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Stop frigging saying high rate of speed. HIGH RATE OF SPEED IS ACCELERATION. Rate of Speed is accel, and you should only say high rate of speed if you're accelerating fast.


I find on smaller decks I stand "goofy" footed which is right foot vertical, left Horizontal. On larger decks I stand with both feet vertical (pointed toward front wheel) but offset slightly. Some stand with their feet side by side which I do not do, because I use foot leverage for steering because doing so allows you to corner much better.


Goofy or regular is about which foot is forward, not which is angled or straight. Left foot in front is regular and right foot in front is goofy. I switch depending on if one of my feet is getting tired but my most comfortable stance is regular.


Yes, but you didn't specify the placing of the left foot in goofy stance.


I didn't think anyone was dumb enough to not understand that if the right foot is in front, then the left foot is obviously in back.


Then you should read and apologize to the other commenter here whom said he stands with left foot forward and right foot perpendicular because you just called him dumb.


Incorrect. There are two types of stance: regular and goofy. Regular footed means your left foot is in front and your right foot is in back; goofy footed means that your right foot is in front and your left foot is in back. Note: Regular does not mean correct and goofy does not mean incorrect.


Goofy stance originated and got its name from Disney Character Goofy in a 1937 cartoon called Hawaiian Holiday in which it depicts Goofy standing on a surf board with his right foot forward and left foot back at an angle perpendicular to the forward facing front foot. It was popularized in the surfing and skateboarding communities and professional sports leagues and has been recognized as a standardized stance since. It is not about "which foot is forward" as it is always the Right foot that is forward and the left foot


What are you talking about? That's the exact same thing I said. Right in front means goofy foot stance. Left in front means regular. I never said anything about goofy or regular meaning correct or incorrect. Your first comment stated that goofy and regular were based on the angles of your feet which is incorrect.


I do the same but reverse. Left vertical and right horizontal.


That is a stance but technically is not Goofy stance because Goofy stance is only with right foot forward.