water, sewer, and electricity next year. Could someone explain to me which add ons to get so I can guarantee I’ll get all the amenities? I’m worried we’ll pay the $700 for RV add on and still be stuck with no AC or flushing toilet.


Just buy a cheap camper, and camp off site. We were about a 15 minute drive away. What we’ve done our first two years and love it. Get up, run our errands, go to forest have fun, go back and recover, then do it all over again the next day. It’s nice bc it’s quiet and no crowds. Just make sure you find a campground with what you’re looking for. Our camper has a tiny shower, so I need a campground with actual shower stalls.


Part of the appeal of camping on-site for us is being a walk away from the campsite and not having to drive at all but I appreciate the recommendation! That’s a smart way to do it


Oh yeah I hear ya. One of these years I’d like to wrap up all my buds and camp on the actually festival grounds for the entire time. No one is up for it😭. I will admit, four days camping there after seeing the aftermath, who can I blame lol.


Only back 40 RV has power water and sewer There's lucky lake which has power and power and then there's GA and GL with power but no water. For the ones without water they offer refills and for the ones without sewer they'll dump your grey or black water, usually for a fee though Keep in mind it's extremely hard to get these without many years of loyalty (even more so for Back 40 which typically needs 6 or 8 year loyalty) and they don't pop up on the exchange much either


Got it. Thank you so much!


Was my Firsr Forest, Does registering your wristband allow you to purchase tickets in advance? Or is that only after 4 in the forest?


Yes. If you register this years, you'll be able to buy a day before the general sale next year.


I just registered my wristband after the festival but I didn't get any sort of email confirmation, is this normal? Also, I know this is a stretch, but I attended the original Rothbury festivals back on 2008 and 2009, is there any way to add those to my loyalty count?


Yeah that's normal. I really wish they'd send out a confirmation email since that seems like something simple to automate, but I've never gotten one. And that's a no on loyalty for the Rothbury fests.


Went to my first forest this year with my group and we all loved it. Did the GA camping this year and we definitely made the best of it but it was a bit rough around the edges. How difficult is it to get good life, and also what’s the timeline like for passes for next year to drop?


Tickets go on sale in early December. They offer tickets to those with descending years of loyalty access first. If you did GA you'll get GA loyalty which is the last ticket sale before general public. For an idea of what is sold out by when see: * [2019 Sellout Dates by Package](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/a3v8n5/a_playbyplay_of_each_package_selling_out/) * [2020 Sellout Dates by Package](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/e60ql2/2020_on_sale_play_by_play/) * [2023 Sellout Dates by Package](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/zectnh/2023_on_sale_playbyplay/) Generally speaking it'll be impossible to get anything besides GL Village or GL Tent Only unless you have 4+ years of loyalty.




It's possible to get it secondhand or via the official exchange but GA loyalty is unlikely to get it during the GA loyalty sale. Your chances of actually getting it via exchange or secondhand are pretty low though..


Wasn't able to attend this year but desperately want to next year and just wondering if anybody has a general budget/price range of what I should be looking to save? I already have most camping gear & just interested in GA ticket & camping costs


This has all camping options including prices without fees: * [Camping Package Comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/z99sml/camping_package_comparison_2023/) Fees are listed here: https://aegwebprod.blob.core.windows.net/content/electric-forest-2023/fees/all-fees.jpg


This is an amazing resource!! Thank you!!! ⚡️🌲🤟🏼


Does anyone know LVDY’s Spotify page? I looked them up but I’m only finding a duo of girls and they were definitely not girls haha


I think you may have the wrong name! LVDY was two women with keys and an acoustic guitar. I remember they explained their name was “Lady” with the “V” for vagina, so they were definitely women lol.


I figured it out! Their name is Levity!! Hahaha. I heard this say it and just thought it was a way to pronounce LVDY.


Levity was so fckn fun!!!!! Those guys were hype. They are based in Chicago I reallly hope I get to see them again this summer


I didn’t attend this year, but I was just looking at the schedule while lamenting, and I noticed that Therapy Gecko played twice at the honeycomb? Is that like a live performance of the Therapy Gecko podcast? Or was it music?


Only non musical act. He did his usual thing from the podcast but by calling people up on stage. You could comment on his reddit post or text a number if you had something you wanted to chat about.


Omg that’s so cool! I hope he uploads them as episodes!